Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 479 Do You Remember Me

"what does it mean?"

Zhi Zhi frowned, she was too young to understand.

Chen Yue blinked, smiled, and said, "It means that the teacher may not be able to play out a piano piece in its entirety in the future, and it will inevitably be a little regrettable."


Zhi Zhi seemed to understand but half understood, she pursed her lips, her cute and obedient appearance made Chen Yue's heart tremble, she thought deeply.

Want it so so much.

Chen Yue was not in the mood to think so much, so she continued to attend class with Zhizhi and Yaya. After the class, she ate something with Meng Wenfan and Ge Yunchuan before going back to her room.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, her cell phone rang.

Chen Yue glanced at it, and when she saw the caller ID, her fingers trembled, and she answered the call.

"Miss, when are you coming back?"

"Uncle Feng..."

"Miss! I don't care what you are going to do, there is only one thing I want to tell you, your body, if you don't continue the treatment, do you know how serious it is?"

Chen Yue bit her lower lip, and the voice of the old man on the phone was a little angry: "You are no longer a child, and you are still so willful. Could it be that the so-called love is really greater than everything else?"

"Uncle Feng..." Chen Yue's voice was a little hoarse, staring at the night outside the window, her voice seemed to be shedding tears: "He's already engaged to someone else, and I'll go back when he gets married."


Chen Yue's voice was very low: "I know that girl, they are very suitable. When they get married, I give up and go back."

That is to say, where is the human heart so easy to die?

The next morning, an old man came to Ge's villa.

Meng Wenfan said that it was her grandmother.

It was also that time that she knew that she was also a doctor.

In Chen Yue's impression, doctors are as busy as Lin Changqing, but Meng Wenfan stays at home almost every second. If she doesn't say anything, it's hard for people to see that she is a doctor.

After teaching Zhizhi and Yaya, she came out of the piano room, and she happened to meet Meng Wenfan who came out from the corner of the second floor in sterile clothing. At that moment, she was less gentle and more capable.

"Teacher Chen, I need an assistant, can you help me?"

Chen Yue was stunned for a moment, she pointed to herself, and asked in a low voice: "Me? I have never done medical care..."

"It's okay, follow me into the medical room."

She nodded her head, signaled Chen Yue to put on the sterile gown she had prepared earlier, and Chen Yue put on the clothes and entered the room.

The scenery in the room is very bright, and the white is dazzling. During the cancer operation, Chen Yue once entered the operating room of the hospital. The structure of this room is very similar. man.

Lin Changqing.

"You stand by Changqing's side, what does he ask you to do, what do you do." Meng Wenfan said through the mask.

Chen Yue didn't have time to make things difficult, the operation was a major event, he didn't dare to delay at all, without any hesitation, Chen Yue stood by Lin Changqing's side.

The man is very focused, and the light closest to him draws a picture scroll of rich colors and ink on his thick and slender eyelashes.

Chen Yue held her breath. After a long time, Lin Changqing's mask moved: "Wipe the sweat."

She immediately picked up the tissue from the tray and wiped the sweat off the man's forehead.


Chen Yue put down the tissue paper, quickly took the scalpel in his hand, and handed over the tweezers on the tray.

An operation lasted for nearly four hours. When Chen Yue came out of the operating room, she was extremely exhausted.

For four hours, standing motionless in the operating room almost exhausted all her energy.

The girl pursed her lips. This operation inevitably reminded her of three years ago. At that time, Lin Changqing couldn't give her enough sense of security. He was too gentle and silent, and he was used to thinking about everything for others.

She hoped that he could put all his energy on her, so he tossed her with all his strength.

Chen Nanyan still can't accept Lin Changqing, not because she thinks that Lin Changqing will destroy her, but from the very beginning, she is afraid that she will destroy Lin Changqing.

Simply three years ago, she reined in the precipice and left Lin Changqing one second before getting married.

The past was very painful, she apologized to Meng Wenfan, and hurried out of the villa to her room, just as Lin Changqing came out of the room, he changed his clothes, the whole person was personable, not stained Dust.

When he saw Chen Yue running out, his eyes were closed. Meng Wenfan thought he was unhappy, and said in a low voice: "The maids in the villa are not willing to come in, and I just ran into Chen Yue..."

"I know."

Lin Changqing pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Be mentally prepared, knowing that you will call her."

He didn't say much, took off the blood-stained disposable gloves and threw them in the trash can, and said in a low voice, "There is another tumor, too close to the brain, so we can't tolerate any trouble. I've been contacting Mr. Feng recently."

"He is very knowledgeable in the field of cancer. If he is willing to make a move, grandma's survival rate will be higher."

Meng Wenfan took a deep breath, she nodded, with a heavy look of fatigue on her brows, it was already dark outside, the woman asked him to stay: "It's getting late, don't leave tonight , sleep in the guest room for the night."



It rained in the middle of the night, and Lin Changqing dreamed again, still dreaming of Chen Yue.

He remembered clearly that it was an incident three years ago.

Before they got married, they made an appointment to try on the wedding dress together, but at that time something happened in the hospital, he was in a bad mood, and the two had a quarrel. He still doesn't know why Chen Yue suddenly became so sharp.

In a fit of anger, he left the car and her on the main road, turned and left.

In fact, he didn't go far, and she didn't close the window. He still remembers the picture of her crying in the co-pilot.

In fact, he hates her crying, because every time she cries, he has no real meaning to comfort her.

Later she asked him why he was angry and she promised him that he would not let her not find her, and then she disappeared for three years.

With a thunderstorm, Lin Changqing woke up from the old dream. Outside the window, there was a storm, and Lin Changqing stretched out her hand to pinch the space between her eyebrows.

In a trance, he seemed to hear Chen Yue's cry again.

He was very irritable, and his heart beat faster, even if he inhaled hard, he couldn't calm it down.

Chen Yue.

In his impression, these two words are synonymous with breaking promises and the benchmark of lies.

He took another deep breath, and the phone beside his pillow rang. Lin Changqing picked up the phone and saw the caller's name.

Liu Qin.

He swiped his finger and clicked on the connection, and the woman's soft and crying voice rang out on the radio waves: "Longqing, my house has a power outage..."

Liu Qin was afraid of thunder, Lin Changqing twitched his eyebrows, and said softly, "Qinqin, you stay at home, I'll go over now."

"No, it's raining too much. It's too dangerous to drive in this kind of weather. Don't come here."

Lin Changqing didn't pay attention to Liu Qin's words, cut off the phone, changed clothes and went out with a suit jacket. His action alarmed Ge Yunchuan, and the man came out of the room.

"Longqing, where are you going?"

Lin Changqing stood at the entrance, lowered her head to change her shoes, and said, "The power is out where Qinqin lives. She is afraid of thunder, so I'll go and have a look."

The man changed his shoes and turned around.

Ge Yunchuan's villa is a duplex. The villa has a gate and is equipped with an anti-theft system. There are many servants in the villa. The couple sleep lightly and have no habit of closing the gate.

Afraid of being awakened by the servant going out.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and he saw a pale woman standing at the gate, holding an umbrella but half wet.

Her appearance was frightening for no reason at night.

Lin Changqing's footsteps froze in place, Chen Yue moved a little away, the rain was heavy, mixed with the smell of sea water, Chen Yue blinked, and handed the umbrella to Lin Changqing: "Doctor Lin, give you the umbrella , Drive carefully in the rain."

Lin Changqing glanced at her, because of her words, he finally took the initiative in his body.

The man didn't pick up the umbrella, and strode into the rain curtain with his coat in his hand. His figure was swallowed up by the rain curtain. Chen Yue took a step forward involuntarily, and thunder suddenly rang out. Chen Yue His footsteps stopped.

Tears fell with the rain.

The fear that had been lingering in her heart dissipated completely, she did not enter the door, she leaned against the door and slowly sat on the cold ground, the umbrella was swept away by the strong wind, and the rain poured over, the cold Chen Yue shivered and cried bitterly.

Hearing the voice, Ge Yunchuan murmured that it was not good, and went back to the room to wake Meng Wenfan up, and said in a low voice, "My wife, Teacher Chen is outside the villa, you go and have a look?"

The woman always sleeps lightly. She listened to the conversation between Lin Changqing and Ge Yunchuan for seven or eight times. After hearing this sentence, her sleepiness dissipated completely. She put on a coat and went downstairs.

As soon as she stepped out of the gate, she saw the girl shrunk on the ground, drenched in water.

Meng Wenfan held an umbrella on top of Chen Yue's head, she couldn't bear it, and asked slowly: "Since you still love him, why did you turn around and leave three years ago without saying hello?"

Chen Yue didn't look up, her shoulders shook violently, but she silenced her voice.

She knew that Lin Changqing and Meng Wenfan had a good relationship, but she didn't know that she even knew about it.

At this time, all she could say was stubborn: "I don't love him anymore."

Meng Wenfan didn't speak, Chen Yue's head was still curled up between his legs, the wind and clouds outside were turbulent, and the tree shadows seemed to be ghosts and monsters in the world, which made people feel frightened.

"Miss Meng, Dr. Lin saved me once eight years ago." Chen Yue's voice became a little loose in the wind and rain: "I suddenly remembered that he took me to see a female doctor back then, and your voices were very strange. Like, do you remember me?"


"I was blind at the time. At that time, I was 17 years old."

Chen Yue's memory is relatively good. When she was locked up, even when she was lying on the hospital bed, she used it to reminisce about her previous life.

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