"Wait, I still have something to say." Ren Sisi didn't exist in the first place, but only appeared in the void dream, because Mu Yixuan was indeed still thinking about his mother.

"Tell me." Although Ah Wu is not considered empathetic, he is still reasonable, and he still has to finish what he said before being saved.

"Please take good care of my son, and please make my son and his aunt Si Nian an enemy. I am not a competent mother. Even if I managed to show up once, I ended up in a dead end and couldn't help but hurt my dearest. The person..." A tear fell from Ren Sisi's eyes, a tiger's poison does not eat its child.

"Heavenly spirits, earth spirits, the Supreme Lord will soon appear, and the time and time will not be kept, and reincarnation will end the fate of the world." Seeing that Ren Sisi finished speaking, Ah Wu started, and asked Tian Xiaoxiao and others to start playing music.

Tian Xiaoxiao rang the wind chime, Ye Zhe played the jade flute, Micah rang the bell, and Lin Muxing sprinkled yellow talismans.

After this transcendence is completed.

Tian Xiaoxiao pulled Mu Yixuan back, but Mu Yixuan refused to leave.

"I don't want to leave. I'm afraid I won't be able to see my mother in the future. I haven't seen her for a long time." Mu Yixuan has recovered his memory at this time, knowing that this is just a dream.

"You have to come with me. Your mother never left you. Your presence here will only make you unconscious. Let's go."

"But..." Mu Yixuan still refused to leave.

Ye Zhe directly knocked Mu Yixuan unconscious.

"I'm sorry, second cousin." Ye Zhe seemed to be a little too heavy.

The group and Ah Wu returned to the real world.

"My jade flute is broken." Ah Wu looked at the broken jade flute. She will not be able to use Gu in the future. Maybe this is a kind of retribution?After all, using Gu almost made people unable to come back.

And Mu Yixuan could finally sleep well, but he still missed his mother.

Ye Zhe, Micah and even Lin Muxing were afraid that something would happen to Mu Yixuan, so they forced Mu Yixuan and them to move back into the apartment.

"I'm not a child, why are you so scared?" He looked at the group of teammates helplessly and happily.

"Mu Yixuan, we are promoting our relationship with you this time, you are our captain!" Lin Muxing didn't accept Mu Yixuan at first, but he knew that Mu Yixuan was PROD's idol when he was young, so he immediately convinced him.

"Second Cousin can't take sleeping pills anymore, if you can't fall asleep, we will accompany you to suffer from insomnia." Ye Zhe threw away Mu Yixuan's sleeping pills, and was startled when he didn't look for them.

"The main reason is that being an artist and the chairman of the company is stressful, and you are the captain. You often have to think about a lot of things. Many times you can't sleep without taking sleeping pills." Mu Yixuan also knows that taking too many sleeping pills is not good for your health but In many cases, it is impossible to fall asleep without taking sleeping pills.

At night, Mu Yixuan still suffered from insomnia, but this time he was accompanied by several good brothers.

Ye Zhe customized a big bed for Mu Yixuan, which can even sleep four people.

"Mu Yixuan, let's count sheep together, one sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep..." Micah counted the sheep, counting himself but fell asleep.

Mu Yixuan quickly covered Mijia with a quilt.

"Mu Yixuan, let's talk about what we like to eat together. I like to eat chocolate, I like to eat pagoda meat, and I like to eat molecular cuisine..." Lin Muxing was hungry while talking, and he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find something to eat. When he found it, he Passed it to Mu Yixuan and Ye Zhe, but I didn't eat much.

After eating, Lin Muxing became sleepy and fell asleep.

Then it was time for Ye Zhe and Mu Yixuan's cousin to talk.

"Second cousin, let me tell you that I had a very miserable thought. I went abroad to study. I thought I would have a better life, but the people there were violent and racially discriminatory. I had no choice but to drop out of school." Ye Zhe looked into Mu Yixuan's eyes and talked about the scars of the past calmly. He didn't know when the past became something Ye Zhe didn't want to mention.

"It's okay, it will be better in the future. You have me now, and I will protect you. Even if it hurts me, I won't let you suffer any harm, because you are my brother. It is said that in this world It can be said that he is the only family member." Mu Yixuan felt sorry for everything Ye Zhe had encountered in the past, and he wanted to treat his younger brother well.

"Second cousin, I heard that you used to live on an uninhabited island?" Ye Zhe heard it from his aunt Ren Si Nian before.

"That was a long time ago. My brother and I were born on the same day, but their fates were completely different. He is the heir of the Mu family, and I am just an unrecognized child. My mother and I were thrown to the island , for a long time there were only me and my mother, and then my mother passed away, and my father, Mu Qingyun, sent a nanny. The first person who treated me well left me." Mu Yixuan talked about the dusty past, those years were really hard and unforgettable, and life always grows in loss.

Ye Zhe wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to comfort him. Both he and Mu Yixuan were people who were not tolerated by the sun, but they took two completely different paths.

Mu Yixuan chose to have light in his heart even in the darkness, while Ye Zhe chose to fall with the darkness.

"Then second cousin, after you lost your eldest cousin, why did you become the heir?" Ye Zhe was a little suspicious, because logically, Ren Si Nian would not make his second cousin the heir, and even replaced the name Mu Yixuan .

"Because my father insisted on making me his heir, because of my mother, my father is a complete piece of rubbish but he always misses my mother, because my father passed away very early, but he never came to see me At first glance, I will miss it after my mother passed away. This is disloyalty to his marriage with my aunt, and even at that time I felt that this kind of rubbish should not make my aunt and my mother fall in love with him at the same time." Mu Yixuan sneered , his father's position in his life is always absent, but his elder brother took his father's position and gave him endless warmth.

Although Ye Zhe and Mu Yixuan are not very gentle people, they are willing to be gentle to those they care about the most.

"Good night brother, I hope we can have a good night's sleep." Ye Zhe whispered in Mu Yixuan's ear.

Mu Yixuan slept soundly this time, probably because he was lucky enough to meet these three people and even formed QTQ together.

Ye Zhe suggested that everyone go on a trip together, and the location is in the uninhabited island.

"There is wine in the wine cabinet, whoever you want to drink, go get it. They are all good wines for more than 20 years. Anyway, I have never drunk any of them, and I have never opened this wine cabinet." Mu Yixuan sat on the sofa in the living room, this time It's a home I haven't been back to for more than a year.

"Then I won't be polite." Lin Muxing turned around and went to get the red wine. After all, they were so familiar that it didn't matter if they drank the red wine. As a result, Lin Muxing found a letter in the interlayer of the wine cabinet.

"What is this?" Micah was next to Lin Muxing, and also noticed the letter in the wine cabinet.

"This should be reserved for our captain, right?" Lin Muxing boldly guessed, turned around and gave it to Mu Yixuan.

Mu Yixuan opened it and saw that it was mother's handwriting.

dear two two

You should be 20 years old when you open this letter, because I said you can't drink the wine in the cabinet until you are 20 years old.

I don't know if my Er Er has grown into a handsome guy now?
Mom is not a good mother, she can't even give you a name. When I was a child, my mother liked to drink, so you took away my mother's wine bottle and comforted me who was crying.

The more sensible you are, the more distressed your mother is, because your mother's cowardice makes you a sensitive child. Mom is afraid that you will be bullied, but mother is also afraid that you will be lonely.

When you were young, you were very stubborn and never cried. You seem to be a gift from heaven to me.

Even though everyone thinks you are superfluous, I still think you are a blessing from God. The happiest moment for me is when you call "Mom" in the first sentence after you learn to speak.

My Er Er is really the cutest and smartest child in the world. If one day my mother leaves you, my mother hopes that you can be a child who can take care of herself. I know Er Er is a very strong and even not very good at expressing emotions. , but I still hope that my Er Er can meet a girl.

You can act like a baby or even cry in front of her at will to vent your emotions. I hope my [-] can meet someone who understands you.

My Er Er is a little prince and also my mother's rose, Er Er must grow into the person she wants to be.

I know that Er Er is actually very gentle. No matter how difficult you encounter in the future, don’t give up. Do what you want to grow up happily and freely. This is my mother’s greatest wish.

Love your mother Ren Sisi

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