At first, when Shi Mianmian jumped around to avoid the driver's attack, she didn't notice that the broken voice screamed that it was coming towards her.

From the rearview mirror, she saw Xu Weilan's eyes shining like a hungry tiger rushing towards her, she was so frightened that she shivered and quickly avoided.

With a snap, Xu Weilan threw herself on the rearview mirror.

The rearview mirror is so broken!

One can imagine how powerful Xu Weilan's pounce was!

Shi Mianmian couldn't help but be thankful that she escaped wittily.

Seeing that the pounce failed, Xu Weilan pouted and pounced towards Shi Mianmian again.

This time, Shi Mianmian didn't have to dodge.

The driver got out of the car angrily, slapped Xu Weilan on the back of her neck with his bear's paw, and grabbed her clothes tightly.

Roaring, "Losing money! If you don't lose money, don't even think about leaving!"

Seeing Xu Weilan being entangled by the driver, Shi Mianmian's eyes flashed cunning.

When will you not go now?

So, Shi Mianmian oiled the soles of his feet and quickly got away.

After waiting for several months, Xu Weilan finally happened to meet her younger brother. At this moment, she watched helplessly as the other party slipped out from under her nose, and she was so angry that she cursed.

"Little pariah, how dare you stop this princess? Do you know who I am? Do you believe that I will revoke your driver's license?!"

Xu Weilan twisted her waist and swung her hips, trying her best to break free.

But the natural power gap between men and women made her helpless.

First, he ran into a weird guy who sat in an overlord car and humiliated him because of his weak kidneys, and then ran into a crazy woman who talked softly and superior to others.

The driver's face was grim.

He deeply felt that he should read the almanac before going out today!

"Hehe, a pariah princess died early in the morning, wake up quickly! If you were a princess, I would still be the emperor! Come on, call grandpa!"

Xu Weilan's face flushed red, "You! You're presumptuous!"

After a long distance, Shi Mianmian could faintly hear Xu Weilan's exasperated voice, she curled her lips into a smirk, and quickened her pace towards the hospital.

The Sacred Heart Hospital belongs to the Si family industry, employing a lot of famous teachers and professors. Most importantly, the privacy protection of patients is very good.

Celebrities basically come here for business.

Shi Mianmian went directly to the front desk.

Before she winked at the young lady at the front desk to be cute, and superb?Under the acting skills, the young lady let go and told her the ward where Jun Yubei was.

Shi Mianmian lowered the brim of her hat and passed through the wards.

Just as she was about to go up to the ninth floor, she heard the quarrel between Suman and Minna.

Ming Na's voice was a little excited, "It's not me, whatever you say, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of high heels staggering, as if someone had been pushed.

"You went out not long after Shi Mianmian went out, and you didn't come back for so long, how dare you say you didn't follow Shi Mianmian?

As soon as Brother Yubei went out, you followed, and they were still locked inside together?Do you dare not admit it? "

Su Man snorted coldly, "Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, when Brother Yu Bei wakes up and corrects you, you're done."

With that said, Suman shook off Minna and went downstairs.

She passed by Shi Mianmian.

There were not many people on the ninth floor, and Suman glanced at Shi Mianmian, and then he quickened his pace.

She has to deal with the matter at hand quickly, and try to make Brother Yubei wake up and be the first one to see her.

Shi Mianmian glanced at Ming Na unintentionally, her face was pale and annoyed, obviously guilty and frightened.

Come on.

Now you don't need to check to find out who did the good thing.

If Ming Na hadn't led Jun Yubei over and locked them in the room, Jun Yubei wouldn't have been hurt.

A stern look flashed across Shi Mianmian's eyes.

Round and healthy pink fingers reached into the handbag.

The bare hands were raised lightly, and the powder, which was hard to see with the naked eye, scrambled towards Ming Na.

Minna didn't notice it, and went downstairs in a nonchalant manner.

Shi Mianmian sneered, wiped her fingers with a paper towel, and walked quickly towards the waiting room where Jun Yubei was.

In the spacious and bright room, the young man lying on the hospital bed had an abnormally pale face and chapped lips.

Is Jun Yubei still awake?
Shi Mianmian froze for a moment, walked over without saying a word, took a silver needle from her handbag, and stabbed it towards Jun Yubei's two acupoints.




Shi Mianmian silently counted to three seconds, Jun Yubei's eyelids on the bed moved and slowly opened.

Shi Mianmian approached in surprise, "How do you feel? Does the wound still hurt?"

Seeing the unfamiliar face in front of him, Jun Yubei took a while to remember who "he" was.

Hearing the caring greeting from his sweetheart, Jun Yubei's heart suddenly felt sore.

"very painful."

Shi Mianmian rubbed her jet-black head against the palm of her hand.

Feeling a slightly prickly touch, Shi Mianmian withdrew her hand uncomfortably, "I'm sorry, I got you in trouble, so I'll relieve your pain right now."

As she said that, she changed the golden needle, lifted the thin quilt, and focused on piercing the acupuncture points on Jun Yubei's body one by one.

From Jun Yubei's perspective, Shi Mianmian's serious and delicate profile can be seen clearly.

She is beautiful, good and charismatic.

It was a bright color that he had never seen in his 20 years of life.

Originally, I wanted to let go after confessing last night, but...

The hands resting on the mattress loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened again.

Jun Yubei coughed suddenly, so frightened that Shi Mianmian hurried over and asked nervously, "What's wrong? Is there any other discomfort?"

Such a tense attitude can't be acted out.

The corner of Jun Yubei's mouth curled up unconsciously, and he smiled a little silly.

He shook his head, "I'm thirsty."

Hearing this, Shi Mianmian poured him a glass of water without saying a word, it was neither hot nor cold and the temperature was right.

With a smile on the corner of Jun Yubei's mouth, he looked at Shi Mianmian's figure running around for him, and his heart was full of excitement.

She was busy at the moment, looking gentle and considerate, like a wife taking care of her sick husband.

A crazy idea even popped up in his mind——

If only he never got better.

In this way, she can always be by his side to take care of him.

"anything else."

When Jun Yubei finished drinking, Shi Mianmian took the cup from his hand and asked.

When a seed called hope is planted, given a little sunshine and water, the seed will soon take root and germinate.

The ambition in Jun Yubei's heart keeps growing.

He looked at Shi Mianmian, who was so caring, his eyes, which he could see through at a glance before, became so deep that people couldn't figure it out.

Jun Yubei took an inch and said, "I'm hungry."

"I'll go down and buy you food. What do you want to eat?"

The second half of the sentence was asked by Shi Mianmian casually.

Jun Yubei was injured, so he had to eat some light porridge, which was sold in the hospital.

Unexpectedly, Jun Yubei stared at her with burning eyes, and said word by word, "I want to eat what you made."

After a pause, under Shi Mianmian's perplexed gaze, he added, "As long as it's done by you, anything is fine."

Shi Mian pursed her lips.

She escaped secretly, once the people in the villa found out that she was missing, it would be difficult for Bao Hanye to explain.

She really didn't want to have any more conflicts with Bao Hanye.

However, just as she was about to refuse, she caught a glimpse of Jun Yubei's pale face and his expectant eyes, and she felt very guilty and couldn't bear it.

"Not available?"

Jun Yubei's eyes dimmed a little in the continuous silence, and he forced a smile, "It's okay if it's inconvenient, I don't want to force you."

He hung his big head, and the dull hair on the top of his head was raised up pitifully.

Seeing this, Shi Mianmian couldn't bear to refuse even more.

Suddenly, she thought of the fireworks that had been in full bloom throughout the city last night, and her heart sank.

Feelings are the easiest thing to cut and mess up. It's fine if you don't know his mind before, but if you know it, you will naturally cut the mess quickly!
Shi Mianmian sat on the accompanying stool by the bed, clasped her hands on her knees, and stared straight at Jun Yubei on the bed with cat pupils.

"Did you arrange the fireworks last night? I hope it was a prank."

The blunt refusal made Jun Yubei feel suffocated.

He agreed, and from then on they tacitly regarded last night as a prank, to save his last bit of face, and they returned to friendship.


Jun Yubei didn't want to do that.

After hesitating for a long time, Jun Yubei said hoarsely, "I really like you."

Shi Mianmian raised her eyes, stared at Jun Yubei's eyes, and said clearly, "But I don't like you, I only regard you as a friend and buddy."

Judging from the age she lived in her previous life, she was older than Jun Yu Bei Da.

And Jun Yubei is a big boy who is indifferent and unruly on the outside, but childish and kind on the inside.

Therefore, she treated Jun Yubei as a younger brother like Jiajun at the time.

In the military academy, Shi Jiajun sneezed.

The classmate next to him laughed and teased, "This is being scolded. To tell the truth, which girl have you ever dated?"

"Damn it, you're just fucking with a hammer, my sister must be thinking about me."

When mentioning Shi Mianmian, Shi Jiajun's face was full of pride, and he emphasized heavily, "My dear!"

"I know, you like that Bo Hanye."

Jun Yubei forced a smile, it was the first time he realized that smiling was such a difficult thing.

"He is young and promising, he has a successful career, but he became the richest man in the world in his 20s.

And I am still messing around in the entertainment circle at twenty, you should choose him. "

Jun Yubei stared deeply at Shi Mianmian, and said silently in his heart.

I am younger and smarter than him, and taking over the family business is not necessarily worse than him.

You wait for me, give me another five years, no, two years, I will use my broad arms to protect you from the wind and rain...

Speaking of these words now, I'm afraid it will push her further and further away.

The once simple, impulsive and fearless young man learned to advance by retreating without a teacher.

There was a helpless smile on Jun Yubei's face, "Don't look at me like that, I don't need your pity. My life is so long, and I'm not the only one who is attracted to you."

His tone was meaningful, "Don't worry, I am very generous. I am not happy to give up so many beautiful sisters and only pick a flower like you."

There are so many beautiful flowers in the world, I alone would like to be the nourishment for your feet.

Fearing that she hadn't rejected it thoroughly enough, Shi Mianmian was still brewing up a basketful of unfeeling words, but she didn't expect Jun Yubei to think so, and she couldn't laugh or cry.

"You stinky boy!"

Shi Mianmian flicked his forehead, "I'll go buy you porridge."

Said, turned and went out.

Behind him came Jun Yubei's distraught voice, "Hey, come back!? It was agreed that you made it for me yourself?!"

The canteen is on the first floor.

After getting off the elevator, Shi Mianmian saw a group of people gathered together, pointing at the person in the middle.

Ah, the medicine is working.

A devilish smile appeared on Shi Mianmian's face.

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