The Nth Disappearance of My Wife

Chapter 100 Xia Lin Muxing's Perspective of Huaye

5. Things are different.
When I returned to the ancient town, I knew that everything had changed. I took the navigation and planned to go back to the ancestral house according to the address my mother gave me.

"Brother Mu Xing! I'm not going anywhere, I'll wait for you here, remember to come back early! I'd be very scared by myself." Tian Xiaoxiao, who obviously loves to play the most, knows that some things can only I deal with it by myself, and I would rather stay alone in an Internet cafe.

As I walked, it was like revisiting the old place. There are few people here, but the air is very fresh.

I found that many people in the ancient town have moved away, and I heard that there are autumn leaves that I think about day and night.But I just didn't believe it, I ran to her house like a lunatic, in fact, it was not because I didn't believe it, but maybe I was just thinking about it.

The door inside was locked tightly, and the word "demolition" was written in big red paint on the door, and the demolition was about to take place.

After all kinds of twists and turns, I found Qiuye's aunt, who was very surprised by my arrival:

"I didn't expect you to come back to our poor town. It's been several years since you came back."

"Ten years, how is Ye?"

"Her? It's okay, but she often talks about you, she always says: 'When will Xia Hua come back?'"

"Where is she now?"

"It's in the city. I'll write you the address. You can go find it." Ye's aunt wrote me the address of Ye Xin's home, and before leaving, she asked me to see if there was any chestnut cake that Ye liked in the ancient town.

The ancient town has long lost the prosperity of the past, and it is more quiet and desolate. Most of the people living in the ancient town are from the older generation, such as Ye's aunt.The hawker who sells chestnut cakes is an old man in his 60s. The chestnut cakes he makes are fragrant and sweet.

I held the hot chestnut cake in my arms for fear that it would be cold when I saw Ye Shi, so I went to the city.I saw Ye, but...

I never thought that the way we met was so embarrassing, I didn't appear in your eyes, I hid in the corner.Because I don't have the courage to face you, Qiuye, my leaf.

Sure enough, people's hearts are changeable, do you remember me?Don't think it's better, you already have another person to love you for me.

Yes, Ye has a boyfriend.

That boy would hug Qiuye and say, "Honey, do you miss me?"

Qiu Ye will lean into the boy's arms and snuggle, "Of course I miss you, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, I miss you."

What I've seen with my own eyes, what a coward I am, why don't I come back sooner?I even think that if I come back earlier, maybe the person you love will always be me.

Things are people, things are not things, the face I was most familiar with in the past is so strange now, you are smiling so happily, because he is here.You are a good match, he is a handsome guy, he looks like he likes you very much, so I should feel relieved to leave you, Ye must be happy.

When I came near Ye's house, I saw Ye...

"Why didn't you tell me when you came here?" Ye's face was full of helpless pampering, Ye should like him in front of him very much, right?I looked at them with a wry smile, all of which made me look out of place.

"I'm sorry, I want to give you a surprise, let's see what this is?" Ye's he took out a bag of warm chestnut cakes, which happened to be brought by me too, but I don't need to bring it anymore.

"You, you, why did you buy this for me? Is it cold? It's winter."

"Cold, so you have to hug me." Ye's he took the initiative to give Ye a big bear hug, and Ye Shun let him hug him.

I was sad and angry.I was so jealous that I threw the chestnut crisps I bought all the way into the trash can, but it didn't take long for me to feel sorry.

This chestnut cake should contain our happiness back then, not my annoyance and resentment.Only when I came back did I realize a truth.

People change, you didn't let me down, it's just that we were young and didn't know how to love.

Are you right?my dear ye.

6. Let go.
"Why do I have to leave again? I finally came back for a while? Don't you want to stay longer?" Ye's aunt didn't want me to leave so quickly, saying that she hadn't been back for more than ten years and at least wanted to visit the ancient town, so I chose to stay longer helplessly. a few days. "That's right!" Ye's aunt was very happy and let me stay at her house for the past few nights.

"Auntie, do you know this flower?"

"This..." Ye's aunt looked at it for a long time, and said slowly: "Isn't this the flower that Qiu Ye gave you back then? At that time, the old people in this town still expected you two to make a baby kiss! It's a pity , when your mother asked you to study in the city..."

Ye’s aunt is very talkative. She still remembers things ten years ago very clearly. She always smiles unconsciously when she tells me these old things. It can be seen that she loves this town very much and also likes me, who is not sensible. bad boy.

"I don't know what this flower is called, but I know a lot about the past between you and that girl Qiuye."

"At that time, the girl Qiuye always said: 'I like Xia Hua the most!' I'm afraid that people won't know your name is Xia Hua. Boy, you are getting more and more handsome now. You were a fine person when you were young. What do you always say? Tagore's life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves."

Ye's aunt spoke very seriously, her eyes shone with a light that she didn't usually have. She was a lonely woman, and her uncle passed away when she was only 40 years old.

I smiled embarrassingly, "Auntie, this is because I was ignorant when I was young." Ye's aunt handed me a piece of cake, and said with a smile, "Have you brought chestnut crisps to Qiuye? You have been back from Qiuye for so long , never mentioned her. Did something go wrong?"

"No, she's fine, she's more beautiful than before."

"Oh..." Aunt Ye sighed, "What do you two call this? If you came back earlier, it might be different."

I didn't answer, I ate my cake silently, remembering that when Ye and I ate cakes together, we were innocent and innocent.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pancakes..." You stopped crying, hugged me with a smile and said, "I like Xia Hua the most, let's eat together..."

The ancient town has changed a lot, and no one even knows the name of the ancient town—Qingshi Town.It is said that Qingshi Town got its name because there are so many bluestone slabs used to pave the road. After I came back, the bluestone slabs were basically invisible. Aunt Ye told me that almost all the bluestone slabs in the town were taken to build foundations.

Even the stone bridge in the ancient town is covered with dust. I know that the leaf and the young love turned into dust together... Floating into the wind, I can't find the original appearance.

When I returned to the Internet cafe, Tian Xiaoxiao was fast asleep.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, get up soon." I wiped Tian Xiaoxiao's sleepy puff with a paper, Tian Xiaoxiao has been by my side all these years and grew up with me.

"Brother Mu Xing! You're back, it smells so good—you brought me cakes? Brother Mu Xing is so kind." Tian Xiaoxiao smelled the smell and took out chestnut cakes from the backpack behind me, without any appearance Eat up.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, you're up." I saw Tian Xiaoxiao finished eating and wanted to pull her up, but she didn't move at all.

"Lin Muxing, my brother Muxing, my legs are numb." Tian Xiaoxiao murmured softly, so cute.

"Then I'll carry you." I unloaded the backpack and put it on Tian Xiaoxiao's back, squatting on the ground and waiting for Tian Xiaoxiao to get on my back.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, you eat too much, you are like a pig." I couldn't help complaining while carrying Tian Xiaoxiao on my back, but he carried it so steadily.

I went back to my mother, and back to the Lin Group that I managed alone.

My mother asked me if I saw Ye, and I said yes, Ye is fine and I am relieved now.My mother gave me a look of trust, and left in a hurry to go to work. She is almost 60 years old and still likes to go out to work as a cleaner. I told her not to go, but I couldn't persuade her.

Looking at the back of my mother, I felt a bit of pain and desolation in my heart - my mother was old and her back was bent.

Even though my mother forced me to commit suicide, all the hatred disappeared at that moment.

Time is such an ignorant child that not only wiped away the beauty we had, but also wiped away the youth and vitality of our mother.

What I didn't expect was that Ye Zhe picked me up when I came back.

"I don't particularly want to pick you up, it's just because my second cousin and Micah don't have much time." When Ye Zhe came to pick you up, he insisted that it was because other people didn't have time.

And at the end, the one who accompanied me to the end was Tian Xiaoxiao who grew up with me and watched me leave and see me return to her. She has never loved me but she has never left for half a step.

I asked her, "Sister Xiaoxiao, do you hate me? It's because I lost my temper with you for no reason." Tian Xiaoxiao was surprised that she never thought I would say that, and immediately explained: "How could I Hate you, if I hated you, I would have left a long time ago... What kind of sister do you still want to be?"

I hugged Tian Xiaoxiao in front of me, "Sister Xiaoxiao, are you willing to be my sister? For the rest of my life." Tian Xiaoxiao blushed very excitedly, and said loudly, "Lin Muxing—I am willing—"

I looked at Tian Xiaoxiao's face that resembled Ye's, it was really similar, but this time I saw Tian Xiaoxiao, no it was always Tian Xiaoxiao.

"Ah! Brother Mu Xing, where did this come from?" Tian Xiaoxiao looked at the bag of dried flowers in my hand, and was speechless for a long time. Maybe she knows this flower?

"Brother Mu Xing, this flower is called..."

Tian Xiaoxiao told me the name of the flower, but I couldn't find it after searching, so I didn't ask Tian Xiaoxiao again.Let's just assume that this is a flower scattered in the world but no one cares about it. The next day I received a call from Ye.

People who were once so familiar turned out to be so strange.Ye and I have been separated by an impenetrable barrier, we all don't know what to say, just exchange a few polite greetings.

"Xia Hua, why didn't you look for me when you came back?"

"I wanted to go, but something happened." I couldn't answer her, I went to find her, and I saw her with another man. "Xia Hua must come next time."

"Will do……"

"Xia Hua, you have changed."

"Well, it has changed." Ye, you know?We've all changed, it's just that we're all running away from the fact that we're not brave and honest.

"Xia Hua, do you still remember the flowers I picked for you?"

"Well... I remember."

"I heard that your name is now Lin Muxing, right? Xia Hua, did you change your name?"

"Yes, I have changed it for many years..."

You also said that you really liked me when you were a child, but it was only when you were a child. Yiren is no longer as obsessed and affectionate as before.When you asked me the name of that flower, I was silent.I know the name of the flower but I didn't tell you.

The flower is called Xia Riju, and the flower language is - separation, farewell.

I leaned closer to the dried flower that I kept carefully, and the fragrance of the flower has faded a lot, just like the weak relationship between me and you.

"Qiu Ye, I still have something to do, so hang up first." I hung up the phone in a hurry, Ye has been left to memory, and all that is left to me is Qiu Ye.

I already know the name of the flower, but it’s a bit late... probably only the flower knows everything... It turns out that the flower can also cry-I’m sorry, I used to love you very much, but I loved you too late, and the expiration date has expired like the flower you gave me.

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