Ye Qianwei was suddenly touched when she heard the security guard's question.

She really wanted to explain her situation clearly to the security guard, but she clearly felt the dagger behind her against her back.

All the words seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he could only look at the security guard with a cold voice and said impatiently:
"Okay, there's nothing wrong with you, it's just that it's too cold at night, I just caught a cold, go back to sleep."

After finishing speaking, he got into the car again and rolled up the glass windows.

The security guard looked at Ye Qianwei with an obviously strange expression, but he didn't ask any more questions.

He turned around, shook the flashlight in his hand, muttered something, and returned to the security room.

Seeing the back of the security guard leaving, Ye Qianwei felt that the dagger that had been pressing on her back was a little far away from him and her.

I was slightly relieved, and didn't dare to look back, so I could only take a deep breath, and asked in a pretentiously calm tone: "Brother, I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no vendettas in recent days. What are you doing?"
She returned to China this time, and she has been very peaceful all along. She didn't offend anyone, and she didn't deliberately reveal her wealth. She really couldn't figure out what the hell was going on with these people looking for her now.

"Hehe..." Hearing Ye Qianwei's question, the man laughed coldly twice, his voice was as cold as a poisonous snake spitting out a message, and Ye Qianwei's body trembled again unconsciously.

However, he did not answer Ye Qianwei's question, but continued to press the dagger in his hand against Ye Qianwei's back, and ordered in a cold voice:
"Questions you shouldn't know, if you ask me, I won't tell you what you should know, you'll know in a while, now stop talking nonsense, hurry up and drive your car, and get out from here"!
After finishing speaking, the tip of the dagger stabbed Ye Qianwei's back forcefully.

Although the stabbing wasn't very deep, for a pampered daughter like Ye Qianwei, she screamed suddenly.

"Ah..." Only halfway out of her mouth, her mouth was covered by the man's rough hand.

The man leaned close to Ye Qianwei's ear, and said in a cold voice: "If you don't want to die, you'd better be honest with me. If you attract the security guards over again, I'll prevent you from seeing the sun tomorrow!"
The man's direct coldness reached Ye Qianwei's heart. Although she had been walking around the mall with her father since she was a child, and she was used to seeing all kinds of open and dark arrows, but the mall is a war that kills people without blood. It's the first time she sees her.

She was so frightened that her face turned pale in an instant, so she tapped vigorously in the man's big hand to show that she knew.

The man liked Ye Qianwei's performance, and whispered in her ear with a cold voice, warning: "If you want to survive, you'd better be obedient."

After finishing speaking, she let go of Ye Qianwei's mouth, which had been covering her all along, and leaned back on the back seat of the car.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he ordered in a cold voice: "Now you drive the car out first, after you go out the door, turn right and there is a small alley there, just drive there."

"I..." Through the rearview mirror, Ye Qianwei could only see a shocking scar on the face of the man behind the car, she just wanted to speak, but swallowed it back.

Trying to hold back the pain from the bleeding wound on his back, he drove the car towards the alley as the man said.

However, when she was shifting gears, taking advantage of the man not paying attention, she quietly sent a text message to Li Kui on her mobile phone.

Soon, the phone rang, but the man didn't give her a chance to touch the phone at all. He snatched the phone from her side, pressed the off button, and threw it out of the car window.

Ye Qianwei watched her mobile phone fall out of the car window in a perfect parabola, her heart tightened, but she didn't say anything.

As soon as the car reached the small alley mentioned by the man with the scar, the man with the scar immediately told her to stop the car and get out of the car.

Just got out of the car, at this time, two big men suddenly jumped out from nowhere, one of them held Ye Qianwei's arm, and led her into the darkness.

Just when she was about to scream, she suddenly felt someone hit the back of her head hard, and she completely lost consciousness.

After Zhao Lingxi was sent to the hospital, after a careful and thorough examination by the doctor, it was determined that there was nothing wrong with Zhao Lingxi's body, it was just that she was overly frightened, coupled with the invasion of the cold at night, she couldn't bear it and suffered from the wind chill.

Upon receiving this news, Cheng Huaiqing completely relaxed, and Li Kaige saw that the two people in front of him had nothing else to do, so he stepped forward and patted Cheng Huaiqing's shoulder, saying:
"Okay, it seems that someone deliberately planned what happened tonight, and so far, I need to go back and have a look. If there is anything else on your side, just call me."

After speaking, he turned his head and went out.

When he left, the local police also rushed over and sent him to the underground garage where Zhao Lingxi was just now.

On the hospital bed, although the doctor said that Zhao Lingxi's body was fine, but until now, she still showed no sign of waking up.

Looking outside the ward, it was pitch black everywhere, only dim street lights ruled over the entire hospital. Cheng Huaiqing's big hand covered Zhao Lingxi's forehead, feeling that her body temperature was much lower than before.

After a long sigh, he said: "You have been busy these days, and you have worked hard. If you are tired, go to sleep and I will call you again when it is dawn."

After speaking, she moved the stool on one side to Zhao Lingxi's bed, and took her other idle little hand from the bed with her big hand, and put it in the palm of both hands.

Feeling that Zhao Lingxi's little hand was a bit cold, he put it by his mouth and breathed lightly until the temperature of Zhao Lingxi's hand returned to normal, then he looked at Zhao Lingxi and said:
"Look, you're always like this, you can't even take care of yourself."

While talking, he tucked the corner of the quilt for Zhao Lingxi again, held Zhao Lingxi's little hand in his palm again, and sat down on the edge of her bed.

The ordinary man on the hospital bed still looked very ruddy. Looking at Zhao Lingxi like this, Cheng Huaiqing suddenly remembered that he hadn't been with Zhao Lingxi quietly for a long time.

Especially after some things happened before, he is now working hard all day in order to restore the lost fans, but Zhao Lingxi has endured a lot for him silently behind his back.

Holding Zhao Lingxi's hand, the idea of ​​retiring suddenly rose in his heart.

Silently kissed the back of Zhao Lingxi's hand, and said in a low voice:
"Don't worry, I won't be filming anymore after I finish my work during this time, I will stay with you well."

When he said these words, he felt the little hand in his hand move suddenly.

Sighing, she quietly looked at Zhao Lingxi on the hospital bed.

On the other side, the scarred man and his team brought Ye Qianwei back to the underground garage.

However, seeing Zhao Lingxi disappearing from the garage, they were still shocked.

I searched around and found that there are other wheel marks nearby.

The man with the scar immediately became nervous, and gave the brothers around him a look, and asked them to carry Ye Qianwei back to the car again.

On the other side, he called Cheng Huaixu again and briefly explained the situation here.

When Cheng Huaixu heard the man with the scar say about kidnapping Zhao Lingxi tonight, his voice immediately cooled down, and he said, "Who told you to make your own decisions? Where is that woman? How are you doing now?"
Hearing Cheng Huaixu's angry voice again, the man with the scar replied, "Kanban, you, which woman are you asking?"
"Why are you so useless?" Cheng Huaixu listened to the question of the man with the scar, and his voice became louder again: "Tell me, you can't do such a simple thing well, so what do you need?"
After finishing speaking, before the man with the scar could explain, he continued, "Did Ye Qianwei get caught? And how is Zhao Lingxi now?"
Hearing Cheng Huaixu's words, the scarred man hurriedly replied tremblingly: "Boss, that woman Ye Qianwei has already arrived at the place we agreed on earlier, but..."

After hesitating for a while, he didn't hear Cheng Huaixu's question, so he could only say by himself: "However, when we went to catch Ye Qianwei just now, that woman Zhao Lingxi was still thrown in this garage, but when we came back, she was gone. Moreover, there are two new wheel marks near here, it seems that someone should have rescued her."

"Trash!" Hearing the man with the scar report, Cheng Huaixu's face became colder and colder.

Looking up at the wall clock on the wall, facing the phone, he said coldly:

"Okay, what's the use of having a bunch of trash like you? Now hurry up and take that woman Ye Qianwei to other places, that garage is obviously not safe anymore."

"Then..." The man with the scar listened to Cheng Huaixu's order, hesitated for a moment, and heard Cheng Huaixu's order again:
"I will send you the new address, and you will immediately take your people there."

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "Remember, you must be optimistic about this woman, and we will talk about other things in the daytime tomorrow"!
"Yes yes yes..." Hearing Cheng Huaixu's words, the man with the scar didn't dare to say anything, so he nodded and agreed.

After Cheng Huaixu finished explaining, he hung up the phone.

Soon, with the sound of "Ding", the scarred man's cell phone flickered again. Seeing the message from Cheng Huaixu, he took his brothers and rushed to the designated place.

Zhao Lingxi didn't wake up until after nine o'clock the next morning.

Seeing Cheng Huaiqing's red eyes on the side of the hospital bed, his lips moved slightly, and he said hoarsely: "Huaiqing, you..."

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