At that moment, Shen Qiao raised her head and looked at Fang Mo in a daze. His eagle-like eyes seemed to see through her surface the secret hidden in her heart.

Shen Qiao's heart suddenly clenched, she sat stiffly in her position, her pupils flickered, she parted her lips but didn't know what to say.

Fang Mo looked at her and didn't speak, this time his face was much colder.

Shen Qiao was so guilty that she lowered her eyes, and used the movement of eating to cover up her nervousness.

After the silence, Fang Mo withdrew his gaze and quietly ate the food in front of him.

The meal was boring. Half an hour later, the two people with different thoughts returned to the company. When they reached the door, Fang Mo took Shen Qiao's hand.

"Wait a moment."

"What's the matter?" Shen Qiao turned her head, looked at Fang Mo grabbing her hand, and asked.

"The company doesn't need you to do anything, you can go home first." Fang Mo looked at her with deep eyes, and frowned at the towering building behind Shen Qiao.

Shen Qiao knew that Fang Mo was worried about her, and a trace of warmth and guilt flashed across her heart.

She chuckled lightly, and asked him suddenly: "Aren't you afraid that I'll run away if you let me go back and don't find someone to lock me up?"

"You don't know how to run. If you do, Mr. Yi will send you back to prison." Fang Mo looked at her with confidence.

Shen Qiao raised her eyebrows, Fang Mo was right.

She knows too many things, W will not allow her to escape, not to mention that even the big boss is in Lingcheng now, she is surrounded by their people, where can she run?
"...I'm going back, what about you?" Shen Qiao asked him.

"Are you worried about me?" Fang Mo grinned, looking at her with a half-smile.

"I'm leaving." Shen Qiao immediately looked away awkwardly, broke away from Fang Mo's hand, and trotted away.

Fang Mo looked at her back, his gaze deepened, and his eyes flickered with struggle. After a while, he let go of his clenched fist, sighed, and walked into the company building.

Shen Qiao ran to the parking lot and met an old acquaintance.

Su Ho had been waiting for her here for a long time. Seeing Shen Qiao approaching, he immediately opened the car door and ran towards her.

"Shen Qiao!"

Shen Qiao followed the voice and saw Su Ho running over quickly with an anxious look on his face.

"Are you looking for me?" Shen Qiao put her arms around her arms, looked at Su Ho appreciatively, and said indifferently.

With obvious eagerness on Su Ho's face, he grabbed Shen Qiao's shoulder, "Shen Qiao, help me!"

"Help you? Why should I help you?" Shen Qiao raised her eyebrows, pulled away Su Ho's hand from her shoulder, took a step back, and widened the distance between the two of them.

"For the sake of my helping you before, you can help me too!" Su Ho was stabbed by Shen Qiao, and a fire was burning in his heart, but he didn't dare to attack, and he endured it.

"Helped me? Su Ho, isn't it an exchange of equal value between us?" Shen Qiao raised her eyebrows, her eyes were full of sarcasm, listening to Su Ho's words, she just wanted to laugh.

Su Ho held her breath and kept hinting that she couldn't get angry. She clenched her fists and squeezed out a stiff and ugly smile from between her teeth: "No matter what the reason was, I have helped you a lot. I still kept my mouth shut and didn't talk nonsense about you, for these reasons, please do me a favor..."

As Su Ho spoke, he immediately wanted to hold Shen Qiao's hand, but Shen Qiao avoided him indifferently.

Su Ho's eyes filled with hatred, he just laughed dryly, and then withdrew his hand: "Actually, the help I need from you is very simple, you just need to help me find a master hacker!"

"Hacker?" Shen Qiao repeated, "Why, whose computer do you want to hack?"

"No, no, our company was attacked maliciously, the company's account funds were lost, and the entire program collapsed." Su Ho immediately explained, lest Shen Qiao misunderstand.

Shen Qiao looked at her, her eyebrows frowned slightly, "Call the police, I don't know any experts in this field."

"If you don't know him, go find Mr. Fang. Mr. Fang must know him! We have already called the police, but we still can't catch the person hiding behind the Internet. It's a huge loss to us if we don't delay for a day."

"That's because your loss has nothing to do with me." Shen Qiao looked at her indifferently, and opened the car door to leave.

Su Ho immediately stood in front of the car door, stretched out his hand and held the door firmly, not letting Shen Qiao leave.

"Step aside."

"Shen Qiao, I'm really at a loss. I can't find anyone to help me. That bitch Shen Wanqing must have targeted our company on purpose. I went to her and she kicked me out. I saw her let me out that day. People used computers to attack our company!" Su Hesi blocked the car door, refusing to let Shen Qiao leave, she was really desperate.

For so many days, she kept contacting and looking for hackers, but it was hard to find someone with real strength, or she had to spend a lot of money to dig them.

But their company's funds were stolen, and the remaining money could not support her to do so at all.

It was because of the grievances between Shen Qiao and Shen Wanqing, and the battle between Tianyu and Ye Shi that she found Shen Qiao, and she hoped that Shen Qiao could help her deal with Shen Wanqing.

At least in this way, Shen Wanqing would not have the time to deal with them, the Su family.

"You said Shen Wanqing was targeting you? Did you see her let someone attack your computer?" Shen Qiao asked again, feeling suspicious in her heart.

Ye's troubles came one after another, and Tianyu was always eyeing him. With so many things mixed together, how could Shen Wanqing have time to deal with Su Ho?
Hehe, Shen Qiao didn't believe it at all.

Not to mention anything else, Shen Wanqing has no intention of dealing with Su Ho right now.

"Yes! I saw it with my own eyes, and they asked someone to kick me out!" Su Ho gritted his teeth and nodded vigorously, "Shen Qiao, the enemy's enemy is a friend. Let's join hands to deal with Shen Wanqing!"

"Joining forces? Haha, aren't you aiming to use me?" Shen Qiao looked at her with a sneer, lowered her eyes and played with her fingers, raised her eyelids slightly, and looked at Su Ho's stiff face and said leisurely, "Su He, for the sake of our previous cooperation, let me remind you that Shen Wanqing is not necessarily responsible for your company's affairs."

"What do you mean?" Suho was startled.

"Why, don't you understand?" Shen Qiao took a step closer, "Master Ye has internal and external troubles every day, and the board of directors is looking for her troubles, and Tianyu is watching her like a tiger. She just wants to get evidence to avenge Ye Zhen, and she has the time. Against you?"

"As for your claim that she asked someone to attack your account, haven't you already called the police? If she did it, the police wouldn't be able to find any clues? I think you should think about it, have you and your father offended you? Others!"

Su Ho's face turned pale for a while, he looked at Shen Qiao blankly, and was speechless for a moment.

Shen Qiao pushed away Su Ho who was standing in front of her, opened the car door and sat on it.

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