Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 483 Chen Yue Birthed You A Daughter

Chen Nanyan came here by helicopter, and when he saw Chen Yue fell to the ground, Chen Nanyan's heart froze, and the continuous fine pain from the needle prick stimulated his brain.

The anger in the man's heart surged up, and he said to the bodyguard: "Kill him for me."

As soon as his words fell, the bodyguards around him moved.

"and many more!"

Fu Linshen strode into the door and stopped the person. His voice was very soft: "Nanyan, this person cannot die yet. We must give an explanation to the other victims. Please hand him over to me."

After he finished speaking, he looked in the direction of Chen Nanyan. He was standing beside the lifeless Chen Yue, the expression on his face pierced by the sun was blurred and profound.

Chen Nanyan squatted down. He wanted to hug her up, but his eyes touched her body covered in bruises, and in some places, a layer of skin was rolled up.

By this time, he actually felt helpless.

"Fu Linshen."

When Chen Nanyan called him, it probably looked like Chen Yue was devastated. It was too tragic. Fu Linshen paused for a long time before he came back to his senses and responded.

"Do you know how much I hate City A?"

He stretched out his arms to hug Chen Yue, and said in a low voice, "I hated going to city A because of Lin Changqing. He turned my sister into something beyond recognition."

He glanced sideways at the criminal who was restrained by his bodyguards, and said in a low voice, "I can give you the man, but he must die, and when the execution is time, I will be the one who does it."

Fu Linshen: "Yes."

Chen Nanyan walked out with the man in his arms. The car was prepared outside the yard. He stood outside the car for a while with the man in his arms. His assistant came over. Chen Nanyan's voice was very weak: "Shen Shen is in the car, you go up and take the Hold her down, don't let her see Yueyue's appearance."


When Chen Nanyan sent Chen Yue to the emergency room, it was as dark as ink that could not be melted outside. He sat down on the bench in the hospital. After a while, Meng Wenfan and Ge Yunchuan rushed over.

"Mr. Chen, how is Teacher Chen?"

Teacher Chen?

Chen Nanyan's brows twitched, he raised his head, and met Meng Wenfan's gaze with unclear emotion: "Teacher?"

"Ms. Chen is Zhizhi and Yaya's piano teacher... She resigned today. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. I'm sorry..."

Meng Wenfan didn't shirk responsibility, blamed herself in her eyes, Chen Nanyan's mood became cold for no reason, and asked in a low voice:

"Who are you from Lin Changqing?"

Meng Wenfan and Ge Yunchuan looked at each other, not knowing the meaning of Chen Nanyan's words.

Although Chen Nanyan is young, she cherishes words like gold, which is not much better than Ning Yan.

"I'm a long-loved cousin."

Chen Nanyan glanced sideways at Meng Wenfan, just at this time, his assistant came over, Chen Nanyan didn't try to hide it, nodded, and signaled the assistant to speak directly.

"The result of the investigation is that the young lady gave up her name in Lexing because she had no money, and it was an accident to teach at Ge's house. As for resigning today, it is Lin Changqing's intention."

"The scratches on Miss's legs were partly caused when she was chasing Lin Changqing. When she went down the mountain, Miss refused Miss Meng's wish to send her away..."

Chen Nanyan's eyes became even more stern, he let out a deep laugh, and said, "My sister is so lucky, how did she manage to run into people from your family again and again?"


Liu Qin's injury was not serious, Liu Rui was too worried about Liu Qin, and even Liu Qin didn't know that Liu Rui would call Lin Changqing.

Just in case, Lin Changqing checked Liu Qin himself, and he was relieved to make sure that it was all right.

After Lin Changqing finished the examination, she left the ward and went to her office to prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine for Liu Qin, and make a plaster for the woman to stick.

He didn't expect to meet Chen Nanyan.

Meng Wenfan and Ge Yunchuan were also there.

Not far away, he saw the seriousness on Chen Nanyan's face at a glance, and his heart skipped a beat.

This unnaturalness lasted for less than half a minute, and then dissipated. When he wanted to leave, Chen Nanyan's eyes had already looked over. Chen Nanyan's eyes were extremely cold, and the cold Lin Changqing didn't realize it. He frowned.

Lin Changqing didn't wait too long, and went downstairs directly, even the mood of prescribing Liu Qin's medicine became much lighter.

The air in the hospital was extremely oppressive. Lin Changqing took the elevator to the first floor and wanted to get some air. When he went out, a little girl bumped into his leg.

"Little Miss!"

She was followed by bodyguards, Lin Changqing was very close, and bent down before the bodyguards helped the girl to stand up.

The little girl was about two or three years old, and she was as delicate as a doll in a window.

The girl stared at Lin Changqing for a while, tears fell down suddenly, she put her arms around Lin Changqing's neck, and burst into tears.


Lin Changqing paused, and suddenly couldn't remember the child that Chen Yue had aborted due to an ectopic pregnancy three years ago.

He has always cared about that matter in his heart, Chen Yue is very beautiful, and he is not bad looking, before Chen Yue ran away from marriage, what he thought about the most was that if Chen Yue's child was still there, he would probably be so good-looking.

His thoughts were wandering, and the bodyguard had strode over and pulled the girl out of Lin Changqing's arms.

"Sorry, the child identified the wrong person."

The bodyguard took a step back with the child in his arms, and apologized in a low voice. Lin Changqing glanced at the bodyguard in front of him. He only felt that the bodyguard was familiar with him, but he didn't have time to think about it. proceed.

"Dad, Dad. You hug Shen Shen, why don't you want Mom and Shen Shen?"

This sentence?
Lin Changqing turned his head to look at the child, and the bodyguard apologized to Lin Changqing again, then strode towards the hospital with him in his arms.

The child was sobbing violently, and even hiccupped. Lin Chang couldn't help but look back. The girl was leaning on the bodyguard's shoulder, looking at him with misty peach blossom eyes.


Lin Changqing's fingers moved, and her lips turned pale instantly. Looking at her face, Lin Changqing felt strangely, how much does that child really look like him?
He pinched the center of his eyebrows uncontrollably, what a crazy idea.

He restrained his emotions and strode out. The sun was just right and the sky was blue. Opposite the hospital was a century building with a big screen on the roof, which broadcast a piece of news.

Fu Linshen's face alternated on the screen a few times, and Lin Changqing took out a cigarette spot from the pocket of his trousers, and his unfocused gaze focused on the screen.

"At [-]:[-] tonight, Chief Fu uncovered the taxi-hailing software murder case that was raging in this city. It is reported that the last victim is the daughter of the Chenji Group..."

The host's voice became very distant, and the scene of Chen Nanyan coming out of the abandoned yard holding Chen Yue covered in blood was displayed on the screen.

A few traces of cigarette ash fell from Lin Changqing's fingertips, and he didn't notice it, the emotions on his face were blurred to blurred by the neon lights reflected from the tall buildings.

The mobile phone in his pocket rang sharply, recalling Lin Changqing's wandering mind.

He took out his phone and glanced at the main screen.

Fu Linshen.

"Long love, Chen Nanyan didn't come here alone when he rescued Chen Yue."

Lin Changqing's eyes were very light, and the colored lights dyed his eyelashes a different color, unreasonably indifferent: "Linshen, I'm not interested in the affairs of the two brothers and sisters of the Chen family."

There was a moment of silence on the phone. Lin Changqing couldn't wait for Fu Linshen's next words, so he asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking?"

The man laughed and said, "I was wondering whether I should tell you, you idiot, that Chen Yue gave birth to a daughter for you, two years and five months old, named Lin Shenshen."


Chen Yue didn't wake up.

She was sent to the intensive care unit, and when the door of the operating room opened, Lin Shenshen was carried by the bodyguards, and Chen Yue, who was covered in bruises and closed her eyes tightly, was in sight.

She looked at Chen Nanyan in a daze, with tears in her eyes: "Uncle, what's wrong with Mom?"

Chen Nanyan took the little guy from her arms, coaxing softly: "Mom is asleep."

"When will she wake up? I haven't seen my mother for a long time. I want to talk to my mother." Lin Shenshen said innocently.

"Your mother is very tired, she is very good, and she will wake up when she gets enough sleep."

After Chen Nanyan comforted Lin Shenshen, he waved at the bodyguard, who came over, and he ordered in a deep voice: "The doctor who rescued Chen Yue, you go and seal it up, and don't let Lin Changqing know anything about Yueyue's body. things."


The bodyguard left in response. Lin looked at the direction in which the bodyguard left in a deep ignorance. Holding back tears, she looked at Chen Nanyan and asked, "Uncle, I saw Dad just now. Does he... really want me and Mom?"

Chen Nanyan didn't want to continue to deceive Lin Shenshen. He stroked Lin Shenshen's hair and whispered, "Your father is going to marry another aunt. He may want you, but he won't want your mother."

Lin Shenshen's voice was filled with tears, and it was obvious that she was so sad that she couldn't help herself, and her tone was intermittent, as if she couldn't utter a complete sentence.


"Yes... If he doesn't want mom, then I don't want him either... I really don't like dad..."

After Lin Shenshen said these words, he buried his small body in Chen Nanyan's arms, crying so that Chen Nanyan felt a heart-piercing pain in his heart.

"Uncle, my mother is... so nice, why... why doesn't Dad want her?"

Chen Nanyan couldn't give an answer, but his silence made the little girl cry even louder, asking him why over and over again?
The light in the hospital was very dim, unable to reflect the emotion in Chen Nanyan's eyes.

He also wanted to know, if he had known that Chen Yue would get to where he is today, he shouldn't have left home eight years ago, he shouldn't have stopped Chen Yue from sinking into the mud three years ago, and he shouldn't have looked at her carefully until now, Give her a chance to come back.

Chen Nanyan, Chen Nanyan, if one day something irreversible happens, it will be Yueyue who killed you.

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