The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 260 Black Coal Factory

"Don't mess with the investors, don't mess with the director, Ah Wu, you have to take care of yourself and don't play tricks. You are not a goddess, you are just an ordinary little-known artist." Tian Xiaoxiao, as the manager and chairman of the company, of course It is to let Ah Wu know how to behave in the world.

"Okay, I see." Ah Wu agreed, after all, he still had to listen to Tian Xiaoxiao's words.

Tian Xiaoxiao took a literary film for Ah Wu, with a well-known director, and Ah Wu was just a female third in it, but Ah Wu's starting point was considered very high.

Ah Wu found that she had no interest in acting, especially in making movies. Ah Wu's acting skills were naturally revealed, but she didn't like being an actress.

Ah Wu doesn't like being an actor, but in order to become better, he can only force himself to shoot.

But if she wants to stand by Tian Xiaoxiao's side, then she has to persevere, to be popular and shine, to be a first-line female artist.

It was at a rehearsal for a movie launch.

In the end, there was a scene that made Tian Xiaoxiao extremely annoyed. The well-known director who also served as the producer of this movie actually slapped A Wu's waist with his hand all the way down to A Wu's waist.

"The secretary has a surveillance camera, right?" Of course Tian Xiaoxiao knew that it was the film director and producer, but she was really angry.

"Yes." The secretary saw Tian Xiaoxiao's annoyance, observed for a while and said yes.

"That's fine." Tian Xiaoxiao is now ready to do it.

"Isn't it a salty pig's hand?" Tian Xiaoxiao kicked up, and then slapped him left and right.

"You dare to hit me, you wait to die!" The well-known director didn't expect that he would be beaten up for stealing money.

"There are surveillance cameras here, you can die for me, you can try." Tian Xiaoxiao is not afraid of everything in front of him, after all, he has evidence, even if this matter becomes big, it is still beneficial to them.

"Okay." The well-known director and producer decided to bear with it.When the film conference was held as scheduled, this time the well-known director and producer did not dare to be extravagant. After all, it would not be good for him if this matter got bigger.

After the press conference.

"Why did you help me? Didn't you say that I can't provoke them?" A Wu looked at some wounds on Tian Xiaoxiao's body, and took red medicine and hemostatic stickers to treat the wounds.

"I said you can't provoke them, but they can't provoke you either. You are an artist of my company, why should he touch you? Even if you are not an artist of my company, I can't help but think Go hit him." Although Tian Xiaoxiao knows the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry, Tian Xiaoxiao really can't bear it anymore, Tian Xiaoxiao can't swallow this breath, her people can't be bullied.

"Yeah." Ah Wu was flattered at this moment, feeling that he was cared about and could be protected by others.

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't think too much about it, thinking that if he hit the other party, he could do something to him, but he didn't expect that there would be revenge.

When Tian Xiaoxiao drove back to her home, she found a row of men in black standing outside the door. She urgently called her secretary and called the security guards to dismiss these people.

However, she is still very scared now, and all this seems to tell him that the family can't stay anymore.

So Tian Xiaoxiao was ready to go back to the company, and drove back to the company again.

But when she just got out of the car and hadn't stepped into the company's gate, she was knocked out with a blow to the head.

When Tian Xiaoxiao woke up, he found himself in a coal factory.

A big man took out his mobile phone and showed Tian Xiaoxiao a video, Tian Xiaoxiao flinched subconsciously watching the video.

"Little brother, let me tell you this. What about you, don't think about it if you mess with me. You can just stay here and dig coal!" The person who spoke was the well-known director and producer. people.

Mystery: The chairman of a listed company is also a famous male star. He was forced to dig coal because he offended a famous director.

Tian Xiaoxiao was digging coal under the scorching sun, but she couldn't be topless because she was a woman, so she was digging coal in a noble and exquisite suit.

The food here is also very bad, even the porridge is rotten, there is no meat to eat here, only to drink, it is said to be porridge, but it is actually rice soup.

However, the food is so poor, and the labor must be particularly hard.

"You are a little brother with delicate skin and tender meat. If you don't work, I will whip you! If the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I am a sick cat?" A supervisor whipped there with a whip, seeing who would quit If you see someone who is tired and falls down there to rest, you will be beaten with a whip.

Tian Xiaoxiao is the slowest worker among the group because she is good at all aspects of her rest and life, so the supervisor caught her to smoke.

Tian Xiaoxiao doesn't want to be whipped, but Tian Xiaoxiao just can't increase her speed, she is so slow alone, there is nothing she can do about it.

"You, if it's hot, take off your clothes and work faster." The supervisor noticed that Tian Xiaoxiao's health was not in good condition, his face was blue and his lips were pale.

"No, no, no, no, I have decent ones with backbone." Tian Xiaoxiao was digging coal hard with a hoe, and Tian Xiaoxiao was the only normal person in this group of coal diggers.

This is a black coal factory. Many of the boys who work are disabled, and even a large part of them are lunatics. If you record this kind of high-intensity work, and there is no personal freedom, everyone will be driven crazy. Bar.

Then this black coal factory is disguised as a mental hospital, because it can accept mentally ill patients to come here to dig coal, and it is not cheap at all to do cheap labor, because it does not cost a penny.

It was also disguised as a school to get rid of Internet addiction. If you don’t dig coal, you just close the small black room and click. Even the children here are either stupid or crazy.

When Tian Xiaoxiao saw those stupid children, they wanted to lock their parents in. Isn’t it normal for children to want to play games? .

How can you live if you don't support yourself!

Moreover, the tuition fees of this kind of Internet addiction rehabilitation school are extremely high, which can be said to be huge profits. I think the food these children eat is the same as the food here, which is rice soup without rice and sour.

Well, those parents didn't have a trace of guilt from the beginning to the end. On the contrary, they thought this school was really good, and the children became much better after returning home.

Tian Xiaoxiao witnessed with his own eyes that the supervisor of the black coal factory turned into a teacher again, educating the students who were about to go out.

"If you still dare to touch games when you go out, and if you still dare to have an Internet addiction, you will come back again if you don't listen to your parents when you go back, and if you don't study hard, you will come back again." The supervisor of the black coal yard said and gave the child electric shocks.

Will be back.This is the biggest reminder to everyone who is here. If it is gone, it means returning to starvation and nakedness.It means that without personal freedom, you will always become a puppet working endlessly, and you will even be physically punished.

"After I go out, I have to report this garbage school. This is not a school at all. It is definitely worse than a prison." Tian Xiaoxiao touched a student she knew and said, this student was a fan of Tian Xiaoxiao before and has always liked Q .

However, Tian Xiaoxiao, who was in the dark, never thought about it, even if he went out, he would only be in a bigger darkness.

Students reported this garbage school, but they were beaten up by their parents. Volunteers were invited by some people from the garbage black coal factory of the garbage school to slander and slander all kinds of speculations.

It turns out that kindness also has a price, and it will even be slandered and jealous by various people.

And even the outside volunteers didn't expect it, it turned out that it was not a pure Internet addiction rehabilitation school, but a black coal factory.

"Dumb, did you forget? This is for you." Tian Xiaoxiao took care of a dumb Dumb in the same dormitory. The reason everyone called Dumb was because he was a disabled person.

"Thank you... thank you..." Ah-Dai could barely say the word thank you. Originally, Ah-Dai was the object of dislike by his family because he was so stupid.

Mentally ill and disabled people are the nightmare of every poor family.

Dumb obviously didn't do anything bad, but he was still sent to this so-called mental hospital, which was obviously a black coal factory.

Public opinion in society will not sympathize with the mentally ill or disabled, even if he has done nothing.However, if he is stupid, then he is at fault.

This one will not accept imperfection now, and even the boss who opened the black coal factory feels that he is making a contribution.

Brainwashing lectures are held from time to time:

"I'm making a contribution. You mental patients are a burden to the family, but when you come to me, you will get food and shelter, and more of your kind will gather together. You are not alone, and you are living a good life."

"You are the ones hated by your parents. Your parents spent 1 to 3. Sending you here is to get rid of your Internet addiction and your problems. We are helping you, no matter how much you suffer now. suffering, but I am still helping you in every possible way.”

"You beggars used to live on every street, relying on begging for a living, but now it's different. I gave you a home and the warmth of your home. You should be grateful."

Naked evil deeds are packaged as contributions. Why can't I find out here, and they are even rated as excellent companies time and time again, because they pay taxes.They wear the cloak of legitimacy because behind them is a group of fanatical supporters.

There are ignorant parents, there are those who dislike mental patients as a burden, and there are also direct beneficiaries.

This black coal factory also likes to deceive some beggars, saying that they are offering high-paying jobs, but in fact they are pushing them into a never-ending abyss.

Here is the abyss of the shadowy quarters of society.

Tian Xiaoxiao believed that the secretary must have found the surveillance video the day after she disappeared, and should have called the police long ago.

But this place seems to be packaged so well, it seems that I can't find it no matter what, and I can't see through the potential darkness no matter what.

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