After being separated for too long, she won't let go again if she has it again, no matter what, even if she hates him to the bone.

He won't let her go again.

The possessive desire deep in the flesh and blood was rampant, at this moment, Li Jingyan instinctively wanted more.


Caught off guard a bite, the pain spread.

She tried her best, and the faint smell of blood spread again.

Li Jingyan opened his eyes.

Her cold and disgusted eyes were so clear and piercing at the same time, the two of them were breathing rapidly, but there was no ambiguity or charm at all, only indescribable coldness.

The tip of my heart trembled.

Li Jingyan looked at her deeply, and wanted to reach out to touch her face, but the next second...


She was bent over, retching, and her face was extremely ugly.

Li Jingyan's body froze suddenly!
She was vomiting, so uncomfortable.

because of him.

A hand hanging by his side was quietly clenched, the meridians on the back of the hand were faintly jumping, and Li Jingyan's thin lips straightened into a straight line.

He wanted to lift her up.

But, she escaped.

"President Li," Mo Shihuan barely suppressed the feeling of bad habits, leaning back against the pillow, his face was weak but he still managed to pull out a provocative smile, "Are you satisfied?"

Li Jingyan remained silent.

There is a vice in my heart, and even more anger, even though I told myself not to be influenced by anyone before I came back, but at this moment, Mu Shihuan couldn't hold back after all, let alone control that emotion.

Raising her eyes, she reminded with a sneer: "President Li, I hope you know that even if you and I are still husband and wife, if you force me against my will, I can sue you."

She actually said every word lightly, but it happened that this tone was like a sharp knife, stabbing Li Jingyan's heart hard.

She is relentless.

Li Jingyan met her eyes, and finally said: "What are you accusing me of? Marriage rape? Violence? Mrs. Li, so you still remember our marital status."

Restraining and restraining, he does not show the mountains and dews, and his emotions have not changed a bit.

Mu Shihuan looked at him, and after a long while, she raised the corners of her lips: "President Li, please get out, and don't make me feel sick again, huh?"

Words stamp the heart.

The dull pain spreads and lasts for a long time.

Li Jingyan didn't move, still staring at her deeply.

Obviously she was right in front of him, but at this moment, he still felt that there were thousands of mountains and rivers between him and her, as if they would never be crossed, even though they were only separated for a short time.

But those times...

"Mu Shihuan, let's talk." He said.

There was still a smile on the corner of Mu Shihuan's lips, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all, instead it was very cold and ruthless.

"Are you talking about divorce? Yes." She responded provocatively.

The implication is that nothing else is discussed.

How could Li Jingyan not know.

A thick haze covered his eyes, his heart was clenched tightly and he couldn't breathe. He restrained himself, and then spoke again, his voice was a bit hoarse after all: "There is no cheating, no white moonlight."

The air seemed to stand still for two seconds.

Then, Mo Shihuan smiled wantonly, looking straight at him and smiling.

"President Li," she pretended to sigh softly, her tone seemed to be extremely contemptuous, "I don't want to know if you cheated on me, and I don't want to know if you have Bai Yueguang, these have nothing to do with me."

She paused: "Even if what you said is true, but Mr. Li, have you forgotten that it is true that I was used by you to plot, and it is true that I almost died because of you, and it is also true that you hate me real."

The memory was in a trance for a short two seconds, as if thinking of the past.

But in the past, it would only remind her how stupid she is.

"Li always wants to tell me that you love me?" Looking at him for a moment, the smile in her eyes deepened, "Do you think I will be fooled by you again?"

The brighter her smile is, the colder the temperature will be.

Until, her next sentence fell——

"Li Jingyan, you clearly...are a heartless man."

"Shi Huan!"

At the same time, the door was pushed open, and Li Yan's trembling voice came from worry.

Mu Shihuan withdrew his gaze from Li Jingyan.

"Yanyan." She looked towards the door, and wanted to ask how she knew she was hospitalized, but when she caught a glimpse of her red eyes, she couldn't continue speaking in a brisk tone.

At the end, she sighed silently in her heart.

"Yanyan, I'm fine." She looked at her and comforted her softly.

Li Yan stood where she was, without moving.

She was obviously holding back something.

Mo Shihuan looked sideways, looking at Li Jingyan who was standing there with a smile or not: "Why, Mr. Li is still not leaving because he intends to stay and listen to what the girls have to say?"

Four eyes facing each other.

She smiled at Yanyan, his eyes were gloomy, and the dark tide surged in his eyes.

The more she laughed, the deeper the saber pierced his heart.

Finally, he turned and left.

Walking outside the door, the faces of Rong Xiuhan and Tang Yu came into view.


In the ward.

Mu Shihuan pretended to sigh: "You won't be pretty if you cry anymore, your makeup is already worn out, I won't coax you."

Her tone was light and cheerful, and she didn't seem to be tortured by illness in the slightest.

But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Li Yan felt. She knew that Shi Huan was trying to comfort her and didn't want her to be overburdened.

"Aren't you coming over yet? Do you want me to invite you?" Mo Shihuan raised his lips, and then spoke in a more resentful tone, "But I'm a patient now, how can you bear it, Yanyan?"

Li Yan finally walked over.

Mu Shihuan reached out to her.

Li Yan sniffed, but didn't reach out.

With a "puchi", Mo Shi laughed out loud.

"Tsk," she joked, "What's wrong with Miss Li? How many times have you shed tears since we met last night, huh? You were not like this before, or do you love me too much?"

Seeing that she was still in a joking mood, and her ugly face was not too much, Li Yan's heart that had been hanging all the way finally returned to its original place.

But in the end, she still blamed herself.

"Since you can't eat spicy food, why do you force yourself?" Unable to hold back, she said angrily, "Don't you know what's going on with your own body? Why do you torture your body like this? Don't you want to recover?"

No one knows what kind of mood she felt when she woke up and couldn't get through to her phone, and rushed to the hotel to be told that the ambulance took her away last night.

How scared she was at that moment, no one knew.

In this world, now she only has time to love, and there are no other relatives or people who care about her.

If something happens to Shihuan...

A strong sourness suddenly surged into her eyes, and in an instant, her eyes became even redder.

"Okay, I promise there will be no next time, absolutely not." Mo Shihuan held her hand, patted the back of her hand, stroked it again, and finally said, "I'm sorry for making you worry."


The rooftop of the hospital.

This year's winter in Jiangcheng was extremely cold, with a blustery wind, as if a knife had been stabbed in the face.

The wind blows, and the blue and white smoke floats in it.

No one spoke.

Li Jingyan and Tang Yu smoked in silence, while Rong Xiuhan looked ahead.

After a long time, he was the first to break the silence: "Mu is she?"

After the voice fell, the atmosphere seemed to have changed.

Tang Yu's smoking action paused, his eyes darkened, and he subconsciously looked at the man beside him.

The scarlet between her fingers flickered, Li Jingyan indifferently took the last puff, and then lit another one.

The smog gradually made his face more blurred and impenetrable.

Just when Rong Xiuhan thought that he would remain silent forever, he heard his extremely hoarse and deep voice that was so tense that it was indescribable——

"She said that she is almost a useless person now."

After listening carefully, there was an unprecedented tremor.

Rong Xiuhan's throat suddenly seemed to be blocked and he couldn't make a sound, especially Tang Yu.

It's quiet on the roof.

Li Jingyan took another puff of cigarette, his handsome figure was extraordinarily tense, his eyes were extremely cold, and when he spoke again, his voice became calm again, so calm that it was terrifying——

"She said she had been lying in the hospital for several months and couldn't wake up. What the doctor meant...was that she might never wake up again at any time. Her body couldn't wake up, but her brain was replaying the details of the accident over and over again. "

The stimulation of nicotine invaded the internal organs, and his expression became more and more calm.

"She said she was afraid of the cold and pain, but that day... I went through it all." He took a deep breath of cigarettes and continued, "The first thing she did when she woke up was to come back and divorce me, even if the doctor said she would Lie down and rest well, she still wants to come back and divorce me... "

Li Jingyan has never been a person who would open up his heart, even when facing the best and most trustworthy brothers, his childhood experience and later mission career made him unable to express himself.

He always thought that there was nothing to say.

But at this moment, for the first time, he actually had a strong desire to confide, and deep down in his heart, he didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that he was actually afraid.

"She said," the cigarette was still smoking calmly, and every word he continued seemed to be calm, "she doesn't love me anymore."

The moment the words fell, the smoke burning between Tang Yu's fingers scalded his skin.

However, he didn't feel any pain, only regret and suffering.

He wanted to turn his head to look at Li Jingyan, but he had no strength or courage.

His body froze, he didn't move, the nerves in his whole body seemed to tense up, and then they were sharpened unexpectedly.

He moved his lips, but couldn't make a sound.

Rong Xiuhan glanced at him, and sighed silently in his heart. Then, he put his hand on Li Jingyan's shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "Did you explain to her? She has a knot in her heart that needs you to untie it, and she needs medicine for her heart disease." ,she……"

The rest of the words, for some reason, got stuck in my throat.

Rong Xiuhan thought belatedly, even if he explained it, it would be futile. Mo Shihuan had made up his mind to get a divorce, and how could a simple misunderstanding between them be described.

after all……

Suddenly, Rong Xiuhan thought of another thing.

"Perhaps, the past between you and Mu Shihuan can..."

"She didn't remember." He said coldly.

Rong Xiuhan didn't react for a while.

Li Jingyan took a puff of cigarette, and slowly exhaled the smoke ring. He didn't know whether it was self-deprecation or self-loathing, he said: "She didn't remember the memory of our first meeting, she didn't remember that we had children, she forgot me..."

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