From the very beginning, Zhou Yu thought of such a situation.

The family may not be very opposed to the divorce.But with regard to the arrangement of children, there must be a lot of resistance.

He pursed his lips slightly and said softly, "Dad, Mom. No matter what you think, I have already made a decision, and there is no possibility of changing what I have decided."

After saying this, he also left the living room.

It's just that he didn't go upstairs, but went out with the car keys.

Faced with such a situation, Mrs. Wednesday was dumbfounded.

She didn't show off her might just now, but pulled Uncle Zhou's arm and said, "What should we do now? Could it be that Chen Rong is really going to take Jiabao away?"

Uncle Zhou squinted at the entrance where Zhou Yu left, but didn't speak.

He has always known that Zhou Yu buried a heavy secret in his heart, but today he suddenly felt that he seemed to have discovered the tip of the iceberg.


Because of the baby, Gu Yue is unwilling to go back to Zhou's house.

So most of the time, Zhou Bingkun and his wife came to the villa to see her.As for Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou, apart from tossing about, they never showed their faces.

He doesn't care about the child's condition at all.

Under such circumstances, Gu Yue didn't care.

Anyway, her child hurts herself, and she doesn't expect the Zhou family's old man and Mrs. Zhou to take care of her child.

It's just that sometimes when I make an appointment with Mrs. Zhou or Zhou Sining to do something together, the inconvenient place is revealed.

It became very embarrassing for her to go directly to Zhou's house to pick up people, so most of the time they came first and set off from the villa together.

Or, just make an appointment to meet up somewhere.

Today is the day she asked Zhou Sining to look at the dress together.

After washing up and going downstairs, she saw Zhou Sining sitting in the living room.

So she turned around, walked into the living room and sat on the sofa, "It's so early? I haven't had breakfast yet, have you eaten? Do you want to have some together?"

Zhou Sining still had her trademark smile on her face, "Grandpa and grandma got up early in the morning, and I got up early, too. I have already eaten breakfast."

As she said that, she looked at Uncle Fu who had already come out with Gu Yue's breakfast, "Besides, your breakfast is all custom-made, right? How wasteful am I?"

"What's the waste of supplementing nutrition?" Gu Yue said indifferently.

Her appetite for breakfast has always been very average, so the most troublesome thing in the kitchen is breakfast, and she often cooks it in different ways.

Special attention is paid to the shape and presentation of each food, just to arouse her interest and make her eat more.

Even small buns are in the shape of small animals.

Zhou Sining let out a low "wow" when he saw it, "Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful, do you feel reluctant to eat every day?"

Gu Yue's response was to pick up a piggy-shaped egg yolk bun with chopsticks, bring it to his mouth, take a bite, and after swallowing, he said, "In the beginning, I did, but after a long time, I realized that it's just food."

After speaking, he handed the spare chopsticks to Zhou Sining, "Try it together if you like it?"

Zhou Sining is only in his early 20s, just the age of greed.

Although I had already had breakfast, I couldn't help but gorge myself on seeing the cute and fragrant food.

It didn't take long, and the two of them ate up their breakfast for two.

After eating, Zhou Sining touched his belly and said, "It tastes so good, I can't resist the temptation. If I eat like this, I don't know how fat I will be."

"Ning'er, are you laughing at me?"

Hearing what Gu Yue said, Zhou Sining immediately changed his words and said, "Sister-in-law, why are you talking about you? You are now pregnant, so you should eat more, so that you can be nutritious."

"That's what I'm saying, I don't know if I can lose weight after giving birth." She frowned as she spoke, with a hint of worry in her eyes, "I heard it's not easy to lose weight after pregnancy."

"Don't worry, you will be fine."


"Because you are naturally beautiful, God will definitely let you recover to your best condition in the shortest possible time. Besides..."

Zhou Sining paused, looked Gu Yue up and down, and said, "Sister-in-law, to be honest, I really don't think you are fat, but your belly has grown. As for your limbs are still very slender, it seems that your child has grown."

"How is it possible? I have a double chin now!" Gu Yue said while touching his chin with helplessness on his face.

"Even with a double chin, she is the most beautiful Mrs. Zhou. My brother has a good heart."

"Can talk, take you to buy clothes."

After Gu Yue cleaned up briefly, he asked the driver to deliver it to a high-end clothing store.

Standing at the door, Zhou Sining said, "Sister-in-law, this place looks very high-end, I don't think I can afford it."

In fact, Mrs. Zhou loved Zhou Sining very much, and she never treated Zhou Sining badly, whether it was money or life.

The money in her bank account must be at least seven figures.

It's just that she has always been frugal, and she feels that she doesn't need such high-end dresses, so the dresses basically look like five figures.

Gu Yue patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Girls, you always have to put on some appearance. How about this as a coming-of-age gift from your sister-in-law?"

"How old am I, is it still an adult ceremony?"

"Adult is not only age, but also mind. Of course, there is also a kind of socialization. This is a kind of social rite of passage for you."

As Gu Yue said, he took Zhou Sining's hand and walked in.

Zhou Sining wanted to say something at first, but when he saw the colorful dresses around him, his eyes widened, filled with a sense of astonishment.

In fact, it is conceivable that although the Zhou family has a big family and a great business, Zhou Sining is an orphan after all.

Even if Mr. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou dote on her again, they must have told her not to show her edge.

So Zhou Sining has always been low-key in his dressing, and Liangcheng is not comparable to City A, and the consumption level in all aspects is low, so naturally he has never seen such jewels.

But Gu Yue didn't mean to be a joke at all, instead he said softly, "Choose one, try whichever one you like."

Zhou Sining walked in front of a long blue dress, "It's so beautiful, but I always feel that I don't have such a temperament, and I can't wear it with such an effect."

Gu Yue tilted his head and looked, "Do you like this color?"


"Well, the color is nice, but such velvet fabric is really not suitable for your age, it will look a bit old-fashioned. How about..."

Gu Yue turned around and looked around, and then saw a tulle off-the-shoulder long dress.

She walked over and said with a smile, "This kind of dress with light gauze texture is different. It not only has a playful feeling, but also has a fairy air. Try it."

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