Before Mo Yuan could react, he saw Mr. Li standing up abruptly, walking towards the door with a slightly gloomy expression, clearly showing nervousness.

"President Li?" He subconsciously said.

Li Jingyan didn't turn back: "You should rest."

Mo Yuan watched helplessly as he opened the door and left.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly understood, besides his wife, who else could make Boss Li lose his composure like this?


He couldn't help sighing.

Although he couldn't understand what happened between Mr. Li and his wife, from his perspective as an outsider, Mr. Li and his wife were not what they used to be.

A lot has changed.

When can they go back to the past?

Mo Yuan shook his head, couldn't help but sighed and worried for them.

Li Jingyan hurried all the way, he saw Li Yan standing at the door.

"How is she? Did you call the doctor?" He said with a hoarse voice.

Li Yan shook her head, afraid that he would be too worried, and said in a low voice, "It's not a high fever, it's nothing serious, she's been sleeping all this time, I asked you to come in and take care of her."

Li Jingyan looked at her.

Li Yan pondered for two seconds before turning to other topics: "More than a year ago, she promised me that I would be fine, and she made a decision to let go of the past and start a new life."

"At that time, her condition was very bad. I think you should be able to guess. Now it seems that the knot is still there."

When the point was reached, she didn't continue, but turned sideways to let him in.

Li Jingyan understood what she meant.

"Thank you," he said at last, deep and dumb, with dark eyes, "I'll ask Mo Yuan to arrange a room for you."

Wasting no time, he opened the door and went in.

Li Yan stood there for a while, then slowly walked in other directions.

At this moment, the mobile phone I brought out vibrated.

She saw that Tang Yu had sent her a wechat message.

However, he withdrew it.

In the dialog box, it was displayed that the other party was typing, but after a long time, there was no more.

Li Yan didn't take the initiative to reply.

She put away her phone and prepared to continue walking, but for some reason, her feet seemed to be stuck suddenly and she couldn't move.

Next to it is the wall.

Dazed for a while, she leaned against the wall, unconsciously scratching the screen with her fingertips.

In the end, I don't know how long it took, as if she had suddenly made a decision, she unlocked her phone, opened WeChat again, and entered the dialog box with Tang Yu.

The moment the message was sent, the phone vibrated.

He called and came in.


Li Jingyan went into the bedroom.

Li Yan prepared everything, there were things on the bedside table to help reduce the fever, and the person on the bed had his eyes closed, his brows were furrowed, his forehead was sweating, and he was not sleeping soundly.

Li Jingyan pursed her thin lips tightly.

After taking the thermometer, he first took her body temperature, just now Li Yan said it was not a high fever, but now the temperature is obviously higher.

Without hesitation, he put down the thermometer, turned around and went to the bathroom, took a clean towel and moistened it with water, then returned to the bed, sat down beside her, and gently wiped the sweat off her forehead.

After wiping, he got up and went back to the bathroom.

When he came back, he planned to physically cool her down first, but found that she was still wearing the same clothes as when he met her, and was already wet with sweat. He was afraid that he would catch cold again, so he immediately went to find her nightgown.

The suitcase was not far away, he found a set, quickly and carefully changed her body, and then wiped her body and put on her nightgown.

After doing all this, she still didn't wake up, her brows were still frowning.

Li Jingyan's eyes darkened a bit.

Soon, he went to pour a glass of warm water and came back.

After carefully checking the antipyretics on the bedside table, he made sure that they were not expired and that she could take them. Then he sat down by the bed, helped her up, and let her lean against him.

The quilt gently pulled up to wrap her tightly.

Li Jingyan lowered her head and coaxed in a low voice: "Shi Huan, open your mouth and take a fever-reducing medicine."

He wasn't sure if she could hear her.

"Shi Huan..." He called her again, "Wake up, eat..."

Before the words of medicine could be uttered, her lips moved in her eyes.

She opened her mouth.

As if conscious, as if half asleep.

Li Jingyan rolled her Adam's apple, and handed the medicine in her palm to her mouth.

"Take medicine."

Seeing that she was obedient, he swallowed the medicine with Wen Baikai, and his throat moved.

"Shi Huan?" Anticipation suddenly rose in his heart, and Li Jingyan called her name in a low voice, his voice tense.

But, she didn't respond again.

The hope was in vain, but it took only a few seconds for him to adjust his emotions, gently let her lie back on the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

Her brow was still furrowed.

Li Jingyan sat on the bed, looking at her deeply.

After a while, he raised his hand and gently stroked the center of her brow, pressing gently and gently, trying to smooth her wrinkles.

She seemed to be a little repelled, the moment his fingers touched, he clearly and keenly felt that her brows frowned even tighter, and her body tensed up a little.

He didn't stop.

Rubbing and rubbing, slowly, he could feel her body less tense.

Not daring to stop, and unwilling to stop, he just stared at her, reluctant to take his eyes off her face, his movements were gentle.

After a long time, her eyebrows completely relaxed.

With no reason to continue, Li Jingyan finally stopped, retracted her hand, got up and went to the bathroom to wet a towel to physically cool her down.

Back and forth, several times.

Always delicate and gentle.


Mu Shihuan had a very long dream.

Since she came to Pingcheng, she hadn't had such a long dream for a long time. In other words, apart from the dream of Li Jingyan a few days ago, this was the second time she dreamed of him in such a long time.

In fact, dreams come and go, dreams are roughly the same.

The first meeting during the undercover period, the enthusiasm and joy of young love at that time, and the reunion with him later, his cruel bullying, she obviously hated it but fell in love with it again, and then was deceived and had an accident...

Reunion, torture each other, accident again...

Some clips are clear, others are blurry.

Later, the scene changed, and it became the reunion today.

The two people who are no longer the same as before are entangled again.

This dream is too long.

It's all about him, and only about him.

And in the dream, she seemed to hear his voice, he called her Shi Huan.

The address is also like a person, it has changed, just because of the different mood.

She couldn't tell whether it was him calling her in the dream or in reality, but she could vaguely feel that she was sick and very uncomfortable, so she obediently opened her mouth when she heard the word take medicine.

Subconsciously feel that the medicine will be very bitter, but after swallowing it, I don't seem to cry so much.

In a trance, she felt that she was moved and lay back to a soft place, maybe a bed, but it was no longer a hard thing.

It seemed that someone was watching her.

Her hand was held, and she wanted to withdraw it reflexively, but she couldn't break free because she was sick and weak or was held too tightly.

She gave up.

But in the next moment, it seemed that there was an attack of breath that overwhelmed her.

A man's breath.


There was an all-too-familiar name that wanted to rush out, but Mo Shihuan avoided it, and after that, he couldn't remember it anymore.

so tired.

So sad.

Drowsy, she fell asleep again and was haunted by dreams again.

This sleep seems very long.

Finally getting rid of the dream, Mo Shihuan blinked his eyelashes, and opened his eyes very tiredly.

She was in a trance for a few seconds before her eyes slowly regained focus.

Then, she saw the figure of the man——

Sitting on the ground, Li Jingyan, who seemed to be asleep beside the bed, held hers in his hand.

It turned out that it was not an illusion.

Under the quilt, her hand was indeed held by him, as if his warmth was traveling on her skin.

Inexplicably, the tip of his heart seemed to be stabbed by something sharp, and Mo Shihuan subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand.

When he moved, he woke up.

Almost at the same time, he raised his head and met her eyes.

There was no color on her face.

The Adam's apple rolled, Li Jingyan let go of her hand, pulled it back, got up without saying a word, took the thermometer on the bedside table to take her temperature.

Still a little burnt, but much better than last night.

Seeing from the corner of her eye that she seemed to want to sit up, Li Jingyan frowned, put down the thermometer without saying a word, helped her up one step faster, and put the pillow behind her waist for her to lean on.

Afterwards, he took the water glass on the bedside table and wanted to pass it to her, but after realizing something, he frowned and said in a hoarse voice, "Wait a minute."

He leaves with the cup.

Soon, go back and forth, with a glass of water at a suitable temperature.

Li Jingyan handed it to her.

Mu Shihuan slightly lowered his head and didn't look at him, nor did he answer.

Li Jingyan maintained the posture of handing the water, and after a long time, he was the first to lose the cup and withdrew his hand.

"How do you feel?" he asked, staring at her profile.

Mu Shihuan didn't answer.

Li Jingyan was not surprised, but even though he had this kind of psychological preparation, it was inevitable that an unspeakable sense of disappointment still passed through his heart.

"I asked the hotel to bring porridge over, go wash up, it's better for your health to eat something." He changed the subject, unconsciously gentle.

His eyes kept falling on himself.

Mu Shihuan wanted to ignore, wanted to talk, but was too tired, his throat was hoarse and astringent, and he couldn't make any sound.

After a while, she lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

Li Jingyan has been paying attention to her situation, and when he sensed her movements for the first time, he bent down and hugged her horizontally on conditioned reflex.

For Mu Shihuan, he was caught off guard.

The body tenses up.

Li Jingyan felt it, but he just pretended not to know, and instead asked: "Do you want to go to the bathroom? I'll carry you there."

Seeing that she didn't answer, and didn't wait for her to answer, he turned and walked towards the bathroom, put her down on the chair, and then hurried back to get her slippers.

"I'll wait for you outside," he said.

Without staying longer, he backed out in good time and closed the door for her.

From the time she woke up until now, the oppressive atmosphere gradually became stronger, even though it seemed to be much better on the surface, after all, she didn't repel him like last night.

But Li Jingyan knew that this was actually not a good phenomenon.

He narrowed his eyes and waited silently.

I don't know how long it took, maybe a long time, the door was finally pushed open.

She came out.

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