A Li ran downstairs with a dejected face, picked up the landline microphone on the coffee table, and called Shen Wanqing.

When the call was connected, Ah Li hugged the phone silently, and Shen Wanqing's worried voice sounded from the phone, "Lu Xingmang?"

There was no answer on the phone.

"A Li? Is that you?" Shen Wanqing frowned suspiciously. There was still no sound on the other end of the phone. Shen Wanqing felt a little uneasy for no reason in her heart. She didn't dare to hang up the phone, but used the company phone to call Lu Xingmang directly. on the phone.

"Hello? Miss Shen?" Lu Xingmang answered the phone and asked suspiciously.

"Xingmang, where is A Li? Are you not by his side? I received a call from home, is it A Li?" Shen Wanqing asked nervously.

"Ah~ I'm squeezing fruit and vegetable juice for Ali in the kitchen, and Ali is in the living room, wait a minute." Hearing Shen Wanqing's nervous words, Lu Xingmang couldn't help but let out a low laugh, looking at the living room sitting on the sofa hugging The phone landline remained silent, Ah Li said with a focused expression, "Miss Shen, don't be nervous, Ah Li is sitting in the living room holding the phone."

After hearing this, Shen Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, "Xingmang, you hang up the phone, turn on the speakerphone on the landline, and I'll have a conversation with Ah Li."

"Okay." Lu Xingmang hung up the phone, walked over to Ah Li with a fruit and vegetable juice, "click" and turned on the speaker on the landline, and Shen Wanqing's voice came out immediately.

"A Li, do you miss Mommy?"

"..." There was still a silence on the phone.

Shen Wanqing felt a headache, she sighed, and patiently talked to A Li, "A Li, if you don't want to talk, just tap on the table with your finger to let Mommy know you're here, okay?"


There was a muffled knocking sound from the phone.

Shen Wanqing's expression brightened immediately, and she let out a long breath from the bottom of her heart.

Ah Li finally reacted.

Lu Xingmang sat next to Ah Li, watched his actions, and smiled: "Miss Shen, it's a good thing that Ah Li is willing to respond if you talk to him more."

"En." Shen Wanqing nodded immediately, and the irritability and depression in her heart because of W dissipated a lot.

At this time, when Shen Wanqing heard the phone call, Lu Xingmang coaxed A Li and said, "A Li, fruit and vegetable juice can supplement vitamins, which is good for the body."

"Boom—" Ah Li's small face suddenly became tangled, and he knocked on the table with his fingers in resistance.

"A Li, it's a good thing to eat more vegetables. You are too picky eater. If you don't like vegetables, then we will drink vegetable juice. There is juice in it, which is sweet." Lu Xingmang squeezed fruit and vegetable juice for the first time. A lot of thoughts were wasted, but what she didn't know was that Ah Li hated eating vegetables very much, and fruit and vegetable juices were even more terrifying to him.

Although Shen Wanqing also made it for him before, Ah Li only endured drinking that one time.

No need to look, Shen Wanqing also knew how distorted Ah Li's face must be at this moment, she chuckled, "A Li, you don't want to drink juice, so you called Mommy for help, right?"

Thinking that Lu Xingmang was going to squeeze vegetable juice for Ah Li, Shen Wanqing silently felt sorry for Ah Li, feeling amused.

It's really embarrassing for a child.

Ah Li nodded vigorously, he was so confident that he didn't want to drink such a nasty thing a second time

In the past, he coaxed Mommy, fearing that Mommy would get angry and not want him, but now he doesn't want him anymore.

Ah Li was so aggrieved that he knocked on the table even harder, making several "dong dong dong" sounds.

It was only then that Lu Xingmang found out that Ah Li really hated eating vegetables and vegetable juices.

Shen Wanqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, pushed the document in hand away, and coaxed him gently, "A Li, drinking fruit and vegetable juice can help you grow up faster and protect Mommy, don't you want to bring you up sooner?"

Shen Wanqing used to coax Ah Li like this before, and Ah Li had long since given up on this, he snorted, turned his face away awkwardly, and looked at the weird green juice, his whole body got goose bumps.

A Li has been kept by Ye Zhenxian's side all the time, when he gets angry and acts like a baby, Ye Zhen coaxes him, and no one forces him to eat something he doesn't like, and only Shen Wanqing can make him drink fruit and vegetable juice obediently.

Now... Lu Xingmang still wants him to drink?
A Li resisted and pushed the juice away.

"A Li..." Lu Xingmang called out patiently.

Ah Li turned his back to Lu Xingmang: "No!"

His crisp and cute voice made Lu Xingmang and Shen Wanqing instantly happy.

Especially Shen Wanqing, it was as if all the cells in her body became active.

This was the first time since the accident that Ah Li was willing to speak, even though he was angry because he refused to drink fruit and vegetable juice.

But this is a very big step forward.

"A Li, are you saying it again?" Shen Wanqing suppressed her excitement, tears were about to fall.

She hadn't heard Ah Li's voice for a long time.

It's been a long time since A Li called her "Mommy".

Lu Xingmang looked at A Li with excited eyes, not daring to interrupt Shen Wanqing's words, but deliberately brought the juice in front of A Li a little closer.

"Don't drink it." A Li immediately twisted his face, and pushed away the juice in disgust.

Shen Wanqing laughed excitedly, her eyes were hot, "A Li, you are finally willing to talk, you haven't called Mommy for a long time."

"..." Ah Li lowered his eyes in disappointment, and fell into silence for a while.

Lu Xingmang reached out and rubbed his head, but Ah Li resisted and avoided it.

Lu Xingmang sighed, Ah Li could hear all their voices, but he was too defensive, the previous incident had a great impact on his heart, and he was reluctant to speak before because of a serious accident In an emergency response, he protected himself in the armor and was unwilling to be exposed to outside sounds.

Even Shen Wanqing was shielded from the outside together.

The willingness to speak this time is enough to show how much Ah Li hates eating vegetables.

Thinking of this, Lu Xingmang couldn't help laughing.

Shen Wanqing was not in the mood to stay in the company anymore, she couldn't wait to talk to A Li more, she didn't dare to hang up the phone, so she called Lin Xun directly, let him hold on, and then hurried home with her bag.

Half an hour later, Shen Wanqing appeared in front of A Li before hanging up the phone.

Seeing that the coffee table in front of him was covered with dense fruit and vegetable juices, his eyes widened and he smiled immediately.

In order to force Ah Li to speak, Lu Xingmang slowly squeezed dozens of cups of various vegetable juices, including green and red, which made Ah Li go numb just looking at it.

Ah Li sat on the sofa pitifully with a pale face, looking at Jujue in front of him with terrified and aggrieved eyes, when he saw Shen Wanqing coming back, his eyes lit up, he immediately jumped off the sofa and flew towards her, dragging her The trouser leg pointed at Lu Xingmang.

The soft and helpless eyes seemed to be accusing Lu Xingmang of how he had abused him.

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