After listening to Ye Enchen's words, Xia Nuan stared at Ye Enchen: "Did you do it? You secretly entrusted someone to do tricks at the concert! Didn't you?"

She pressed Ye Enchen, pinched Ye Enchen's collar, and tried her best.

Ye Enchen broke her hand and pushed it away coldly: "I have no reason to do that. This matter is related to the Ye family. No matter how much I want Ye Si Shen to die, it is impossible to implicate the Ye family. I can only blame him I've made too many enemies, I'm talking, I still want him to see my good side, how can I let him die?"

Ye En smiled triumphantly, and threw a piece of clothing to Xia Nuan: "The location on the map has been found, you can accompany me to survey the terrain, going out to relax is good for your fetus."

Xia Nuan waited until Ye Enchen left, stroked her swollen belly, gritted her teeth, got out of bed, and changed into the clothes Ye Enchen threw over.

He and Ye Enshen got into the car, and left the luxurious villa that Ye Enshen had just purchased.

 The road ahead is always full of sand and dust, and the piles of ancient castles have become ruins after the baptism of war. The more you drive forward, the more you can see those men, women and children in rags walking hard in the sand and dust.

When they saw a car, they would reach out and beat the windows, or they would stop those cars and ask for money in the way of beggars.

Naturally, Ye Enchen's car did not avoid being slapped. The poor poor looked at Xia Nuan and Ye Enchen inside the car, pitifully.

"Good sir and madam, have pity on us,"

"We can't open the fire at home now, and the refugee camp is far away from here, why don't you give us a ride."

"It's okay if you don't carry us, just give me some money."

Ye Enchen looked at those filthy poor people with disgust, and cursed: "Damn bugs, if it wasn't for the treasure, I wouldn't bother to come to such a ghostly place! These people are like locusts!"

Xia Nuan looked at him coldly, took out a wad of money from her bag, and when she was about to give it to the poor, Ye En stopped her sharply: "We are not here to be the Holy Mother of charity, take the money back! "

"This is my own money, it has nothing to do with you." Xia Nuan still distributed the money to the poor.

Ye Enchen's eyes were burning, and he stared at Xia Nuan with dissatisfaction: "Troublemakers come out of poor lands and evil waters. If you give them money, they will make more progress, and it is very likely that they will turn into robbery. So, put away your virginal heart."

Xia Nuan said nothing, just looked out the window.

Outside the car window, Xia Nuan couldn't help but smile as she watched the poor people thank her piously in front of the car.

If it is not forced by life, if it is not the difficulty of war, who would be willing to be a "troublemaker?"

Xia Nuan looked at the yellow sand passing by outside, and her thoughts drifted to Modu again.

If Yesichen came here, it would be good news for these poor people, because he didn't want to see others suffer, especially the people who suffered from hunger during the war.

The map originally belonged to Ye Sichen, he probably knew this place, maybe he had been there before...

"Are you hungry?" Ye Enchen asked Xia Nuan.

Xia Nuan recovered and shook her head: "I'm not hungry."

Ye Enchen glanced at her abdomen, speeded up the car, and drove towards a hotel not far ahead.

Ye Enchen also bought this car here, and Ye Enchen decided that if there is a treasure here, he will take root here permanently, and then develop his own business to compete with Ye Sichen.

But he didn't expect that Ye Sichen's posters and his previous photo albums were everywhere in the restaurant.At that time, Ye Sichen had a charming charm in his handsome brows, not as gentle and refined as now, but with a hint of cruelty.

At that time, he was healthy, energetic, vigorous, ambitious and ambitious.

Xia Nuan was a little dumbfounded, and she was stunned. Ye Enchen called twice and she didn't respond.

Ye En squeezed Xia Nuan's hand tightly, "Change another family."

While speaking, he dragged Xia Nuan out.

After getting in the car, Ye Enchen said directly: "You are my wife now, you must always remember the word duty."

After hearing this, Xia Nuan crossed her arms and looked only at the restaurant, her eyes were a little red: "Ye Enchen, I ask you to help me find out about his current situation, okay?"

Ye Enchen pinched the steering wheel, looked through the rearview mirror, and gritted his teeth: "At least he can't die."

 "Just treat it as an older brother out of concern for his younger brother, okay?" Xia Nuan continued to beg him.

"If you obediently listen to me, obey me, and treat me as your husband, maybe I'll ask for you." Ye En said coldly.

Xia Nuan looked at Ye Enchen's triumphant appearance, the disgust in his eyes was hidden, and he looked away: "I will try my best."

Ye Enchen speeded up the car and went to another restaurant.

However, it was also full of things about Ye Sichen, the portrait of Ye Sichen, the cover of Yesichen's album, the cover of the album, even the video of Yesichen's concert was playing on TV.

The more Xia Nuan watched, the more she missed Ye Sichen.She subconsciously clutched her chest.

"Madam, you are also a fan of Yesi Chen, right? It is because of Ye Sichen that the development of our place has been driven. In the past, because of years of war, our place was always haunted by bandits and terrorists. After Si Chen came to our place, he immediately attracted a lot of people to travel, and the law and order gradually improved..."

The restaurant owner was eloquent, and looked at Ye Sichen on TV with reverence.

Xia Nuan's heart was shaken, and she sat down slowly, listening to the restaurant owner's explanation.

"Enough, stop here, we have to order food, turn off the TV, don't pollute our eyes." Ye Enchen interrupted the restaurant owner.

The owner of the restaurant realized Ye Enchen's displeasure and shut up. However, he seemed a little displeased.

"Sorry sir, we won't turn off the TV, and we won't take down Ye Sichen's portrait, you can go somewhere else." The restaurant owner took away the menu and drove Ye Enchen away.

"Don't you just want money?" Ye En sneered, and put a stack of banknotes on the table: "Here, bring the best food."

Xia Nuan frowned, she couldn't agree with Ye Enchen's behavior.

"We don't want money, I want you to apologize to Mr. Yesichen, because you were rude to him." The restaurant owner didn't even look at the banknotes.

Ye En sneered coldly, as if listening to a big joke: "What is he? A singer, is it your ancestor?"

When the boss heard this, he stepped forward with his fists clenched to beat Ye Enchen. Seeing this, Xia Nuan got up and stood between them, apologizing to the boss: "I'm sorry, sir, I apologize to Ye Sichen on his behalf, I'm sorry .”

The boss looked at Xia Nuan, let go of his fist, and looked at Ye Enchen with disgust: "You don't even know what Ye Sichen did to us? Without him, our place would be a barren land. Without him, we You have long been the victim of those bandits, but you, a foreigner who knows nothing, openly said some unbearable remarks to such a good person. If you dare to say something disrespectful to him, I don’t need to look at it Your wife is losing face, so I'll beat you out!"

At this time, Ye Enchen was even more jealous of Ye Sichen, holding hands, dragging Xia Nuan away again.

Xia Nuan was directly thrown into the carriage by him, because she was worried about hurting the fetus, Xia Nuan kept tightly guarding her body.

"Everyone is Ye Sichen, a monster, but everyone admires him so much, heh, even you. When you see him, your soul is gone. What's good about him? Tell me?"

Ye Enchen squeezed Xia Nuan's arm, each time getting heavier and heavier.

Xia Nuan closed her eyes and said nothing.

Seeing this, Ye Enchen bullied her and suppressed her, squeezed her mouth, sealed it, and kissed her hard.

Xia Nuan leaned against him, avoiding left and right: "I'm pregnant."

Panting, Ye Enchen let go of her, dragged her off the seat, forced her to kneel under him, pressed the back of her head, and untied her belt.

A trace of stubbornness flashed in Xia Nuan's eyes: "Ye Enchen, let me go."

"Satisfy me with your mouth. I am your husband, and you are obliged to satisfy my needs." Ye Enchen forced Xia Nuan, and a strong possessive desire flashed in those eyes.

Xia Nuan opened her eyes with tears in her eyes, still stubbornly looking at Ye Enchen, struggling fiercely, refusing to cooperate.

Seeing her like this, Ye Enchen felt a little annoyed in her heart, but lost all interest, let go of her, and sat down on the seat: "Go back, I'm annoyed when I see your face."

Xia Nuan swallowed tears into her belly, stood up with difficulty, and went to the back seat.

Along the way, Ye Enchen kept silent until the destination, Ye Enchen took Xia Nuan out of the car.

In front of me is a church-like building with an extremely large area, almost as large as Ye Sichen's manor, and Xia Nuan also found a detail, the interior device is somewhat similar to Ye Sichen's manor, inside There are also mountains and waters, as well as entertainment equipment. The only difference is that there is a hospital here.

The security guard at the gate said that the refugee concentration camp here is full of poor people who migrated from the east, and there are also war-torn disabled people.

And here there are complete medical equipment, rich food, and endless clothes for four seasons. The staff here take care of these refugees very thoughtfully. There are super high salaries every month.

Ye Enchen looked at the refugee camp and said to himself: "This is what the map shows." After speaking, he looked down again, frowned, seemed to realize something, and smiled coldly.

And here, Xia Nuan chatted with the medical staff, wanting to know about the situation here.

When she learned that the refugee camp was built by Yesi Chen, the emotion in her heart spread little by little.

Ye Sichen always thinks of others...

 "Mr. Ye pays for food and housing, and he also pays our wages. Those refugees can find work outside and come back to live here after a day's work. In fact, this is their home. They have always been very grateful to Mr. Ye. In this world, there are really not many good people like Mr. Ye, I don't understand why some people pour dirty water on him like that." The nurse sighed, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes: "I heard that he is singing I was injured during the meeting, and I don’t know what to do, if I have the opportunity, I will definitely go to Mordo to see him.”

Xia Nuan's heart skipped a beat, she looked at the nurse, and suddenly held her hand: "You can go see him now."

"But it's too far away, and all my money is with my mother. If she buys an air ticket, she won't pay for it, because this place is too remote, and there are always wars on the other side of the border. She doesn't trust me," the nurse said. After finishing, he lowered his head somewhat disappointed.

Xia Nuan thought for a while: "Miss Nurse, are you a fan of Ye Sichen? Are you worried about your health?"

"Of course, I am his hardcore fan. I have listened to his songs since I was a child in school. The only person I admire is him. He is a hero in my heart."

"Do you have a mobile phone, Miss Nurse?" Seeing her nympho look, Xia Nuan couldn't help asking.

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