Billions of cute babies: The wealthy wife ran away again

Chapter 266 Are You Ah Zhi or Xu Qingzhi?

Xu Qingzhi looked at Azeria.

As a former student, she was too familiar with this face.

However, those blue eyes were slightly different from the memory.

In memory, Eseria always maintains a calm and haughty look, like a fairy, and nothing can catch his eyes.

Even Xu Qingzhi, who was a student, could only get emotionless eyes.

Only when she is further discovering her talent, or has a better performance in music, will there be a little satisfaction in Atherian's dead eyes.

Xu Qingzhi thought she had seen these eyes countless times, but at this time, she actually saw emotions in them that she had never seen before.

There seemed to be a light of surprise and joy in those eyes that were too clear, like sea water, but it quickly dimmed after seeing her face.

Eseria withdrew her hand expressionlessly.

"Why are you here?" Xu Qingzhi subconsciously said, but she soon realized her abruptness.

The current self is no longer a student of Esseria, and he is not qualified to ask him such a question at all.

"Feel sorry.

she whispered, "I took offense."

"Ezeria didn't speak, and there was only an eerie silence.

Xu Qingzhi only felt goosebumps on her back, so she could only bite the bullet and say, "What's the matter?" "It's nothing.

"Finally, the man said, "I just misidentified the person."

"Admit it? She blinked, rather strangely.

Not to mention that someone's back looks similar to his own... What's even more strange is that someone can make Eseria look like that.

"Is that so?" Xu Qingzhi said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you.

"It's very disappointing."

"Unceremonious words.

Let the woman be speechless for a while.

At the same time, there is also a sour spread.

"Then I won't bother you.

she said, bowing her head, and turning stiffly.

Unexpectedly, Eseria behind her said again: "Wait a minute.

"She turned around in surprise.

"I just realized now that you are somewhat similar to someone I know.

" Eseria said, his eyes were fixed on Xu Qingzhi when he spoke.

Those deeply rooted eyes seem to be able to see through people.

"Is...really?" The corners of Xu Qingzhi's mouth were rather stiff, "Then can I ask, who is that person?" "It's someone I like.

Eseria spoke without hesitation, and then, the look in his eyes became more determined, "No, it's my favorite person.

’ ‘She is my muse.

"At this time, Xu Qingzhi finally knew who he took himself as.

He was afraid that after seeing the back, he might mistakenly think that he was Ah Zhi.

But they didn't know that Xu Qingzhi and Ah Zhi were basically the same person.

For a moment, Xu Qingzhi thought she had been exposed.

But soon Azeria said: "Unfortunately, you are not her.

""She is a muse who can bring me hope and soul, not a useless thing that has lost its artistic value.

"Eseria said after taking a deep look at Xu Qingzhi.

But Xu Qingzhi understood that look.

It was the look of looking at worthless cargo.

It seemed to indicate that the current Xu Qingzhi was nothing but a worthless thing in his eyes.

She took a deep breath slowly, but the tip of her tongue was bitter.

Sometimes, she even had the urge to rush up and tell the group of people that I am Ah Zhi, and Xu Qingzhi and Ah Zhi are the same person.

But reason finally restrained her momentum.

She realized that she didn't have the guts to bear the price after the truth was exposed.

Wearing a mask, she is the Ah Zhi who has made countless men fall in love with her.

After taking off the mask, she was Xu Qingzhi who was disgusted by countless people.

Great difference.

It was so ridiculous that she unconsciously raised the corners of her lips.

Xu Qingzhi only felt that her fingertips were a little cold. At this time, she should be extremely disheartened, and even struggled to avoid Eseria's eyes on the trash.

But an inexplicable momentum made her raise her head. After meeting the man's gaze, her red lips curled up proudly: "Really?" Her voice was clear.

"Although I don't know which character can make you so tempted, it must be an excellent woman who can receive such praise from you.

"" But there is one thing I want to refute you.

"she says.

"Indeed, you are my former teacher, I should respect you, even I have always admired your ability and aesthetics.

However, because of your ruthlessness, I realized one thing.

""Perhaps, you are the famous master of Eseria, who can decide many things, but unfortunately, you still can't decide the value of a person.

The woman raised her eyes, her thick eyelashes fluttered, and her amber eyes were bright.

"So, even if I lose my so-called artistic value, I am not useless.

" "At least, I won't admit it.

"My heart felt like being pierced by a sharp object, it was a piercing pain.

However, she still held back.

She will never admit it, never admit defeat.

Even if this person is her former teacher.

"Sorry, maybe my words disturbed your interest.

But no matter what you say, I will not change my mind.

She smiled and turned her shoulder, "Goodbye, Mr. Iseria."

"Not a teacher anymore.

The graceful figure of the woman gradually disappeared in the western restaurant. When Eseria came to her senses, there were only rows of tables and chairs left, and a few people who passed by one after another.

His hand unconsciously landed on the position of his heart, and he suddenly realized that just now, his heart beat suddenly.

Not for Ah Zhi, but for Xu Qingzhi who was abandoned by him.

When he was about to leave just now, he accidentally saw a familiar figure. He was overjoyed and thought that he had met his muse, but after rushing up to see that face, he realized that he was wrong.

However, at that moment, he really overlapped Ah Zhi and Xu Qingzhi.

He always thought that Ah Zhi was his only muse, a unique existence, and no one else could compare with her.

However, every word, every sentence that Xu Qingzhi said just now, and even every slight movement of his eyebrows and eyes, had a shock to his heart.

It even made him stunned.

So his students look like this?Is that what the girl who has been teaching for several years, who has no shining points except musical talent, looks like this?No, no... Eseria's delicate thin lips pursed.

His muse is irreplaceable, even the former musical genius cannot compare with her.

Besides, that Xu Qingzhi was nothing but rubbish that she had denied.

So, everything is an illusion.

It must be like this.

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