imperfect wedding

Chapter 53 Lucky or Unlucky

Yu Qin stayed up all night last night checking program bugs, and when he was sound asleep in the morning, he was awakened by Zou Lin's yelling in the dormitory next door.

After chatting with Su Yi'an and the others, when she returned to the dormitory and was about to fall asleep with her head covered, her cell phone rang.

"I'll go, can I do it, can I catch up on sleep!"

Since starting a business with a few seniors and seniors from the Department of Computer Science, she has not slept a lot of sleep. She writes codes or imagines the future every day, fixes bugs or finds venture capital. When she is idle for a while, her skin has recently become It is very rough, and now I feel that my hairline has a tendency to move back a bit.

She buried her head in the quilt and tried to ignore the ringtone of her mobile phone, but she still couldn't stand the serial calls of the other party urging her to die.

Yu Qin held the phone in front of her eyes and saw that it was the boss of their team. She felt terrified, and after answering the phone, she asked, "Another bug?!"

A trembling voice came from the opposite side: "We are going to succeed!"

Yu Qin: "???"

"Come here immediately, someone is going to invest in us!"

Yu Qin: "!!!"

Yu Qin's drowsy mind was immediately startled away, was there really someone investing in that player made by some of their college students?She thought that there would be a game over soon due to the shortage of funds!

Chen Yu casually stuffed the business card he had just received into his pocket, leaving behind a few policemen to maintain order at the scene, and then got into a police car to avoid the limelight. Easy to show up.

The colleagues in the car laughed at him and said, "Chen Erdai, you are hot!"

Chen Yu is a well-known wealthy second generation, so he has a nickname in the police force called Second Generation. He himself has no opinion on this nickname, after all, it is a fact.

"Ah? How do you say it?" He kept scratching his head, really not knowing what was going on.

Looking at a group of people around him taking pictures and taking pictures is also a look of bewilderment.

The colleague showed him his mobile phone: "Look, the whole Internet is discussing this matter now, how many girls praise you for being handsome."

"Hey, why didn't you say I didn't go to the police with you?"

"Just you? If you appear with Handsome Chen, then the eunuch next to the emperor, and the background board behind the protagonist hahaha."

Chen Yu was holding his mobile phone to watch the events compiled by netizens, his expression changed rapidly, and suddenly he slapped his thigh: "It's broken! The 58 watch!"

Only one bearded man was caught, and the one that slipped away from him!
"Don't worry, that was also caught by the onlookers, and they sent people there just now."

"Ah? Who caught it?" This kid slipped off the handcuffs. He was so arrogant. Chen Yu felt a little regretful that he didn't catch him with his own hands.

"The group of actors in the rice noodle shop."

"Speaking of which, what kind of software is this? It can also be used as an undercover agent to play Infernal Affairs?"

"I don't know, this is really interesting."

When Chen Yu and his party returned to the Xin'an District Police Station, they were shocked by the bustling scene in front of them. It took a den of thieves to record so many people.

The policemen in the police station kept their feet on the ground and had no time to talk to them.

Although only two thieves were caught this time, there were not so many people who were related to each other. It was really not an easy job to take notes one by one.

Moreover, they also met acquaintances.

Yuan Zheng appeared again at the Xin'an District Police Station with a decent smile on his face. As soon as he entered, he was taken to the office by the police.

After the last time, they had already gotten to know Su Yi'an deeply, and when they saw that the person involved was her again, they took them directly to the office and politely asked her what was wrong this time.

Su Yi'an looked embarrassed, but she had received a call from Ji Chen before, asking her to listen to the lawyer, so she could only drink the coffee handed to her by the policeman and laugh without saying a word.

Lawyer Yuan is very skillful. I don't know how Ji Chen explained to him. He sorted out the matter clearly, and his client and his girlfriends could leave the police station immediately.

"Mrs. Ji, Ms. Song, if you have anything to do, please call me in time. I will leave the rest to me. You can leave first."

"Then my watch..." Su Yi'an couldn't give up the watch worth 58 yuan. The moment he left it, he felt that he was bleeding continuously.

The watch was seized as evidence before, and the police next to it said: "Now the person involved has been arrested and can be returned to you."

Chen Yu rolled his eyes when he heard that.

Originally, the stolen items need to be appraised to measure the seriousness of the crime. The appraisal process can be as short as a week or as long as a month, but since it is Mr. Ji’s wife, this time can be shortened infinitely, as short as taking it away. just take it away.

After all, the law and order in Haicheng is already very "poor", such people can be patronized by thieves in broad daylight, what if they are labeled as "public officials procrastinating and inefficient"!
Everyone's mentality towards Su Yi'an is to go quickly, go immediately, and don't stay.

Su Yi'an took the watch in the evidence bag from the policewoman, and walked out of the Xin'an District Police Station with Song Qiqi.

"Huh!" Song Qiqi sighed, "Did you see the way Chen Yu looked at me just now?"

Su Yian nodded with empathy: "The spirit is vicious."

"Did he treat us as disaster stars, and blocked my WeChat before?"

Su Yi'an bit the corner of her lip: "I don't think it has much to do with me."

"Don't pick yourself up too fast, look at these two times, it's not all because of you!" Song Qiqi counted with her fingers: "First, I lost my memory and said I was imprisoned, and then my expensive watch was stolen. "

"You are too irresponsible for what you say!" Su Yi'an said angrily: "It wasn't you, you said that I was cheated first, this time it was you who quarreled with others first, and the 58 was also you I said it first."

"Isn't that what you asked me first?"

Not too long after that, the two began to blame each other.

"Stop." Su Yi'an made a gesture, and put the evidence bag in her hand between the eyes of the two of them. She asked crying, "How much do you think the strap of this watch is?"

Song Qiqi: ...

This sky-high price watch is mainly due to the diamonds on the dial and the craftsmanship. The strap is made of crocodile leather, not precious metal, so Li Tianming can easily cut it open with a knife.

Now the watch in the evidence bag was pathetically split in two.

"You are too weak." Song Qiqi gave a definition.

"You think I'm unlucky too, don't you?"

Just as Song Qiqi was about to nod, a Porsche stopped in front of the two of them. The bodyguard who had been following Su Yi'an before also changed into a suit, and politely let them get into the car.

"Madam, sir asked us to see you off."

Su Yi'an said with a headache: "I still have something to do."

"We can follow you and your friends wherever you want."

It means full escort.

Song Qiqi withdrew her unlucky declaration, "This is definitely God's punishment for seeing you too proud recently. The heavens really have eyes."

She opened the door of the car first and sat in it. If you don't take advantage of the advantages, you are a bastard, why walk when you can sit.

"Where are you going next?"

Su Yi'an held the broken watch in two speechlessly: "Let's go to the watch shop first."

The venture capital manager of Fangda Investment came to the headquarters of AFAI Group with a few college student entrepreneurs who had finally found suits to wear.

"Fonda Investment is also a subsidiary of AFAI Group, you know it." The venture capital manager introduced them while leading the way.

"Cough, um, I've heard of it." Wang Shang tugged at his collar, and the white shirt he temporarily found out of his roommate's closet was still a little too small for him.

"Which leader are we going to meet?" Yu Qin asked while pushing his glasses.

"It's Mr. Ji."

Hmm... Is it the Mr. Ji we were thinking of?

Is it the youngest rich man in history, Mr. Ji who started from scratch and is worth tens of billions?

Is it? Is it?

Everyone in the team exchanged a shocked look.

Can their little broken software still win the favor of such a business giant?

Wang Shang was really a little nervous. He was the boss of the team, and he needed to talk about everything, but he was not very talkative.

The Yafei Group is also very famous, and now he is going to meet the founder of this business empire. He has never communicated with a person of this level, and Wang Shang's palms are full of sweat.

The more I think about it, the more frightened I become.

Success or failure can be determined at one stroke. Next, he must perform well and not waste everyone's efforts.

The headquarters of AFAI Group is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Haicheng CBD. It is a 30-storey building with a unique architectural style with a majestic frame structure and a sense of fashion. It is a scene of Haicheng.

The interior decoration of the building is very modern and technological, and the staff of Afeifei is also an elite style. Wang Shang and others were stunned when they saw it, and felt that there was something wrong with them.

The venture capital manager took them into a conference room, and after a while, an elegant and steady man opened the door of the conference room and greeted them.

"This is the entrepreneurial team of Oneke App." The venture capital manager introduced the members of the R&D team to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong smiled at them: "Hello."

Wang Shang stood up immediately, and said excitedly: "Hello President, Hello President!"

Venture Capital Manager: ...

Yu Dong: ... When did I usurp the throne?

"Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Mr. Ji's assistant, Yu Dong. Mr. Ji is holding a financing and acquisition meeting right now, so I can only ask you to wait for a while."

Wang Shang blushed and said, "I'm sorry, Assistant Yu, I'm... a little excited."

"It's okay and understandable." Yu Dong smiled and signaled that he should not be too nervous, "There is still some time, why don't you tell me about your product concept first?"

How can they say no right now, Wang Shang is ready to warm up in advance.

"We, our development of this software mainly noticed that, now netizens all have requirements for the interactivity of that product, especially college students like strange things, and the current Internet information is exploding, attracting Their gaze becomes important, I think so."

Wang Shang didn't know if the other party understood, but he tried his best to explain his thoughts: "It must be very novel and unique, and then I wonder if I can create a software that enhances the interaction between merchants and customers, this... "

Yu Dong and the venture capital manager looked at each other in blank dismay.

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