Heart-wrenching pet: the CEO's hot wife

Chapter 478 A musical note can no longer sound

After Chen Yue finished hoisting the water, it was already dawn, and the girl followed Jiang Hecheng out of the yard. As a thank you to Jiang Hecheng for taking her over and sending her to the hospital, the girl invited Jiang Hecheng to have breakfast. Then they parted ways.

In order to force herself to go back, Chen Nanyan had already blocked her card, and after treating Jiang Hecheng to breakfast and drinking water in the hospital, she had very little money left.

She decided to find a job.

Chen Yue hesitated for a long time, and went to Lehang. She had learned piano and won a prize in a piano competition. This was the only skill she could use to make a living.

After performing some basic skills, she gave her a name, and within two days, Chen Yue received her first job in her life.

Teach a kid from a wealthy family how to play the piano.

When Chen Yue took a taxi to the place, she couldn't help sighing how beautiful the house is. The duplex villa has a red body and a western style. There is a small fountain at the main entrance of the villa, and precious flowers are planted on both sides of the fountain.

Even the paths, several of which are paved with cobblestones in different shapes.

As soon as Chen Yue came in, a servant came up to welcome him. The servant was of good quality and led him to meet the mistress of the villa.

The hostess was very beautiful, and the two introduced themselves briefly. Her name was Meng Wenfan.

"Mr. Chen, my children are a pair of twins. They are four years old. You don't need to teach them too much. They are rather skinny. Please excuse me."

"It's serious."

Chen Yue pursed her lips, Meng Wenfan smiled, and said in a low voice, "Take Teacher Chen to the room of the young master and the young lady."

The girl followed the servant and left. Meng Wenfan glanced at Chen Yue inscrutablely, with a meaningful smile on her lips. She supported the stairs with one hand, as if she suddenly remembered something, and faced the person who was going up the stairs. Another servant asked:

"I got the medical book in my study some time ago. Did Lin Changqing say that he wanted to borrow it for two days?"

Maid: "...Yes."

More than yes?At the beginning, Lin Changqing ran over to borrow Meng Wenfan more than once, but she just refused to let others see.The servant glanced up and down at his mistress, thinking to himself.

What does she want to do?
Meng Wenfan smiled, waved her hand charmingly, and said in a low voice: "Go and call Lin Changqing, tell me that Miss Ben is in a good mood today, and allow him to watch in my study for a while."


The children in Meng Wenfan's family are very obedient and well-behaved, and they are extraordinarily smart. They can almost understand everything. She taught them simple rhythms, which are not only difficult to pronounce, but they still learn it seriously.

For two hours every day, the time passed by in a flash, and the servant came to remind me that it was time for get out of class to end.

Chen Yue came out of the room, and when she went downstairs to the living room, she saw Meng Wenfan sitting in the living room drinking tea.

"Mr. Chen, is it convenient for us to talk?"

Chen Yue was stunned for a moment, then nodded and walked over.

Meng Wenfan held a very delicate vintage teapot in his hand, and Chen Yue scanned it. The color was very light, but the texture was clear, and the year should be a little older.

She skillfully and gracefully gave Chen Yue a cup, then poured her a cup, and said in a low voice, "Taste the black tea made by the servant."

Chen Yue took a sip, the temperature was just right, but this mellow feeling must be brewed by boiling water at a specific temperature.

"Miss Meng, what do you want to talk about?"

Meng Wenfan put down the teapot in his hand, and said in a low voice: "That's right, for the convenience of teaching Yaya and Zhizhi, I hope you can stay in the villa. Is it convenient for you?"

Chen Yue didn't have much money left, and Meng Wenfan's ability to provide her with a place was a timely gift for her, and she had no reason to refuse. Just as she was about to agree, she heard someone coming downstairs.

She glanced casually, and her eyes froze instantly.

It was still the face of Jiyue Fengqing, the man seemed to be thinking about something, he frowned and strode over.

"Wenfan, let's talk about Chinese medicine..."

Lin Changqing uttered half of his words, and when he raised his head, he met Chen Yue's eyes. He suppressed all expressions, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Chen Yue didn't speak, Meng Wenfan knocked on the table and said in a low voice: "Lin Changqing, pay attention to your attitude, Mr. Chen is the piano teacher I invited to call Zhizhi and Yaya."

The man pursed his lips. He stopped and said in a low voice, "Since you have guests, I'll come again next time."

"Yun Chuan will be back in a while, I told him you're here, and he told you to wait for him to come back before leaving."

She didn't understand what Meng Wenfan and Lin Changqing said, but the relationship between them was very familiar, and there was a tacit understanding, which should not be cultivated in a day or two.

But she knew nothing about this man.

Chen Yue felt a little bitter in her heart, she didn't know too many things about Lin Changqing.

She didn't know whether it should be attributed to the short time she spent with him, or whether it should be attributed to the fact that he had no intention of letting her stay by his side at all.


Lin Changqing responded, but he didn't come, turned around, and said in a low voice: "Yun Chuan is back, let him go to the study to find me."

Before he turned around, he glanced at her. There was no emotion in him. The astringency in Chen Yue's heart spread layer by layer. She knew that he didn't want to stay in the same space with her at all.

"Teacher Chen?"

Meng Wenfan's voice brought her back to consciousness, Chen Yue looked up at her, and then she continued: "There is a separate suite behind the villa, which is cleaned every day, if you want, you can live in it .”

Chen Yue nodded, agreed, she stood up, her voice was gentle: "I'll go back and pack my things first, can I live in formally tomorrow?"

"of course."

Meng Wenfan agreed with a smile.

Not long after Chen Yue left, Ge Yunchuan came in from the outside, Meng Wenfan asked the servant to prepare a meal, and then ordered the servant in a low voice: "Go to the study and ask Lin Changqing to come down for dinner."

Sitting in the dining room, Meng Wenfan had a smile on her face. It could be seen that she was in a good mood. Ge Yunchuan took a second look and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

"I met a more interesting person today."


Ge Yunchuan was curious, but he didn't ask any more questions. He laughed lowly and teased: "Could it be that you have found someone you can play with?"

Meng Wenfan just smiled and said nothing.

After Lin Chang fell in love, he glanced at the room, he was slightly relieved, and sat down in the dining room.

"What are you looking for?"

"I think the piano teacher you hired for Squeaky Yaya may not be suitable."

After hearing Lin Changqing's words, Meng Wenfan smiled: "Lin Changqing, you are very busy, and you are ready to meddle in my family affairs."

Lin Changqing glanced at Meng Wenfan, did not answer, and Ge Yunchuan did not answer, there was a moment of silence in the space, and after a long time, the woman said indifferently: "By the way, from tomorrow on, Teacher Chen will be here I'm staying here."


The next day.

Chen Yue thought that after Lin Changqing knew that she was the piano teacher of the young master and miss of the Ge family, she would never appear here again.

But she saw him anyway.

After three years of not seeing each other, he seemed to have lost weight, and she could no longer see other emotions from his face.

The girl lowered her head and went upstairs to the piano room.

After seeing her movements, Lin Changqing's eyes darkened, and then he glanced at Meng Wenfan lightly, without saying a word.

Meng Wenfan smiled, put the freshly brewed scented tea on the tray, took out some fresh lychees and put them on, and whispered to the servant: "Give it to Teacher Chen, and then tell her to let her come together tonight Have a meal."

"What the hell are you going to do?"

Lin Changqing was a little impatient, he brushed off the dust that didn't exist on his body, and his voice became cold: "Don't tell me you don't know that Chen Yue is my ex-wife."

"I know, Chen Yue lives here, and there is only Ge's villa here. If she doesn't eat here, should she go down the mountain?" Meng Wenfan glared at Lin Changqing: "Don't tell me, after being dumped , you can't tolerate her to the point where you don't even want to eat."

"Is the word stingy written on my face?"


Lin Changqing took a deep breath, pinched the center of his brows, and said in a low voice, "Why did you ask me to come here?"

Meng Wenfan blinked and said in a low voice: "Grandma's condition, I want to discuss the solution with you."

This is business, there is no room for shirk, and even a long-term tug-of-war.

Lin Changqing changed her sitting position, and said slowly: "Tomorrow, I will go to the hospital today, transfer the patients in my hand to other doctors, and concentrate on treating grandma."

Meng Wenfan nodded.

"If there is nothing else, I will go first."

Meng Wenfan laughed, "Go slowly."

Lin Changqing didn't turn his head back. When he walked to the gate of the villa, he stopped. Looking at the sunny weather in front of him, he said word by word: "Cousin, I'm engaged, I hope you stay looking at her, but not thinking of anything."

Meng Wenfan let out a low laugh.

This is the first time in more than 30 years that Lin Changqing has seriously called her cousin.

She couldn't help smiling: "What do you think I'm thinking?"

Lin Changqing didn't answer, Meng Wenfan went on to say: "I have known since I was very young that a person's thoughts cannot be imposed by others if they want to. Changqing, you should think about it carefully."

Thinking what?
Lin Changqing's eyes remained unchanged, reflecting the sunlight, walking out of the villa under the shadow of the trees.

When the sound of the car engine was heard, Chen Yue's eyes on the second floor moved. She walked to the window sill and saw the car coming out of the villa at a glance.

She was a little sad in her heart, and she also knew that she and Lin Changqing could never go back to the past.

Just when she was in a daze, her hand was grasped by a soft little hand. When she lowered her head, she saw Zhizhi.

"Teacher, are you in a bad mood?"

Chen Yue shook his head, knelt down in front of the little girl, and said in a low voice, "It's not that I'm in a bad mood, but that a note on the teacher's piano can no longer be struck."

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