Staying in the fishing village for the past few days, waiting for Xu Su's injury to heal a lot, Ning Nan took him for a walk around.He is a person who is difficult to relax, Xu Suxijing, but there is nothing he can do about him.

From Xu Su's mouth, I learned what happened on the day of the accident. The attackers were fully prepared, and it was night, the night was dark, and they didn't see their appearance. Attacked from behind, and when he woke up again, he found that he had been rescued.

In just a few words, Ning Nan has already imagined the scene of that night in his mind.Xu Su was stabbed five times, and the most serious one was the scars on his back from his spine to his waist.Later he heard from Er Dan that Xu Su was covered in blood and was very scary.

Er Dan was the first to discover Xu Su.For this, Ning Nan was very grateful to him.

The leisure life of the past few days has brought the relationship between the two to a higher level.Ning Nan also seemed to be more attached to him than before, this was something Xu Su had not said since he found out.

A week later, Xu Xiao suddenly sent a message that Xu Su had been found, but he was also seriously injured. He was in critical condition and could die at any moment.

The news was like a bomb that suddenly exploded inside the Xu family.Many older generations came to Xu Xiao and clamored to see Xu Su, but they were all stopped by Xu Xiao. The reason was that visiting patients was prohibited in the intensive care unit.

Afterwards, Xu Xiao led Ning Dong to the fishing village by himself.

The fishing village became more and more lively because of their arrival.Ning Nan is handsome, as long as he is not stupid, he will be like a handsome and gentle young master in ancient times, with his own extravagance, plus he has been in the entertainment industry all the year round, he is very funny in terms of language, and provokes many The old man liked him very much.

Xu Su felt ashamed of himself.He and Ning Nan's personalities are completely different, he doesn't talk and smile, Er Dan likes him but rarely approach him, because in Er Dan's heart, Xu Su is a strict person, not an approachable person.

On the day when Xu Xiao and Ning Dong came, the weather was exceptionally clear. Although the sun was not shining brightly, there was a gentle breeze, and there was a little warmth in the coolness.

The two of them got out of the car, and at a glance, they found two people standing under a tree not far away.Xu Su and Ning Nan stood side by side, their heights were not much different, and they seemed to be a good match.

Not knowing what they were talking about, Xu Xiao stretched out his hand to stop Ning Dong who was about to rush over, and said in a low voice, "Wait, I always feel that something wonderful is going to happen next."

Hearing this, the corner of Ning Dong's mouth twitched, wasn't he worried that he would die before?I kept urging me on the way here by car, but now I am not in a hurry anymore.

Xu Xiao glanced at Ning Dong, not bothering to care what he was thinking, happily hiding behind the car, carefully showing a pair of bright eyes and staring at the two people under the tree not far away.

I saw Ning Nan glaring at Xu Su with a displeased face, and folded his arms, but Xu Su seemed to be silent.

"You listen to me, unless your injury heals, or else you don't want to interfere with the affairs of the Xu family." Ning Nan said angrily. The internal strife in the Xu family has accumulated over the years and cannot be resolved overnight. Don't know what will happen again.

"Now is a good time to hit them."

"Fuck, do you have to go your own way?" In the past, in order to maintain his image, Ning Nan rarely showed such a violent side, and even burst into foul language.

Xu Su was a little worried, but in fact his injury had almost healed.But Ning Nan's posture is too strong, if he disagrees, I'm afraid this person will get into a dead end.

Xu Su's silence once again made the air tense, and Ning Nan's face became more and more ugly. Regardless of whether there were people around, he directly reached out and grabbed Xu Su's uninjured arm, and shook it hard. On the tree, when he touched the wound on his back, he immediately frowned and pursed his lips.

Ning Nan was very angry. He leaned over and pressed Xu Su between the tree and his arms without even thinking about it. He lowered his head and bit Xu Su's lower lip fiercely. He paused, unable to feel Xu Su's response. He was even more angry, and raised his hand to deliberately pinch his waist.

Xu Su let go in pain, and Ning Nan took the opportunity to invade.

Xu Su shook his head, the force of the impact was so damn violent.It seemed that he was aware of the fear in Ningnan's heart. He just wanted to refuse, but his heart softened. He involuntarily reached out and stroked Ningnan's back, sighed silently, and couldn't help responding.

Xu Xiaojiong stared intently at the people who were embracing each other, and couldn't help but click his tongue, "It's so intense, but why did I see the potential of attack in the second child? Susu was injured Has the reason changed?"

Xu Xiao seriously and seriously discussed with himself the issue of his second son's attack, but he expressed that he was unwilling to participate.

"Ask you? Susu is on the top no matter what."

"The second child is not bad, and he is not bad at the top." Ning Dong closed his eyes to Xu Xiao silently, and said quietly.

Xu Xiao covered her mouth and sneered, "The second child is indeed very good, but he has more potential in front of Susu."
"Susu, Susu, according to your name, no matter how aggressive Xu Su is, you call him "responsible." This matter is related to the second child's ability. Ning Dong still insists on his own ideas, insisting that Ningnan is attacking.

"Are you yelling at me?"

"Honey, I don't."

Xu Xiao snorted twice, rolled her eyes, and stared at Ning Dong with her hands on her hips, "Ning Dong, you're getting bolder."

Xu Su and Ning Nan were inseparable when Jud heard Xu Xiao's voice, the two let go of each other at the same time, and looked up at them.Xu Xiao put his hands on his hips and kept talking to Ning Dong angrily, but Ning Dong remained motionless and silent.

The two walked over together, and they heard Xu Xiao say loudly, "Susu is Gong."

But Ning Dong was not convinced, but his tone of retort was not so strong, "The second child is attack."


Xu Su's face darkened, and he said coldly in an instant, breaking their argument, "What are you talking about?"

Xu Xiao turned her head and saw Xu Su who suddenly appeared with a straight face, she immediately smiled shyly, and moved to stand behind Ning Dong. When she thought about it afterwards, she felt very aggrieved. Why did she hide?She obviously came to visit her younger brother.

Ning Nan glanced at Xu Su, and then at Ning Dong. The elder brother is good at everything, but his wife is strict with him, but just now he heard him argue with Xu Xiao because of his own problems, and he felt very relieved. Afterwards, he He held Xu Su's hand generously, smiled and asked, "Why can't we attack and accept each other?"

Snapped.Xu Xiao felt that something was wrong, she looked at Xu Su in disbelief, seeking his answer.Xu Su pursed her lips, glanced at the two people's clenched hands with light in her eyes, nodded her head, and then led Ning Nan away.

Xu Xiao muttered angrily, "Why did this result happen? Fortunately, she has been arguing with Ning Dong for so long."

Ning Dong smiled helplessly, and hugged his lovely wife in his arms, "It's good to attack and accept each other, no one will suffer."

They only stayed in the fishing village for half a day before returning to Jiangcheng.

When Lu Zhengting went out to the company this morning, he suddenly asked Xu Yan if he wanted to go, and Xu Yan of course agreed without hesitation.At this moment, she was bored in the lounge of Lu Zhengting's office, looking at the ceiling above her head, she was extremely bored.

She had nothing to do before and went to her office for a stroll, and found that the furnishings inside were exactly the same as before she left, and she felt very happy.She wanted to go to the project department to see Li Ru, but Lu Zhengting directly refused to allow her to leave his sight because it was inconvenient.

Xu Yan lay down and counted the stars, surprisingly not sleepy today.After working alone for a long time, she went to look for Lu Zhengting again.At this time, people outside were reporting to Lu Zhengting.Holding the handle of the door, she opened a small gap, revealing a pair of bright eyes staring at Lu Zhengting's position.

She pressed her ear against the door, and could faintly hear some voices.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open. She didn't pay attention for a moment, and staggered back. Fortunately, Lu Zhengting caught Xu Yan with quick eyes and hands.

"Why are you so careless?"

"You are the one who appears and disappears. How do I know that you will suddenly open the door?"

"That's my fault."

"It's because you are not good. I was so scared that my heart almost stopped."

Xu Yan grabbed Lu Zhengting's wrist with lingering fear, slowly stood up straight, raised his eyes and stared, "Why did you suddenly open the door?"

"Isn't someone bored?" Lu Zhengting said with a smile.He walked towards the office with his arms around Xu Yan's shoulders.

When the person who reported the matter saw Xu Yan's appearance, he immediately lowered his head. So this is the legendary woman who captured Lu Shaoxin?
Xu Yan winked at the silent man with his head bowed in embarrassment, and lowered his voice, "I'm not bored."

"Then I'm bored, so I need you to accompany me."

Xu Yan was extremely gentle, smiled, nodded obediently and arrogantly, "Okay."

Seeing this, the corner of Lu Zhengting's mouth raised a doting smile uncontrollably, "Sit here."

Xu Yan's cheeks were slightly red, and there was a constant crackling sound in the quiet office.It was Lu Zhengting.While staring at Xu Yan with a smile, he patted his thigh with his hands, signaling Xu Yan to sit on his lap.


"Hey, come here." Lu Zhengting's low voice was full of refreshing tenderness, Xu Yan's ears turned red instantly, and the person standing at the desk lowered his head even deeper, without letting out a breath. If you observe carefully, You can still find the twitching corners of his mouth.

Xu Yan glanced at the others, and said without any confidence, "Don't act like a child, okay?" After a pause, she leaned over and added in a low voice, "It's embarrassing."

"Who dares to say anything?" Lu Zhengting said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yan's face darkened, "You are too arrogant."

Xu Yan managed to escape from the clutches in the end, and chose to sit on the sofa beside him.

She finally understood that Xia Minghui could hold on for another week at most, by then he should be done playing.

The person who came to report the matter, Xu Yan, had never seen it once. After the matter was over, she asked Lu Zhengting suspiciously, "Is he not from the company?"

"Well, people who don't belong to the company."

Xu Yan understood clearly and didn't continue to ask. Lu Zhengting gave her the phone to play with, and when she heard the notification sound, she swiped her hand and saw the photo Xu Xiao posted in the group, and her cheeks turned red.

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