The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 113 We Will Shine

Micah came back earlier than usual today. I heard that his new play has been finished, and he didn't even go to the celebration banquet, so he was depressed.

Hot search on Weibo: Micah is a good mother.

It even surpassed the original Weibo hot search: Tian Xiaoxiao Xiaosan.

"Isn't this a good singing song? What the hell? So what's wrong with Xi, isn't this singing skill good?" Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't figure it out, isn't it just an a cappella video?
The comments below were originally praised by Micah fans, and then a wave of so-called passers-by was used to directly rip Micah black, black voice, black acting skills, black appearance, and even black character.

Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't figure it out even more. When did appearance become the criterion for judging a person?Since when did "mother" become a curse word?

The appearance and voice lines are not something that people can control. This is innate. Why use this kind of thing to strengthen the narrow prejudice of the keyboard man?

No matter what reasons the keyboard warriors use to rationalize their prejudices, prejudice itself is wrong. Don't make excuses for the pathetic narrow-minded ignorance. Is it difficult to admit that the world is diverse?Maybe really hard.

"Xiaoxiaotian, are you okay? I'm already like this, and you are still trending on Weibo." Micah, who was hurt himself, still wanted to comfort Tian Xiaoxiao.

"I'm fine. Anyway, my hot search is full of black material all day long. I feel sorry for you." Tian Xiaoxiao rubbed Micah's hair.

How can the gossip on the Internet become the truth when there are too many people? Those people who don’t use their brains like to label people, saying that you are contrived, that your mother is that you are a mistress.

"It's normal for you to be hacked as public figures. Black is also a kind of black and red, you know? Don't think too much about it." Seeing that Mijia and Tian Xiaoxiao were so depressed, the manager comforted them.

Next hot search: Micah's manager comes out!
Human prejudice and bad words have been vividly reflected in the agent, an ordinary person.

"What? It's so disgusting. Isn't it enough for them, these sunspots, to scold me and Micah? Why do you even scold an innocent person like the manager?" Tian Xiaoxiao was just curious about why he could say all this so well. High-sounding.

"What's the situation? If I don't become a public figure today, I have to tear them apart. Why do some million-dollar Vs create something out of nothing and give me their mobile phone." Micah was so angry that he didn't call anyone. How could those people spread rumors?Even if you make rumors, can you stop spreading rumors to ordinary people?
"It's okay, don't be angry, come out as soon as you come out, what if you tear it up like this, what if you are misinterpreted as homophobia by the media?" The manager has seen the big wind and waves, so he refused to give him Micah's mobile phone.

Ye Zhe's voice of rap came out of Ye Zhe's room.

Ye Zhe, the rap leader of the QTQ boy group, quickly turned on the mic and sang, "yo, are you listening? Are you watching? Mom gave you eyes to record the beauty of this world, not to see those evil words. Mom gave you a mouth. Wanted you to sing instead of spit shit out of your mouth. Guess you don't have a mom."

Ye Zhe continued to sing, "Whether you like Micah or not has nothing to do with me, and whether you like me or not has nothing to do with me. I know it's difficult to say, but why must you speak ill to someone who has never met before?" ? Do you know him well? Do you know him? Do you know him well?"

"Why is Ye Zhe on the hot search?" Tian Xiaoxiao thought that today would not be so unlucky, would he?Are they all going to end?
Ye Zhe's song became a hot search and was ridiculed by the whole network.

They said, "This is called rap? I laughed, how dare a little idol dare to speak?"

They said, "Is this brotherly love or a show? Is it to catch the top stream?"

They laughed, "What kind of thing is this? Monsters and ghosts can be idols. If you want me to be an idol, I am better than him."

Comment on the per capita moral high ground God, per capita rap master.

Lin Muxing, who participated in a competition singing show, changed the song temporarily when he heard his teammates Micah and Ye Zhe were ridiculed by the whole network.

"Hi, I want to change the song because..." Lin Muxing wanted to say something but was interrupted.

"Just tell the arranger, I still have something to do." The director interrupted Lin Muxing impatiently.

Lin Muxing went to find the arranger to change the song, "Hello, arranger teacher, I want to change the song..."

The arranger was also impatient, "The computer is there to get it directly."

It seems that everyone likes to interrupt Lin Muxing's words.

The people in the audience and even the professional singers in the same company all whispered: "I'm not a professional singer and dare to change songs temporarily, I just wait for him to make a fool of himself." "Do you think he is like a monkey? It's not good to sing and dance, come on Our sister is here to embarrass me, right?" "I heard that the show crew invited him just to see him embarrass."

Lin Muxing pretended he didn't hear anything, so he called Mu Yixuan, but no one answered.

All of them were not favored, and even Mu Yixuan, who was on the other side to attend a business meeting, was ridiculed.

"This Mu Yixuan is just better at reincarnating than us, why don't you just become an idol and buy some company?"

"I think he must be a prodigal at such a young age."

"It must be because of his parents that he has achieved what he is today."

Mu Yixuan heard all these words clearly, but he didn't say anything. To achieve great things, one must first work hard on one's mind and muscles, and on the other hand, talking about petty intolerance will lead to great conspiracy.

But those gossips are really annoying, Mu Yixuan found out that he didn't receive Lin Muxing's call, so he called back again.

"Lin Muxing, what's the matter?" Mu Yixuan's tone was a little worried, afraid that something would happen to Lin Muxing.

"Mm, Mu Yixuan, captain, I'm participating in the show now, but I want to change the song, but I'm afraid that if I sing the wrong song, it will embarrass our group." Lin Muxing told Mu Yixuan what he was thinking. Although the captain is not as popular as Micah, he is the most responsible of all, and he is worth relying on.

"Lin Muxing, if you want to learn from me, no one will gossip about me." Mu Yixuan was still exaggerating, obviously he was still being gossiped just now.

As a result, the voices of those gossiping mosquitoes immediately increased: "That prodigal son must have been reincarnated." "If you don't have a little strength, you can rely on your parents. Alas, you are just a little boy."

"Haha, it turns out that you, Mu Yixuan, will also be said such things. Captain, you are so miserable." Lin Muxing laughed suddenly. Sure enough, they are not favored by others. They seem to come in the light, but they are just hypocritical. Light, each of them is watched by tens of millions of eyes and abused by tens of millions of mouths.

Where is the light here, it is clearly a boy group that came out of the darkness.

"Aren't you miserable too? Anyway, come on, you are not alone now, you represent the four of us, and prove to those people that QTQ is not a vase." Mu Yixuan tried to make his tone sound more passionate, He is the big brother among the four, and he will take the lead.

"Okay, you have to work hard in business negotiations, and prove that the captain who showed those people QTQ is not just reincarnated." Lin Muxing did not forget to encourage Mu Yixuan.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Muxing began to put on makeup in front of the makeup mirror.

He was a little uneasy, but he believed that even if his starting point was not high, even if everyone thought he was not good enough, he could still shine.

Lin Muxing walked onto the stage slowly, he took a deep breath and held the microphone tightly in his hand, he wanted the world to hear his voice and QTQ's voice.

Jolin Tsai's "Rose Boy" is Lin Muxing's favorite song.

"Who puts someone's soul into whose body, who turns whose body into a prison to imprison himself, there is always the most whispering in troubled times, what kind of beauty will be exchanged for jealousy."

Lin Muxing's voice is very soft, like a nun's chant, his voice is penetrating and ethereal, as if it can really penetrate the soul.

Lin Muxing's eyebrows and eyes are curved, and it seems that he is always smiling at you, but when you hear him sing, you feel that smile seems very sad. The deepest part of his pupils is to perceive words and expressions, and his eyes seem to be as permeable as his voice. Through your heart.

All the pretense seems to collapse in front of him, but he doesn't seem to mind your pretense, he is like the cold moon in the sky who doesn't care about anyone but has this close pretense.

Lin Muxing deeply attracted the eyes of everyone present, his voice is intoxicating but his every move, every frown and smile will make you sink.

After the performance, Lin Muxing bowed deeply to the audience, and said, "I chose this song today because of some special circumstances, um..."

He is a little reserved, pursing his lips as if thinking about what to say next, you can understand why the 27-year-old Lin Muxing is still called Brother Muxing.

"It's okay, talk slowly." The host came to the stage, patted Lin Muxing on the shoulder and comforted him.

Lin Muxing seemed to be thinking about what to say, his eyes blinked and his eyelashes were thick and thick, "A large part of choosing this song is because my teammates, including me, have always encountered some criticism. I know that our QTQ may be far away Not enough but I want to prove that our QTQ is gold and will shine."

No one interrupted him, and Lin Muxing, who was always interrupted before, could finally stand on the stage and speak freely.

Someone in the audience asked Lin Muxing: "Why did you choose this song Rose Boy?"

"I also hope that dear friends, you can be gentle with us. Didn't Ye Yongzhi, the rose boy who left us in 2000, warn us enough? Ye Yongzhi did nothing wrong from the beginning to the end, he just likes girls in pink My heart is just a gentle little boy who loves his mother. And my teammates did nothing wrong." Lin Muxing loves his brother Micah, how could Micah, who is so gentle and warm, be hacked?
Lin Muxing stood on the stage in a serious manner. It is rare for him to talk so much, "Campus violence and prejudice have taken away our Rose Boy. Why is his life dying like this? Is he really at fault? Jolin Tsai's "Rose Boy" The lyrics of "Give us the answer: you are born innocent, you don't need to be sorry. Gentleness and flow are innocent, words should praise warmth, but prejudice and narrow-minded ignorance are guilty."

The audience asked again: "Then what should I do if I just hate that person?"

"If you hate that person, at worst, go away. At worst, don't pay attention to it. Don't talk nonsense and pay more attention to real life. What do you think is wrong with stepping on him? If there are too many people stepping on him, it is not a step. Less prejudice and less talking It’s enough to take care of yourself. This is also a kind of gentleness. They always say that the world is bad and cruel. Maybe they are not gentle people. It’s so difficult for us to come into this world, why don’t we go there kindly and gently? Do you love this world?"

Lin Muxing talked too much, he didn't know if these words could change some people, would they?Yes, gossip ends with wise men after all.

On the other side, Mu Yixuan won business cooperation with his excellent eloquence and business acumen, and used his own strength to silence those who said he would only reincarnate.

The partner took the initiative to shake Mu Yixuan's hand, "I didn't expect you to be so young and promising, I didn't expect you to be able to negotiate a good business with an idol, it's really amazing."

Then the other Micah cheered up.

"Where are you going, Micah?" Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Micah.

"In the audition, they said that I am a mother, so I will play a father for them." Micah had a relieved smile on his face.

"Not bad. I didn't expect you to be different from the outside rumors. Your acting skills are quite good." Micah successfully auditioned and was praised by a well-known director.

And then the other end of the other end.

Ye Zhe won the cooperation of a certain hip-hop label.

"You're not bad." Top rap Ouyang Jing praised.

They are all facing the other side of the light, gathering like a mass of fire and scattered like a sky full of stars, no one in this world loves QTQ more than QTQ.

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