Mu Yixuan was still accompanying Tian Xiaoxiao, Tian Xiaoxiao drank a lot of wine and was already unconscious.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, which one of our groups do you think you like the most?" Mu Yixuan took the opportunity to ask a question, she wanted to know Tian Xiaoxiao's true thoughts.

"I, I like you the most, because you were my idol from the beginning, you were the first thing I saw from the stage, even though you stood by the side and said nothing at that time, you still attracted me. "Tian Xiaoxiao never concealed her love for Mu Yixuan, she is indeed a fan of Mu Yixuan.

"Then what do you think of Micah? Didn't you recover the memory of being with him?" Mu Yixuan wanted to ask Tian Xiaoxiao what other rivals in love were like.

"He is just a little sun, very warm and kind. After I got acquainted with him, I wondered how there are such good boys in this world." Tian Xiaoxiao smiled happily when he mentioned Micah , after all, Micah is an existence that can bring happiness.

"What about Lin Muxing?" Mu Yixuan changed his style of painting, and asked if Lin Muxing should be the younger brother in Tian Xiaoxiao's heart?

"Lin Muxing, I...haven't recovered the memories of him before, but I have a special feeling for him. I never thought that there would be someone who understands me so well. I am very lucky that he and I exist like relatives. Lah." Tian Xiaoxiao expressed her true thoughts, she felt that Lin Muxing was really lucky.

"Where's Ye Zhe?" Mu Yixuan asked no one, even his younger brother.

"Well, it's very strange. He is the kind of guy who looks like a fool, but when he is serious, everyone will fall for him. He is super handsome when he is serious!" Tian Xiaoxiao started to be nympho again.

Just as Mu Yixuan was about to ask Bai He, the male secretary called.

"Let me tell you something! Your brother Ye Zhe, who is the president, had an accident and fell off the wire, and he is still in a coma." The male secretary's words fell into his heart like a bolt from the blue. I never thought that my brother would lie in a coma in the hospital.

"How could Ye Zhe go to film? Isn't Ye Zhe usually staying at home? Even if he was notified, it was just a variety show. How could he go to film?" Mu Yixuan asked the male secretary. Ye Zhe won't tell him?
"Because your teammate invited him to come as a guest star, I told the president at the beginning and advised him not to go, but the president said it's okay, and an accident happened unexpectedly." The male secretary explained to Mu Yixuan.

"Which teammate?" Mu Yixuan felt angry now, which teammate cheated on his brother so much?
"It's Micah." The male secretary said lightly.

"Okay, I got it. I will handle this matter myself. You go and help first." Mu Yixuan took this time as an accident and had nothing to do with the Mi family.

"Chairman, although I am very worried about your mental state now, Ye Zhe is going to have an operation and needs your signature." The manager's tone was also a little worried.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Mu Yixuan hung up the phone and looked at Tian Xiaoxiao, who was already drunk, and sent Tian Xiaoxiao back to the apartment.

The living room is doing Micah.

"I remember you, don't leave me." Tian Xiaoxiao, who was drunk, held Micah's hand and said.

do you remember me?Remember me no matter when, no matter how long it has been.But why do you remember me?But you still haven't come to me. — Micah

Micah never thought that Tian Xiaoxiao would remember him one day.

Micah looked at Tian Xiaoxiao who was lying in Mu Yixuan's arms, as if he hadn't seen anything.

"Congratulations." Mu Yixuan carried Princess Tian Xiaoxiao back to the room.

"Are you laughing at me? Is there anything worthy of your congratulations? Am I funny? In your heart, even if Tian Xiaoxiao remembers me, she won't like me, right?" Micah I'm not in a good mood because of some things.It was only then that there was a conflict with Mu Yixuan.

"Micah, what's the matter with you today, did you eat gunpowder? I don't seem to provoke you? What's the matter with you today? I won't let you, I won't look at you, I won't follow you when I'm young Get angry, don't be self-righteous, you think that everyone will look at you when you are young, and look at you if you are ignorant, and I, Mu Yixuan, will not let you go today." Mu Yixuan didn't want to have conflicts with others, but he felt that Micah did too much. He sent so much goods for no reason, and he didn't owe him anything.

"Why do you want to fight? I'm not afraid of you, let me tell you, I'm in a bad mood today, and you won't let me, will you? Let's fight." Micah rolled up his sleeves and showed his fists.

"If you are in a bad mood, I have to let you go, don't you? Are you used to it? Others let you go because they coax me to let you go. Is it because you are pitiful?" Mu Yixuan still showed his strength. Talking skills, he didn't want to pursue Micah about his younger brother Ye Zhe, but Micah's current virtue made him very angry.

"Fight, I'm not afraid of you. I've never been afraid of people like you. Don't think I'm a persimmon. You can pinch me if you want. I've had enough of you!" Micah threw the wine bottle.

"Hmph, I'm going to save my brother now. He's still lying in the operating room waiting for my signature. I'm not in the mood to talk to you. Goodbye." Mu Yixuan didn't have time to waste time by fighting with Micah.

Micah fell to the ground without saying anything, looking at the dim ceiling, what should he do?
He hated Ye Zhe because Su Lan was killed by Ye Zhe, but why should he kill Ye Zhe?

"Let go of my manager, I'll do what you told me to do, let my manager go." Micah was forced to invite Ye Zhe to make a guest appearance, causing Ye Zhe to fall off the wire.

"Why did I let your manager go? Did Ye Zhe deserve it for falling off the wire? I fell off the wire and broke three ribs. Did Ye Zhe deserve it?" Tang Tang yelled at the phone with.

"Will you let me go? I'll ask you if you want to let me go or not!" Micah was very emotional. If his manager hadn't been kidnapped by Tang Tang, he wouldn't have harmed Ye Zhe.

"Okay, I'll let him go, just wait for him to come back." Tang Tang threw the phone into the sea with a snap.

Tang Tang asked his subordinates to untie the rope on his agent, "I didn't expect this artist under you to care about you so much? He can even kill his teammates because of you."

The manager was untied and rushed to Tang Tang, "Dead woman, see if I don't kill you." As a result, Tang Tang's men controlled him.

Tang Tang sneered and looked at the manager who couldn't struggle, "What? Ye Zhe is not your Micah. You don't need to care about him breaking his ribs and lying in the hospital, right?"

The manager roared, "For me, as long as the artists I bring are my children, you can't hurt them! Why did you go to Micah to get revenge on Ye Zhe? Do you have to force their brothers to turn against each other? "

Tang Tang clapped his hands very happily, "I just like to see you, an ant like you who wants to kill me but can't move. You hate me, don't you? The way you gnash your teeth is really a unique joke."

Tang Tang received another call from Bai He.

"Hey, what's the call this time? Are you free in Australia?" Tang Tang answered Bai He's call impatiently.

"You want to come to Australia to stay with me too?" Bai He wanted to take good care of Tang Tang and make Tang Tang a good girl.

"Did Tian Xiaoxiao tell you anything? Did you let me go to Australia because you were afraid that I would hurt Tian Xiaoxiao again?" Tang Tang gritted her teeth. Anyway, she knew that Tian Xiaoxiao had a better position in Bai He's heart than her own sister.

"That's not what I mean, I just heard from my father... The patriarch and the others are targeting you next. I don't want my sister to be unhappy and marry someone she doesn't like." Bai He didn't know why Tang Tang was so stubborn , no matter how she persuaded Tang Tang, she still insisted on going her own way.

"It's none of your business that I marry anyone, and if you really want me to go to Australia with you, then date me——Bai He, can't you do it?" Tang Tang's feelings towards Bai He It's very strange, although they are sisters, Tang Tang actually has a very strange feeling towards Bai He.

"You're thinking about it, I really want to be nice to your sister." Bai He hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Bai He drew a sketch and sighed, "When will this child listen to my elder sister? I'm also doing it for her own good."

A rose is drawn on the sketch...that is Tang Tang's favorite flower.

With the completion of the sketch, Bai He began to miss Tian Xiaoxiao, and the wind blew away his thoughts and changed his perspective to Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Micah...why are you crying?" Tian Xiaoxiao saw Micah crying after waking up, her heart hurt so much.

"I..." Micah wanted to tell Tian Xiaoxiao, but when the words came to his lips, Micah stopped abruptly.

"Micah, tell me what's wrong with you? I'm so scared when you look like this, everything can be solved, don't cry, okay?" Tian Xiaoxiao wanted to help Micah.

"My teammates, they won't forgive me..." Micah lowered his head and didn't have the courage to look at Tian Xiaoxiao's sincere eyes.

"Micah, did you do something wrong? Your teammates, those brothers have always been kind to you, no matter what you do, they will forgive you." Tian Xiaoxiao comforted Micah, trying to guide Micah to say Unspeakable secrets.

"I... If you say it, you will definitely hate me." Micah pursed her lips with tears in her eyes, so pitiful and pitiful to me.

"Tell me, I promise I won't hate you. You are my Micah. How can I hate you? If you make a mistake, you can correct it, and you can start over." Tian Xiaoxiao said to Micah, wiping away tears , but what Micah said next still scared Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Ye Zhe is lying unconscious on the ward right now, because I knew Wia had a problem and asked him to come on as a cameo, because he was kidnapped by the manager." Mijia looked down on the ground with a guilty conscience, he didn't dare to face Tian Xiao Laugh, he knew that Tian Xiaoxiao would definitely hate him.

"Stupid child, why didn't you call the police? Do these things on your own initiative, don't cry." Tian Xiaoxiao hugged Mijia and patted Mijia on the shoulder. Tian Xiaoxiao knew that he was not worthy of accusing Mika, because she was not The victim, Ye Zhe, is not worthy to stand on the moral high ground to judge Micah.

"But... if they say they call the police, they will tear up the ticket. I dare not, I'm afraid..." Micah is still a child in his heart, he is cruel to Ye Zhe, and Micah could have chosen not to hurt Ye Zhe
But when someone important to Micah was hurt, he had to make a decision to abandon the car and save the handsome man.

"Okay, good, I understand, but you really did something wrong. I know you care about your manager and I do, but you can't hurt Ye Zhe because of your manager." Tian Xiaoxiao wanted to say something else But seeing Micah blaming himself, that's all there is to say.

"I know what I'm doing is wrong, but my manager is really important to me, just like my father." Micah is not afraid of being harmed by others, but he doesn't want people around him to be hurt. ah.

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