"No hit."

The pure-looking shopkeeper stuffed Yuan Liang's lottery ticket into the machine and redeemed it, but no winning information was displayed.

"Thank you."

"Thank you? Last time I thought you wanted to buy it, so I typed one for you. Who knows that you don't even have 2 yuan. This lottery ticket may have fallen into your shoe at that time."

"Yeah, my shoes don't follow my feet, so I bought a size up because I want to put a booster pad on them."

Yuan Liang described the last three words with a weak voice that she could hear.

"Want a lottery ticket today?"

"No, I don't even have a dollar today."

"It's so miserable. Then I'll give you a lottery ticket. If you win, it's a blessing. If you don't, it's someone else's blessing. It can help the children in the orphanage to buy more books. What do you think?"

"If we win, we will be half of each other."

"I run a lottery shop. If I want to buy it, it's not bad for that one dollar. I need to share a lottery ticket with you? Besides, in the entire Shanya City, all your lottery shops can redeem the prize. Just go to the lottery center, I can still restrict you from letting you redeem, can I block you at the entrance of the lottery center?"

"But, I don't want to owe anyone a favor."

"As long as you stop talking about throwing things here, I'll burn incense."

"No, it was an accident last time."

Yuan Liang's face turned red and white, she was embarrassed.

"Just kidding, do you take it seriously? By the way, listen to the outside."

Yuan Liang followed the direction the innocent girl's ears were pointing, and also moved sideways.

"Let's take a look and take a look, haha, the boulder is broken in the chest, now it's officially started, thank you brothers and sisters for coming to watch at night, happy today, I will continue to perform until midnight, everyone who has money will give it a try , if you don’t have money, let’s have a solo show, let’s make it fun.”

Yuan Liang poked her neck out and found that it was the juggling uncle. He was shirtless and playing with his precious stones, as if he only knew this way of attracting attention. Although it was a bit outdated, he had a great audience.

Around the left three floors right three floors.

Yuan Liang could only stand on the steps of the lottery shop, stand on tiptoes and look inside, her gaze inevitably noticed the wall on the right outside the lottery shop, the unicycle leaning against it before, wondering what happened to it now This is the case, and the appropriate waste purchases are still destroyed.

"elder sister!"

The little beggar girl and her brother came to the steps of the lottery shop.

"You guys came with uncle, so good. After he finishes his performance, he will take you home. Wait a little longer, sister will accompany you, okay?"

"Sister, you don't have a home either?"

"Yes, my sister's home is not here, so I am wandering like you in the city of Shanya. Don't be afraid, everyone is like this. Even if the body has a home, the heart is also wandering."

The little beggar girl and the little boy blinked their big eyes half understanding.

"Huh? Have you changed into new clothes? It seems that Mu Zixiao really donated money to you. I blamed him."

"Sister, look, there is an uncle there. He bought these clothes for us and gave us money so that my brother and I can study."

The little beggar girl shrank her arms back, took off the schoolbag behind her back, and took out the textbooks inside.

Immediately afterwards, the little boy followed his sister's actions and read his own children's storybook.

Yuan Liang slowly turned her head to the direction of the uncle pointed by the little beggar girl, and what she saw was not a person, but a brand new bicycle.

"Sister, that uncle said that he broke yours before, and he will pay you for this."

"Could it be Tian Wei?" Yuan Liang walked over dubiously, and found that the bicycle was exactly the same as her previous one, but this manufacturer had long ceased to produce it.

Yuan Liang couldn't see anyone anywhere, only a letter in the cart basket and a small notebook, which seemed to be used for memorizing things in elementary school.

"Yuan Liang, I'm Tian Wei, don't you know me? I also found out that you are the girl whose name tag I wrote down for no reason. I was in sixth grade, and you were a year old. You were criticized by the teacher." , I was still laughing at you outside your classroom, but you don’t cry like other students, because of this, the teacher slapped you, but you clenched your fist..."

Yuan Liang put the letter in the car basket first, and opened the button on the top of the small book. On the first page was a hand-painted little girl with two braids and bangs. This was her image in elementary school.

"I remember the scene in elementary school very clearly. I should have thought of you earlier, so maybe many things could change. In your heart, I am a prodigal son, right? I have had an affair with many girls, because I have never met someone worth my sacrifice. Sincere girl, I wanted to tell you these words in person, but what I did, I don't deserve to see you."

Yuan Liang held a small notebook in her hand and refused to put it down, looking for Tian Wei to remember the name in the weekly book. Sure enough, there was Yuan Liang, but Tian Wei wrote the name wrongly, and it became "Yuan Qingjian".

"I asked the buddy from the bank to pretend to be a policeman and said something to Gou Yuhong, making her think I was arrested. In fact, I also have a dream other than money. I know that I will be wanted soon and I will surrender myself. , but during this time, I want to see you every day, here is the key to my house, the penthouse apartment you bought in the sales center, but don’t worry, I won’t live there.”

Yuan Liang pulled out the bookmark-like key that was stuck in the small notebook.

"I don't want a girl who is strong, loves to show off, and likes to recommend herself to wander outside. If she meets a lecherous guy like me, it will be over. After that time in elementary school, I want to make it up to you, but every time I see you, you are very happy, even When the male classmate in our class was crying, you handed him a facial tissue, but he kept it all the time, but you washed it to pieces. If you want to know who he is, look behind you."

When Yuan Liang turned around, all she saw was darkness.

Two little hands tugged at Yuan Liang, "Sister, uncle is gone."

Yuan Liang squatted in front of the two beggar children, "Do you have a place to live?"


The uncle juggler yelled at them, "Come here, I'll give you the money and go buy some delicious food."

"Sister, we won't beg for food in the future, we will go to school."

"That's great, what about your uncle?"

"He is the one who picks us up. When he gets old and we grow up, we will support him in the future."

The little beggar girl, while talking, educated the little boy beside her, and he nodded quickly.

Yuan Liang smiled at them, and lowered her head to think that even the children knew how to repay her kindness, no wonder the Lycra cotton girl would stay in the garment factory all the time, where she could supply Zixiao Entertainment and repay Gou Yuhong for her kindness in nurturing her.

In fact, Zixiao Entertainment is not a place that Yuan Liang can go to, but in order to promise Zhan Shuang, she decided to go there in person tomorrow.

So where are you going to live tonight? Yuan Liang tidied her hair with her hands. It was no longer clear soup hanging on her face, but neat short hair. Everyone said that her hair was the same as her personality. Since Yuan Liang made up her mind to cut it short Without it, it should become less weak.

Being tough like a boy is the best in Yuan Liang's current life.

Yuan Liang clenched her fists again, cheering herself up, no longer feeling the pain of the key in her hand, be brave, don't just be bitten by a snake for ten years and be afraid of well ropes because of the painful lessons in the past. The alarm bell will be sounded at all times, but it should not become an obstacle on the way forward.

To be young is to not be afraid of breaking through. If you lose, you have experience. If you win, you are successful.

"Sister, you said that downtown Shanya is not your home, so where do you live?"

Yuan Liang supported the beggar with both elbows, stood up slowly, and waved the keys in her hand to the two little ones.

"My sister lives in a penthouse."

Yuan Liang looked at the immature smiling faces of the two children, they were fearless at such a young age, and she should be even more so.

She came to the sales center. At this point, the lights had already been turned off. She took out the key, squinted one eye, and pointed at the penthouse. She was very familiar with it. She sold it excitedly, but was returned regretfully. In the end, it was bought again, but he became the first resident.

The small simulated model of the house was also studied by Yuan Liang several times before she described it to Tian Wei in detail. Therefore, even though it was dark, she came to the door of the penthouse without much searching.

While opening the door, I heard movement inside.

"Tian Wei is really inside? Isn't he unable to tell? It seems that he is a liar. I shouldn't believe him."

When Yuan Liang wanted to press the elevator, the door opened, and a familiar voice asked.


"Muzi laughed?" Yuan Liang called him by his name without hesitation.

Muzi smiled confusedly, not understanding why Yuan Liang had the key here.

Before that, Mu Zixiao finally knew that the reason why his mother was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment was because of Tian Wei. In order to make up for the loss of the company, he felt that he could pay off the debts for his elementary school classmates. He looked down on his mother who sniffed at her, so he wanted to move out.

But the money returned by him at the Duantou villa was not enough for the company to run normally for a few days, and it was not enough for him to spend the night in a luxury hotel.

He who has always changed his bed and couldn't sleep, actually slept soundly and comfortably in Zheng Meng's room these few days. He understood that maybe everything was changing, including his body and mind.

Tian Wei gave Gou Yuhong the key to the penthouse, and Gou Yuhong handed it to Zheng Meng.

Zheng Meng knew that Gou Yuhong wanted to exercise her son's ability to survive. After all, she had just recovered from a serious illness and thought a lot in the hospital bed. If she really couldn't get up, her son would become the same as he is now in the business war. Wanted to see for himself how he stood up without his own help.

This made Zheng Meng look at Gou Yuhong with admiration. It turns out that she is not a woman who just wants to marry a rich man, but a mother who always thinks about her children, so she is willing to hand over the key to the penthouse to Mu Zixiao.

Zheng Meng also wanted to quietly, Muzi laughed at a young master, how capable he would be to make everyone in the company follow his command, at least for now, she didn't see it at all.

"Tian Wei asked me to live here. This is a letter he wrote, and his notebook when he was in elementary school."

Mu Zi smiled and supported the door frames on both sides with both hands, and had no intention of letting Yuan Liang in at all, "What else does he want to do?"

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