Feng Youyou originally thought that the task was completed, but in the end, he saw several giants appearing not far away, as if they were discussing something.She took a closer look and found that one of the giants turned out to be the girl who just treated her like a toy.

There are two older giants in front of the girl, who should look like the girl's parents, and there are several giants beside them.

Out of curiosity, Feng Youyou quietly approached the girl for a day, and heard some voices.

"Dad, Mom, my dwarf toy is gone, she ran away by herself." The girl's voice was crying.

The girl's father said in a calm voice, "Good girl, don't cry, dad will find you another toy, okay?"

"Okay, my baby girl, don't be sad, isn't it just a toy?" The girl's mother also comforted her gently.

But the girl became self-willed, lying on the ground unwilling, "Dad, Mom. I don't care, I want my toy, I don't want other toys."

The soothing voice of the girl's father, "Good girl, it's just a toy, other toys are also fine."

The girl cried, Feng Youyou trembled, um, she really couldn't imagine a giant crying.

The giant next to him looked pitiful at the girl crying, "Brother, Ning'er was crying really sad, after all, she is just a toy, where can she go? If we can't find her, it will be fine."

The girl's father didn't agree at first, but seeing the tears on his daughter's face, "I'll thank you all, let's go find it separately."

Talking about a few giants, they began to search, Feng Youyou shuddered, thinking of the miserable experience of being played by a girl as a toy, immediately hid, grandma, this group of giants is really not human, isn't it just a toy? ?As for finding another original one, the girl messed around, and the group of adults also messed around.

Even though she complained so much, Feng Youyou never forgot to pay attention to the direction the group of giants were looking for, as long as she entered the bushes, she would be safe.At this time, her small body was beneficial to some extent. She ran into the bushes and finally escaped.

At that moment, Feng Youyou felt that her soul had come out of her body.At this time, the system shows that your task has been successful, and you have completed the hidden task, obtained fish beads, and obtained a total of 60 points.

With the completion of this round of missions, two rounds of missions have passed, the system paused halfway, and everyone returned to the real world. At this time, the score comparison has shown the results, and the world is actually lagging behind!
Elizabeth looked at the points display, and said unhappily: "Is there something wrong with this system, the calculation is wrong, how could our thousands of worlds lose to the great time?"

Ai Xiaotu looked at Elizabeth very embarrassingly, "What? Don't you mean you can't afford to lose? Seeing that you are behind us in points, you say that the system is broken. Don't underestimate our good times, our good times It's also very powerful."

Ai Xiaotu's final voice sounded like she was deliberately facing Elizabeth, mocking her.

Elizabeth looked at Ai Xiaotu with fierce eyes, as if she wanted to eat Ai Xiaotu, "What's so embarrassing, the competition is still just beginning, and it's not certain who will have the last laugh."

Ai Xiaotu pretended to be very scared, "Oh, I'm so scared." Then she made a face at Elizabeth, "Afraid of you? Go to hell. We will have a good time with the last laugh!"

Ai Xiaotu's eyes were shining brightly, Elizabeth snorted and left, Nile looked at Ai Xiaotu and the others coldly, and left with Elizabeth.

Feng Youyou tugged Ai Xiaotu, "Okay, Tutu, what Elizabeth said is right, the game hasn't reached the last moment, it's really not sure which of us will have the last laugh."

Ai Xiaotu said indifferently, "Of course it's our good time. Think about it, they are behind our good time at the beginning of the game. Why don't you rub their arrogant temper? Let them taste what it means to fail." , maybe it will still fail.”

ZR said meticulously: "The Great Thousand World is a veteran force, and it is impossible for them to fail. Instead, they will work harder because they fell behind at the beginning."

After ZR finished speaking, Ai Xiaotu slapped him, "Is there any mistake? Can't you just let me imagine it so beautifully? As for dismantling my desk like this?" The guy got wrecked.

ZR shut up obediently, and Xu Yan said seriously: "ZR is actually right. Since we know in our hearts that the world will work hard, we can't relax our vigilance. Once our vigilance is relaxed, we will be in danger. So Tutu is in the game. Before it's over, you should keep a low profile."

Ai Xiaotu glared at Xu Yan, her face full of small grievances, these two people are really a piece of wood, why are they so serious.

Feng Youyou smiled, and held Ai Xiaotu's hand, "Okay, Tutu, if you think so in your heart, don't care what ZR and Xu Yan say."

Ai Xiaotu's emotions came and went quickly, and she laughed all of a sudden, "Hmph, I don't want to care about you much anymore."

ZR and Xu Yan glanced at Ai Xiaotu indifferently, and said nothing to irritate Ai Xiaotu.

Feng Youyou smiled, "Okay, you guys. Let's talk about what tasks we encountered, and stop being unhappy because of Great Thousand Worlds."

"I have two tasks. One is that I am a giant and help the Lilliputian to fight the war. The task is simple and completed at once. The second task was when I was in the giant country. I was a toy in the giant's hand. The task was to escape Go, although this one is a little more dangerous than the first one, it was still very easy to complete, and also got the hidden mission."

In fact, now that Feng Youyou thinks about her mission, although it is risky, it is much easier than the missions she encountered before.

After listening to Feng Youyou's words, Ai Xiaotu reflexively said: "Yuyou, you are not from the Gref's Travels series, are you?"

Feng Youyou spread his hands, "Who knows. What about yours, who will say next?"

When talking about the task of resurrecting Ai Xiaotu with full blood, "I, my task is also very simple, and hidden tasks will appear at any time."

Xu Yan also said that his tasks are similar, and they are relatively easy tasks.

After Xu Mi and Ai Xiaotu finished talking, all three looked at ZR, the only thing they didn't say.

Seeing this situation, ZR said helplessly, "I'm not as lucky as you guys, to encounter such an easy task."

What ZR said immediately aroused the curiosity of Feng Youyou and Ai Xiaotu. The two stared at ZR and hoped that ZR would reveal a little bit of the inside story.

"Actually, my task is more brain-intensive. Are you like this?" ZR said with a smirk.

"Cut. Boring."

At this time, the system prompts the game to continue, and Feng Youyou stretched out his hand, "Come on, let's work hard together. I believe that the good times will definitely win the final victory."

Ai Xiaotu was the first to reach out her hand, and then ZR and Xu Yan raised their hands in disgust.

"I believe that good times can win the final victory."

Just when they were about to enter the system again, they suddenly didn't know who stopped it, and everyone was puzzled.

I saw a group of intimate photos of Feng Youyou and Qin Mo in the bathroom hanging on it. As soon as the photos came out, there was a lot of discussion.

The anchor of the good time has such a relationship with the boss of their company, so are they playing with the prince?
With a triumphant smile on Elizabeth's face, she pointed at Feng Youyou and said arrogantly: "Feng Youyou, you used a beauty trick to deliberately steal the remote control from Qin Mo's hand, and changed your mission of good times without authorization."

Seeing that you, Feng Youyou, are still fighting against me, although she doesn't know how this group of photos was exposed, she wants to thank the person who released the photos very much.

From the moment she saw the photo, Feng Youyou's mind went blank. She didn't know why such a photo was kept, or why it was exposed at this time.What should she say?This group of photos revealed that their good time results will be questioned by everyone, how should she solve it?

ZR guarded Feng Youyou behind, and said coldly, "Feng Youyou is just a small anchor, even if he got the remote control, he can't change it." Although their tasks are very simple, even if he believes that Qin Mo is not there without authorization. It was changed with Feng Youyou's consent, and she didn't believe that Feng Youyou would change it by herself, and if Feng Youyou changed it by herself, how could she have that ability.

Even if Feng Youyou got that kind of remote control, she is not a senior employee of the company, so she can't change it.

As soon as ZR said this, the public's criticism fell on Qin Mo's intentional favoritism, and they chatted about it, but they didn't dare to be too explicit, they just said that Qin Mo was partial to Feng Youyou.

This makes Feng Youyou even more sad, the people in the good times are all by Feng Youyou's side, they know that this happened, Feng Youyou must feel most sorry for them.

Qin Mo felt sorry for Feng Youyou when he saw this situation, but he couldn't comfort Feng Youyou at this time, all he could do was clarify the facts, "Quiet! You can find out from the live broadcast that all tasks are from simple to complex. Favoritism, Feng Youyou doesn't need to participate in direct promotion, why bother to participate in such a competition."

I don't know who in the crowd said, "What if you all rise up and want to participate in this kind of game?"

Once this person finished speaking, most people agreed very much, they would never understand the mind of a big man.

Qin Mo's eyes turned cold, "If it's really because of this, then Feng Youyou's task should be very difficult. Is it possible for Feng Youyou to continue with such a simple task?"

After being silent, Qin Mo immediately announced, "Okay, the mission continues. If there are any more gossips, I will immediately put off my job."

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