Mi Ke sat in Lai Feng's car and went to find Lai Xi.

When they arrived at the luxury club where Lacey and Shanshan were dating, Mi Ke rushed in without waiting for Lai Feng to ask.

The person at the front desk asked her who she was looking for, and she said she was not looking for anyone, she was here to open a room, and the waiter began to check in for her.

Mi Ke knows the rules of this kind of club. If she directly said to find Lacey, the waiter would definitely invite her out directly, because this is a place where celebrities secretly date, and everyone who works here has signed a non-disclosure agreement. All the behaviors of celebrities are exposed. Before the celebrities come here, they will tell them in advance how many people they want to date, what their code names are, etc., but today Lacey only dated the flesh and blood named Shanshan, and did not say Come other girls.So the waiter wouldn't ask her to see Lacey.

Mi Ke went through the formalities and was about to go upstairs.

"Oh, my stomach hurts suddenly, let me sit down first." After Mi Ke finished speaking, he walked around to the bar and sat on the sofa behind.

Seeing this, the staff was busy preparing to call her for emergency services.

"No, I'm a doctor myself, and I need you to help me buy a medicine."

The staff asked what the medicine was, and Mi Ke said that he needed to check the computer to know what it was.So, the staff member started to check the computer again.

While she was checking the computer, Mi Ke found Lacey's room number on another computer screen filled with the check-in registration form, memorized it in his heart, and left with the excuse of going to the bathroom.

Mi Ke found the room where Lacey was, and knocked on the door.

I saw a beautiful woman wrapped in a bath towel standing in front of her.This woman is Lacey's flesh and blood Pi Shanshan.

"Who are you?" Shanshan looked at Mi Ke with a hostile look. Seeing that Mi Ke was handsome and capable, she couldn't help curling her lips.

Mi Ke looked at Shanshan with a pleasant smile: "I'm the housekeeping manager here, ma'am, you lost something on the first floor, please claim it."

Shanshan was a little dubious: "I didn't drop anything."

"It was indeed you who lost it. It seems that it was a card or a check. I forgot, so go and check."

As soon as Shanshan heard the check, she immediately forgot about Mi Ke and quickened her pace to go to the elevator.

Mi Ke walked in and saw a man lying on the bed, and that man was Lacey.Lacey was naked, lying on the bed, showing her lean back, with her back to Miko.

Mi Ke lifted the quilt: "Lacey, you are about to get married, and you still want to provoke crazy bees and butterflies outside. Are you doing Xia Nuan any favors? Get up!"

While speaking, he pinched Lacey's arm and tried to pull her up.

And Lacey was hot all over, as if in a daze, she turned Mi Ke over and pressed him on the soft big bed.

"Baby, let me kiss one." Lacey's eyes were blurred, as if they were burned, they were extremely red, and they became deeper and deeper. His strong arms firmly fixed Mi Ke who was struggling fiercely, leaned over, and fiercely One bite covered Mi Ke's lips.

Mi Ke's head went blank, he kept kicking him, and kept groaning.

Lacey traveled around the flowers and was very good at treating women. Even when she was drowsy, she was still at her fingertips. Soon, he suddenly pressed Mi Ke's leg, making her unable to move.

Mi Ke was scared and panicked. She who was always strong and calm suddenly became a little scared. She couldn't scream and wanted to kick Lacey to death, but Lacey didn't give her this chance at all.

Lacey's whole body was hotter than before. He bit the buttons on Mi Ke's clothes, sank with great strength, and became violent little by little...

Mi Ke didn't know how he passed out, he just felt staggered, terribly bumpy, and was taken advantage of by Lacey, her voice was hoarse, but Lacey not only didn't let go of her, but even worse.

When Mi Ke woke up, she found that Lacey was still sleeping with her arms around her. She gritted her teeth in hatred, pushed him away, and left the club in a state of embarrassment.

Seeing Mi Ke finally come out of the clubhouse, Lai Feng couldn't help asking her: "Where is Lacey?"

Miko prevaricates that Lacey is not here.

Lai Feng couldn't believe it: "I drove that Shanshan away, and she told me that brat was inside."

"I guess she got the wrong person." Mi Ke answered Lai Feng somewhat perfunctorily.

Laifeng saw that Mi Ke's mood was not right, so he didn't say anything. He drove and took Mi Ke back to Mi Ke's home.

When Mi Ke returned home, she kept showering her body, and the dense red marks on her neck were even more eye-catching. In order not to let others see, she stretched out her hand and kept pinching her neck until it came out. Honghen, if someone asked her, she would say that she had a cold and pinched it on purpose.

Mi Ke spent nearly two hours washing in the bathroom.

After I came out, I was so exhausted that I felt sad again in my heart.

That bastard Lacey actually took away her first time, she really wanted to report to him!
Mi Ke held the bed sheet tightly, gritted her teeth and spoke, but when she thought of Ye Sichen, her heart softened again.If this incident becomes a big issue, Lacey will definitely be notorious, which is what she hopes, but this incident will definitely involve Ye Sichen.

She is Yeshen's personal doctor, and Lacey is a long-term collaborator of Yeshen, and Lacey and Yeshen are recording a short music video. It has been recorded with Lacey for more than a year, and it has not been released yet. He wants to reach the level of excellence and is making this music short film come out shockingly.

If Lacey's reputation is ruined, Ye Sichen will definitely be implicated.

Thinking of this, Mi Ke's heart skipped a beat, and he forcibly swallowed this humiliating thing into his stomach, and kept convincing himself in his heart that he was bitten by a dog.

Thinking of this, Mi Ke seemed to feel a lot of comfort in his heart.

However, the next day, the video of her and Lacey together made the media news!

She watched those indecent videos, her stomach was overwhelmed, and she felt dizzy, as if she had experienced the tearing pain of being robbed by Lacey again!

Who secretly took this video?
It must be that Shanshan!

Mi Ke's teeth itch.

And here, when Ye Sichen found out that the girl with Lacey was not Shanshan but Mi Ke, he was also extremely astonished. It was obviously Shanshan, why did he become Mi Ke?

Could it be that Mick and Lacey have been secretly dating?

Akon also felt incredible.

"Sir, I think it should be like this. Dr. Mi Ke has always liked Lacey secretly. When he learned that Lacey and his flesh and blood were entangled, he went to make trouble with Lacey in a fit of anger. So, it ended up like this." Ah Ken spoke his inferences.

Ye Sichen nodded slowly: "It should be like this." There was a trace of guilt in his eyes: "Retract the video and prevent the media from releasing it. If I knew Mi Ke's thoughts, I would never do this."

"It's not your fault, sir," said Akon.

Yesi shook his head heavily, sighed, and suddenly realized: "No wonder Mi Ke never got married, so he was waiting for Lacey."

Xia Nuan walked in at this time and brought the design drawings to Ye Sichen for inspection.

Ye Si withdrew his thoughts, and took the design drawing from Xia Nuan's hand.

After a general look, he didn't say he was satisfied or dissatisfied, but just said lightly: "You probably know about Lacey and Mi Ke, right?"

Xia Nuan replied, "I know."

"Mike and Lacey are dating, do you intend to continue to be their third party?" Ye Sichen asked Xia Nuan.

"You're already planning a wedding for us. Lacey and I have to get married, and he even bought me a diamond ring." Xia Nuan avoided Yesi's deep eyes.

"I organized the wedding for Lacey. The bride can be anyone, not you. You have to know that Lacey has plenty of women, and he has already betrayed you." Ye Sichen said every word.

Xia Nuan thought for a while, and took off the diamond ring that Lacey put on her before: "I can choose to quit, but I want to leave here."

Ye Sichen glanced at the ring she took off, and smiled coldly: "As your elder brother, I have the obligation and responsibility to take care of lifelong affairs for you. Lacey is not suitable for you, and there will be other men for you to choose from."

"I don't want to choose, I just want to leave. Let me leave!" Xia Nuan was determined.

"I know, you are in a hurry to go back to Zhong Shan because you just want to see that doctor named Song Kuncheng. I have already invited him to Philadelphia. You must want to see him very much, right?"

Looking at Ye Sichen's sly and sharp eyes, Xia Nuan felt his fierce and fierce side for the first time.

His heart sank, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Where is he now?"

"He is in Philadelphia, and I have entrusted my relationship to help him establish a Chinese medicine hospital. You should be grateful to me." Ye Sichen said slowly, word by word.

Xia Nuan went to see Song Kuncheng. Song Kuncheng really opened a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Philadelphia, and the location is quite advantageous.

Ye Sichen usually does what he wants to do, and he moves so fast that you can't expect it at all.

Song Kuncheng was very excited when he saw Xia Nuan.

"Xia Nuan, I was really worried that you would be in danger that day. I looked for you everywhere, and went to the travel company to ask about your whereabouts, but the travel company kept looking for you. I didn't know until you and Yesi Shen were on TV. Knowing that you are Ye Sichen's cousin, and that you saved him in the typhoon..."

Song Kuncheng couldn't get through to Xia Nuan on the phone, and he also thought about coming to Philadelphia to find Xia Nuan, but in order not to let others misunderstand that he was a climber, he had to give up that idea.

However, not long after, Ye Sichen sent someone to Zhong Shan, brought him to Philadelphia, and even funded the establishment of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital for him, saying that it was to repay his kindness for taking Xia Nuan in.

Song Kuncheng refused several times, but Ye Sichen insisted on building a hospital for him and wanted him to develop well in Philadelphia. The money for building the hospital should be regarded as a loan from Song Kuncheng.

"Mr. Ye is really a good person. When I make money, I will definitely return it to him. I don't like to owe favors to others." Song Kuncheng said with emotion.Then, he looked at Xia Nuan sadly again: "Xia Nuan, originally I wanted to bless you and Mr. Lacey, but I have read all the news about Mr. Lacey..."

The news that Song Kuncheng refers to is the indecent video incident between Lacey and Mi Ke...

"Are you really going to marry him?"

Xia Nuan just smiled, but didn't make a sound.

How could Song Kuncheng know what was going on here.

"If you are unhappy, don't force it." Song Kuncheng said softly.

Xia Nuan nodded.

Song Kuncheng wanted to say something, but he hesitated to speak, but he still didn't have the courage.

Watching Xia Nuan leave, Song Kuncheng was a little bit reluctant, but when he thought about the disparity in their status, he still sighed after all.

Xia Nuan got into the car.

Yesi sat deeply in the car.

"Thank you for everything you did for him." Xia Nuan said gratefully.

Yesi Chen smiled: "Don't be too busy thanking me, he is stranger to me, I can't build a hospital for him in vain, I spent 5000 million to build this hospital for him, and I did this because Repay the favor for you, so I will count the 5000 million on your head."

"You..." Xia Nuan froze, unable to say a word.

"Since you don't want to pay it back for her, then I have to ask him for it. After a month, if he still doesn't come, I will sue." Ye Sichen took out an agreement, which indeed had Song Kuncheng's signature on it.

Song Kuncheng was Xia Nuan's savior, and it was impossible for Xia Nuan to see death without saving her, and Ye Sichen also firmly grasped this point.

When he sent someone to Zhongshan to contact Song Kuncheng, he had already investigated the relationship between Song Kuncheng and Xia Nuan.

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