The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 126 Miga's Past

Many years ago, Micah was still called Tian Lan at that time.

The person Micah likes and trusts the most sells him for money, and that Ye Lan back then has also become Su Lan.

For Su Lan: I have thought about separation many times, but I never thought that I would never meet again after this time.

The former leaf is gone, and the former sky blue is also gone.

Micah lived in a dark basement, practicing singing, dancing and learning acting day and night. If he didn't practice a movement well, he would be whipped to pieces.

He can't see the sun, smell the fragrance of flowers, and see people other than those teachers. Even if he has the opportunity to be on the stage later, he is lonely and small, not favored, and will always stand in the corner.

No one cares who he is, no one cares whether he is sad or not, and no one knows what is hidden behind the seemingly glamorous appearance.

"Why are you so stupid? We can't even learn, you are just a good-looking but useless vase." The dance teacher scolded and whipped his whip, but Micah hadn't eaten for four days, how could he have the strength to practice? dance.

"I'm sorry teacher, I will work hard." Micah endured the pain of the whip, but still said sorry to others, obviously he did nothing wrong at all.

"Unlucky, do you think your company has to spend money to find a teacher for you? You have already spent so much money to buy you. You are really useless. Look at the entertainment industry now that there are many good-looking people everywhere. What use do I need you for?" The manager said while hitting Micah's face with a slipper.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of the company's training for me." Micah's weak voice did not resist at all, he knew that since he had signed the contract, he was here, even if his soul died. belong to myself.

"What else can you say besides saying I'm sorry? You can't sing well. Is it ridiculous that your voice is so hoarse? Didn't you teach you how to make your voice effortlessly?" The vocal teacher stood aside and spoke to Mi Jia. There were complaints, but the vocal teacher didn't know that Micah hadn't drank water for two days.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't expect that I would perform so badly, I'm sorry." Micah lowered his head and covered his beaten face, bowed ninety degrees and apologized to the vocal teacher.

"Speaking of how do you sing rap like this? The rap is going to blow up, look at you, you are weak like a woman, and you are so timid when you speak? What kind of rap are you learning? You don't even know how to pronounce words." Rap teacher Throwing the rap word written by Micah on the ground, stomping on it again and again.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I will work hard, I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you, teacher." Micah bent down to pick up the dirty notebook, and continued to apologize to Mr. Rap.

"Do you only apologize? Look at your vase, can you only cry when you play a good role? I have taught countless students, but you have such poor understanding. Look at your appearance. You are pale, emaciated and depressed. Can you be an actor? "The teacher who taught Micah to perform slapped Micah. He didn't show any mercy. Anyway, Micah is not a normal person (but anyone who is sold and loses human rights is no longer a normal person). You can slap him casually.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I'm sorry, I know my acting skills are poor and my comprehension is poor, I will change it." Micah did not resist or complain at all, but apologized because he knew that if he didn't apologize, he might not even die.

After the teachers left, Micah sat alone in the damp basement. He had no bed, no quilt, no light, and no electrical appliances.

If Micah wanted to take a bath, the benefactor would fetch a bucket of water and a piece of soap the day before, and besides, there was a set of clothes that the broker didn’t want.

Micah didn't want to call the gold master's agent, probably because he was lucky enough to make someone else's agent treat the artist well.

What was it like to interview Micah living in the basement many years later?Micah answered calmly like water: cold in winter and hot in summer, very humid and no sunshine, always alone, sometimes my knee hurts like a nail stuck in.

Micah said I'm sorry the most. He always wanted to see the sunshine outside and take a breath of fresh air, but he didn't have such a chance.

Micah was unhappy and depressed, but he still tried his best to enlighten himself, because even if he was crazy and sick, the company would not pay him to go to the hospital.

The regular medicine in the basement is 999 Ganmao Ling. When he is sick, Micah always puts an extra pack of 999 Ganmao Ling because it is sweet like eating sugar.

Micah usually eats expired bread thrown away in supermarkets, and the last day of every month is when Micah goes to pick up expired bread, which is the only time the company allows him to go out.

Mijia would always stand outside the basketball court and stretch his hands into the grid, but he never dared to watch basketball games, and always watched from a distance.

From time to time, I think back to the old days. At that time, he was still the happy and free Tianlan. He would always play basketball, watch movies and do many things with his friends. Now he is the only one left.

But he is just a 19-year-old boy who just graduated from college.

But life will not give him a little bit of tolerance, nor will it give him hope. He lives in the dark basement day after day, year after year, as if waiting for a turning point.

When it was time for Mijia to pick up expired bread, he still watched other people play basketball from a distance. Now he is twenty.

"Little brother, why don't you play basketball together if you like watching basketball so much?" A middle-aged man in a uniform stood behind Miga with a basketball in his hand, "I've been paying attention to you for a long time, and I found that you I will come to see you on the last day, do you want to fight together?"

"No, thank you." Mijia ran away in a panic holding the expired bread. This was the first time he had spoken to a stranger in a year. Being withdrawn, he was no longer the sky blue like the sun before.

When I saw the man for the second time, the man had already changed into a suit and leather shoes.

The gold master told Mijia, "This gentleman bought you, and you will be his trainee from now on."

He stretched out his hand and said to Mijia, "I will be your manager from now on."

Mijia froze in place for a long time and choked out a sentence, "It's you? Am I going to change the punishment again?"

The first thought of Mijia was not that there was finally light, but that she was afraid of even darker darkness.

The manager rolled up his sleeves and saw the scars on Mijia's body, "Do they beat you often?"

The gold master explained, "This is some necessary means. Strict teachers produce high-quality apprentices. You understand and understand."

Mijia nodded and shook his head again, "It's because I didn't do well enough, that's why" Mijia always remembered how much the money master and those teachers said he spent, and buying him back was nothing but a loser.

The man went out, and Mijia thought that the man also disliked his weakness and uselessness, but the man came back.

"Silly boy, I will give you medicine first, endure the pain." It turned out that the man went to buy medicine. He never thought that there would be a trainee who had such a miserable life. How could he become a star in tomorrow's entertainment circle after passing like this? Woolen cloth?

This is the first time in more than a year that Mijia has been drugged and treated gently.

The man took Miga out of the dark basement, and Miga came to the man's house, which was a small two-bedroom apartment.

Mijia stood by the door and did not dare to sit on the sofa, for fear that he would dirty the man's sofa.

The man who washed his hands came out and asked, "Why don't you sit? Why are you just standing?"

Miga said awkwardly, "I'm afraid I'll make your sofa dirty." Miga lowered her head and felt inferior to her bones.

The man brought some clothes to Mijia without saying anything.

"Is this for me?" Mijia tentatively touched the edge of the clothes but didn't dare to pick it up. He didn't dare to accept other people's kindness to him. Is he really worth it?
The man nodded and pushed Mijia into the bathroom, "Isn't it for you, who is the silly child? Go take a bath."

Mijia stepped out timidly and said to the man, "I'm not very good at using it."

The man stubbed out the cigarette in his hand and taught Mijia how to use the shower head tirelessly, "This is so open, turn to the left to get hot water, you can adjust the temperature, you know?"

After taking a shower, Mijia came out and changed into the man's clothes, and saw the man cooking a table of dishes.

"From now on, you will be my artist. Go around and try your manager's skills." The man pushed Mijia onto the chair.

"This is the first time for me to be a manager, and it's also the first time for you to be an artist. We are invincible together!" The man thought about the future, and finally noticed that Mijia didn't move his chopsticks.

Mijia has subtly regarded the man as a manager.

"Why don't you eat it? Is it because you think that my cooking is not delicious?" The manager took a sip, "It can also imply that it is not particularly bad. Why don't you eat it."

"I've always eaten expired bread. I'm not used to it." Miga hesitated, he didn't dare to eat those meals that smelled delicious, he was afraid of being treated well by others.

"It used to be in the past, you have changed to a new company now, why don't you remember those sad things?" The agent brought food to Mijia, "Eat more, you 1617-year-old boy should eat more Meat." At that time, Miga's face was so sallow and emaciated that he couldn't tell he was an adult at all.

"Thank you." Mijia cried after taking the first bite, which caught the manager by surprise.

"What's your name? Don't cry, it will get better in the future, why are you crying?" The manager stiffly held a tissue to wipe Miga's tears, "It's my first time as a manager too, don't you Cry, I don't know how to coax you."

As soon as Mijia finished eating, he took the initiative to help the manager wash the dishes. He was afraid of being thrown away by the manager. Once some things tasted sweet, they could no longer taste the bitterness.

"You still have injuries, why wash the dishes? I will do these things in the future, and you will be in charge of Chasing Dream Showbiz." The manager stopped Mijia and took the dishes to wash.

"Why are you willing to believe me, obviously everyone refuses to believe me, how dare you let me go to the dream showbiz?" Mijia didn't know why his agent was willing to believe him, obviously he himself was unwilling to believe Own.

"Probably when I saw those yearning eyes from the crowd. At that time, I felt that if you debuted, you must be the top of the future. When you left, you lost your company's ticket." The manager wiped the dishes after washing the dishes. hands, looking at Miga so sincerely.

"Do you really believe that I can do it? Can I really do it?" Miga couldn't believe it, and asked over and over again.

"Then do you believe that I will be a good manager?" The manager looked into Mijia's confused eyes and asked back.

"I believe." Miga blurted out with light in his eyes.

"That's right, I use all my money to let you be my artist, no one but you believes that I can do anything well, I will definitely work hard to make you stand at the top, so you have to believe in me. "The manager lightly scratched Mijia's nose.

The second generation of the prodigal and the rich met the trainee, and the two came out of the darkness and walked side by side to the light.

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