Because of Qin Mo's "powerful" policy, the game continued, but Feng Youyou sorted out his mood and devoted himself to the live broadcast again.

Unfortunately, Feng Youyou guessed correctly, her mission is the series of Gref's travel notes, this time she is a doctor, and the mission is to cure the king of the flying island country from not tilting his head.

Feng Youyou is wearing the clothes of the Asuka Kingdom, walking on the capital of the Asuka Kingdom, she is now a commoner, so how can she meet the king?

Feng Youyou walked to the place where the emperor's list was posted, and it was written that whoever can cure the king's head tilt disease will be rewarded.

She rubbed her chin and thought, it turned out that the imperial doctor in the palace had nothing to do with the king's illness, and they had to go to the people to find a doctor.I have to say that this is an opportunity, but is it really good to go in with such a big fanfare?
Feng Youyou closed his eyes, and lifted the imperial list with one hand, forget it, the task is still important, at worst, when the king asks what he wants, he just says that he just wants to go back to the people.

The imperial list has been posted for some time. This is when the list was first posted, and someone took the list again.The soldiers attached great importance to it and rushed over in less than a while.After seeing Feng Youyou's appearance, she immediately lost her hope.

This girl is too young.

Even though the soldiers had no hope for Feng Youyou, they still brought Feng Youyou into the palace.

Feng Youyou entered the palace and saw the king of Asuka Kingdom, the king didn't have any energy at this time, and said weakly: "You are the little girl who revealed the imperial list?"

"Yes, king. Caomin can cure your head tilt."

The king became more energetic now, "A few days ago when the folk doctors came, they only said to try it out, but you said that you have the confidence to cure it. Isn't that an exaggeration?"

Feng Youyou said with a smile: "Is it exaggerating that the king will know later."

"Okay, come forward and show me."

Feng Youyou walked up to the king and checked the head tilt for the king. Fortunately, the head tilt was not a very difficult and miscellaneous disease. Find out the cause of the tilt of the head, and then prescribe the right medicine. It didn't take long The king's symptoms were cured.

The king twisted his neck and felt that his symptoms were much better.Immediately he smiled, "I didn't expect you, little girl, to have good medical skills at such a young age."

Feng Youyou smiled but didn't answer, this can't be the system's credit.

"Little girl, you have cured my head tilt, tell me what you want?"

Feng Youyou smiled, and when the main event came, he rushed ahead of the king and said: "King, the grass people don't want anything else, they just want to live an ordinary life." Curing your illness is what I want.

The king was surprised now, seeing that the little girl's expression didn't look like she was lying, "In this case, I will give you a manor, so that you can live a more ordinary life."

Feng Youyou knelt down and bowed, "Thank you, the king, so the Caomin will leave the palace first, and the Caomin's herb hall still needs the Caomin to go back."

It was obviously the first time for the king to see a woman like Feng Youyou, and he became interested in Feng Youyou, but Feng Youyou had already said that something happened at home, so he didn't dare to force him to stay, "Then let the soldiers take you back."

"Thank you king."

After Feng Youyou left the palace, she threw away the soldiers the king gave her.Then I went to Hui Yiguo. This time, the mission was to steal the gems first, and then return the gems to achieve a pair of love.

The moment Feng Youyou saw the task, she really wanted to complain, Yehu stole Huihou’s gem, and she wanted to fulfill Huihou and Yehu, what’s the reason, if she could not be with someone who stole her things .

No matter how much you complain, the task is still the most important thing, Feng Youyou can only go to Yehu's mansion first, and find out the location of the gem, usually Yehu will put the gem on his body.

It seems that we can only act when Yehu is asleep at night.

The moonlit night is slowly approaching, and the moon is dark and the wind is high. It is undoubtedly the best time to kill people and steal goods.Feng Youyou sneaked into Yehu's house.The house was very quiet at night, there was no sound, and there was no light in the house. Feng Youyou found the room where Yehu lived based on the results of the daytime investigation.

Feng Youyou rolled down from the roof, trying not to make a sound, Yehu was sleeping soundly in the room.

Feng Youyou walked lightly to the side of the bed, touched Yehu, Yehu hummed twice, turned over, and then continued to sleep, Feng Youyou breathed a long sigh of relief, grandma, this Yehu really scared her to death.

After Feng Youyou confirmed that Yehu had fallen asleep, he found the gemstone from Yehu's waist, escaped from the room and merged with the night.

After taking the gem, the next step is to return it to Hui Hui, but when returning it to Hui Hui, Feng Youyou encountered a very embarrassing problem, she didn't know who Hui Hui was, she started to find Yehu because Yehu was here The area is very famous, but the Hui Hui is different. There are several Hui Hui, and she doesn't know which Hui Hui it is.

Feng Youyou had no choice but to ask around.

When Yehu woke up the next day, he found that the gem had been stolen, which was Hui Hui's favorite gem.

After thinking twice, Yehu took the initiative to come to the door and asked Hui Hou to question him.

Yehu looked at Hui Hou with an aggrieved face, "Hui Hou, I'm sorry, I lost your gemstone."

Hui Hui stared at Yehu angrily, "Yehu, you dropped my precious gemstone!"

Yehu knew how precious Hui Hou was to this gemstone, so he knelt down in front of Hui Hou, "Hui Hou, the gem is gone, so let me accompany you with myself, okay? I will definitely find you a better gem in the future. "

Hui Hui was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Yehu to be like this, and Yehu hugged Hui Hui at this moment, "Hui Hui, I like you for a long time. I took the gem because I wanted to To draw your attention, who knows that the gemstone has fallen, I have nothing to compensate you, I can only compensate you with myself, if you don't speak, I will take it as if you agreed."

Hui Hui cried, "You scoundrel, why didn't you say this sooner? Do you know how long I have been waiting for this?"

Yehu was ecstatic in his heart, and hugged Hui Hui tightly.

At this time, Feng Youyou, who rushed over, saw such a scene, laughed dryly, and threw the gem in front of Yehu and Hui Hui.

Attracted by the sound of things falling, Yehu took Hui Hou by the hand and was ecstatic the moment he walked in front of the gem. He held the gem and said to Hui Hou, "Hui Hou, the gem has been found."

Hui Hui smiled lightly. Gemstone was very happy to find her, but what was even happier was that she had gained a love.

The system shows that you have completed the task.

Feng Youyou laughed twice, this task is really hard to say, what else did she do from the beginning to the end besides stealing gems and giving gems?
Time passed by, and the scores of Myriad Worlds doubled because of Nile's hidden mission method, catching up with the good times. 1 Urgently send a message, "Hurry up, we are already behind thousands of worlds, now we must be aware of the crisis."

After ZR finished speaking, Feng Youyou knew that she had to work hard, and also had to race against time, time is money, and they couldn't fall behind thousands of worlds.

After solving Gref's Travels series, she travels through time and space again. This time, the time and space traveled is actually the game "Plants vs. Zombies", and Feng Youyou, as the plant side, wants to prevent zombies from entering the territory of plants and destroying them.

At this time, Feng Youyou, who distributes bombs, is trying to collect bombs and send them to the plants in front, so that the plants in front can have weapons to fight against zombies.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the zombies seemed to be in a steady stream. After one wave was fought, the next wave came again.Feng Youyou thought that her mission this time was to deliver the bomb, and there was nothing else to do.

However, at this time, the firepower of the unexpected zombies has become fiercer!The plants collapsed frequently, and the plants in front fell down one by one. Feng Youyou couldn't see it well, so he had to go on top, and while defeating the zombies, he distributed the bombs in his hand to other plants.Because the top of the plant that delivered the bomb strengthened the combat effectiveness of the plant, the zombies were defeated, and the battle temporarily stopped.

Feng Youyou intended to take a rest, but was accused, the zombies can attack at any time, and the enemy should not be underestimated, if it fails, the good times will be lost.

Feng Youyou gritted her teeth, she had no choice but to work day and night, but the zombies could not be defeated repeatedly.

Feng Youyou stopped, this is not a solution at all, it will only prolong her time in this task infinitely, and there is no way to proceed to the next task, maybe she will still struggle in this task during the competition.

The ancients said, to capture the thief, the king is the first to catch the thief. If the zombies attack continuously, there must be a zombie king who will command the zombies to fight. Soldiers of man.

Feng Youyou told the plants her thoughts, but the plants disagreed, they all said: "Zombies always attack, we defend, we have never attacked zombies, and we don't know how to attack zombies."

Feng Youyou blushed, "Didn't you think of solving the scourge of zombies forever? Don't you want to live a stable life?" She couldn't understand what these plants were thinking.

Feng Youyou doesn't understand plants, and plants don't understand Feng Youyou, they looked at Feng Youyou as if they were looking at a monster, "Why do we have to deal with zombies forever? We have always guarded our homeland, and zombies attack us Homeland, isn’t this a general rule? Why do we want to break this rule?”

Feng Youyou found that she was speechless by these plants, okay, so before she didn't know, plants and zombies had already formed, a certain balance.

These plants can play a game of cat and mouse with zombies, but she can't, the mission time waits for no one, if she waits any longer, the mission will fail, which means they have failed in their good time.

So persuading these plants was fruitless, Feng Youyou could only go forward alone, go to the zombie group, and assassinate the zombie king.

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