Young Master Mu, please give me more advice

Chapter 82 Primary school classmate

"I sent you here because I want me to intercede with the police? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for money? His methods are so clever, I don't think he should be my friend."

Yuan Liang was about to say goodbye, but when she heard Muzi slamming the door with a smile, she simply knocked on the door and opened it.

"Muzi smiles, don't think everyone is inferior. Tian Wei may just be sympathetic and want to help me. He used to remember my name when he was on duty..."

Muzi opened the door with a smile, and returned the notebook and letter to Yuan Liang.

"You mean, you're also my elementary school classmate?" Muzi frowned with a handsome smile.

"Let me in. The owner of this house is Tian Wei. I bought the house in our sales center. I have her personal letter. If you have evidence, show it as well. Let's check it out."

Yuan Liang exerted all her strength and used her hands to forcefully pull the door, but Mu Zixiao didn't let Mu Zixiao leave the door half a step away.

"I have nothing, just because I am Muzixiao."

"I've never met someone like you. You take yourself too seriously. Since your company is so rich, you don't live in the original villa. You want to move to this penthouse. The ventilation is poor, and..."

"I can be where I want, it has nothing to do with you."

"You live where I want to live, men and women can't get married, if I don't live here today, then I'm going to sleep on the street, my own rights must be fought for, you have power, you can ruin it with your mother at will A girl's life, the entire entertainment industry has blocked me now, you will fight against me in everything I want to do, and the deposit for the Duantou villa will be refunded, you..."

"Banned? Why don't I know."

"Don't pretend to be a good person. I thought you were different from your mother. You saved my life, but now it seems that maybe you are with the person who wanted to kill me. Otherwise, how would you find me in the bar? dormitory."


Muzi smiled and didn't say that he saw the man with the armband's plot against her, so he silently followed behind and escorted Yuan Liang to the dormitory, just because he didn't want to see her in danger.

He also couldn't explain why he cared so much about Yuan Liang, maybe it was a kind of magical energy in the dark.

"Still cheating? Zixiao Entertainment is good. You are not short of money at all. You have to return the deposit for Duantou villa. If you don't buy it, the deposit will be confiscated. Do you understand the law? Bullying a weak woman like me is considered a crime." What ability, because of you, I will have to look for a new job from tomorrow, I was also fired by the sales center, and the entertainment industry also banned me, Muzi laughed at you for being too bullying."

Yuan Liang resorted to many methods of force, but failed to make Mu Zixiao leave here.

Exhausted, she collapsed to the ground and leaned against the wall.

"Are you okay? You just said that you have no place to live and you want to sleep on the street. Is it true? Bars don't want you?"

"Thanks to you, it is you who want to return all the reward money. I have no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me?"

Yuan Liang, who became more and more angry as she talked, had an idea and thought that martial arts would not work for Mu Zixiao in front of her, so she would use it out of her wits.

To become stronger, she can only rely on herself, and she can no longer be cowardly and bullied. In order to survive, she can only work hard.

"Ah bah!" Yuan Liang collected a sip of water in her mouth, and then vomited into the room.

"What quality?"

Faced with Mu Zixiao's doubts, Yuan Liang pretended to be a gangster again, thinking that it was the first time Mu Zixiao saw her, and she would not dare to provoke her. In fact, Mu Zixiao had seen Yuan Liang like this before.

"Go on, do you still have to whistle and blow your nose next?"

"How would he know?" Yuan Liang drummed in her heart, "You can't just be seen through by him like this. Since Judge Gou is her mother, she is so vicious. There is no son in the world who is not afraid of his mother, and he no longer lives in a villa. He is alone. He probably ran here because he was arguing with his mother, so if I follow her example, I will surely scare him away."

Yuan Liang jumped into the air in an instant, like Monkey King stepping on a somersault cloud, straightened her right arm, bent it to the left, and made all kinds of weird postures on her head, scaring Mu Zi to laugh.

Yuan Liang thought that if Mu Zixiao felt that she was not in good spirits, she would not rob her of the house.

But Mu Zixiao just stared blankly at Yuan Liang's monkey-like acting skills, just like watching a juggler on the street, but this time, he didn't pay for the reward.

Yuan Liang saw that this trick was not working, so she snatched "Eight Qualities That Determine Life" from Mu Zixiao's hand.

Read it word by word, "The fourth quality is accomplishment, sense of responsibility, determination, self-reliance, tenacity and tenacity. If I don't have any of the things mentioned in this book, I just want to live."

Afterwards, the book was thrown to the ground by Yuan Liang.

While Muzi was smiling and looking down at the book, she sneaked past him, and then, with a "bang" sound, she closed the door heavily and blocked the shoe cabinet inside.

At this time, Mu Zixiao finally couldn't hold back his laughter, and all the funny scenes of Yuan Liang just now appeared in front of his eyes.

"It seems that it is right to let you go to the old age funny variety show, you will make grandparents happy."

Yuan Liang stood on tiptoe, still looking at the door mirror with her eyes, and found that Mu Zixiao outside had disappeared, and there was only darkness left. She was relieved, and just as she stretched her neck back, she saw light in the corridor.

It turned out that the darkness just now was caused by Mu Zixiao also looking into her eyes through the door mirror.

Yuan Liang swallowed her saliva in horror, and then rubbed her spittle on the ground with her canvas shoes, a mysterious atmosphere suddenly flooded her mind.

"This is the top floor. Thieves shouldn't be able to climb up, and rogues won't come because they can't escape. It's easy to jump off the building in a hurry. What about the ghost?"

Yuan Liang thought of this apartment in the sales center. Many of them were bought for the appreciation of the house. Except for a few that were almost rented out, all the others were uninhabited. It was even more terrifying than the ghost building rented by Zhan Shuang.

According to Xiao Tingting, a few days ago, the sales center’s performance fell sharply because this building could not be rented out, which eventually led to layoffs. However, the current peak season of the property market does not include this building. During the foundation, a giant snake was dug out of the soil, unfortunately injured by the excavator, and died in the end.

As for Yuan Liang's bad luck, she believed that it had something to do with beating a snake to death with her younger brother when she was a child.

Yuan Liang’s family moved from Shanya City to Xihe County a few years ago. Once she was playing with her younger brother by the small river, she found a snake in the water and was crawling towards the bank. In order to protect her younger brother, she picked up many big stones and frantically Throwing it at the snake, Yuan Liang didn't feel relieved until the snake didn't move, and went home with her younger brother who was hiding behind her.

But after that, a series of bizarre events occurred, which forced her to rethink what the old people said, "Snakes have spirituality, and killing them will bring bad luck."

First, the grandmother who lived with Yuan Liang's family died of illness, and then her father was injured while working outside and could no longer do heavy work. Although her mother took good care of her, the heavy burden fell on her shoulders all year round. disease, and poor health.

At this time, Yuan Liang once again associated these things with herself, and yelled in the room to embolden herself. "Yes, I am the reincarnation of Broom Star, you'd better stay away from me, otherwise I will transfer the bad luck."


"Who?" Yuan Liang heard the echo in the room, and after confirming that there were no other ghosts, she just breathed a sigh of relief when the door was knocked again.

"I dropped the book inside."

Yuan Liang bent down to search, and found that Mu Zixiao's book was pushed into the house by the door when it was closed.

She pulled it out from under the shoe rack and held it in her hand.

"Lend me to see if it's okay."

In fact, Yuan Liang felt that it was getting late and the lonely men and widows met at the door. If Mu Zixiao was blinded by her beauty, the consequences would be unimaginable. After all, there was no one in the room, and anything could happen.


"You're too stingy. If you wash your suit, you'll make a bad face."

Yuan Liang looked outside through the door mirror again, and found that Mu Zixiao hadn't left.

"I didn't take out the facial tissue in my suit. I never thought that you would wash it up. The Honest Hotel called me and said that I knew you, and I should pay for unclogging the sewer."

Yuan Liang murmured in her heart, "Could it be that in elementary school, a little boy hid in the corner of the building to wipe his tears after the parent meeting, and I gave him a piece of tissue, just to smile? That's very important to him?"

"I see. I was indeed wrong about that matter. I apologize to you. I will earn the money and return it to you."

Yuan Liang stuffed a thin shoe-shine rag outside the door, "Take this as the paper towel, you can wash it when you go back, and you can wipe it again and again."

Mu Zixiao kicked back the dirty rag in the room with his foot.

"I just want my book. Also, what are you going to earn?"

"It must be the right way, can you still use your body?"

"We are short of artists at Zixiao Entertainment, do you want to come?"

Yuan Liang felt that this was just a way for Muzixiao to trick her into opening the door. As a well-known entertainment company in Shanya City, Zixiao Entertainment should have a lot of artists.

She didn't know that Gou Yuhong had just sent a message to Mu Zixiao, saying that most of the company's artists had been signed to Eight Eight People Wei Company at a high price.

"Don't think that if you say this, I will believe it. At that time, you must say that you have signed a contract with me. In fact, the terms and conditions you wrote are all for your company, which is equivalent to selling your life. I want to be an entertainer. I don't want to sell myself, I don't want to work for a company that doesn't keep promises all my life, I know your company after seeing what you did to me..."

There was no movement outside the door, but Yuan Liang was still chattering inside the door. When she moved her eyes to the position where Mu Zixiao was standing just now, she found that the person had disappeared.

Standing on tiptoe again, looking under the door, Mu Zixiao was not on the ground, let alone leaning against the door.

"Ding dong!" The bell of the elevator door opened, making Yuan Liang understand that Mu Zixiao had really left.

She felt that after finally getting her place to live with her own ability, she couldn't help thinking, "Is what Mu Zixiao just said true or false? Can I go to their company to be an artist?"

Yuan Liang looked down at her figure, squeezed her chest online, followed Zheng Meng's example, walked a few steps with her buttocks up, then dropped her feet, firmly grasped the soles of her shoes, and took off her canvas shoes. Walking around the house with bare feet, I was as cautious as visiting a museum.


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