"Mu Yixuan, can you give me a hug." Lin Muxing didn't know whether he was cold-hearted or where, and wanted a hug.

"Okay, just this time, I'm not gay." Mu Yixuan opened his arms, he is not a warm person, but it's okay to be gentle once in a while.

"Mu Yixuan, do you want to go and see Tian Xiaoxiao? I don't think she's happy recently, and if I go like this now, it will only make him unhappy." Lin Muxing didn't contact Tian Xiaoxiao much during this time Afraid of bringing his negative emotions to the originally happy Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Okay, I got it." Mu Yixuan really started to worry about Tian Xiaoxiao, after all, Lin Muxing has a pair of eyes that see through everything.

Mu Yixuan really went to look at Tian Xiaoxiao, but got lost.

"Where is Tian Xiaoxiao's house?" Mu Yixuan entered Tian Xiaoxiao's community, but he didn't know how to get to Tian Xiaoxiao's house.

Mu Yixuan stopped the uncle and aunt, "Hello, how can I get to No. 407?"

Uncle: "Go to the left and go straight ahead."

Aunt: "Go to the right and go straight ahead."

Mu Yixuan looked confused, should he take it away?
Mu Yixuan stood where he was, "Order the troops, order the generals, it's you when it's done."

Mu Yixuan walked to the left and found it.

Mu Yixuan couldn't knock on the door of Tian Xiaoxiao's house, "Are you going out to play?"

But Mu Yixuan smelled a smell of gas and felt that something was wrong, so Mu Yixuan knocked open the door.

Mu Yixuan rushed in and saw Tian Xiaoxiao lying unconscious on the bed, Mu Yixuan hugged Tian Xiaoxiao and rushed out to the hospital.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, don't worry about it, don't worry about it, definitely don't worry about it." Mu Yixuan had never been so scared before, when he rushed out with Tian Xiaoxiao in his arms, the house blew up.

"Who the hell did this?" Mu Yixuan was a little annoyed.

After examining Tian Xiaoxiao, the doctor said, "This is carbon monoxide poisoning, also commonly known as gas poisoning."

Mu Yixuan bit his lip, this matter must be clarified, who did it? Auntie or Tang Tang?
After reporting to the police, Mu Yixuan let out a long, long sigh.

Mu Yixuan called Ye Zhe, "Ye Zhe will check for me."

Mu Yixuan has been guarding Tian Xiaoxiao's side, waiting for Tian Xiaoxiao to wake up.

After Tian Xiaoxiao woke up, the first thing she saw was Mu Yixuan.

"Mu Yixuan, what's wrong with me?" Tian Xiaoxiao still didn't know what happened.

"What happened to you, don't you know?" Mu Yixuan said lightly.

"I remember I ordered a takeaway, and I was knocked out... Then I woke up and lay here." Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Mu Yixuan in a daze, which enemy did she provoke?
"After you were knocked out, the gas poisoned your house and your house blew up again." Mu Yixuan picked up a fruit knife and peeled apples for Tian Xiaoxiao very seriously.

"Why was my house bombed again?" Tian Xiaoxiao jumped up from the bed, why was the house she finally repaired was bombed again.

"I called the police for you, let's see what the police say." Mu Yixuan handed the apple to Tian Xiaoxiao.

"I'm really miserable." Tian Xiao smiled angrily, and was also very hungry, so he ate the apple that Mu Yixuan peeled himself.

"En." Mu Yixuan answered the phone, it was the secretary's.

Mu Yixuan went outside to answer the phone.

"What's wrong?" Mu Yixuan asked what's the matter.

"Chairman, I'm here to notify you of a meeting." The secretary said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Mu Yixuan was very concerned about work.

Mu Yixuan turned around and went into the ward to look at Tian Xiaoxiao, "Take care of yourself, I'll go to a meeting later." Mu Yixuan patted Tian Xiaoxiao's head, turned around and left.

After the meeting, Mu Yixuan borrowed Ye Zhe's phone again.

"Found it." Ye Zhe said.

"Say." Mu Yixuan suppressed his anger.

"It's Tang Tang and Auntie." Ye Zhe said the result.

"Help me blow up Tang Tang's house." Mu Yixuan said coldly.

"I didn't expect you to want to blow up the house because of Tian Xiaoxiao?" Ye Zhe smiled playfully.

"Don't talk nonsense, do it directly." Mu Yixuan is now Mu Yixuan who protects his shortcomings, and he is not as good as before, so Tian Xiaoxiao will go straight up to fix whoever is wrong.

"Okay, let's do it right away." Ye Zhe was also straightforward.

Tang Tang walked home after filming, and smelled gas as soon as he entered the door.

Tang Tang ran away, and then her house blew up!
"Mu Yixuan and Ye Zhe, you are cruel." Tang Tang guessed that it was Ye Zhe and Mu Yixuan who sent people to do it.

Tang Tang went directly to Aunt Mu Yixuan, she will live there tonight.

"Is your house bombed? Really bombed?" Aunt Mu Yixuan opened the door to Tang Tang and asked.

"It was really bombed. The two of us just sent someone to blow up Tian Xiaoxiao's house, and my house was blown up." Tang Tang was unhappy, but he could only admit it. After all, Mu Yixuan is not a good person If you mess with it, treat it as a reward for a reward.

"I didn't expect Mu Yixuan to be so ruthless. I remember that he would never do such injustice." Aunt Mu Yixuan sighed, "The last thing this child knows is cruelty. I didn't expect After staying with Ye Zhe for a long time, he really became vicious."

"What do you think we will take revenge next? This time, Mu Yixuan really messed with me." Tang Tang chopped his feet, very angry.

"You have to get close to Mu Yixuan first, how about a beautiful rescue hero?" Aunt Mu Yixuan thought of an excellent way and whispered in Tang Tang's ear, "Let me see Mu Yixuan's schedule recently The right one is to tamper with his car and make her brakes fail directly."

"Okay, that's it." Tang Tang is now planning to attack Mu Yixuan, so that the man in Tian Xiaoxiao's heart can be directly owned by him.

Soon the right time came.

But what Tang Tang didn't expect was that Mu Yixuan didn't appreciate it at all.

Tang Tang waited there regularly, and when Mu Yixuan's brakes failed and a car accident occurred, Tang Tang went to save others.

However, when Mu Yixuan woke up, he didn't thank him at all, but kept a cold face.

"Hey, Mu Yixuan, shouldn't you thank me? I happened to pass by and saved you. Why are you so serious about your savior? It's like I owe you something. I don't remember when you bombed me Regarding the matter of the house, you actually kicked your nose in the face?" Tang Tang looked like Lu Dongbin was bitten by a dog.

"Exactly, are you sure? How do I feel that you arranged it." Mu Yixuan saw Tang Tang's uneasy intentions at a glance, and all of this was arranged by Tang Tang.

"Mu Yixuan, don't blame me. It's really a dog who bit Lu Dongbin and didn't know a good heart. I saved you, but what about you?" Tang Tang burst into tears.

"Hey, don't cry, it's my fault, you are a lifesaver." Mu Yixuan couldn't stand girls crying, let alone Tang Tang's stunning beauty.

"Mu Yixuan, I really like you..." Tang Tang said and hugged Mu Yixuan forcibly.

"I'm obsessed with cleanliness, get out of here—" Mu Yixuan's face turned black, he grabbed Tang Tang's hand and sent Tang Tang throwing him over his shoulder.

"You threw me? I'm a woman, can't you be nice to me? Do you have a gentleman's demeanor? I'm your savior." Tang Tang complained, enduring the pain in his body, and this man also started It was cruel enough to hurt her to death.

"So what about women? Would it be good to be a woman who approached a strange man casually? In ancient times, you would be so immoral that you would be immersed in a pigpen." Mu Yixuan continued to have a dark face. He hated the inexplicable Most of these approaches have other plans.

The one who walked in was Ye Zhe, who stood there and clapped his hands, "As expected of my second cousin, I came here as soon as I heard that second cousin you were sick, does it still hurt now?" Ye Zhe felt that Tang Tang was Pretend, is this the green tea whore?But the rank is too low, Mu Yixuan can tell at a glance, or Mu Yixuan's rank is too high.

Mu Yixuan threw an apple to Ye Zhe, "It hurts, peel me the apple right now, I'm hungry." Mu Yixuan could only act like a baby with his own brother, and no one else could.

Ye Zhe was also very obedient, sat there, took an apple and peeled his mouth, and muttered, "Second cousin likes to eat apples, so I will peel apples for second cousin every day, but I will check something." Ye Zhe is mysterious Xi said with a smile, there is nothing good about this smile.

Ye Zhe glanced at Tang Tang meaningfully and continued, "Heh, is this my second cousin's savior? But you don't seem to be filming today. I heard someone say that they saw you staying at the scene of the car accident for three hours. Who are you waiting for, I still have a video here." Ye Zhe was hinting, and Mu Yixuan immediately understood.

"Then Miss Tang Tang should pay me for my medical expenses? If you don't want to go to jail, just be obedient." Mu Yixuan looked at Tang Tang with a cold face.

"Okay, how much do you want? Do you want 100 million, 200 million or 300 million, I'll give you whatever you want." Tang Tang didn't expect that Ye Zhe was so capable that he could get this kind of video.

"Do I, Mu Yixuan, look like someone who is short of money? I don't care about your money either. I want Tian Xiaoxiao to play one of your plays. And it's because of you that Tian Xiaoxiao can't get the play right now?" Mu Yixuan I hope that Tian Xiaoxiao will be a little happier after receiving the notice, and he will be much happier too.

"Okay, Tian Xiaoxiao is Tian Xiaoxiao all the time, what's wrong with you people? It's Tian Xiaoxiao all the time, why do you have to hang around her? Did she put some witchcraft on you? Both of them are like crazy." Tang Tang couldn't figure out why Tian Xiaoxiao lived so happily, surrounded by countless men, if only Bai He liked Tian Xiaoxiao, Tang Tang would not be so cruel to Tian Xiaoxiao, but Tang Tang What I hate is that Tian Xiaoxiao can't see her heart clearly.

Since there are so many men smiling around Tian, ​​what is Bai He?Tian Xiaoxiao don't want to return Bai He to Tang Tang, Tang Tang doesn't want anything but Bai He, only wants a Bai He that belongs to Tang Tang.

But why is it so difficult?Is she not good-looking enough?But she is recognized as a big beauty in the entertainment industry, is she not gentle enough?But she has already given all the tenderness to Bai He.Even if her Tang Tang and Bai He are just ordinary sisters, why is Bai He not willing to give her the due affection?Why should she be turned away.

"Then Miss Tang Tang, you can leave now, I don't want to see you." Mu Yixuan ordered to evict the guest. In Mu Yixuan's eyes, this Tang Tang is so annoying.

After Tang Tang left, Mu Yixuan looked up at the ceiling in a daze, probably thinking about something.

"Ye Zhe, what do you think we will do in the future? We can't stop those people. They like to hurt people so much, and we can do nothing but revenge. But that person is my aunt after all, I can't bear to do it to death. Mu Yixuan looked at Ye Zhe and said, Mu Yixuan is really kind.

"How to put it, it's your problem. You are too kind of a woman. You can't be cruel in everything, but if you can't be cruel, I can't do it. Because second cousin, you don't want me to do something, I will never do it." I will do it." Ye Zhe pointed out the truth in one word, Ye Zhe is cruel but he listens to Mu Yixuan's brother, but sometimes he feels uncomfortable that Mu Yixuan's kindness is too indecisive.

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