Song Kuncheng saved Xia Nuan's life, and he has been secretly investigating who framed Xia Nuan.

He asked Xia Nuan, but Xia Nuan kept silent.

However, he knew that Xia Nuan had always regarded Song Kun as a benefactor.

"I will pay back the 5000 million for him." Xia Nuan had to compromise.

Ye Sichen asked Uncle Xiang to start the engine: "Well, for the sake of you being my sister, I won't increase your interest."

Through the rearview mirror, he slowly hooked his lips.

Xia Nuan knew that this was exactly what Ye Sichen wanted, but she had no choice but to pay off Song Kuncheng's debt.

Seeing that the divorce date was getting closer, Laixi came to Xia Nuan again and again, wanting to explain the matter between him and Mi Ke to Xia Nuan, but Ye Sichen's people kept blocking her, and Xia Nuan called Lai Xi, Telling Lacey that she blesses him and Miko, Lacey is furious and goes to Miko again.

When he arrived at Mi Ke's place, he directly questioned Mi Ke: "Did Yesichen tell you to climb into my bed? Mi Ke, you really don't want your face because of Yesichen!"

After Mi Ke heard this, he raised his hand and slapped Lacey on the face: "This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Ye, you violated me, and now you are slapping me back, Lacey, get out of me quickly! I I don't want to see you!"

Lacey squeezed Mi Ke's hand, fiercely: "Don't pretend to be innocent, it's a conspiracy between you and Ye Sichen, Ye Sichen has been preventing me from marrying Xia Nuan, so he asked you to hook me up! Mi Ke, Yessichen told you to die, will you also go? Why do you listen to him so much?"

"As I said, it has nothing to do with Mr. Ye, you caused all this!" Mi Ke broke away from Lacey's restraint: "Lacey, I have never seen a scum like you who hurt others. Still so righteous!"

"I don't know who took the initiative to climb into my bed." Lacey sneered.

At this moment, the strong Mi Ke shed tears in front of Lacey, trembling with anger, stomped his feet, and left in anger.

Lacey frowned, looked away, and got into the car sullenly.

In the evening, Mi Ke called and said that Mi Ke hadn't come back, and asked Lacey if she saw her.

Lacey's heart sank slightly, she said nothing and hung up the phone. However, just after hanging up the phone, Lacey left home and drove around the bustling Philadelphia like a dream, looking for Mi Ke.

If something really happened to that woman, I'm afraid, he can't get rid of it.

Thinking of this, Lacey became even more worried.

Yesichen was also very worried when he learned that Mi Ke hadn't come home. He sent people to look for Mi Ke. He called Mi Ke's phone number, but Mi Ke was always turned off.

Lacey shuttled through the neon streets and alleys, looking for Mi Ke's voice. On the way, she received a call from her mother, Song Yuqin, who told him that if she didn't marry Mi Ke, he would never enter the house.

Lacey hung up the phone, even more annoying.

When passing a bar, a familiar figure passed by.

Lacey reversed the car, rolled down the window, and found that Mi Ke was drunk and supported by two men. The two men whistled from time to time, said dirty words, and groped Mi Ke. .

"Damn it!" Lacey cursed, got out of the car, and walked towards the two men.

"Keep this woman here." Lacey glared at the two men with a stern face.

The two men looked Lacey up and down, and seeing Lacey wearing a mask and sunglasses, they couldn't help laughing.

"Ha, here comes a blind man."

"Look at this posture, I want to be a hero to save the beauty. A blind man also wants to be a hero. I really don't know how much I have lost!"

Mi Ke was so dizzy from drinking that he didn't even know that Lacey was coming, so he put a hand on another man's shoulder and said boldly, "Go, handsome guy, you're drinking with me."

Lacey was even more annoyed, and directly pushed the two men away, and dragged Mi Ke over violently.

Mi Ke fell unsteadily into his arms.

Seeing this, the two men went up and punched Lacey a few times. Lacey grunted in pain, while resisting the attack of the two men, he stuffed Mi Ke into the car.However, he started punching and kicking with those two men.

Lacey was no match for the two men, and soon her face and eyes were scratched, and the two men left in a panic until they heard the sound of the siren.

Lacey stumbled and opened the car door, endured the pain, and started the engine.

Finally brought Mi Ke back, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lacey's injuries were unclear, and Ye Sichen immediately asked Mi Ke's nurse to apply medicine to him.

When Mi Ke opened his eyes, it was already broad daylight, and there was a man guarding the edge of the bed. He supported his forehead with one hand, closed his eyes and meditated, with a look of exhaustion and haggardness in his brows and eyes.

Mi Ke stared at the gentle and delicate face like a sculpture, and his heart throbbed again and again.


Ye Sichen slowly opened his eyes, saw Mi Ke woke up, swept away his previous worries, and smiled: "You finally woke up, do you still feel uncomfortable in your stomach? I'll get you a glass of water."

Mi Ke looked at Ye Sichen gratefully, with a warm feeling in his heart, and his gentle and affectionate eyes could not move away from him.Somewhat dull, he accepted the water that Ye Sichen handed over, and took a sip, but found it inexplicably sweet.

"You are a girl, don't go out to drink casually. If it wasn't for Lacey, you would have been taken away. I don't want this to happen in the future."

Yesi reminded her solemnly.

It was only then that Mi Ke remembered what happened yesterday. Yesterday Lacey came to her to have a big fight and wronged her, saying that he was ordered by Yesichen to climb into his bed. In a fit of anger, she ran to the bar to drink A lot of wine, and then several men kept pouring wine on her, and then she couldn't remember anything.

However, why did Yeshen mention Lai Xi, and what does it have to do with Lai Xi.

"Sir, I'm the one who was hurt about the matter between me and Lacey. If it wasn't for the fact that my husband wanted to make music with him, I would have sued him a long time ago." There was a trace of indignation in Mi Ke's weak tone.

Yesi smiled deeply: "It's not that serious, Lacey is indeed a little promiscuous, but he changed it now, in order to save you, he was injured by those people, and he was lying next door, you should thank him It is."

"He saved me?" Mi Ke couldn't believe it.

Yessichen told Mi Ke what happened last night one by one. In order to reconcile Mi Ke and Lacey, Yesichen has been helping Lacey to speak. He always thought that Mi Ke cared about Lacey, so he just Will be so angry.

"Mike, close your eyes, I'm going to give you a surprise." Ye Sichen ordered Mi Ke with a smile.

That kind of smile made Mi Ke a little obsessed, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Then stretch out your hand." Yesi Chen said.

Miko held out his hand.

She just felt a chill between her fingers, as if she was caught by something. She opened her eyes and saw that it was a carat diamond ring. Her heart skipped a beat, and she covered her mouth excitedly: "Sir..."

"is it beautiful?"

"Beautiful..." Mi Ke's heart beat faster, and he was a little incoherent. He only opened his arms and hugged Ye Sichen tightly.

She never thought that Ye Sichen would put the diamond ring on her personally!
It was the diamond ring he bought for her!

The more Mi Ke thought about it, the more turbulent the girl's heart was.

Ye Sichen was taken aback by her sudden hug, and he patted her on the shoulder: "This is the wedding ring that Lacey bought for you, Mi Ke, it can be seen that Lacey likes you very much."

Mi Ke's blood boiling because of joy and excitement suddenly froze, as if a ladle of cold water had been poured all over his body, and his heart gradually became cold.

Xia Nuan heard that Mi Ke was missing, so she rushed over to take a look. The nurse told Xia Nuan that Mi Ke was resting in the room.

Xia Nuan walked towards Mi Ke's room with a bouquet of flowers she bought, which she bought specially for Mi Ke.

When she was about to walk in, she heard the voice of a man talking inside. Through the door, she saw Yesi Chen and Mi Ke hugging each other.

Xia Nuan didn't have the courage to take a step forward, and just froze in place, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

"I've known the relationship between Ye and Mi Ke for a long time. I also know how many times they have opened rooms and slept with them. It's just that I am a generous wife, so I can only let them. As long as Si Chen Just be happy."

Lauder's sarcastic words came from behind.

Xia Nuan's heart twitched uncomfortably, and she turned to leave, but Luo Daier blocked her way: "Not all women can be his wife. To be his wife, you must first consider everything for him. He As a wife, I have to be tolerant. By the way, Ye has contacts with many female fans. Anyway, there are countless, and I can’t count them. Alas, who called him the king of music? too much."

Xia Nuan smiled faintly: "Madam, I'm sorry, I'm going to work." Bypassing Lauder, put the flowers in Mi Ke's living room, and left silently.

Luo Daier looked at Xia Nuan's back, with a gleam of hatred in her eyes.

In the room, Mi Ke was disappointed when he heard Ye Sichen's words.

She thought that Ye Sichen bought this diamond ring for her, but it turned out to be Lacey...

Looking at the diamond ring, she had an urge to take it off.

"Mike, I'm already preparing for your wedding with Lacey. I've announced that the media will start to hold it next week. By then, you will be the happiest bride in the world." Yesi Shen Rounuan's words stopped her Mi Ke's impulse.

Mi Ke was extremely sad, she wanted to tell Ye Sichen that being his bride was the happiest thing in the world, but she would never be his bride in this life.

A tear fell quietly.

Yesi Chen took out a tissue and gently wiped away Mi Ke's tears, like a big brother doting on his sister: "Lacey will bully you in the future, I will not let him go."

"Sir, you are tired too, go and rest quickly."

Mi Ke decided, in order not to let the wedding planned by Yesichen fall by the wayside, she decided to be the bride.

After Yesichen left, Mi Ke went to Lacey's room.

Lacey was in the next ward.

He had bruises on his face and eyes, and his arms were swollen from the beating. He was lying on the bed in a state of embarrassment, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Mi could see this, and frowned.

Ye Sichen said that Lacey was beaten by those men in the bar to save her.

Thinking of this, Mi Ke's hatred for Lacey eased a little, and he left silently.

After Lacey woke up, she left Mi Ke's private clinic and returned to Lai's house.

As soon as he got home, the Lefon couple asked him about Miko's marriage.Lacey was annoyed by what she heard, so she said straight to the point that she would never marry Mi Ke.Song Yuqin reprimanded Laixi a few words, and when she became emotional, her blood pressure began to rise again.

In the end, Song Yuqin threatened Lacey that she would not go to the hospital if he did not marry Mi Ke.Lacey had no choice but to agree.

Two days before the wedding, Lacey and Miko had an appointment.

Mi Ke drew up an agreement and asked Lacey to sign it. Lacey read it and found that it was a marriage agreement, which basically means that after the wedding is over, the two will divorce and sever all ties.

Lacey readily agreed.

Lacey never planned to marry Mi Ke, he always thought that Mi Ke was sent to his bed by Yesichen, if he married Mi Ke, wouldn't it be as Yesichen wished?But his mother Song Yuqin kept threatening him with her life, so he had no choice but to agree.

On the day of the wedding, Mi Ke put on an exquisite wedding dress, held Lacey's arm, and walked into the marriage hall. The guests who came and went were all celebrities from all walks of life. They looked at the couple with great interest, and some blessings, Some are envious, and some are not optimistic. After all, Lacey is a well-known playboy in the circle.

 When Ye Sichen announced the wedding, the outside world guessed that the bride was Yeshen's cousin, but when they saw that it was Mi Ke, everyone was surprised.

However, there are also surprises.

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