The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 42 Wei Bei's Story

Tian Xiaoxiao, who hurried back to China, had just sent Sun back to the ward in China, and rushed to the trainees to rehearse singing and dancing.The stage of their debut song is coming soon, Tian Xiaoxiao still resists because she still has a child in her stomach.

But now that he has made his debut, he doesn't care about any children. Although Tian Xiaoxiao is sad, he still has to keep smiling. It's okay not to have this child.

On the day of her debut, Tian Xiaoxiao put on the sky blue dress given by Sun, still wearing a mask, and sang and danced their debut single "Song of the Wind and Snow" with the other three members.

In fact, the first version of this song was made by a person named Qianxixiao.

With my back to you I looked up at the sky
hope to hide my sorrow
You patted my shoulder lightly and waved your hand
You really gotta say goodbye to me

At this time, the sky was suddenly covered with a cloud of haze

i turned around and looked at you

The present and the past overlap with you in front of my eyes
Finally they're all blurred like you
Your back is getting further and further away

I'll never see you again after the farewell I know
I suppressed the tears in my eyes and waved goodbye to you

I - I - I - and you

Goodbye, farewell, I will miss you, don't forget me
Everything in front of you is proof of you and me, right?

With my back to you I looked up at the sky
hope to hide my sorrow
You patted my shoulder lightly and waved your hand
You really gotta say goodbye to me

At this time, the sky was suddenly covered with a cloud of haze

i turned around and looked at you

The memory scene is still repeating my you

Goodbye, farewell, I will miss you, don't forget me

For the child, Tian Xiaoxiao thinks it is best if he can, but the child...compared with responsibility, responsibility is more important, at least for Tian Xiaoxiao.

After the night of her debut, Tian Xiaoxiao sent another friend to the hospital, that friend was Cao Zhuoya, and Yaya quietly committed suicide by cutting her wrists.

Yaya is sick... It's a heart disease, because her favorite boy committed suicide. After Weibei's college entrance examination, he had already entered the university of his dreams. How could he suddenly commit suicide?

Lying on the hospital bed, Cao Zhuoya looked at the ceiling and said, "Wei Bei's departure is as silent as his arrival." Tian Xiaoxiao wanted to ask something but was taken away by the doctor. The doctor told Tian Xiaoxiao not to ask So many things will worsen Cao Zhuoya's mild depression and make him do more aggressive behaviors.

Tian Xiaoxiao knew that Cao Zhuoya was hospitalized this time because of Wei Bei, but he didn’t know why Wei Bei committed suicide until Cao Zhuoya’s agency gave Tian Xiaoxiao several diaries of Wei Bei, please Tian Xiaoxiao wait for Cao Zhuoya to feel better before going Turn it over to her.

Opening Wei Bei's diary full of despair hit Tian Xiaoxiao...

A large part of the reason for Wei Bei's suicide was because of his native family. He was excellent in character and learning but lived an unhappy life since he was a child. Although his mother was rich, she was actually a mistress.

As an illegitimate child, Wei Bei was not treated well by his father's family and was not recognized by his grandparents. Wei Bei had a half-sister who looked very similar to Cao Zhuoya, but that sister was also not treated well by his father's family because he was patriarchal.

My sister left home very early to go abroad, so Wei Bei was already moved when she saw Cao Zhuoya for the first time, those eyes are really similar.

Wei Bei's mother was born in poverty, and Wei Bei's grandparents passed away very early, so the mother put all her spiritual sustenance on Wei Bei.

Wei Bei is also very competitive in character and learning, but the only bad thing is that he is too good-looking.

Wei Bei wrote in his diary that he was at the same table in the first grade of junior high school:
My deskmate is a very beautiful girl, she always asks me some study questions and I am happy to do it.On Valentine's Day, she gave me a piece of Dove chocolate out of nowhere and asked me to take it home. As soon as I got home, my mother would open my schoolbag to check whether my homework was finished. She found that piece of chocolate that day.

My mother firmly believes that sticks can educate dutiful sons. She pressed me who gave it to me, but I didn't say anything and endured the pain of being beaten with sticks.

The next day people in the class asked me what was wrong with my face covered in injuries, and I smiled and said that it was because of my own wrestling.When my deskmate asks me questions, I subconsciously stay away from her.

Later, for some reason, she found out that it was my deskmate who gave me chocolates and went straight to school. I have never seen that deskmate since then.

After that, all my deskmates were boys, and I tried my best to stay away from girls.

I don't understand why parents feel that puppy love is wrong all the time, but when they reach a certain age, they will intensify their urges to marry, isn't it funny?

Wei Bei's mother has a bad temper, so Wei Bei has been living a very depressed life, but he is still very good-tempered and has a positive outlook. He said that the kind of child who looks like he was born in an ivory tower, but he was actually born in a mud pond born.

Wei Bei saw his sister's departure with his own eyes. The sister touched Wei Bei's head and said, "Beibei, you must be a good father when you become a parent. If you give birth to a daughter, it must be my sister. You You have to treat her well and not be as bad as our father." With red eyes, the elder sister stumbled out of the house with her suitcase in her red high-heeled shoes.

The next day Wei Bei read in the newspaper that someone had died in a car accident. The scene of the car accident was horrific and a pair of red high-heeled shoes were scattered. Wei Bei guessed that her sister was already a baby and she was still very happy.

Wei Bei felt that his father was really a big villain. He used his money to play with the feelings of two women, his sister's mother and his mother.

Wei Bei didn't want to be a man like his father, Wei Bei tried his best not to have anything to do with his father, but his mother talked about his father all day long, always thinking that as long as Wei Bei studied hard, his father would come back to see the two of them.

After my sister left, my father and my sister's mother divorced. Because she could be in charge, my mother found that my father was so bad that he didn't want to give any woman a title.

Mother still loves father. What does this have to do with Wei Bei?When the mother was pregnant, she married his father's driver in order to register for him, and divorced immediately after he completed the registration.

Wei Bei followed his mother's surname Wei, and Wei Bei didn't want to meet his father, even if he did, he wouldn't call him Dad. He hated this bad man from the bottom of his heart.

Wei Bei described her elegance in this way in his diary:
Today I met the tutor's sister at the tutor's house. The girl is Cao Ya. Her original name was Cao Zhuoya. I really like calling her Yaya.

That girl looks very much like her elder sister. Like her elder sister, she likes to wear a pair of red high heels, but her elder sister is beautiful and gentle. She is not Ya Ya, she is a beautiful and sharp rose with thorns.

The first time I saw her, I felt that the deer was bumping, and I didn't know why I liked her. Maybe it was because she smelled good, or maybe it was because I was superficial and innocent and liked good-looking girls.

I'm afraid of heights, but I'd like to accompany her on a roller coaster ride. After meeting her, I realized that I'm pretty good at climbing over walls. The last time I climbed over walls to give her painkillers, I was like imitating the kind-hearted guy in a TV series.I just don't know if Yaya has a heartbeat?It should be a little exciting, right?
Tian Xiaoxiao felt that as soon as Yaya's diary was mentioned, there was a feeling of seeing the words literally, and it felt like Wei Bei was standing in front of you and smirking at you showing his two cute dimples.

Tian Xiaoxiao patiently watched Wei Bei's life until the end, and his heart became heavier.

When Wei Bei was found by his mother to like a girl, he wrote in his diary like this:
My mother tore up my paintings and deleted Yaya's WeChat, and told me to study hard.I had a big fight with her, because she has been controlling me since I was a child, even if I said that I am already eighteen and can pursue the girl I like, but it doesn't help.

Parents like to put their thoughts on others, I just feel disgusted but I can't do anything, I think my mother promises that I will never look for Yaya again.

But she was asked by me to find Yaya and went directly to her agency. The history is always surprisingly similar.

I'm fed up, I'm sad... But I can't fight it, after all, it's a great thing for Yaya to shine on the stage, I'm willing to put this feeling away.

Wei Bei chose to put away his feelings and prepare for the college entrance examination with peace of mind. Tian Xiaoxiao found some clues of Wei Bei's suicide in his diary.

This is what the diary says:
My mother and I got into endless quarrels. She was in a bad mood recently, probably because my father took another woman instead of her.

I look like my father, so my mother often vents her anger towards my father on me. Even though I am eighteen, she still uses her violence to press on me and sends photos to my father.

My father scolded her as a lunatic, then she became more sad and would drink too much. My mother has a bad liver and can't drink too much. Once I stop her from drinking, a war between us will appear.

The beer bottle hit my head, besides the pain and dizziness, I leaned on the wall to go to the nearest clinic, where the doctor was familiar with my situation and helped me bandage the wound.

My mother will blame herself when she wakes up, but she won't blame herself for long because she will still drink next time, and when she drinks, she will go crazy and then she will hurt people, and after the injury, she will blame herself again.

Wei Bei also wants to stand out, but her mother is the straw that breaks her...

After Tian Xiaoxiao finished reading the diary, she found that her mobile phone rang. It was a news report sent by Micah. After reading it, Tian Xiaoxiao closed the diary and fell into a long period of autism.

18-year-old Wei Mou was a senior high school student with excellent character and academics and had already passed the university of his choice. However, because his mother took drugs, he was pushed down a [-]-story building and died.

Tian Xiaoxiao entered the ward and saw Cao Zhuoya who was already asleep and asked the doctor, "How is my friend?" The doctor shook his head and said, "She is in a bad mood, the wound on her wrist has been bandaged, we just gave her a tranquilizer Barely fall asleep."

Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly wanted to disband their current girl group, after all, there is nothing good... Tian Xiaoxiao remembered the guitar called Jinglong, didn't it say it would bring good luck?Why do crises come one after another?

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