Reborn Meow Wife: Husband, don't be too flirtatious

Chapter 225 Reappearance of Brother Cotton!

Looking at it from Shi Mianmian's angle, you can only see Bo Hanye's thick and hard eyelashes, which does not conform to the aesthetics of ordinary people, but it does not have a rough flavor.

His heart seemed to be scratched by something, Shi Mianmian withdrew his hand, "Okay, I'm fine."

Letting go of her finger, Bao Hanye's dark eyes fixed on time, scolding her bloody.

"You can cut your hands through any vegetable, Shi Mianmian, you are hopelessly stupid!"

Shi Mianmian was speechless.

She turned around, picked up the kitchen knife silently, and continued the action just now, but the knife in her hand was suddenly pulled away.

Bao Hanye threw the knife away, with a cold handsome face, "Why do you still cut it! I don't want to eat noodles with human blood on it!"

... The young master is really difficult to serve.

Shi Mianmian shook off the water droplets on her hands, "There won't be any bloody smell, I will wash the dishes again."

"Is this a matter of washing or not?" Bao Hanye stared at her and shouted, "You have already stained my noodles!"

"What are you yelling, your ears are going to be deaf."

Shi Mianmian's temper suddenly came up, and she spread her hands, "I'll serve my noodles, do you like it or not?"

used to you.

As she spoke, she picked up the knife thrown into the corner by Bao Hanye again, and was about to cut vegetables, but he snatched it away again.

"I'll do it." Bo Hanye's tone was stiff, "What are you looking at? I can't cook vegetables, but I can still chop vegetables."

Shi Mianmian stared at him suspiciously.

It's not that she doesn't trust him, but that she experienced his cooking that morning, and it's really hard to describe it in words.

After thinking about it, cutting vegetables doesn't require great skills, so Shi Mianmian agreed, "Okay, cut it carefully and be careful."

Hearing this, Bao Hanye's black eyes were full of joy, "Got it, long-winded woman, do you think I'll be as stupid as you, who can see blood when I cut a vegetable?"

This guy, will he die if he doesn't mock her?
Shi Mianmian rolled her big eyes, "No, what I mean is, take it easy and don't damage the knife."

After the words fell, Bao Hanye took a heavy breath.

My heart is full of gloom.

He raised the knife, and slashed down as if venting his anger.

click -


The cutting board broke in half.

The marble stove cracked from the middle with a bang!

"Bo Hanye!!!" Shi Mianmian roared loudly.

Bo Hanye felt guilty for a second, and then became confident, "Housekeeper! What did you choose? Why is it so not durable?!"

For the next 10 minutes, Shi Mianmian watched a large number of aged housekeepers being reprimanded by Bao Hanye like elementary school students who did something wrong.

Shi Mianmian said helplessly, "Enough, it's not his fault, don't take your anger out on them, fix breakfast first."

The cooktop is broken, but the oven still works.

Shi Mianmian beat the eggs again and baked some toast.

In view of the excessive amount of exercise she and Bo Hanye did, they deliberately did more.

The housekeeper was very efficient, and when the cooking was finished, there was another batch of people in the villa who changed the stove.

Shi Mianmian brought the toast to the table and soaked the milk again.

Afterwards, she and Bo Hanye sat down face to face.

When it was about to start, Ruan Xingzhu came down from upstairs.

When she saw Toast, her eyes lit up, she walked over reservedly and generously, and her eyes fell on Bao Hanye.

"Speaking of which, I rushed over before I had breakfast."

Having said that, her voice froze.

Normal people would invite her to have breakfast at this time.

But Bao Hanye does not belong to the category of normal people, so Ruan Xingzhu shifted his gaze to Shi Mianmian with anticipation in his eyes.

Shi Mianmian couldn't take a look at her in surprise, and let out an oh.

Ruan Xingzhu, "..."

This is completely different from what she imagined.

There was no other way, Ruan Xingzhu had no choice but to say, "Can I eat with you?"

Shi Mianmian subconsciously looked in the direction of Bao Hanye.

The latter had indifferent eyebrows and eyes, and his eating movements were innately elegant and dignified. He didn't say a word to Ruan Xingzhu's proposal.

Shi Mianmian hesitated and said, "I didn't expect you to come, I don't make much toast."

Ruan Xingzhu smiled, "It's okay, I don't eat much."

The other party said it was for the sake, if she didn't give it, it would be too unreasonable.

So Shi Mianmian distributed some toast.

Ruan Xingzhu sat down on the chair and took only one-third of the toast that Mianmian handed over, "This much is enough."

Shi Mianmian nodded and did not refuse.

She and Bo Hanye both have big appetites, and she can't get enough if they let them out.

Just as he was thinking, two slices of toast suddenly appeared on the plate in front of him.

"I can't even eat enough to give back to others? Shi Mianmian, how come I never found out that you are ridiculously stupid?"

Bo Hanye's mocking voice came, and he stared at him unhappily.

Ruan Xingzhu's face was hot.The toast in my mouth suddenly tasted bad.

After breakfast, Bo Hanye straightened his clothes and went to the company.

"Wait a minute." Shi Mianmian called to stop him from behind.

"I will go with you."

Hearing this, Bao Hanye raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Go to check the post?"

A smile appeared in his deep black eyes.

During the dinner, some men were checked, and the good dinner was interrupted, which made him feel disappointed.

But when it was Mianmian's turn, a subtle joy rose in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Shi Mianmian poured a basin of cold water down directly.

"...Let's go to the hospital to see Jun Yubei together."

In terms of emotion and reason, it was Bo Hanye who hurt him by mistake.

Especially last night, Jun Yubei's appearance of wanting to fight Bao Hanye to death really frightened her.

She didn't want Jun Yubei and Bao Hanye to confront each other.

The Jun family is an unshakable tree in E country.

If the two really go to war, at least Bao Hanye will be hurt.

Shi Mianmian didn't want to see this kind of result at all.

Bo Hanye's handsome face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He grabbed Shi Mianmian's shoulder violently.

"You asked me to apologize to that adulterer?!" Bo Hanye couldn't believe it, and gritted his teeth word by word, "I wish I could shoot him!"

"How many times do I have to say it before you believe me, Jun Yubei and I are innocent, and he is innocent!"

Shi Mianmian had a headache.

She was also doing it for the good of Bao Hanye and Jun Yubei, why didn't he understand?

"Apologize and go? I won't force you to do anything else."

For a wild man, she pestered him like this to apologize, Bao Hanye was furious.

"He covets you!"

"That's his business, I won't agree to him, can I promise to keep a distance from him?" Shi Mianmian discussed in a friendly voice.

Bo Hanye's eyes darkened, "I can apologize."

As soon as Shi Mianmian's face showed joy, he was beaten back by his next sentence.

"Unless he's lying in the grave."

Seeing that he was so stubborn, Shi Mianmian also suffocated, "You are simply unreasonable."

She didn't understand Bao Hanye, and Bo Hanye couldn't understand her either.

Seeing that Shi Mianmian "protected" Jun Yubei again and again, his patience had completely reached its limit.

"I'm unreasonable? Then I'll show you what it means to be unreasonable!" Bao Hanye uttered cold words from his water-colored lips.

"I want you to completely cut off contact with Jun Yubei from now on!"

How is this possible?
She signed a three-year contract with Xingheng Entertainment Company, and Jun Yubei is the company's boss and pillar.

Not to mention always seeing each other, but occasionally seeing each other.

As long as she was still in the company for a day, it would be impossible for Bao Hanye to sever contact.

It wasn't until an hour later that Aunt Li took over the termination contract from someone else.

Shi Mianmian's blood pressure soared when he saw the words "Contract Termination Letter".

Because of the A-level contract she signed with Xingheng, while protecting her rights and interests, the liquidated damages are also quite high.

In the absence of the company's fault, the artist needs to pay a sky-high price, 1 million U.S. dollars!
Seeing that the contract could be terminated without her own confirmation, Shi Mianmian had no choice but to be surprised by Bao Hanye's hands.

Bo Hanye is really crazy.

Isn't he the most discerning capitalist?Do such a loss-making business?

Shi Mianmian drank ten pots of water in a row to suppress her shock.

Bo Hanye didn't let her contact Jun Yubei, so she wouldn't?
She still doesn't know what's going on with Jun Yubei.

If the situation is not good, she can also treat it herself.

Thinking of this, Shi Mianmian asked the housekeeper to take back her handbag.

It's been a while since I've been in the Demon Realm, and I haven't lost anything inside.

She went out with her handbag.

In front of the carved iron gate, tall and burly bodyguards came out when they saw it, and blocked the gate together.

"Where is Miss going?"

Shi Mianmian had a bad feeling, "School."

The bodyguards nodded, and moved away from the door together, their eyes were like light bulbs, shining tightly on Shi Mianmian's body.

"Mr. Bo asked us to protect your safety."

I'm afraid it's not protection, but surveillance, right?
Shi Mianmian tightened her hand holding the handbag, "I suddenly remembered that I don't need to go to school today because I'm on leave, so you can do what you want."

After speaking, she turned around and re-entered the villa.

A moment later, an extremely handsome little brother jumped down from the extremely high courtyard wall with his neat hands.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of Sacred Heart Hospital.

The driver glanced at the toll bill, "A total of 250 yuan."


Shi Mianmian searched the search pocket.


She thought it was inappropriate to wear men's clothing and carry a women's bag, so she didn't have a backpack, and only held gold and silver in her hands, but forgot to bring the money...

Probably Liang Jingru gave her the courage to let her go out empty-handed.


Be calm.

A big smile appeared on Shi Mianmian's face, "Master, I see that your eyes are bloodshot, your lips are dark, and your figure is narrow. This is a manifestation of kidney deficiency. Do you often have more energy than energy recently?"

The smile on Shi Mianmian's face became more genuine, she clapped the golden needle in her hand, and then put her hands on the seat boldly.

"It's like curing kidney deficiency, impotence, premature ejaculation, and so on. I'm the best little brother. I'll keep a shot of the medicine until the disease is cured. I'll let you be the bridegroom every night!"

One needle is not enough, some of these words are exaggerated, Shi Mianmian casts her gaze to the side with some guilt.

So I didn't notice the driver's face getting more and more angry.

"My usual charge is very expensive. I can't get as many people as possible to treat me. However, we are destined, so I'll be a good person to the end. I'll leave the phone to you. I'll prick you twice, and that's enough for the fare." .”

Saying that, Shi Mianmian flicked her bangs.

It's not her bragging, but with her looks, men, women and children can eat it all, okay?

Bah, she walks the rivers and lakes with her strength.

At the beginning, the driver could bear to say that his kidneys were not good, until he heard her last words, he couldn't bear it anymore!
"Take a taxi if you don't have any money?! Tema is looking for cigarettes!"

The driver got out of the car angrily, and dragged Shi Mianmian out of the car.

Shi Mianmian pressed her hands together, "Brother dei has something to say, but a gentleman doesn't move his hands! Bah, it's the wrong way around."

Just when the two were fighting and chasing each other, and it was so lively, a sharp and joyful voice came.

"Ah—little brother!!!!"

Xu Weilan ran wildly.

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