Micah wants to go back to the past most.

"Tianlan, what are you doing? Why are you in a daze!" Su Lan said as she knocked on Micah, and Micah could feel the pain.

That familiar name... Sky Blue.

It made Micah feel a little uncomfortable, because the former Tian Lan (Tian Lan) was dead.

It's all so real, so could Micah change?
"Su Lan, you should call me Micah, don't call me Tianlan." Micah looked at Su Lan and said.

"Micah? Okay, how do you know that my surname has been changed to Su Lan? It's weird." Su Lan's eyes were full of doubts, but he didn't say anything.

In another world, Micah and Su Lan actually knew each other very early, but at that time in the orphanage, Micah was lucky enough to leave with a rich family, while Su Lan chose to stay with the director of the orphanage. .

It seems that everything has changed. This time, Su Lan and the rich family left, but Micah stayed with the director of the orphanage.

Is everything possible to change?Micah thought about it.

Soon, Micah discovered that it was possible to change, but Micah alone suffered the consequences.

So that's what it's like to be depraved.

"Micah, why do you always fight with others? Look at the bags all over your head, can't you save me some snacks?" Su Lan dipped a cotton swab into Micah's body, and Su Lan Lan complains that Micah likes to fight.

It seems that this time, Micah has become a young man with no knowledge and skills, while Su Lan has become a top student.

"I got into a fight with someone. I can't help it. I have a bad temper." Mijia had an awkward smile on his face. He had to adapt to everything in front of him. Maybe he had suffered all the hardships. Su Lan will not be allowed to leave this world.

"By the way, wait a minute. Are you coming home this afternoon? The dean's mother is looking for you!" Su Lan said suddenly after applying the potion on Micah.

"Ah, okay." Micah could actually find out where the orphanage was by relying on his memory.

After entering, I saw a group of strong men blocking the entrance of the orphanage driving an excavator.

"What are you doing, don't block the door of other people's house!" Micah yelled at the group of people, in the impression that this group of people were real estate demolition, but the dean's mother was not willing to move.

"Why do you brat care so much? Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death?" The leader of the strong man got off the tractor and grabbed Micah's collar, spit and sprayed Micah all over the face.

When the fight was about to start, the dean's mother came out.

"You guys stop!" the dean's mother yelled loudly, and Micah was let go by the strong man.

"Come in with me." The dean's mother pulled Micah in.

"Mother dean, what do you want from me?" Micah asked suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, I'm useless. I can't pay you tuition fees. Look at the many children we have here. It's going to be demolished again. I'm sorry." The dean's mother said and tears fell, poverty is the biggest original sin.

"It's okay, I won't read it anymore, it's okay!" Micah wiped tears for the dean's mother, and Micah suddenly seemed to understand why Su Lan would become another person later.

When Micah went back to school to pick up his luggage, he met a group of gangsters, who were actually familiar.

"Hey, brother, I've known you for so many years. Seeing that our orphanage is about to be demolished, I will take you to do the big ticket." A group of gangsters pushed Micah away, maybe because he was really short of money, so Micah still really go.

Going to gamble and winning a lot of money, Micah took a lot of money empty-handed and white wolf. At that moment, he was blinded by money, but his money was divided in half by several good brothers.

"We are good brothers, we should show you something for bringing you here!" A few gangsters took away Micah's money.

"This can't be given to you." Micah took the money back and guarded it tightly.

The result was a beating, but Micah still refused to give up the money, because it could be used as his tuition.

"What's the matter with you? Isn't it just money? As for it, brothers, you don't want to give us this little money next time, and there will be nothing to do in the future." The leader of the gangster was afraid that Micah would be killed and let him The recipient stopped, sighed and left.

Micah was beaten so badly that he couldn't even stand up. Micah crawled out of the casino door protecting his wallet.

Micah called Su Lan, and Su Lan came in a while.

"Micah, what's your situation? How can you gamble? If you have any difficulties, tell me, how can you gamble?" Su Lan looked at Micah in such a distressed state, the first thing was not to help Instead of getting up, he scolded him and then went to help him up.

Micah didn't say anything, guarding the money, looking at the newly bought Adidas on Su Lan's body, Micah seemed to feel the pain that Su Lan in another world had endured before.

Back at school, Micah gets into endless fights.

Because of the money in fighting, Micah became a hired thug for some young masters. Now he doesn't care about the bottom line or human morality at all. He only wants money now.

The campus should be the cleanest place, but here is a place where evil cannot be seen. Everyone knows that school violence is wrong, but those who know that school violence is wrong will still commit school violence. What makes them bully unscrupulously?
Because no one would believe that the campus, which was supposed to be the cleanest place, would be so ugly and powerful, no matter what, they would never be expelled.

It is also because most of the perpetrators of school violence are at the intersection of the center of the crowd, there is no way to provoke them, everyone can only watch by, even those who rarely lend a helping hand will be bullied in the end.

The ugliness of these human natures are exposed in front of Micah, and we should never easily pry into people's hearts or sequence human nature.

And Micah has become numb, he needs money, he needs to live, he can no longer live a carefree and happy life, he can't empathize with others, and he can't be kind anymore, because he knows kindness What needs a cost needs a price.He simply can't afford to be that overweight, so he chooses to be the kind of person he hated the most before.

"Mika, why are you getting worse and worse? When I first started, you were not like this. Don't be like this, okay? The you I knew before are not what you are now!" Seeing Micah, Su Lan became more and more angry Fallen, so he spoke persuasion.

"You don't care about me, okay, I will live my own life, I am not young, I have grown up long ago, I don't need you to control you, take care of yourself, practice yourself Okay, what do you care about me!" Micah hated Su Lan's discipline, just like Su Lan hated Micah's own persuasion.

Su Lan lives in heaven, and Micah lives in hell. Perhaps they are destined to be different.

People in the ivory tower will never understand how difficult it is for people in the quagmire.

Micah is alienated from Su Lan, because he knows that he has let go of the bottom line of human nature, and he is afraid that next time he will be like Su Lan, so he urgently hopes to escape from Su Lan.

At the beginning, Su Lan sold Micah to be a trainee, and even Micah, who has fallen now, does not hope that she will repeat the tragedy of the year.

Micah thought in his heart that if he said these hardships, would Su Lan's ending change, would Su Lan not die?

Micah began to walk alone like Su Lan in another world, and Su Lan in this world was the focus of the crowd.

But Su Lan refused to give up her friendship with Micah.

"Micah, let me tell you, I'm going to be a star!" Su Lan said happily to Micah.

"Then congratulations." Micah looked at Su Lan, who was basking in the spring breeze, and remembered the inhuman treatment he had encountered when he was a trainee.

Su Lan became top class.

Micah, on the other hand, became ignorant trash.

Almost all the teachers would shake their heads at Micah, and then scold him, saying how bad this student is.

"Micah, let me show you how to make a lot of money with a big set!" A male student who was a school bully with Micah mysteriously took out a soft candy.

"What is this?" Micah looked at the plain-looking fudge suspiciously.

"This is a good thing. If you don't believe me, eat one first." The male student handed Micah the soft candy.

"What a good thing, actually it doesn't taste like much." Micah ate it without thinking much, but didn't notice the sinister and cunning smile of the male classmate.

Soon Micah felt the power of this candy, it was a drug, and the pain filled Micah's body, but he seemed to have no way to turn back.

Micah's favorite piece of advice is, "Don't do drugs!"

Micah knew that his life was going to be ruined by drugs, his hair fell out and he had sores, and his kidneys shrank to a teacup.

Micah was rushed to the hospital because of kidney failure. Micah thought he should just die like this, right?Su Lan should live a good life.

"Congratulations, you have obtained a suitable source of kidney." The doctor delivered good news from heaven.

But when Micah woke up, he unexpectedly found that he liked coriander, which was Su Lan's favorite food.

After dinner, I returned to the ward and turned on the TV, only to find that the famous star Su Lan died in a car accident on the way to donate a kidney to relatives and friends. After death, she donated her kidney to relatives and friends.

Micah was like a bolt from the blue in an instant. He asked the doctor if the donor was Su Lan, and the doctor nodded.

Micah can be reborn, but what's the point of such a life?

Micah walked on the rooftop in a strange way. He was thinking about why Su Lan chose to jump off. Su Lan wanted to let a person named Micah remember him in this world.

And Micah hates the current life, why can't he get back Su Lan's life after being so poor?
Micah went downstairs and swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills to commit suicide, and this world was goodbye forever.

But it turned out that everything went back to the original dining room, Lin Muxing had already woken up, and the rest of them were still sleeping.

Going from one world to another, will everything get better?
Not will.

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