"Sir, the detonator was found in this dress. It is this tiny electronic product. After inspection, it has a remote control timing function. The other party puts the detonator here. The detonator will explode with a bang. You can also set the timer directly on the remote control, as soon as the time is up, it will detonate on time.” Uncle Xiang gave a detailed explanation of the electronic miniature detonator.

Ye Sichen didn't pay attention to listening, but looked at the dress, his deep eyes were more dignified than before.

Looking at the dress, Xia Nuan suddenly smelled a strong smell of conspiracy.

Because this dress is not someone else's, but hers.

"And this dress, everyone can recognize that it was worn by my wife." Uncle Xiang glanced at Xia Nuan, with a flash of defense in his eyes.

"Yes, it's my clothes, but the explosive is not mine." Xia Nuan explained to Uncle Xiang.

"As for whether it is true or not, we need further investigation to find out. I know that the husband believes in his wife, but I will reserve my opinion on this matter." After Uncle Xiang finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Sichen.

Ye Si's deep eyes became cold, and Xia Nuan felt alienated, which made her heart sink involuntarily.

"Look up the girl at the autograph signing." After Yesi finished speaking, Uncle Xiang suddenly thought of something and nodded.

"Ok sir."

Uncle Xiang left, and Xia Nuan shook her hands, only looking at Ye Sichen, and Ye Sichen looked at her.

"Are you suspicious of that girl from last time?" Xia Nuan thought for a while, and felt more and more suspicious of that girl.

Because, apart from Ye Sichen and the three children, she only had physical contact with that female fan.So, the electronic detonator on her body must have been put in her dress pocket by the girl when she hugged her!
The reason why Ye Sichen asked Uncle Xiang to investigate her was obviously because he suspected her.

"If you encounter such a situation in the future, if I don't speak, don't contact them." Ye Sichen shook Xia Nuan's hand, reminding her to be on guard in the future.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't hugged that girl back then, maybe there wouldn't have been such serious consequences. Wuyou and Nianci wouldn't have been hurt either, it's all my fault." Xia Nuan blamed herself, thinking of Wuyou and Nianci Lying on the hospital bed with injuries, she regretted it.

"You didn't know she would be so extreme, so there's no need to blame yourself. In the future, you should be careful when you interact with anyone except me.

Xia Nuan and Ye Sichen held hands, looking at Wuyou and Nianci on the hospital bed, showing a touch of distress.

In the afternoon, Wuyou and Nianci woke up, but the two brothers and sisters were full of energy, and they got up from the hospital bed to eat as soon as they opened their eyes.

Xia Nuan was about to go out and buy something for them.

"No need, I've already asked the kitchen to prepare and send it over." Ye Sichen stopped Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan knew that Ye Sichen was worried that something might happen to the two children.

After Wuyou and Nianci woke up, they underwent a comprehensive physical examination. The final result of the examination was that there was no serious problem. Ye Sichen transferred the two children to Mi Ke to recuperate overnight.

This was the first time Xia Nuan saw Mi Ke after returning from Country S.

Mi Ke looked a lot thinner than before, and his capable short hair was replaced with a style of wavy curls.

Mi Ke gave Wuyou and Nianci another comprehensive examination, and then arranged wards for Wuyou and Nianci. Xia Nuan helped Mi Ke and asked about her recent situation.

Mi Ke only smiled faintly: "I'm fine, the only shortcoming is that I didn't divorce the marriage."

"Do you have no relationship with Mr. Lacey at all?" Xia Nuan asked Mi Ke.

As soon as Lacey was mentioned, a trace of resentment flashed in Mi Ke's eyes: "Not at all, a stud man like him is still the best match for flesh and blood."

Xia Nuan was ashamed, seeing that Mi Ke was unhappy, she didn't say anything.

"Xia Nuan, I really envy you for being brave enough to find your true love, but I am not as brave as you." Mi Ke's sad eyes flashed with jealousy.

If she had insisted on confessing to Ye Sichen back then, I don't know if Ye Sichen would agree. If she had become Ye Sichen's woman, would Xia Nuan still appear?

Xia Nuan listened, smiled sweetly, and her eyes were full of happiness: "At first I kept avoiding, but now I think about it, I want to stay by his side and face everything with him. In fact, Mi Ke, I feel that you and Lacey also has feelings, but you have been refusing to say it, and then you are angry with each other and ignore each other, which will only make each other more painful."

Mi Ke thought of Lacey, and his eyes became dim.

At night, Uncle Xiang came to Mi Ke with a few bodyguards and reported the results of the investigation to Yesi Chen.

"Sir, when Paul and Bill went through the physical examination at the signing, they didn't find anything unusual about the girl. We also went to her home to investigate, but found nothing," said Uncle Xiang. .

Yesichen didn't believe it: "Only she has had contact with his wife, there is no one else but her, you should investigate carefully, the remote control must be in her hands."

"Sir, we used a blanket search to search her all over, but we didn't find any evidence."

Yesi was silent.

"Madam, didn't you really do this?" Uncle Xiang still doubted Xia Nuan.

"Yes, Uncle Xiang, it is impossible for me to hurt Wuyou and Nianci, I look up to them, I have always regarded them as my children, but this incident was brewed because of my negligence, I'm sorry. "Xia Nuan looked sincere.

"Sir, for the sake of safety, I don't think any suspicious person can be let go. Who knows if it will happen again? So I suggest to search the suspicious person." Uncle Xiang obviously meant to target Xia Nuan of.

Yesi pondered for a moment, then his eyes fell on Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan couldn't stand others wronging her, so she said, "I accept all investigations."

Yesi's silence meant that he acquiesced to Uncle Xiang's plan.Back at the villa, Uncle Xiang immediately took Lei Meng and others to search in Xia Nuan's clothes and bags, hoping to find some clues.

And here, Xia Nuan stayed by Wuyou and Nianci's side, feeling very uncomfortable.

Because Ye Sichen might also be suspicious of her.

When Uncle Xiang found the remote control related to the detonator from Xia Nuan, an invisible force completely distanced Ye Sichen and Xia Nuan.

The remote control was found in Xia Nuan's pants. After testing, it was indeed the timing remote control of the detonator.

Uncle Xiang put all the evidence in front of Xia Nuan, and Xia Nuan just kept explaining.

"It's really not me, I have no reason to do that, I love Wuyou and Nianci so much, how could I want to harm them?"

Xia Nuan's mouth was almost worn out, but Uncle Xiang and Ye Sichen's team didn't believe her at all.

"If it was in the past, you really had no reason to hurt, but now, you may want to kill the young lady and the young master out of selfishness. For example, now you have the young master An Sheng, in order to let the young master An Sheng inherit the name of Mr. It is not impossible to kick out the other two heirs to the music fortune." Uncle Xiang expressed his guess.

Except for Uncle Xiang, no one dared to say such a thing.

Uncle Xiang has worked hard at the Ye family for decades, and he has seen many cases of killing each other because of the uneven distribution of property.

Xia Nuan found it ridiculous: "Yes, Uncle Xiang, maybe some women would do that, but I won't, I won't hurt two lovely children because of the so-called wealth, wealth in my eyes is not money and reputation , but home, I want to form a big warm family with Ye and three children, I have never had such absurd ideas, I just want to be with Ye and the children."

"But now the evidence is found on you." Uncle Xiang emphasized, looking at Ye Sichen who had been silent all this time: "Sir, I suggest that you need to think carefully about marrying Ms. Xia."

"Uncle Xiang, I believe in Ah Nuan." A short sentence brought Xia Nuan back from despair.

Xia Nuan wept gratefully, walked over to hold Ye Sichen's hand, Ye Sichen wrapped her back with his back, and tightened his strength: "I know what kind of person she is better than anyone else, she loves Wuyou and Remembrance is no less than my love."

"When I think of Mr. being with suspicious people every day, I feel anxious. Not only me, but the whole team will worry about your safety."

"Xia Nuan is not a suspicious person, Uncle Xiang. I think this is the planner behind the scenes deliberately diverting our attention. That girl is still very suspicious. Let's follow her secretly and see if there is anything unusual about her. Come back and tell me." As soon as Ye Sichen said that, Uncle Xiang had no choice but to cut off the thought of sending Xia Nuan to the police station.

Ye Sichen would not allow Xia Nuan to be taken to the police station.

Although Ye Sichen believed in Xia Nuan, Xia Nuan still felt uneasy.

Everyone thought that Ye Sichen was protecting her, and this feeling made her feel uncomfortable.

Xia Nuan decided to secretly monitor the girl's movements.

While Ye Sichen was with Mi Ke to accompany Wuyou and Nianci, Xia Nuan would secretly follow the girl who hugged her at the signing of Yesichen.

After a few days of exploration, she knew that the girl was Ou Guoguo, she was a huge fan of Yesichen, and she often bought a lot of books and clothes albums related to Yesichen. Once, she followed Ou Guoguo to a The electronics store is located in a remote place, and it takes a long and steep road to get there. Oguo Guo quickly walked out of the store, and then, he never went there.Xia Nuan went to the electronics store, ready to find out.

"Ma'am, what would you like to buy?"

Xia Nuan said to the clerk: "I bought what the girl bought last time. That girl is about this height, about 1.6 meters each, with long hair. Her name is Guoguo. Last time she came to you wearing a white skirt. This time she is sick. It’s gone, but it didn’t come, so ask me to come and get it for her.”

The clerk suddenly understood, and said to Xia Nuan mysteriously: "The smaller the more expensive, what we make here is miniature ones, and the detonation of miniature ones is very powerful..."

After hearing what the clerk said, Xia Nuan felt a chill down his spine.

 Obviously, the detonator was secretly made here, and the detonator in her pocket was bought by Ou Guoguo from here, and then took the opportunity to put it on her body!

"Are you going to buy it or not?" The clerk became vigilant when he saw her thoughtful look.

"Buy, of course I want to buy." Xia Nuan came back to her senses and hurriedly answered the clerk's words.

"Then you wait first, I'll get it for you." The clerk looked Xia Nuan up and down, because Xia Nuan was wearing sunglasses, and the sunglasses covered most of her face, so the clerk didn't recognize her.

Xia Nuan didn't try to scare the snake away, and secretly recorded the conversation between her and the clerk, bought these miniature detonators, and then prepared to leave.She wanted to bring these evidences to discuss with Yesi Chen, and then ask Yesi Chen to send someone over to control the clerk. In this way, he would definitely confess Ou Guoguo.

When she was about to leave, several men in black surrounded her.

Headed by Yeshen's bodyguards Paul and Dawson.

Xia Nuan was taken aback for a moment.

Xia Nuan was bound to the car by them like a prisoner. She knew that she had been misunderstood, so she kept explaining. However, Paul and the others didn't listen, and sat in the car with a blank expression, and kept taking her In front of Ye Sichen.

Ye Sichen appeared in a black extended Lincoln car, he got out of the car, and stood on the cold windy coast.What set off his whole person was even colder.

All of Xia Nuan's belongings were taken away, including the electronic miniature explosives she bought and a recording pen.

Ye Sichen stood there with a serious face, looking at her.

"Ah Nuan, what are you doing without telling me the past few days." Ye Si's serious face showed a trace of frustration.

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