Xia Nuan heard Ye Enchen's ruthless words, and the fear in her heart became more and more obvious. She already hated Ye Enchen, but now she also knew that she could not confront Ye Enchen head-on.

"Can you let me go? I know, you just treat me like a thing. You forced me to stay by your side to be competitive. Now that you have won, you should let me go." Xia Nuanwen As he spoke, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Ye Enchen squeezed her hand tightly, forcing her to stick to him tightly.

"I'll let you go, so you can go back to Ye Sichen, right? Xia Nuan, don't even think about it."

Xia Nuan shook her head: "I will not appear by his side anymore, I will stay away from any of you, as long as you give me a chance to stay away."

While she was talking, she begged Ye Enshen.

"Xia Nuan, no matter what you say, I will marry you. Don't waste your tongue. What you have to do now is to enjoy the love I give you." Ye En lowered her head, wanting to kiss Xia Nuan, but Xia Nuan avoided her. open.

Ye Enchen let go of Xia Nuan, the scorching eyes turned cold little by little: "You have only two choices now, either marry me, or get rid of the evil seeds in your stomach."

"Why? Ye Enchen, what right do you have to tell me to kill my child?!" Xia Nuan lost her mind and yelled at Ye Enchen.

"You are my woman."

"I'm not! I've never been your woman!" Xia Nuan rushed out the door, but Ye Enchen tasted the red wine slowly and didn't intend to chase after her.

When Xia Nuan was about to leave the inn by chance, she found that there were several men outside the door looking at her with embarrassment, and they all had weapons on their waists.

He approached Xia Nuan step by step.

Xia Nuan backed away.

Had to turn back to the private room.

"Nuan Nuan, I'm asking you, do you agree to marry me?" Ye En asked deeply.

Xia Nuan bit her lip tightly, already desperate: "You can't force me."

"Well, I'll call someone over to induce labor for you." After Ye Enchen finished speaking, he drank the red wine, got up, and passed Xia Nuan.

"Ye Enchen, is your heart made of ice? Why did you treat me like this? What did I do wrong?" Xia Nuan's sharp voice rang in Ye Enchen's ear.

"You did nothing wrong, it's because I like you." Ye En sneered coldly, and raised her hand to wipe away tears for Xia Nuan.

"Okay, I'll marry you, as long as you don't hurt the child in my womb, I will do anything to you." Xia Nuan took a long time to say these words with difficulty.

After Ye Enchen listened, she turned around and took Xia Nuan into her arms.

The weather in Modu was cloudy and rainy during this time, and there was no sunshine. Ye Sichen stood by the window, looked at the rainy sky outside, and coughed violently.

 He always believed that the rain floating in the sky was Xia Nuan's tears.

Because of his disbelief, she threw herself down the stairs and told him to live forever in repentance and grief.

Yesi hunched over, clutching his heart with some discomfort, he never knew that without Xia Nuan, he would be living like death.

Ye Sichen looked away in a daze, sat down on the chair, picked up the phone, and said hoarsely: "Mr. Song, is there any news about Xia Nuan? Don't lie to me, is she hidden by you? She is You don't want to see me?"

Ye Sichen seemed to be in a daze, and kept asking Song Kuncheng on the phone.

"Xia Nuan is dead, you killed him." Over there, Song Kuncheng gritted his teeth and said every word.

Ye Sichen couldn't say anything, holding his phone, lost his mind by himself.

Si Nanyin led Wuyou and Nianci into the room. Seeing that Ye Sichen seemed to have lost weight again, he frowned and winked at Wuyou Nianci.The two children hurried over and circled around Ye Sichen's knees.
"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"You need to rest, Dad."

Ye Sichen forced a smile in front of the children, rubbing their heads: "It's been a long time since I went out to play with you, I'm sorry for you."

They didn't have a mother, but his father was so incompetent that he gave them a good living environment, but he couldn't give them a complete family.

God opened a window for him, but closed another window.

Si Nanyin handed the glass of water to Ye Sichen, and sighed: "Brother Shen, don't think about Xia Nuan, people always look forward, if her body hasn't been found yet, it means There is still hope, and besides, if there is a real destiny in the future, we will meet again, and you don't have to blame yourself, in fact, it was all my fault at the beginning, and I should have asked you to go with Lin Meng before going to Lin Meng's place, and this kind of thing won't happen."

The truth has come to light, Lin Meng tricked Xia Nuan into going to the apartment, knocked Xia Nuan unconscious, then used Xia Nuan's cell phone to call Si Nanyin, and tricked Si Nanyin into going to try on the wedding dress, Si Nanyin went in and was knocked unconscious by Lin Meng , and then Lin Meng used Xia Nuan's cell phone to take pictures of Si Nanyin, and asked that Nan Xiu to cooperate with him in slandering Xia Nuan...

Si Nanyin's reputation had been ruined once, so she was naturally unwilling, so she sent Lin Meng to prison. However, she was released because Lin Meng was diagnosed as having schizophrenia.

Si Nanyin was a little annoyed, but Lin Meng was backed by someone, and that person was the Rock Group.

To be precise, it was Luo Dai'er who did it, because she was involved with Yesichen, and Luo Dai'er felt jealous, so she began to use Luo Shi's power to suppress her.

Not only her, but also Ye Sichen.

The news from the outside world was slandering Ye Sichen every day, and there were rumors that Ye Sichen was terminally ill.

Thinking of this, Si Nanyin was even more unwilling: "Brother Shen, you have to cheer up, we have to continue making music videos, hold concerts, and get rid of those negative images."

Ye Sichen didn't seem to take it seriously: "I'm tired, and now I just want to be with my child."

"You can't give up on yourself like that."

"No, my peak has passed, I just want to live an ordinary life." Ye Sichen's deep eyes see through the vicissitudes of the world, and he seems to have aged many years.

Si Nanyin suddenly discovered that Ye Sichen's passionate soul had left his body, and the current Ye Sichen no longer had the ambition to be a stage king.

"Brother Shen, you were born an extraordinary person. You are the king of music and you will always be. Think about it yourself." Si Nanyin finished speaking and left.

There was still no wave on Ye Sichen's face.

After Si Nanyin left, Yesi pulled himself together and took his son and daughter to the amusement park, and then to the ranch.

Every time he passed by, Ye Sichen would hear the two children mention Xia Nuan.

Because every place they go is full of memories between them and Xia Nuan.

"Where did mom go? Dad, I haven't seen her for a long time. Some people say she's dead, and I don't want to call her dead."

Nian Ci suddenly put his arms around Ye Sichen's arm and asked sadly.

Yesi's heart groaned, and he hugged Nian Ci even tighter: "She's not dead."

"Then let's go find her? Why can't my mother's phone call go through? Where did she go?"

Ye Sichen didn't answer, looking at the overcast sky, thoughtful.

"Sir, Lin Meng has been kneeling outside the manor, saying that she wants to see you." Uncle Xiang walked over with a serious expression on his face.

There was no emotion on Ye Sichen's face, he even said coldly: "Call the mental hospital and someone will take her away."

He didn't want to see Lin Meng. When he saw Lin Meng, he would think of Xia Nuan jumping into the river.

Uncle Xiang went away in response.

In the middle of the night, after Wuyou and Nianci were asleep, the music company boss Qin Ruian came to Ye Sichen in person, basically asking Ye Sichen to sign a concert performance contract, but Ye Sichen refused.Qin Ruian left with some displeasure.

The next day, Yesichen received a letter from the music company's lawyer, saying that Yesichen did not follow the contract and he wanted to sue Yeshen.However, the cooperation contract signed by Yesichen and the music company did not involve the performance of concerts and performances, but the other party's lawyer insisted that the contract came into effect and Ye Sichen had to perform it.

Ye Sichen realized that something was wrong, so he secretly sent Aken to investigate, and the results of the investigation came out soon.

Aken came to Ye Sichen with a contract.

"These contracts were signed by the company and the old lady, and the old lady represented the Ye family, to be precise, signed with the Ye family. And it is also legally effective, and they have the right to sue."

Ye Sichen read the contract again, with a sad expression on his face.

The stamp on it belongs to Ye Family, and Ye Family also has to perform company performances and produce music and concerts, if they do not cooperate, it will be a breach of contract.

Ye Linshen fell ill, and Ye Enshen left Modu, and now there are only him and Ye Ranni in the Ye family.

"Si Chen, I did sign the contract. I know that some contracts are very domineering. However, I signed it after careful consideration, because you must inspire and challenge, for the Ye family and yourself." Ye Lao The wife suddenly appeared in Ye Sichen's room.

Ye Si raised his eyes deeply, looked at his mother, and frowned.

"I'm doing this for your own good. I don't want to see you give up on yourself like this. I signed this contract with Qin Rui'an just to get you back to the top. You have to hold concerts and promote yourself to save your public image."

"Mom, I'm already in my 30s, it's impossible to jump from beginning to end like I did back then." Ye Sichen said helplessly.

"You are in your prime, so you shouldn't just be withered like this! Are you worthy of your father? Are you worthy of the Ye family? Si Chen, you are just not good at promoting yourself. When others do live broadcasts of charity events, they will show their compassion You show it on the one hand, but you are always unknown, and you don’t say anything about what you do, so that the outside world thinks you are as bad as you think! You have to know that your behavior also represents the glory of the family!"

Why should he let others know?He does it because he wants to do it from the bottom of his heart, not just to show off to others.In the end, he was still out of tune with the world.

Ye Sichen didn't refute Mrs. Ye, but only agreed to hold a concert.

If you don't act according to the contract, it means that the Ye family has breached the contract.This is what he does not want to see.

Yesi Shen forced himself to make music with Si Nanyin, film an MV, and start preparing for a global tour.

Because of the sequelae caused by the burns, once he was tired, his whole body ached, accompanied by insomnia and dreaminess, and he woke up countless nights every night.A person paced the room like a ghost, looking at the stars in the sky.

He took a pill and took it tremblingly. Then, he went to the recording room, turned up the music to the maximum, and started rehearsing. The sound insulation here is very good, so he is not afraid of disturbing the sleeping children and servants.

Only by keeping himself busy, he would not miss Xia Nuan.

The screams continued, crazy and passionate, the light sticks were like dotted stars, swaying non-stop in the rhythm, the venue that accommodated [-] fans was in full swing, everyone was calling for Ye Sishen, losing their minds, and being overly excited, so that a large number of doctors The team began to rush to rescue those unconscious fans in the crowd.

Ye Sichen was dressed in black and stood on the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge slowly started to rise into the air, approaching the fans.

The fans held their heads and screamed, waving their hands and shouting towards Ye Sichen in the sky.

Suddenly, there was a violent bang, and the suspension bridge dropped sharply from the sky. Ye Sichen forced himself to calm down in order to complete the performance and avoid causing commotion.There was another boom, which almost overwhelmed the music, the suspension bridge fell heavily, and the audience screamed out of worry...

"The night is sinking!" Xia Nuan woke up from the nightmare, her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"Ye Enchen was hospitalized again, this time there was an accident during the concert." Ye Enchen's slow words rang in Xia Nuan's ears.

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