Gu Yue's eyeballs rolled around in his eye sockets and said, "How can it be said that there is no job? Obviously helping Ning'er find a partner is a very important job! Don't you think it is not important?"

Looking at her black and white eyes, how could Zhou Sicheng tell that it was not important?

He naturally nodded and said, "It's very important."

But he is not King Zhou You, and immediately added, "It's just that you do this during working hours, and don't you think it's inappropriate for Lu Nan to work overtime?"

She curled her lips, and then said, "Don't worry, I have read his work today in detail before. If you don't fish, it can be done in an hour.

So he can leave at 06:30, but because of overtime work, he can get an extra day's salary, which is very profitable, okay? "

Zhou Sicheng, "..."

He raised his hand and tapped Gu Yue's forehead lightly, "So, as the owner of the company, you take your employees to fish together, and then let him work after get off work, and earn the company's overtime pay by the way?"

"Lu Nan is a good employee, treat him better."

"Is that good?"

As soon as the words fell, the elevator door opened with a ding dong.

Already on the first floor, Gu Yue took Zhou Sicheng's arm with a smile, and walked out of the Gu's building with him.

Sitting in the car, she suddenly said, "By the way, Si Cheng, Lu Nan said that I was too careful in choosing a partner for Ning'er. What will happen when our daughter grows up? Have you ever thought about our daughter getting married? "

Zhou Sicheng, "..."

He glanced at her with a smile, "Yueyue, our little girl hasn't been born yet, isn't it too early to think about her future marriage?"

"Is it too early?"

"Yeah, even if she gets married when she reaches the legal age, it will take at least 21 years, right?"

Hearing what Zhou Sicheng said, Gu Yue suddenly felt that there was indeed a long way to go.

In 21 years, she is only in her 20s now.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing, "That's what I said, but I always feel that the baby will be married when he grows up, and I will be reluctant."

While speaking, she looked down at her stomach, with reluctance in her eyes.

Faced with such a situation, Zhou Sicheng held the steering wheel with one hand, and Gu Yue's hand with the other hand and said softly, "Yueyue, little girl will have her own life when she grows up."

"then what do I do?"

"You still have me. No matter what happens, I will be with you and will not be separated from you."

"Okay, then don't lie to me!"

"Do not worry."

Under Zhou Sicheng's warm words of comfort, Gu Yue's state relaxed a lot, and his mood naturally improved a lot.

The two happily enjoyed life.

But when the two of them are in a good mood, Mrs. Wednesday's house is not so easy.

Zhou Yu has already informed his family of his decision to divorce, and there is no room for change on the surface.

Mrs. Zhou has always disliked Chen Rong, so she naturally agrees with Zhou Yu's decision.

But Uncle Zhou appreciated the ability of Zhou's daughter-in-law very much, and thought that if Zhou Yu separated from her, it would be difficult to find a more suitable one.

So he frowned and said, "Yu'er, marriage is an important matter, you should consider it carefully, and don't make a hasty decision. And Jiabao is still so young, you have to think about him."

Mrs. Zhou said immediately, "Jiabao, I will take care of it, don't worry! Besides, Yu'er was too careless when she got married, and divorce is the right thing to do now."

Facing Mrs. Wednesday's short-sighted statement, Uncle Wednesday immediately frowned, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Where did I talk nonsense? A person like Chen Rong who came from a small family, how can he be worthy of Yu'er?"

"According to your statement, are you not worthy of me?"

"You... You are rich and powerful now, and you don't like me anymore? You want to right your little lover outside, don't you? Let me tell you..."

Seeing that the matter that originally belonged to Zhou Yu and Chen Rong was about to have a conflict between Mrs. Zhou and Uncle Zhou, Zhou Yu stopped them.


The voice of a sentence is not high, but Mrs. Zhou still shut up. She looked at Uncle Zhou with resentment and did not speak again.

Uncle Wednesday shook his head helplessly, and at the same time heaved a long sigh.

Faced with such a situation, Zhou Yu said quietly, "Mom and Dad, I have considered this matter carefully. You may not support it, but you cannot stop it."

Hearing these words, Mrs. Zhou was obviously overjoyed, and Uncle Wednesday's frown became even tighter.

Uncle Zhou was silent for a few seconds, then said, "What about Jiabao?"

This time Zhou Yu didn't speak, but focused on Chen Rong.

Chen Rong felt his gaze, and slowly raised her head to meet his gaze, with a smile on her face, but misty eyes, "You want to tell me that you won't want Jiabao, right? ?”

In a word, Mrs. Wednesday and Uncle Wednesday were shocked at the same time.

Regarding Zhou Yu and Chen Rong's divorce, they were actually shocked.

After all, in the eyes of others, they have always been a loving couple, and they are very harmonious, there is no discord between them, but now they are suddenly going to divorce.

That's all, Zhou Yu is not ready to have a child yet?

Under such circumstances, Zhou Yu didn't hesitate at all, "Yes, I told you clearly at the time, I don't care about this child."

"You don't care?"

Chen Rong thought she could bear it, but when she heard his words, tears still fell, and her whole body revealed a breath of despair, "He is your son, your flesh and blood, how can you bear it?" Do this to him?"

"Yes, he is my own flesh and blood, isn't it yours? From the very beginning, you should have known about today's situation, and you insisted on letting him go through this..."

"No!" Chen Rong interrupted him sharply, "Zhou Yu, if you give up your heart, I will never divorce you!"

After dropping these words, she turned around and walked upstairs.

Seeing such a situation, Mrs. Zhou was a little dumbfounded, "Yu'er, you are divorced, and mother has no objection, how can you not want Jiabao? That is our grandson! We can't!"

"Mom, there will be more children in the future..."

"No. The eldest son and grandson, Jiabao must never be given to others!"

Mrs. Zhou has always attached great importance to the matter of blood.

She always felt that she could gain a firm foothold in the Zhou family because she had Zhou Yu.Since Zhou Yu decided to divorce Chen Rong, she absolutely cannot give Chen Rong a chance to come back.

And cutting off the bond between Chen Rong and Jiabao is to cut off the relationship between Chen Rong and the Zhou family to the greatest extent!
Thinking of this, she resolutely sent it, "Jiabao can only stay at home!"

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