Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 484 Is It So Difficult To Admit Loving Someone?

Chen Nanyan managed to coax Lin Shenshen, and when he was peeling an apple for Lin Shenshen with a fruit knife, Lin Changqing broke into the door.

Disturbed, Lin Shen turned her head back, and her eyes met Lin Changqing blankly.

The man paused and looked at Lin Shenshen carefully.

Her jade-white snowflakes have completely inherited all the features of him and Chen Yue, the shape of Chen Yue's lips, and his eyes.


Chen Nan put the fruit knife on the table with a heavy face, and he frowned: "Doctor Lin is really a rare visitor."

"Lin Changqing, this is Yueyue's ward!"

What he said was roundabout, but it didn't mean that Lin Changqing couldn't understand it. Chen Nanyan knew that Chen Yue had an accident at the first time, so it was not difficult for Chen Nanyan to know what he said to Chen Yue. .

The expression on his face was frozen.

This sentence is nothing more than mocking him secretly, telling Chen Yue not to show up in his world. She is the one who came here by herself?
Lin Chang walked a few steps inside without changing his face, and looked at Lin Shenshen who was sitting on the stool.

She was too small, and her body was wobbly. When she saw Lin Changqing approaching, her beautiful peach eyes were covered with mist.

like him.

More like Chen Yue.

Lin Changqing's heart was frozen, he looked directly at Chen Nanyan, and asked: "Chen Nanyan, don't tell me, this child has nothing to do with me?"

Chen Nanyan mocked a little. From the very beginning, he never thought of hiding Lin Shenshen's matter.

"Your daughter, you can take her away."

Lin Changqing was startled, probably because he didn't expect Chen Nanyan to be so straightforward, let alone Chen Nanyan to be so ruthless.

As soon as he said this, Lin Shenshen burst into tears. Even a child felt insecure, especially when her father was not around. She got off the stool and ran to Chen Nanyan's side, clutching the man's trousers: " Uncle, I want my mother."

Lin Changqing felt a stab in his heart, he just wanted to coax Lin Shenshen, but she didn't give Lin Changqing a chance at all.

Chen Nan's eyes were deep in understanding, "Didn't you always want to find your father? Now you have the opportunity to go with your father."

Lin Shenshen just cried, Chen Nanyan bent down and hugged Lin Shenshen, forced her into Lin Changqing's arms, and said in a cold voice: "Shenshen is less than three years old now, and will gradually forget me and Chen Yue , your child, I will give it to you, Lin Changqing, you can go away."

"How can I guarantee that Chen Yue won't rob me of this child?"

Chen Nanyan smiled lowly, no matter how you heard it, it was a mockery: "What are you? In the capital, do you know how many people pursue Yueyue? Most of your Lin family members are cold-blooded and ruthless. What's the use of my Chen family keeping her?" ?”

Lin Shenshen couldn't understand what they said. In Lin Changqing's arms, she struggled fiercely, crying and making noise.

Lin Changqing was made to cry by her, and she could barely control the hostility in her heart.

Lin Changqing carried her out of the ward, only Chen Nanyan and the unconscious Chen Yue were left in the room.

The man wanted to smoke for no reason, his voice was very light, and he spoke slowly, as if he was speaking to Chen Yue, as if he was speaking to himself:
"Chen Yue, deeply I gave Lin Changqing back, can you wake up and come back to Kyoto with me?"

"I returned his daughter to him intact, tell me, how can he return me an intact younger sister?"


The day Chen Yue woke up, it was raining outside, the weather was gloomy, and no light could penetrate into the ward, making Chen Yue feel numb due to the depression.

When she moved, her body was sore and limp, and she gasped in pain.

It was this slight sound that shocked Chen Nanyan who was standing by the window like a sculpture.

He turned around, walked to her hospital bed, looked at Chen Yue with secretive eyes.

"elder brother?"

Chen Yue narrowed his eyes and asked unnaturally, "Why are you here?"

Chen Nanyan glanced at Chen Yue faintly, she really couldn't guess the meaning of Chen Nanyan's expression.Could it be...he came to bring her back to Kyoto?
Whenever Chen Yue thinks of this possibility, her breathing will become heavy.

"If I don't come, you might have turned into a corpse right now, Chen Yue, should I remind you of what happened before?"

As soon as Jingchen Nanyan reminded her, the picture before falling asleep flashed through her mind again, Chen Yue's body trembled, and she shrank back in fear.

Chen Nanyan looked annoyed, and said coldly: "Or, if I don't come, Lin Changqing can save you? I'm afraid you don't know how cruel he is when it comes to your affairs."

"I do not want to hear."

Chen Yue just woke up, her voice was hoarse, and she sounded sad, Chen Nanyan couldn't help but began to hate iron for steel.

"If you don't want to listen, it's fine. When your injuries are almost healed, come back to the capital with me. Save Uncle Feng to spend a lot of time waiting for you, a heartless person."

Chen Yue finally panicked after hearing Chen Nanyan's words. She moved, ignoring the pain in her body, and said in a low voice: "Brother, didn't you say that you agreed to let me wait until Ah Qing got married before going back? You It's Chen Yu's president, with so many people under his command, how can he go back on what he says."

"Chen Yue!"

The condensation between Chen Nanyan's eyebrows seemed to have substance, and even Chen Yue could see the anger hidden under Chen Nanyan's eyes.

Chen Nanyan rarely showed his emotions.

It can be seen that he was really angry.

Sure enough, he punched the wall, and the dull sound seemed to hit her heart. Accompanied by the crisp sound of bones colliding, Chen Yue felt pain for Chen Nanyan for no reason.

"elder brother……"

"Don't call me brother!" He snarled, and approached Chen Yue suddenly: "Do you know how indifferent Lin Changqing is when you have an accident this time? He doesn't care about your life or death, and he never cared about it. How about you?" , can you care a little about yourself?"

"Knowing that something happened to you, his first reaction was to ask Ge Yunchuan and his wife to distance themselves from you. His fiancée suffered a slight contusion, and he carefully inspected her several times."

"He knows all the needs of his fiancée, how many things he has done for her fiancée, do you need me to tell you one by one? If you humiliate yourself like this, who will think highly of you?"

Chen Yue's tears fell down suddenly, she squeezed the corner of the quilt, and her voice became soft again and again: "But I can't let it go."

"Brother, three years ago, you promised me to marry him and take me away, but I failed. I'm dying. Can you let me die without regrets?"

"You know you're dying?"

Chen Yue sneered again and again, his voice was very cold: "You can die without regret, how about me? You left Lin Shenshen with a long love, what did you leave for me?"

"Chen Yue, don't you think you are too cruel? At this moment, I am the only one who cares about your life and death, but you keep retreating because of a person who has no trace of you in your heart. Why do I feel bitter in your heart?"

"Your so-called love is really so important, so important that you won't work harder for me and live a few more years?"

Chen Yue was speechless.

She is 25 years old this year, and so is Chen Nanyan. In the past 25 years, they depended on each other for life and rarely separated.

What's more, each other is the only relative in this world.

She was sorry for Lin Changqing, sorry for Lin Shenshen, and most sorry for Chen Nanyan.

Chen Yue covered her face, curled up on the hospital bed and cried bitterly, crying and asking in a low voice: "Brother, how about Shen Shen?"

After contemplating in the ward for a long time, Chen Nanyan said in a low voice, "I was carried away by Lin Changqing."


On the third day after Lin Shenshen returned to Lin's house, Xiao Tuanzi stopped crying non-stop, and the world in the child was more colorful.

Although she stopped making trouble, no one wanted to pay attention to it. The only one who could integrate with the Lin family was the moment when Lin Changge took Su Mili out for a walk at four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

In three years, Su Mili's condition has improved a lot, but there is only one Lin Changge who can communicate normally.

Lin Shenshen has a good impression of Su Mili, but of course this is just Lin Changqing's opinion.

Once by chance, when Lin Changqing went to the garden to see Shenshen and Su Mili, she heard what Shenshen said to Su Mili.

"Little aunt, why don't you speak?"

"Is it my father, that villain, who won't let you see your mother..."

Su Mili's eyes moved, but Lin Shenshen didn't see it, and cried while hugging Su Mili's leg: "Little aunt, I miss my mother so much."

Lin Shenshen was slurring his speech, and because of the reason for crying, his words became blurred.

"Little aunt, can you take me to my mother?"

Lin Changqing's heart was clenched tightly, and her breathing became short of breath, but Xiaotuanzi didn't finish her words. She knew very little, and she was looking for her mother from the beginning to the end. Lin Changqing's body was shocked when she said the last sentence.

"Is mom not going to want me anymore... Uncle said that dad will have other aunts, and mom will have other uncles, and they will have other children..."

It was probably too esoteric, and Lin Shenshen didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all, but the meaning of what my uncle once said was that in the end, mom and dad would not want her anymore.

She was afraid and didn't understand.

Why is she so obedient and her parents don't want her?
Lin Changqing couldn't bear to look at it. When he turned around, he saw Lin Changge. I don't know how long he looked at it. Anyway, the man's handsome face was a bit dignified.

"Brother, I remember you said three years ago, sister-in-law...Chen Yue's body is not suitable for having a child, but she endured the huge damage to her body and survived deeply. There must be some misunderstandings..."

Lin Changqing's expression didn't change much. He glanced at Lin Changge, then sideways at Lin Shenshen, and said in a low voice, "Since I like Susu so much, you can help me take her for a few days. Grandma's condition is very urgent, I don't have much time with Wenfan..."

"Brother, you are avoiding the problem."

Lin Changqing patted the dust on his body and replied, "Mind your own affairs."

After he finished speaking, he walked out, but was stopped by Lin Changge: "Brother, when you deal with matters related to Chen Yue, you are always surprisingly cold. Is it really so difficult to admit that you love someone?"

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