The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 253 Purple Fairy

After waking up, Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Mu Yixuan at Micah, Ye Zhe at Lin Muxing.

Tian Xiaoxiao still has to go to learn the scriptures, even if he knows that it is wrong to learn the scriptures, but when Monkey King is resurrected, the injustice in this world will be broken.

The elephant spirit and the roc bird were solved in turn.

Came to the country of daughters.

"Excuse me, is the holy monk willing to marry me? From now on, this daughter country will be yours." Ah Wu looked at Tian Xiaoxiao affectionately.

"I don't want to." Mu Yixuan thought he was talking to him, and refused directly. The king of the daughter country, Mei Zemei, has no soul.

"This holy monk, I'm not talking to you, I'm going to ask that shameless holy monk again." A Wu looked at Tian and smiled.

"Ah? Let's forget it. I have no intention of marrying a wife, and I only want to go to the Western Paradise." Tian Xiaoxiao didn't expect that she had peach blossoms, and she was also the king of the daughter country, and the king of the daughter country was also very good-looking.

The Xinxuan who can seduce people with every frown and smile, if Tian Xiaoxiao is a man, he must be moved.

"Did you forget?" Ah Wu suddenly danced the bell in his hand, and the familiar bracelet reminded Tian Xiaoxiao of something.

"Are you Sister Zi?" Tian Xiaoxiao didn't expect to meet his brother's first love, let alone the former Zi fairy became the king of the daughter country.

At that time, Monkey King was a little Bi Mawen, and Fairy Zi was the most beautiful fairy in the heaven.

"You are Monkey King?" Zi Xianzi looked at Monkey King curiously.

"Yeah." Sun Wukong leaned against the peach tree and squinted his eyes to blow the wind, and ignored the purple fairy, because in Sun Wukong's eyes, the purple fairy was good-looking, but he was not as good-looking as his sister Tian Xiaoxiao.

Sun Wukong is still a monkey no matter how he says his aesthetics.

"Monkey King, why are you ignoring me?" Zi Xianzi also sat next to Monkey King, feeling that Monkey King was not as vicious as imagined.

"You're so annoying." Sun Wukong avoided the purple fairy like a plague god, because the purple fairy was the only one in the entire heaven who was willing to take the initiative to talk to him.

Purple Fairy is a woman who likes to listen to stories. She is a fairy but she is like a little devil. Her favorite thing to do is to follow Monkey King and listen to his stories.

One day Hercules also came to look for Sun Wukong, and when he saw Zixianzi, he couldn't help but said, "Zixianxianzi, you were bitten by Erlang Shen's dog before, have you recovered from your injury?"

Purple Fairy sighed and said, "Okay, I don't know how Erlang Zhenjun taught his dog, it hurts me to death."

The purple fairy said that the listener had no intention of speaking, but Monkey King heard it.

One day he had a duel with Erlang God, and when he won, he broke one of Erlang God's roaring dog legs.

"Sun Wukong, did you break Xiaotiangou's leg because of me?" Zi Xianzi ran to look for Monkey King when she mentioned that Xiaotiangou was beaten by Monkey King. She held her face and said innocently .

"It's not that you don't think too much, I just feel bad about that dog." Monkey King was embarrassed to admit it, so he quickly denied it.

Purple Fairy still likes to follow Tian Xiaoxiao very much, and it seems that she can't avoid it. Zi Fairy's daily work is probably picking flat peaches.

"You are so annoying." Sun Wukong thought Zixian was annoying, but he would tirelessly tell Zixian about Huaguo Mountain, his sister and the story of the battle against heaven.

One day, some fairies picked peaches again, but Sun Wukong looked around and lost the purple fairy.

"Fairies, where did Purple Fairy go?" Sun Wukong couldn't help asking, didn't that little girl like to come to him the most?
"Xiao Zi is seeking marriage with Yuelao." One of the fairies replied.

Sun Wukong thought about going to this huge heavenly palace, but no one is worthy of Purple Fairy.

Who does Purple Fairy like is none of my business?It's not like me.Sun Wukong thought so, but he couldn't help but walked to Yuelao's mansion, only to find that Zixianzi was frowning and pursing her mouth a little unhappy.

"Why are you unhappy, Purple Fairy? Which god made you unhappy?" Monkey King asked pretending to be careless.

"You." Purple Fairy suddenly stopped frowning and stared at Monkey King.

"What's wrong with my old grandson?" Sun Wukong didn't understand girls' minds, and after thinking about it, he didn't seem to do anything to make Purple Fairy unhappy.

"Yue Lao said that you have no marriage, but..." Zi Xianzi stopped talking, she actually fell in love with Monkey King.

"What do you think of my marriage? I'm just a monkey. What do I need... marriage." Monkey King's mouth was blocked by the purple fairy. He was kissed forcibly. Are all the gods in the sky so unreserved?

"You are the most powerful hero on this earth, you are not an ordinary monkey, do you understand?" Zixia let go of Monkey King, she said.

But Sun Wukong likes it, but he can't be with Purple Fairy, because he is a demon, and Purple Fairy is a fairy.

Why does Purple Fairy like Monkey King?

Because she still remembers the memories of her previous life, she remembers when she was still a cloud.

Just watching Monkey King jumping out of the stone, watching Monkey King become a great hero little by little, even though everyone thinks he is the Lord of Chaos, but to Zi Xianzi, Monkey King is the most powerful hero in the world.

It's just that Monkey King made a fuss in the Heavenly Palace and died in the alchemy furnace.

Hercules said, "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven may have fallen." So the purple fairy chose to jump down, and ended up becoming the king of the daughter country.

Later, Ah Wu, the biggest BOSS of the void dream, came into Zi Fairy's body and inherited the memory in her mind.

"I'm sorry...I'm not him." Tian Xiaoxiao was not Monkey King, who had died long ago.

"No, I know my Monkey King is still alive, you are here." Ah Wu is like the former Purple Fairy, who is obviously a fairy but looks like a little devil.

"It's better for a female benefactor to respect herself." Mu Yixuan stood in front of Tian Xiaoxiao. How could Tian Xiaoxiao marry the king of his daughter country as a girl?

"Since you remember me, why don't you like it?" Ah Wu didn't know if it was her own consciousness or the real purple fairy's consciousness, "You said you came back, you said you would take me to see Huaguo Mountain, I have seen Huaguo Mountain, in my dream." His eyes slowly dropped like a string of beads.

Tian Xiaoxiao lowered his head, Huaguo Mountain is no longer the former Huaguo Mountain, the former Huaguo Mountain was destroyed by the Heavenly Court.

"I'm sorry, I can't take you to Huaguo Mountain, and I can't marry you. Your unrivaled hero has long since died." Tian Xiaoxiao wiped away tears and said to A Wu, if my brother is here, is it really possible? How about taking Purple Fairy to see the beauty of Huaguo Mountain?

I vaguely remembered the vows made by Monkey King to Purple Fairy.

"Purple Fairy, I don't know if I can come back, this is for you." Sun Wukong carefully put on the ring for Zi Fairy.

"This..." Purple Fairy looked at the ring and the figure who had already turned to leave.

"Sun Wukong, will you marry me?" Zixia shouted towards the back.

"Yes, my old grandson will come to marry you on the colorful auspicious clouds." Sun Wukong rarely smiled, as if his smile was not particularly pretty.

Havoc in the Heavenly Palace leads the monsters to fight among the gods. He is the embodiment of evil, but what is good?

There is no room for sand in the eyes of the Buddhas all over the sky, and no room for anyone or any monster to challenge authority.

"Heaven and earth gave birth to me, Sun Wukong. If the gods and Buddhas do not tolerate it, then I will kill the gods and Buddhas. I am the monkey king of Huaguo Mountain and Water Curtain Cave, Sun Wukong!" Sun Wukong shouted and demolished the Temple of Lingxiao, beheading the gods and Buddhas.

"Sun Wukong, if you enter this alchemy furnace, I will let her go." The queen mother held the purple fairy hostage.

"Sun Wukong, leave me alone—" Purple Fairy struggled, she didn't want Sun Wukong to be caught in the alchemy furnace because of him.

But Sun Wukong took the initiative to enter the alchemy furnace because of the purple fairy.

One person perishes in exchange for those brothers, so it is said that the brothers and friends of Monkey King are still alive, but Monkey King is dead.

Fast forward to now.

"Purple Fairy, why don't we go to Huaguo Mountain?" Tian Xiaoxiao thought for a while and decided to take Ah Wu to see the promised Huaguo Mountain, because now she is Monkey King.

"Okay." Ah Wu thought for a while and let nature take its course, let's just change the dream of this body, the love between Purple Fairy and Monkey King is indeed touching enough.

That's not the Huaguo Mountain that Purple Fairy wants, just like the current Monkey King is not the Monkey King that Purple Fairy wants.

It is full of scorched black soil, lifeless, always lifeless, and the smell of corpses is everywhere. It has never rained for thousands of years, and there can be no plants or any living things. A bunch of monsters.

One of the monsters even recognized Tian Xiaoxiao, but still regarded Tian Xiaoxiao as Monkey King.

"My lord, you are back. We have been waiting for you for a long time..." The monster turned out to be an old monkey, kneeling on the ground plopping.

Tian Xiaoxiao recognized the old monkey, it was the uncle who brought her up.

"Xiaoxiao, she must be a good-looking girl in the future." Uncle Monkey tied Tian Xiaoxiao's hair.

"Uncle, why does my brother have to become stronger?" Tian Xiaoxiao heard that Sun Wukong went to learn from Bodhi Patriarch.

"It's because you become stronger that you can protect you, protect us." Uncle Monkey scratched Tian Xiaoxiao's head.

Get stronger, get stronger, get stronger.

"Uncle Monkey..." Tian Xiaoxiao watched the old Uncle Monkey turn into such a monster, and didn't know what to do now.

"Xiaoxiao, you're back!" Uncle Monkey still remembered Tian Xiaoxiao, whom he brought up with one hand.

Erlangshen was patrolling at this time, saw that monster Mawada smiled and spoke, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he wiped out the monster.

"Erlangshen, why did you kill him?" Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't control his anger and planned to fight Erlangshen.

"Sun Wukong, have you forgotten why the creatures here become like this? Because of you." Erlang Shen sneered, the current Monkey King is just a running dog of a god and Buddha.

"I..." Tian Xiaoxiao was at a loss for words.

"It's because of you that this place has become like this. Do you think you can change anything by making troubles in Tiangong? You just pushed them into another abyss." After all, Erlangshen still felt that Monkey King was wrong in making trouble in Tiangong.

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