Fortunately conceived and favored, Mr. Ye hunted for love 101 times

Chapter 154 As long as Ye Sichen believes in her

Xia Nuan saw distrust in Ye Sichen's eyes, and she hurriedly told him in detail why she followed Ou Guoguo for the past few days.

"...Ye, Oguoguo put the detonator in my clothes. She came here and asked the clerk here to make her a private electronic detonator chip. It's this kind of thing." Xia Nuan pointed to the tiny electronic detonator on the ground. thing.

Seeing that Xia Nuan was about to take a step, the bodyguards stopped her with each hand.It was as if she was going to do something to hurt Ye Sichen.

"I didn't see Ou Guoguo coming here, but I saw Ms. Xia coming here and bought these detonators. What, is Ms. Xia trying to hurt her husband and children?" He questioned Xia Nuan in a tone of voice.

Xia Nuan shook her head: "No, I just want to ask for proof..."

"Bring that clerk over here." Ye Sichen interrupted Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan's heart sank, and tears welled up in her eyes: "Don't you believe me?"

Yesi frowned deeply, and said in a gentle voice, "A Nuan, I just want to find out the truth of the matter."

Therefore, he even suspected her.

Xia Nuan swallowed the words that came to her mouth, and stood there, waiting for his investigation.

From Ye Sichen's point of view, she also thought that he really wanted to find out the truth. Before he got the truth, everything was possible, and she didn't blame him, but she just felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable.

Soon, the clerk who made the detonator was brought over by Uncle Xiang, and the shop including this one was blocked by Ye Sichen's people.

The clerk saw Xia Nuan, then took another look at Ye Sichen, and opened his mouth wide in shock.

When he was in the store just now, because Xia Nuan was wearing sunglasses, he didn't recognize her, but now that Xia Nuan took off his sunglasses, he recognized it at a glance. This woman is Ye Sichen's current woman, Xia Nuan, and Ye Sichen also appeared in front of his eyes, very close at hand.

This made the clerk a little excited, and hurriedly stepped forward and said to Ye Sichen, "Mr. Ye, please sign for me."

Ye Sichen's autograph can be sold for tens of thousands, and if he took a photo with Yesichen, the price would be even higher.

Ye Sichen didn't have that gentle and jade-like posture at this time, but had a serious face, but his tone was very gentle: "Sir, you have to tell me the truth before I will give you an autograph."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, if you have any questions, just let me know, and I will tell you everything." The clerk looked expectant.

"Are you making all these electronic products on the ground?" Yesi Chen asked him.

"Mr. Ye, I am also forced by life to make these, because some people buy them and the price is high, so I did it. I know that explosives are prohibited, but some businesses want to blast high-rise buildings, and some people buy them. Someone did it, I never thought of harming people with this kind of thing, I don't have the slightest intention of harming others, I swear." When the clerk saw those electronic products, he became nervous, and then, he glanced at Xia Nuan, Pointing at Xia Nuan, she said, "Just now Ms. Xia paid a high price to buy it from me, but she said she bought it for a girl named Guoguo, and I don't know the specifics."

"How many times has that girl named Oguoguo been here? When did she come?"

"That girl..." The clerk hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "That girl never came, and Ms. Xia always came."

He concealed the fact that Ou Guoguo came here to buy.

Because Ou Guoguo didn't have the money to pay at the beginning, so he paid with flesh. Afterwards, Ou Guoguo threatened her that if she told about her purchase of the detonator, she would sue him for assaulting her.

 Xia Nuan's unexpected eyes showed anger: "You are lying. That Ou Guoguo came here a day ago."

"I don't know who you're talking about. I don't know that girl named Ou Guoguo." The clerk concealed his guilty conscience.

Ye Sichen caught it cleverly, and then asked Uncle Xiang in a low voice: "Did you find Ou Guoguo coming here after following you for the past few days?"

Uncle Xiang shook his head: "No, I only saw Ms. Xia came twice."

Uncle Xiang tricked Ye Sichen.

Ou Guoguo did come here a day ago as Xia Nuan said, but Uncle Xiang didn't want to tell Ye Sichen this, even if Ou Guoguo came here, it can prove that Xia Nuan didn't hurt Ye Sichen and Wuyou Is Nianci's evil intentions?
Maybe, Xia Nuan and Ou Guoguo are in the same group.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, Ye Sichen and the child can't have any accidents, this is what Mr. Qiao told him before he was alive, and he must protect Ye Sichen well.He didn't allow Ye Sichen to have anyone with evil intentions around him.

 Ye Sichen grew up, besides his father, the person he trusted the most was Uncle Xiang, so he didn't think that Uncle Xiang was lying to him.

He looked at Xia Nuan with some disappointment, and then his eyes fell on the electronic detonator on the ground. After a long silence, he slowly said: "Destroy all these things."

Xia Nuan looked at Ye Sichen, her heart twitching faintly.

"No one is allowed to mention this matter." Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan looked at each other.

Uncle Xiang stepped forward to say something, but Ye Sichen stopped him: "Uncle Xiang, find a way to seal that shop, and stop talking about other things."

"Sir, for your safety, I think..."

"Uncle Xiang, just do as I tell you." Ye Sichen interrupted Uncle Xiang.

Uncle Xiang was a little helpless.

Xia Nuan knew what Uncle Xiang meant and told her to leave Yesichen...

"Why are you in a daze, get in the car." Ye Si's deep and faint voice came from next to my ear.

Xia Nuan moved over step by step with difficulty, stood still, and looked at Ye Sichen: "Ye, it's really not me, how could I harm you and the child? Unless I'm crazy."

Yesi Chen forcefully smiled, and held her hand: "I believe, don't mention this matter anymore, let's go."

Xia Nuan followed Ye Sichen into the car, and in the car, Ye Sichen held her hand all the time, her cold heart warmed up a little, but when she looked up at Ye Sichen's cold profile, her My heart went cold again.

How can she prove her innocence.

"Ye, if you don't believe me, I can leave. I didn't leave because I was guilty, but because I didn't want people around you to be wary of me all the time, and I didn't want you to be in trouble..."

"I said, don't mention it again." Yesi Chen interrupted her sullenly.

Xia Nuan was silent, biting her lips and saying nothing.

"Leave at every turn, you have children, where are you going?"

Xia Nuan remained silent, but leaned on his shoulder, interlocked his fingers, and responded silently.

After returning home, An Sheng cried like a tearful person. Seeing Xia Nuan, he stretched out his two little hands, and his small body leaned towards Xia Nuan. Xia Nuan's heart was about to melt, and he held An Sheng tightly in his arms .

Ye Sichen ordered the kitchen to make food for Xia Nuan, and left in a hurry.

"Are you going to see Wuyou and Nianci? Let's go after dinner together." Xia Nuan walked over and looked at him reluctantly.

"You stay with An Sheng at home. Tomorrow we will pick Wuyou and Nian Ci out of the hospital together." Ye Sichen shook her hand, kissed her and An Sheng on the cheeks, and turned to Mi Ke's place.

Xia Nuan looked at Ye Sichen's back, feeling a little depressed.

One person ate something tasteless, and carried An Sheng to the bedroom.

The TV broadcasted the big news of the arrest of a senior executive of the Rock Group. This news was only reported tonight, and it caused a stir in the media, causing an uproar in the press.

Rockwell is involved in various fields, including electronics, jewelry, medicine, etc., and it involves a wide range of things, and this time the accident happened to a pharmaceutical company under the name of Rockwell.

The drugs in the pharmaceutical company are smuggled prohibited items, and a large amount of smuggled drugs were seized, involving billions of dollars. Moreover, there is news that there are illegal prostitutes in the casino opened by Fu Yaer, the head wife of the Rock Group. , Fu Ya is currently under investigation.

Xia Nuan felt a little surprised. After the accident, she felt that it was Luo Shi's retribution.

Previously, the Rock Group found various reasons to suppress Ye Sichen, but they did not expect to be caught so soon. The Rock Group's handles were all substantive, but no one deliberately smeared them.

Seeing this news, Xia Nuan seemed to feel a little better. She coaxed An Sheng to lie on the bed and fell asleep.

In a blur, she felt that she was pressed by a heavy object and couldn't breathe, and soon, her whole body began to burn, she felt so thirsty, and she needed to release.

"Hmm..." she murmured softly.

Opening her eyes, she bumped into Ye Sichen's deep obsidian pupils, her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but clung to Ye Sichen's neck.

Yesichen was very ruthless every time, as if he wanted to swallow her alive, she had no choice but to bear it every time.

Crazy, obsessed, fiery, and they cooperate seamlessly. They both think that they are the most suitable lovers in the world.

After calming down, Xia Nuan snuggled into Ye Sichen's arms as usual, softly and affectionately: "Ye, I love you, I love you very much."

Ye Sichen didn't talk much tonight, hugged Xia Nuan and rubbed her head: "Go to sleep."

The next morning, Ye Sichen left without knowing when, Xia Nuan thought of the lingering last night, and a touch of sweetness welled up in her heart.

She doesn't need others to believe her, as long as Ye Sichen believes in her, that's enough. What others think is their business, she doesn't care.

Xia Nuan wanted to call Yesi Chen and ask when Wuyou and Nianci would be discharged from the hospital, and she and he would pick them up from the hospital.

It's just that Ye Sichen didn't answer the phone, maybe he was busy or something.

While sitting with An Sheng on the swing in the garden, Xia Nuan's cell phone rang. She thought it was Ye Sichen's call, but she didn't even bother to answer it.

"Ye, when will Wuyou and Nianci be discharged from the hospital? I'll pick them up from Mi Ke."

"Are you Xia Nuan?" A man asked casually from over there.

Xia Nuan frowned: "Yes, are you..."

"You don't need to know who I am, you should still remember the non-disclosure agreement? The agreement contract has expired, let's renew it sometime."

"Contract?" Xia Nuan suddenly thought of that, and her face turned pale.

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