After putting the things back in the room, Li Yan turned around and went back the same way, wanting to pick up Shi Huan, and also wanted to hang out with her.

But she didn't expect to see this scene——

Shi Huan's hand suddenly raised, and hit Li Jingyan's side face hard.

There was a crisp sound.


Her hands were shaking, as was her body.

She turned around to leave, but at this moment, their eyes met.

"Shi Huan." Sighing in her heart, worry welling up, she called her to stop.

Mu Shihuan inexplicably felt his eye sockets heat up rapidly, as if he was about to cry, and she wanted Yanyan to take her away.

"Smoke smoke..."

The hand was strangled heavily.

He grabbed her again, regardless.

Li Yan also noticed Li Jingyan's movements. Before Shi Huan could speak, she looked at her and said softly, "Do you still remember what I told you the first night in Pingcheng?"

Mu Shihuan suddenly bit his lip tightly.

"After finishing speaking, send her back." Li Yan said to Li Jingyan with sideways eyes.

After finishing speaking, she took one last look at Shi Huan, turned around and walked back and forth.

Mu Shihuan wanted to call her to stop, but couldn't make a sound.

Her body trembled violently.

And she didn't seem to have a chance to break free, caught off guard, Li Jingyan behind him picked her up and walked in different directions.

Almost at the same time, Mu Shihuan's body tensed up to the extreme, and the blood in his body stopped flowing in an instant, including the temperature disappearing in an instant.

too close.

His breath, his body, all touched her.

As if to completely submerge her.

Li Jingyan noticed that her body was stiff and tense like never before.

The exclusion is clear.

This is a situation that has never happened since they met, including when she came back from an accident and she hated herself so much.

The throat was blocked at once, and the bitterness was heavy.

"Let go." He heard her voice without warm disgust.

Li Jingyan half closed his eyes.

He said: "No matter what I do, no matter if I let you go or take you away, you will hate me, and you will always be hated by you. If that is the case, why don't I be a villain to the end."

The voice is extremely hoarse.

And the pace under his feet is getting faster and faster.

As if, as long as he walked fast enough, she couldn't stop him.

Fortunately, the room Mo Yuan arranged for him was not far away.

He arrived before his heart fluttered and pounded like it was going to spin out of control.

Pushing the door open with one hand, he carried her in, closed the door with his feet, and locked it at the same time.

Cut off from the outside world, the silence in the room became particularly obvious, especially in this case, the breathing of the two couldn't be more clear.

Li Jingyan wanted to put her on the sofa, and walked there with long legs, but he was keenly aware of the most subtle changes——

She is crying.

Although silent, he just felt it.

So he lowered his eyes.

With just one glance, the heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp object.

Blood dripping.

She's really, really crying.

Tears were streaming down her face uncontrollably, her expression was still the same as before, as if... already numb, her heart was ashamed.

It seemed that nothing could make her mood fluctuate.

And she hit him, she shed tears, not because of him.

His steps became heavy, he couldn't move, he froze in place for a few seconds, and finally, he moved.

—He took her to the bathroom.

Carefully placing her on the sink, pinching her waist with one hand to prevent her from leaving, Li Jingyan quickly took a clean towel with the other hand, moistened it and gently wiped around the corners of her eyes.

He was so cautious, he never took his eyes off her, and the distance between him and her was very close.

Whether it was his original clear breath or the pleasant smell of light men's perfume, they all floated in Mu Shihuan's nose, and she finally came back to her senses.

A hand on the sink was clenched suddenly, one by one, and the knuckles began to turn white.

As she came back to her senses, those uncontrollable emotions seemed to start to stir again.

want to go.

Don't want to, don't see him again.

The thoughts in her mind were so clear, and her rejection of him was so strong, she raised her hand to push him away.

However, her hand was not even in the air—

The man's arms hugged her tightly.

The chest is hard, carrying his temperature.

His chin was against her hair.

Mu Shihuan's body became stiff again little by little.

She still wanted to push him away, and she felt that she couldn't stand the strong emotion.

But suddenly, she found that she couldn't move, and she didn't have the strength to push him away.

Trying to raise my hand, but to no avail, and trying to make a sound, also to no avail.

It seemed that she could only be held in his arms and let his breath envelope her.

Realizing this, Mo Shihuan's breathing gradually became short of breath, and those wiped away tears seemed to have a tendency to flow out again.

Chest tightness, too uncomfortable.

So she bit her lip, very hard, even if it would bleed, she didn't care.

But, it's still useless.

Her emotions had already been out of control unconsciously, even though she thought she was well in control.

Li Jingyan held her with one hand, and the hand holding the towel rested on the sink, the veins on the back of the hand were prominent.

He could clearly perceive her changes.

No one spoke, and there was no other sound except the rhythmic breathing of the two of them.

One second, two seconds...

I don't know how long it has been.

For a moment, Li Jingyan really wanted to stop time so that he could hold her until eternity.

He clearly knew that she would not forgive him easily, or rather, she would never forgive him again.

But he still wants to try.

I don't expect her to forgive, I just hope to untie her knot and let her vent.

So, he still broke the silence and said, "I'm sorry to send you away."

The throat was tight, extremely obscure, and every word was difficult and heavy to speak.

And after he finished speaking, he clearly noticed that her body tensed even more.

Explanation is the most useless thing. In the past, he never bothered to explain, but at this moment, he was flustered and at a loss, his heart was lifted high, and the feeling could not be described exactly.

He said the most useless and disdainful explanation: "At the beginning..."

"No need to explain."

Her words interrupted him directly, cold, emotionless words.

Li Jingyan's body stiffened slightly.

Mu Shihuan didn't open her eyes, she closed them. Anyway, even if she opened her eyes, all she could see was his chest.

Everything was covered by him.

That being the case, why bother.

If you can't see him, that's fine.

Moving her lips, she continued, extremely eerily calm: "No need to explain, no need to thank you, I don't blame you."


"It's the truth," she added. "On the contrary, I should thank you. After all, we had nothing to do with each other at the time. You thought about it for me and blocked the danger for me. Why should I blame you?"

No emotion can be revealed in every word.

Or rather, she has no emotions.

Li Jingyan's body became more and more stiff, and the temperature seemed to be dropping gradually.

Finally, she said: "I don't hate you even more."

She spoke the calmest words, and her physical condition returned to normal, but these were nothing more than needles, piercing his heart again with determination and indifference.

He clearly knew that what she said was not the truth, but he couldn't say it, and it seemed that he couldn't refute it.

He suddenly didn't dare to think, what would she look like if he insisted?
He was actually scared.

Over the years, the number of times I have been afraid is very few, but every time it has something to do with her.

Only about her.

"Really?" he heard himself ask hoarsely.

Mu Shihuan closed his eyes, his eyelashes fluttered, and said without hesitation, "Yes."

However, even though she tried her best to restrain herself, even if she told herself over and over again that this person had nothing to do with her, and all the past had long since passed, her voice still trembled undetectably.

"I don't blame you, I don't hate you." She repeated, not knowing who she was convincing.

Li Jingyan's hand that was propped on the sink was clenched even tighter, and the veins jumped as if they would burst in the next second.

What he could see when he opened his eyes was a bright and neat mirror.

In the mirror, he hugged her, and she looked very intimate in his arms, like a long-lost lover.

Her back is very straight.

He looked at it, and said in a deep voice to himself: "Chi Hua was by Yu Linshang's side. She was injured at that time, but she is already healed now. If you want to see her, she will come to Pingcheng in a while."

He almost didn't pause to say the next sentence, because he was afraid that she would refuse, or that she would not care if it was over.

"You used to know her, but you don't remember her." The implication is that Chi Hua and her have similar identities.

Mu Shihuan didn't make a sound, as if there was no response.

Li Jingyan said again: "Little Xingxing..."

Mu Shihuan's fingertips trembled suddenly.

She and he knew that Little Xingxing was not their child.

"Little Xingxing is indeed not Yu Linshang's child," Li Jingyan looked at her back in the mirror, his voice became hoarse, "Yu Linshang's grandfather died of illness, I entrusted Xiao Xingxing to Tang Yu's care, if you want to see her , I asked Tang Yu to send her over."

What he didn't say was that if there was no news of Xiao Xingxing's biological mother, he would adopt her.

To be exact, the most sincere thought in his heart is to adopt Little Xingxing together with her.

She likes little Xingxing, and little Xingxing also likes to rely on her so much.

It was as if Mu Shihuan's throat was suddenly blocked by something, and even her head started buzzing.

For a time, many clips flashed.

Clear and blurry.

Suddenly, his next sentence floated into her ears: "As for Yu Linshang..."

"Needless to say!" said suddenly, Mo Shihuan's voice interrupted him tensely.

Breathe, sink.

She doesn't want to hear any more.

Shouldn't have listened.

The eyelashes kept trembling, and suddenly, she raised her head from his chest, raised her face and looked at him, and paused every word: "Even if you tell me all the details, it's meaningless."

"What do you want, tell me how good you are, and solve everything by yourself? Or force me to face the past?"

"Didn't Tang Yu tell you why I left Jiangcheng? I didn't even want to look at you when you were unconscious. Don't you know?"

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