Before getting close to that place, Cheng Huaiqing seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, but just looking at the figure in the grass, he was almost sure that the one staying there was Zhao Lingxi.

The steps under his feet accelerated a lot unconsciously. Li Kaige had just reached the side of the figure and squatted down, and Cheng Huaiqing's body followed him.

Looking at Zhao Lingxi who was lying on the ground, he was as quiet as if he had fallen asleep, and his rapid breathing slowed down a little.

A lying Zhao Lingxi looks like a lifeless marionette. Seeing that the pink clothes on Zhao Lingxi's body are covered with dust, and there are a few huge shoe prints faintly exposed on his back, Cheng Huaiqing seems to feel that there is something wrong with him. A big hand was holding his heart tightly, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

Quickly squatting down, trying to hug Zhao Lingxi from the ground.

However, when his big hand touched Zhao Lingxi's forehead, he felt the hot temperature on Zhao Lingxi's forehead, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He put the back of his big hand on Zhao Lingxi's forehead again, turned his head to look at Li Kaige beside him, and said anxiously:

"Ling Xi seems to have a fever, you go to my car, there is an emergency medicine kit in the trunk, you go and get it."

After speaking, his eyes returned to the ground, lying on Zhao Lingxi's body.

Then with the faint light of the flashlight, Cheng Huaiqing could vaguely see that Zhao Lingxi's face was flushed, and her breathing was much more urgent than ordinary people.

After listening to Cheng Huaiqing's instructions, Li Kaige knew that Cheng Huaiqing was very anxious now, so he stood up without hesitation, turned around and ran towards his car.

And Cheng Huaiqing also picked up Zhao Lingxi from the ground and walked to the car.

The place where his car was parked was not far from where Zhao Lingxi was lying now. When the two of them, Li Kaigeba and Li Kaigeba, took out the emergency medicine kit from the trunk, Cheng Huaiqing also walked to the side of the car with Zhao Lingxi in his arms.

He opened the car door, put Zhao Lingxi on the back seat of the car, adjusted her to a comfortable position, then took out some anti-inflammatory medicine from the emergency medicine box, and fed it to Zhao Lingxi.

Although it was a series of very simple movements, Cheng Huaiqing was sweating profusely after finishing them.

Seeing that Zhao Lingxi swallowed all the pills, he took off his suit jacket and covered Zhao Lingxi's body, then straightened up, and casually wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He took out his cell phone and called Li Kui.

The call has just been dialed, and it was quickly connected, but Li Kui's voice over there sounded very anxious:
"Huaiqing, it's just right, I was just about to call you."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Huaiqing opened his mouth, and he continued: "Is Qianwei with you now? I heard that she went to your house yesterday."

"Qianwei?" Hearing Li Kui say this name suddenly, Cheng Huaiqing finally realized that An Ruo originally said that he would only return to China for a month, but he stayed there for half a year, and it seems that he still hasn't returned. .

After glancing at Zhao Lingxi, who was breathing steadily in the carriage, Cheng Huaiqing said into the microphone: "I've been busy these days and haven't been with her. What's wrong with her? Is something wrong?"
Hearing Cheng Huaiqing's words, Li Kui's tone was a little more anxious than before, and he said, "I don't know, I just saw her texting on my mobile phone, save me, and I couldn't get through after that, and I can't find it now." Where the hell is she?"

"En." Hearing Li Kui's voice, Cheng Huaiqing's eyes flickered, and he said, "I'm not too clear about the specific situation. Ling Xi was also taken to a neighboring village by someone tonight, and I was just now. find her".

"Then..." Li Kui hesitated for a moment. Although he was still very anxious, he still asked politely: "Then what happened to Ling Xi? Why are you calling me now?"
Because of what happened just now, Cheng Huaiqing now understands Li Kui's mood very well, so he said to the phone: "Well, there's nothing serious here, so go find Qianwei."

After that, he hung up the phone.

"What happened?" Li Kaige just fell asleep and didn't hear Cheng Huaiqing from the phone. What they were talking about, but looking at Cheng Huaiqing's face, he knew that something should have happened.

Staring straight at Cheng Huaiqing's face, he asked solemnly.

"En." Cheng Huaiqing saw that Zhao Lingxi's situation had stabilized, and the heart that had been hanging just now fell to the ground, and his emotions returned to normal. Looking at Li Kaige, he said:
"It seems that what happened tonight is not a prank, it should be done deliberately by someone."

After finishing speaking, looking at the puzzled expression on Li Kaige's face, he continued: "Just now, Li Kui said that after going out tonight, Xiwei never went back, and she sent him a distress signal before, but The phone still doesn't work."

"This..." Listening to Cheng Huaiqing's words, the expression on Li Kaige's face became even more serious.

Unexpectedly, on the territory under his jurisdiction, this kind of thing happened twice in a row.

With Zhao Lingxi's experience in this matter, then it's not that Ye Qianwei didn't show up.

Thinking of this, Li Kaige quickly reached out and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, called the team, looked at Cheng Huaiqing and said:
"Anyway, let's send Ling Xi to the hospital to see if she is injured."

While talking, he looked at Cheng Huaiqing with a moved expression, and continued: "Although you gave her anti-inflammatory drugs just now, she still has less hair now, it's better to send her to the hospital as soon as possible." ".

Then, he turned around and walked to the side of the driver's cab, looked at Cheng Huaiqing and said, "Now Ling Xi needs someone to take care of her, so you can sit in the back, I saw your car take the two of you to the hospital first, Come back and get my car."

"En." The solution Li Kaige said now is the best way to solve their problem at present, he nodded, and got into the carriage without hesitation.

He raised Zhao Lingxi's head slightly, placed it on his knees, put his arms around her upper body, saw that the expression on Tong Tong's face was much more relaxed than before, and his mood also relaxed a lot.

After he was completely seated, Li Kaige also contacted the nearby hospital and the police, and drove the two of them to the hospital.

The pale moon gradually climbed to the top of the head. In this deserted place, even the street lamps became very precious.

The road was pitch black, and the black car could hardly be seen in the darkness.

In the dead of night, there was only a black Rolls Royce driving fast on the road.

On the other side, Ye Qianwei breathed a sigh of relief when she drove the car downstairs to her own house.

However, when she was about to get off the driver's seat, she suddenly saw a pair of hideous eyes in the rearview mirror.

She didn't even know why she noticed those eyes just now, but after seeing those eyes, her heart was always restless.

The car had just stopped, and just as she was about to push the door open, two men in black trench coats suddenly ran up to her.

A man was holding a dagger in his hand, refracted by the black light from upstairs in the community, shining a dark light.

Ye Qianwei's heart tightened suddenly, and just when she was about to speak, she found that the man she had transformed into had already opened her back compartment and quickly sat in it.

But the man holding the dagger suddenly said at this moment: "If you want to survive, please keep quiet and drive the car out of this community quietly."

After finishing speaking, he was as fast as when he came, and quickly flashed into the night.

Ye Qianwei felt as if she was in a dream. Just as her fingers touched the steering wheel, she heard the hoarse voice of the man behind her and said:

"Woman, I know you are very smart, but now your life is in our hands, so you'd better not play tricks and obey my arrangement obediently."

Ye Qianwei heard the man's icy voice that seemed to come from hell, and even shuddered fiercely. Even the hand holding the steering wheel trembled suddenly, and accidentally slapped on the center of the steering wheel. on the horn.

In the stillness of the night, the sound of a car suddenly sounded, like the neighing of a wounded beast, piercing the curtain of the dark night and becoming extraordinarily loud.

The security guards in the community were also awakened by the sound of the car. With a shaking flashlight, they looked in the direction of Ye Qianwei's car, and said in their voice with the reluctance of just waking up, while yawning:
"Who? It's the middle of the night, why don't you let people sleep?"
While speaking, the flashlight in his hand flickered at Ye Qianwei's car window again.

Normally, although Ye Qianwei looked down on these security guards very much, but now the voice of the security guards was heard in her ears like the sound of heaven.

Her eyes flickered, and she poked her head out of the car window. When I wanted to speak, I felt a sharp and cold thing pressing against her back.

At the same time, there was a man's voice that was colder than the dagger in his hand: "If you want to try, is the security guard coming to rescue you? If it's faster or the dagger in my hand, you can talk nonsense"!
"I..." Ye Qianwei's body trembled suddenly when she heard the words of the man behind her, she looked at the security guard and said, "It's nothing, it's just that I'm a little sleepy, and I accidentally caught the horn, what are you busy with?" Go ahead, don't worry about me."

While listening to Ye Qianwei's words, the security guard saw the unnatural expression on her face, and asked again: "Miss Ye, do you really need help? I just saw you shiver, Yes or no……"

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