The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 320 Part 2 Save the World

Ye Zhe, Lin Muxing, and Micah entered the TV broadcasting station that had long been occupied by the Super Power Alliance. This time, those stupid people must be awakened.

"Now I'm starting to post some of the content we took before to prove that ordinary citizens will become an energy system." Lin Muxing began to use the Internet to save the world, listing all kinds of evidence.

What everyone didn't expect was that Lin Muxing's post was deleted in less than a minute, and the government account stolen by the Super League was also listed as a rumor.

Ye Zhe held the X energy in his hand, thinking about whether he should use this energy, so it was too difficult for an ordinary person to fight against those superpowers, but he clearly said that the energy was bad, and he clearly knew that the energy had side effects, but now They are like one after another redundant and useless waste.

Ye Zhe took out the energy tank, but was stopped by Lin Muxing when he was about to take it.

"Ye Zhe, you can't use this energy, because energy is very dangerous. If you need energy, you won't be able to return to your former self." Lin Muxing didn't want to watch Ye Zhe fall, and didn't want to point his sword at Ye Zhe in the end. Zhe.

"I know it's not good to do this, but only evil can defeat evil. Look at the justice we uphold. Is it really the same thing if someone treats him?" If Ye Zhe had a better way, of course he would not choose I have the idea of ​​using this energy, but there is no better way now.

"Stop arguing, both of you. What we should do now is to think about how to change all of this. Be quiet first, I want to record a broadcast." Micah had already decided what to say, and he turned on the recording device .

This time the whole city could hear it.

"Hello everyone, I'm Micah. You haven't heard my voice for a long time, because I haven't filmed or performed recently. The reason is because of those superpowers. No, there should be many people who are dissatisfied with them. Because we are ordinary people, we have no way to fight, we feel that we have no way to change all this, but why do we have to accept it, this is an era where everyone is equal, why should we plunder what we should have.”

Lin Muxing and Ye Zhe looked at Micah, it would be a waste for this guy not to be a speaker.

"I, Micah, use my reputation to test it now. It is an evil crime. If anyone can survive, we will become the energy source for those superpowers. Just now, my teammate posted a post , but it was directly deleted for less than 1 minute, but when there is no channel for us to know the truth, we can only be lambs at the slaughter of others."

However, the gate of the radio station was kicked down, and a group of superpowers surrounded them.

"Can you change anything because of these little tricks? The recording equipment has not been turned off yet. Even if those people know what we want to do in our hearts, will anyone resist?" Among them, the superpowers looked disdainful.

"Gravity Potential Energy!"

Lin Muxing was thrown out by the gravity attack of the superpower, accompanied by the sound of glass breaking. Lin Muxing was thrown from the building on the [-]th floor. Lin Muxing closed his eyes. Is he going to die this time?

"Brother Mu Xing, don't be afraid, I'm here." Tian Xiaoxiao changed into the mentality of the blue giant again, and she caught Lin Muxing.

However, it is still going on above.

"The power of fire!"

"Gravity potential energy!"

However, Ye Zhe was surrounded by a ball of fire, lost gravity and levitated up, and was thrown down the building again. This time, Tian Xiaoxiao, the blue giant, caught him again.

"Eye of Medusa!"

"Gravity potential energy!"

But Micah was directly petrified, and was thrown down from the [-]th floor of the building. This time, Tian Xiaoxiao, the blue giant, caught him again.

"Micah, don't die..." Tian Xiaoxiao looked at the petrified Micah, weeping, the tears fell, and Micah returned to his original appearance.

"Q, how could I have the heart to die and leave you!" Micah wiped Tian Xiaoxiao's tears with a playful smile.

However, the war is about to break out, a duel between humans and superpowers.

"Since you have super powers and I am an ordinary person, then I will use technology to change you!" The ordinary people used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the superpower's flame ability.

Technology has become the only weapon for ordinary people, and they fight against those demonic superpowers one after another.

For those with gravity superpowers, use the crowd tactics, one after another, even if the first is injured, the second is injured, and the third is injured, as long as they can subdue the enemy, that's fine.

They still chose to absorb X energy, and the superpowers also summoned some monsters with abnormal energy.

"Mu Yixuan, it's our turn to play!" Mijia handed Mu Yixuan a sickle, and Mijia held more than a dozen bitter ones.

"Okay, let them witness what the modern god of death is." Mu Yixuan took the white scythe given by Micah. This scythe is Micah's original prop, but it doesn't matter if it can subdue all of them.

"Ye Zhe, let them see how powerful we are, two swords combined!" Lin Muxing has an extra Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, he is the number one swordsman in the world, and his sword hasn't come out of his body for a long time.

"You guys are really idiots. You even use cold weapons. I'm a gunslinger. Forget it. Since you use a sword, I'll use it too." Ye Zhe didn't know why Lin Muxing also got up with the middle school and gave him a sword. This is obviously the Yitian Sword, it's really weird.

Mu Yixuan slashed at the monsters with a sickle, while Micah stepped on the sickle and volleyed into the air to shoot Ku Wu at the heart of the group of monsters. The cooperation between Micah and Mu Yixuan was perfect.

On the other side, Ye Zhe and Lin Muxing actually compared killing monsters.

"I still think I'm stronger, weakling Lin Muxing, what a scum—" Ye Zhe leaned against Lin Muxing, and Ye Zhe cut off the heads of those monsters with his sword again, almost one by one.

"I'm the number one sword in the world, you don't like it, you don't understand my strength at all, just wait and see how I can destroy these monsters!" Lin Muxing's shuriken suddenly split into three, turning into three swords , Three swords were fired together, and one sword directly swept away three monsters.

However, on the other side, Tian Xiaoxiao is in a decisive battle with the strongest superpower.

"A garbage mutant like you dare to fight me?" The strongest superpower said contemptuously. He was already in armor form, and there was a belt around his waist.

"I know I'm trash, but I don't allow you to hurt the people I care about, and this world." Tian Xiaoxiao wanted to protect this world even if he was a monster at this moment.

"Just let me see your strength—" The strongest superpower jumped into the air and turned into an intelligent giant robot, even bigger than Tian Xiaoxiao, the blue giant.

While avoiding the opponent's powerful ray, Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't find a place to attack, but if he didn't attack, he would be defeated sooner or later, as long as there was a little bit of this ray, it would probably turn into ashes.

"An ant is an ant, and you are much worse now." The giant robot kicked Tian Xiaoxiao away, and with this kick, Tian Xiaoxiao turned into a humanoid form.

Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of what Uncle Hui Tailang said, every extreme has a fulcrum, that is the fulcrum that supports everything.

Tian Xiaoxiao was observing the fulcrum while avoiding the attack, and found a light spot in the middle of the robot, Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly felt as if he had discovered something.

Tian Xiaoxiao spread his wings and picked up the gun at his waist to shoot at the light spot, but was blocked.

Tian Xiaoxiao used all the strength in her body. She jumped up and kicked to the fulcrum, and the robot collapsed immediately.

At this moment, Lin Muxing, Ye Zhe, Mu Yixuan, and Micah had already settled everything and came to support Tian Xiaoxiao.

Lin Muxing first used the Xuanyuan Sword to block the light wave attack, while Ye Zhe turned to the strongest superpower and cut the neck of the strongest superpower with a dagger.

However, the strongest superpower actually has a healing function, and the severed throat miraculously healed again, but Ye Zhe was shot.

Lin Muxing also had no time to block the attack, but instead caught Ye Zhe who fell, and took Ye Zhe aside for treatment.

"Lin Muxing, leave me alone to help Micah and the others." Ye Zhe cut open the wound with a dagger, while Lin Muxing helped take out the bullet.

"I'll take care of you first before I can help them." Lin Muxing took out the painkillers and disinfectant in his bag, and gave them all to Ye Zhe.

The battle on the other side was still very fierce. Mu Yixuan's sickle slashed the sky again and cut the strongest superpower with the flame on the knife. There is no way for superhumans to heal everything.

Tian Xiaoxiao turned into a blue giant again. Taking advantage of the strongest superpower, he restrained the opponent's throat, and fell on the ground, but was bounced a few meters away by the rebound attack of the strongest superpower. Transformed into a human form again.

"Are you okay?" Micah caught Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Well, it's okay." After Tian Xiaoxiao smiled, he attacked the most powerful person again.

However, everyone's ability is gone. Now that ability is needed, Mu Yixuan's sickle is broken.

"Our energy seems to be gone, so how should we fight..." Tian Xiaoxiao could no longer turn into a blue giant.

However, for some reason, ordinary citizens began to pray for these fighters, and a meteor shower suddenly fell, landing on Tian Xiaoxiao, Mu Yixuan, Micah, Lin Muxing, and Ye Zhe.

They suddenly felt that the energy in their bodies had recovered, and they could continue to fight again!

"Monster, leave this world!" Mu Yixuan's sickle appeared again, fighting against the world and the evil along with lightning bolts one after another.

"Although this world doesn't like it very much, I won't let you hurt this world!" Ye Zhe firmly held up an ak47 and shot at the strongest superpower.

"Let me show you the strongest swordsman, Heaven and Earth Sword!" The sword in Lin Muxing's hand became stronger and stronger.

"I won't allow you to hurt, the world I love!" Micah stepped on the thorn flower, and the kunai thrown out of his hand was a beautiful arc.

"Although I'm useless, I really want to protect this world—" Tian Xiaoxiao turned into a blue giant again and charged towards the strongest superpower, this time more determined than last time.

Under the attack of various weapons, the strongest superpowers turned into human figures and fell down too much. Finally, with the efforts of everyone, the crisis was finally resolved, and those superpowers had been caught in prison.

world, safe.

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