The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 319 Blue Monster

"What are you going to do?" Geng Ping stared at the four people.

"Help me, are you blind? Didn't you see this?" Micah didn't say anything nicely either. People like Gengping who violated the professional ethics that cartoonists should have are really disgusting.

"Actually, I don't want to do anything, but since you are here, don't blame me." Geng Ping smiled evilly, and his arm turned into a Gatling gun.

They fired at Ye Zhe, Lin Muxing and Micah leaped into the air to dodge, but Ye Zhe ran quickly and detoured behind Gengping, knocking him unconscious.

"It's really rubbish, even if you have super powers, you won't be able to use it." Ye Zhe frowned, his eyes were full of sarcasm, and he just found it extremely funny.

"Are we going to kill him?" Micah looked at the fainted Kohei and thought about making up for it.

"We have no right to kill him. Hurry up and save him, let's go." Ye Zhe shook his head. He is not a god of death, and he has no way to sanction other people's lives.

In the past, the killer would kill as much as he wanted, but now he is not. He is just an ordinary person now, or not an ordinary person, but a public figure.

After they let him go, they discovered a secret.

Found in Genghin's Science Notes.

It turns out that superpowers can get everything by working hard for a power stone, but they also discovered that the leaked energy is named X, but this energy has side effects.

Once this kind of energy is excessive, it will make people lose their minds and become monsters, the embodiment of absolute evil, the road to perdition, and there is no way to turn back, and they don't even know whether what they do is right or wrong.

"Should we destroy these X energies? Keeping them will only help the evildoers. After those superpowers run out of energy, they will be ordinary people, so there is nothing to worry about." Ye Zhe saw the essence of the matter, but Ye Zhe also knew how difficult it was to make this group of people wake up completely.

It is written about why so many energy source providers can be arrested, because ordinary people now trust them and feel that they are the embodiment of justice, and those who have been deprived of their property are the most evil.

They packaged their drunkenness with hurtful words, which made all this look grandiose. This group of superpowers is the real teacher of justice.

In fact, don’t ordinary citizens know the crimes of superpowers? It’s just that they use money to gag those ordinary people’s mouths, but they always change their sex. Sanctions will be imposed on you.

Who is the next victim?

But Ye Zhe still chose to take away part of the x energy. After all, sometimes it is not just justice that defeats evil, but the victory of evil over evil. Because in many cases it is magic that defeats magic. Let evil triumph over evil.

On the other hand, Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan are wanted.

"Stop—" There were people chasing after him, and those were ordinary citizens, because there was a bounty on offer.

"Mu Yixuan, run quickly, my leg was hit by a piece of wood just now, and I can't walk anymore." Tian Xiaoxiao really couldn't continue walking because his leg was injured, so he planned to let Mu Yixuan He goes first.

"How could I leave you?" Mu Yixuan hugged Tian Xiaoxiao, and because he hugged Tian Xiaoxiao, Mu Yixuan was also very slow.

However, they were soon overtaken, and a group of people surrounded Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan.

"You evil demons, you are still caught!" said the leader.

"If we are demons, then why are you chasing the demons?" Tian Xiaoxiao sneered, how she wished there was a group of people worthy of her to save the world.

However, I didn't expect that soon another group of people surrounded Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan.

"We are all being exploited now, shouldn't we unite? You are all for that money, for that little profit, and then you will put our compatriots to death!" The group of people at the outermost I don't know who is talking there.

Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that he still had a companion.

"I don't care, we are only for money, he didn't harm our interests, why should we fight against them?" The group of people surrounding Tian Xiaoxiao and Mu Yixuan began to chatter.

Just as people on both sides were arguing, a huge meteorite landed.

Everyone hasn't found out yet, but Tian Xiaoxiao has.

Tian Xiaoxiao suddenly awakened a kind of power at this time, she can no longer be like this, she suddenly became a huge body, but this time she became ugly and turned into a very blue person, but now she is all a giant , she withstood the meteorite.

But people ran away.

Tian Xiaoxiao gently put down the meteorite, "It's all right."

Everyone started throwing stones at Tian Xiaoxiao.

"You monster, you must have been thinking just now, using bitter tricks to gain our trust, you monster!"

"We won't believe that our hero is so ugly. You monster must have done what happened just now, or you wouldn't be wanted by people with superpowers!"

"We will believe your conspiracy, get out quickly, why should such an ugly monster protect us?"

Mu Yixuan used his back to block the stone in front, "Q, it's okay, you are a hero in my heart, it's okay, don't care about those things."

Mu Yixuan stroked Tian Xiaoxiao's leg, that huge and muscular leg, Tian Xiaoxiao is now a blue giant.

Tian Xiaoxiao burst into tears, "Idiot Mu Yixuan, why are you standing in front of me? They all regard me as a monster, so why should I save them?" Tian Xiaoxiao felt discouraged again Feeling cold, but at the same time more and more people stood by Mu Yixuan's side, many people formed a human wall to protect Tian Xiaoxiao, and there were still people who wanted to protect Tian Xiaoxiao, an ugly monster.

"Is it sick? This monster, why are you protecting it?" The stone thrower threw more and more fiercely.

"We just saw with our own eyes that he protected us, he is not a monster." The person in the human wall said.

"Get out of the way, thank you for your protection. I need to solve these things myself. I'm not a monster." Tian Xiaoxiao returned to his original state and walked out of the human wall.

"You like throwing stones, don't you? Then, do you like the feeling of bullets entering your body? Don't hide!" Tian Xiaoxiao pointed his gun at those who threw stones, Tian Xiaoxiao's smile became more and more a little bit Bad taste.

Those who were holding the stones put down the stones and ran away.

"There are always some people who bully the weak and fear the strong. Q, let's go and fight Ye Zhe and the others." Seeing Tian Xiaoxiao like this, Mu Yixuan's injuries didn't hurt much anymore.

"Okay." Tian Xiaoxiao fainted as soon as he finished speaking.

Mu Yixuan hugged Tian Xiaoxiao and left under the escort of the people. This time, they found out that there was an organization for these superpowers, and the name of the organization was the Superpower Alliance.

Moreover, the leak of X resources before was actually planned long ago. The biggest purpose of this group of people is to occupy the wealth and resources of this world and invade the whole world.

What needs to be done now is to persuade these ordinary citizens to see clearly the evil face of the Super Power Alliance, and to see clearly that these super power users are not justice from heaven but real demons.

But many times it really backfired. Everyone felt that his aggression could not reach me. I was poor and white, and I had no money.There is nothing worthy of his occupation. However, those who are poor and without any wealth and resources will become the source of power for these superpowers of the Superpower Alliance.

There are various elements in the human body, and some elements can obtain energy for these superpowers. However, if the energy is absorbed, it is a process that is worse than death.

But now ordinary citizens haven't fully seen the evil of these superpowers from the Super Alliance. Even if they already know who they are, they are still willing to do it for their own interests. The antithesis of energy alliances.

"I may already be a monster now, Mu Yixuan, stay away from me, I'm afraid I can't control myself and kill you." Tian Xiaoxiao lowered her head, thinking of those people who threw stones at her , My heart became colder and colder.

"I just saw that you just turned into a giant, but what you do is to protect us, so I believe you are not a monster. How could you be a monster if you are so good? I like every one of you, even in that form just now. I like it very much, you are not a monster, you are a hero." Mu Yixuan didn't think that Tian Xiaoxiao was a monster, and those who say others are monsters, maybe there is a monster living in their hearts, and there is a reason why you should not do to others So many people don't understand.

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