The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 41 Aurora (Tian Xiaoxiao's Perspective)

The reason for the trip to Norway was that she wanted to see the aurora. We joined hands to go to this place we had never been to. We never wanted to talk and open up like this.

Sun said that she was afraid of the cold in winter, so I hugged her, and she said that she was not cold anymore, she said that there had never been such a winter that made her feel warm.

The light in her eyes is like the stars at night in Norway, and the smile on her lips is like Lilian written by Song Dongye.

People often say that there is only one Lilian out of 1 Miss Dong, but Lilian is Lilian and Miss Dong is Miss Dong. What is there to compare with? If I really want to compare, I think there may not be 1 Lilian. A Miss Sun.

My Miss Sun is the dim sun, the Yiren who can only be met occasionally through the autumn water, and the spark shining in the dark night.

In the lodging hotel.

"Smiling and not talking doesn't look good at all." Sun held his chin and looked at me, who was full of thoughts, "Smile, just like me." I looked at Sun's smile and wanted to freeze it in my memory. Her smile never goes away.

I hugged sun to feel the warmth in his cold body, and sun said in a daze, "Why do you hug me every day, smile, won't you get tired?" I shook my head, how can I get tired... people always It is about regretting, caring and protecting the things that are about to pass away.

The owner of the inn is called Ling Che. He is a middle-aged man of Chinese descent. He is tall and thin, with the taste of a Korean drama uncle. It can be vaguely seen from his features that he was a boy at the school grass level when he was in his teens or 20s.

Lingche has a very nice and amiable personality, but he always has that alienated temperament. Lingche often lights a Xuanhemen cigarette and hangs it by his ear, but he has never seen him smoke it. There are not many customers in the store, so when he is free Ling Che would play and sing some old Chinese songs with an acoustic guitar.

Qi Qin's "The Outer World", Jacky Cheung's "Kiss Goodbye" and other old Chinese songs, but I don't know why he only sings farewell and never sings a slightly sweeter song.

Until one day I happened to see a photo in his pocket watch. It was a girl with very long hair. The girl's starry eyes turned slightly and she had two lovely dimples when she smiled. I could hear her voice through the photo. Laugh loudly.

I guess the one in the photo is probably the reason for Lingche to stay in Norway. After returning the pocket watch to Lingche, I didn't ask any further questions. After all, it was the innkeeper's private matter.

"Thank you, this pocket watch is very important to me." Ling Che took the pocket watch with a thankful face, and he could tell that this pocket watch was very important to Ling Che.

I turned around to leave but was stopped by Lingche, who asked me a question.Ling Che said, "What's your relationship with another girl, lover?" I shook my head and then nodded and took off the mask that was always inseparable, "She's my twin sister, so it's okay to call her a lover, after all, if I were I'd love her for a boy."

Ling Che poured me a cup of coffee and made Sun a cup of milk tea, "This coffee is for you, and the milk tea is for that girl, it's free." I thanked Ling Che, "Thank you." The coffee is for sun milk tea, so I asked. , "Why make coffee for me and milk tea for her?"

Lingche replied while packing coffee and coffee for me, "Because patients can't drink coffee, don't think too much because the girl I liked before also has the same complexion as your sister."

Ling Che handed me his pocket watch and said, "Do you want to hear a story?" I nodded, at this time Sun came to me, so the two of us sat on the stool drinking milk tea and coffee and listening to Ling Che's story.

The girl Lingche liked for ten years, they were childhood sweethearts, the girl didn't like Lingche at first and didn't know that Lingche liked her, and when the girl also liked Lingche, she planned to confess her love under the aurora.

So Ling Che resolutely came to Norway with the girl. He didn't know what the girl wanted to do, but the girl let him go.

Lingche and the girl were sitting on an Alaskan sled dog, with snowflakes floating around. It was the first time for two children from the south to see snow. Although it was foreign snow, it didn’t matter as long as there was each other in the cold.

When finally waiting for the aurora to appear, there was an avalanche. At the critical moment, Ling Che was tied to a sled dog by a girl, and the girl pushed Ling Che away.

At the moment when the aurora came, the girl said, "I like you!" The girl disappeared into the snow without a trace like an elf in the snow.

Later, Lingche chose to settle down in Norway and opened a small inn. He decided to stay in Norway with his girl, and led many people who wanted to see the aurora to fly to the light.

Ling Che's story is over, Sun's face is full of tears, it seems that she has been moved by this story, and although I am also touched by this story, my expression is not so sad.

When Lingche told this story, it seemed as if he was telling someone else's story. Lingche's heart should already be in turmoil, right?
I went back to the room with sun. Sun was reading a book and I was posting on Weibo to share this story with more people. I hope that more people can tell love about this matter earlier, so as not to wait for regrets.

After watching Aurora with Sun, there is still a lot of work waiting for me to do, and the debut stage of the girl group did not open because I asked for leave to watch Aurora with Sun.

The name of our girl group is: Xingyue.

There are four members, me, Cao Zhuoya, Yu Na and Zheng Siting, they have already started rehearsing their debut song, and I can only sing the song through the screen.

Tomorrow, I will go to see the aurora with sun. Sun is tossing and turning on the bed because he is so nervous that he can’t sleep. Sun said, “I’m going to see the aurora tomorrow. The head said, "Then wait forever, I am willing to wait with you, what wish do you want to make under the aurora?"

Sun thought for a while and said, "I want you to live happily! By the way," Sun suddenly stopped and looked at me.

I hurriedly asked Sun, "What's the matter?" Sun said, "When you debut on stage, wear the sky blue dress I gave you, you will look good in it." I thought for a while and said, "Of course. "

The next day, I made an appointment with Sun to see the aurora. I was lucky and really saw the aurora that day.

That colorful light turned out to be the legendary aurora, it ranges from light to dark red to green, it floats lightly in the sky like a playful elf, how dreamy and imaginative it is.

Sun made a very sincere wish to Jiguang, "I hope my younger sister Tian Xiaoxiao can live a happy life, and she will never forget me in this life." Sun looked at me and smiled, hugged me this time she The cold body was actually warm.

I touched her forehead and it turned out that she had a fever. I carried her all the way to the inn.

I asked Ling Che for his usual anti-fever medicine, Ling Che handed it to me and asked, "You guys saw the aurora..." I nodded and gave the medicine to Sun, who couldn't swallow it and just vomited it up.

Lingche suggested, "Why don't you crush the pills and pour them into plain water to feed her?" I did as Lingche asked, but the situation was still not optimistic.

I looked at Ling Che flusteredly and asked, "What should I do now, she still can't swallow it." Ling Che made another evil idea, "Why don't you feed your sister, mouth to mouth is like a TV show. .”

In desperation, I put the medicine into my mouth little by little, and gently pushed Sun's mouth away with my hand. I approached her and fed the medicine into her mouth. I felt that Sun's lips were as cold as her body, but the touch Very comfortable.

Looking at the face exactly like mine, I always felt that it was me kissing myself, and the medicine was finally fed.

I seemed to eat her tofu while sun was unconscious. I hugged sun into the room and covered the quilt. I couldn't figure out why sun was so busy with me even though she was not feeling well.

I clicked on Weibo again and posted the photo of seeing the aurora with sun today, with the accompanying text: You and I under the aurora, our sun blue will never change.

When the night was young, I didn't know what to do. I opened WeChat and found that it had exploded, and my schedule was full after that.

I asked Ling Che to borrow his acoustic guitar, and Ling Che said with a smile, "This guitar was even named Jing Long. It has been used for many years, so you can use it if you don't mind."

I tried this guitar called Jinglong and found that the strings of the guitar are very good, "I'll return it to you when I'm done using it, thank you" After finding a place where no one is playing, our debut song, that song The name is Song of the Wind and Snow.

This song was written by the four members of our Xingyue girl group. It talks about dreams and life, but it doesn't talk about love, because members of the girl group can't have love at all.

Sun has been patiently listening to my playing and singing not far away. She praised, "It sounds so good, she is indeed my sister Xiaoxiao." I saw that Sun's coat was not on, so I hurriedly took off the coat for her and blamed her Said, "I don't wear much clothes, I have a fever." I reached out to touch Sun's forehead and it wasn't so hot anymore, I was still worried about carrying the guitar and pulling Sun's hand back into the room.

I took a bucket of warm water and stayed by Sun's side to wipe her body all night. I was really afraid that Sun would leave me now, I don't want to lose my sister.

Even though I already know that she will leave me soon, I still want to spend more time with her. This is my sister, how can I watch her leave me?

I didn't sleep all night and waited until sun's fever subsided. I asked sun, "How long do you want to stay here?" Sun tapped my forehead and said, "Let's go now, you still have so much work." I nodded and started immediately packing luggage.

When we were leaving, Lingche gave me the guitar named Jinglong, and he said he hoped that this guitar would bring me and Sun good luck today.

I thanked you one after another, but I didn't know what to leave as a souvenir for Lingche.Lingche suddenly asked to take a photo of me and sun, "Can I take a group photo for you two?" Sun was very happy when he heard that, "Of course!"

A photo of Sun and I was hung on the wall of the inn by Lingche. There are many photos of different people there, probably more and more people will come here to see the aurora.

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