There is a small fishing village not far from the junction of Yuzhou and Jiangcheng. Most of the people living here live by fishing.Although the small fishing village belongs to the coastal area, it is not developed. On the contrary, the traffic here is backward, and there is only one muddy road to the outside. When it rains, it is difficult to move.

There are quite a few young people who never return to the small fishing village after studying abroad. As a result, the fishing village is generally full of people of the upper age group, as well as some underage children.

Ning Nan drove an off-road vehicle and followed the navigation prompts, driving on this muddy road that had only rained for a long time. Outside his field of vision, there were vast fields on both sides. A few branches.

He has never been to this kind of place since he was a child, not even filming before.At this moment, he was irritable and full of expectations. Ning Xi would not do anything unsure, so now he firmly believed that Xu Su was in the fishing village.

After the rain, the dirt road became soft. Fortunately, Ning Nan drove an off-road vehicle.At this time, the wheels were stuck in the muddy road, and it took almost 10 minutes for the car to take a step forward.The sky was getting dark, and if he could no longer move forward, he would have to sleep in the car.

After thinking about it, Ning Nan clicked on the navigation. The place where Xu Su was located was not very far from the current position. He gritted his teeth, ignoring his usual handsome image, and opened the car door. His shoes just fell on the ground. His foot sank immediately, and he pulled it out with all his might.

Ning Nan looked down at the dirt all over his body, and didn't plan to tidy it up. He just followed the navigation on his phone and walked forward.Looking at this road from a distance, it gives people a feeling that there is no village in the front and no shops in the back. The sky is black and oppressive, and it seems to be very close to him.

It seems that there is still a rain that has not yet fallen.

Thinking of this, Ning Nan involuntarily quickened his pace.After walking for nearly 10 minutes, a wisp of cooking smoke finally appeared in his line of sight, and he walked faster and faster with joy in his eyes.

Knowing that Ning Nan had set off to find Xu Su, Xu Xiao's hanging heart finally fell.She hasn't had a good rest for several days, and her eye belt has become heavier and heavier.

When Ning Nan arrived at the fishing village, he sent a text message to Ning Xi to keep him safe.He found a family along the place where the smoke appeared just now, and he put the phone back in his pocket.

This door is a wooden door, outside the door there are several thick logs stacked up and down, on top of which there is a bamboo dustpan, with some dried fish in the dustpan, the air seems to have a fishy smell, Ningnan suddenly Frowning tightly, he took a deep breath, and gently knocked on the door with bent fingers.

An old voice came from the room, accompanied by heavy footsteps.

After waiting for a minute, the door was opened from the inside, and the person who opened the door stretched out half of his head, revealing a pair of somewhat cloudy eyes, the corners of which were already covered with fine wrinkles, and the eye sockets were also a little bit inward. concave.

Seeing the defense in the old man's eyes, Ning Nan smiled and said softly, "Old man, don't you know if it's convenient to take me in tonight?"

The old man withdrew his head and pondered for a moment, then stretched out a pair of wrinkled hands to put on the door, slowly pushed the door open, and let Ning Nan come in sideways.After waiting for Ning Nan to come in, he slowly closed the door again.

"Our environment is not as good as in the city, little brother, you just have to spend the night, by the way, you haven't eaten yet?" Getting closer, the old man's voice seemed even older, he bowed his waist, Ning Nan From the corner of the eye, I saw that the palms of those hands were full of old calluses.

He, who enjoyed the glory and wealth, suddenly felt a trace of sadness at this moment.

There was not only an old man in the room, but also a little boy about ten years old. The little boy seemed very shy of strangers, seeing Ning Nan always sitting silently on the side, turning his eyes to look at Ning Nan curiously from time to time.

Ning Nan sat on a somewhat worn-out stool, and the bumpy stool felt a little uncomfortable with his buttocks.Before he could speak, he saw the old man turn around slowly and go to the kitchen, holding a porcelain bowl with rice in both hands, and then he turned around and took out the order.

"Little brother, eat something."

Ningnan was indeed hungry. He hesitated for a while and finally couldn't resist the temptation of food, and started to eat big mouthfuls with the bowl in his hand.After eating and drinking enough, he thought for a while, took out the phone from his pocket, turned on the screen, and handed it to the old man.

"Old man, have you seen this man here?"

The old man squinted his eyes and took the phone from Ning Nan. He was a little curious, but extremely cautious. He held the phone in front of his eyes and looked very carefully. After a pause, the old man frowned, as if it was not After confirming the rules, he took a few glances.

"This man looks familiar."

When Ning Nan heard this, Lao Gao's heart skipped a beat, he forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked eagerly, "Old man, can you think about it? Where have you seen him?"

The old man thought and thought, and suddenly shouted at the silent child, "Dad, come and have a look." The called Er Dan jumped off the stool and came to the old man, similar to his movements. , just a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Grandpa, this is uncle."

Hearing this, Ning Nan couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart any longer, grabbed Erdan's shoulder, and involuntarily raised his voice and asked, "What did you call him?"

"Grandpa, woo woo..." Er Dan was frightened by Ning Nan, accidentally dropped his phone on the ground, turned around and threw himself into the old man's arms, sobbing softly.

Ning Nan also realized that his tone of voice just now was too excited and frightened the child, so he immediately squatted down, straightened the child's body, and looked at the pair of pupils that were still misty with gentle eyes, "Bitch, you What was the name of the person in the photo just now?"

Er Dan lowered his head and silently wiped away his tears, then said in a low voice, "Uncle."

Ning Nan held his breath and slowed down his speech, "Damn, do you know where Uncle is? Can you take me to find him?"

Hesitation flashed in Erdan's eyes when he heard Ningnan's words, he turned back to look at the silent old man, then turned back to stare at Ningnan, carefully raised his eyes to look at Ningnan, "Are you a bad person?"

"I'm not a bad person, I'm my uncle's lover, and I've been looking for him for a long time."

"Lover?" Er Dan blinked his eyes suspiciously, as he still didn't understand the meaning of being in love in the world he knew.He hesitated for a long time again, not knowing what he was thinking, and suddenly nodded at Ningnan, "Okay, I'll take you to find uncle, but uncle is not in good health now, you can't speak loudly like just now."

"Okay. I won't talk as loudly as I did before."

"I believe you."

As soon as the words fell, Er Dan got the old man's permission, and led Ning Nan to walk into the house. The further he walked, Ning Nan realized that there was a hidden hole inside. Although the furnishings were simple, he found a small door in the back room It is possible to come out.

Follow Erdan through the small door, and finally stop outside a very simple hut.

Er Dan pointed at the hut without saying a word, "Uncle is resting inside, don't speak loudly, it will wake uncle up."

"Well, Er Dan, can I go in now?" Ning Nan found out from Er Dan's few words that Xu Su's current situation is definitely not good, maybe it's worse than he thought.A trace of timidity suddenly rose in his heart, he didn't want to see Xu Su dying.

Erdan nodded, then stood at the door, neither leaving nor speaking.

Seeing this, Ning Nan didn't know how to describe this scene, he sighed silently, raised his head, and gently pushed the door open.

The light in the room was very dim, and Ning Nan couldn't see the furnishings clearly, so he carefully lifted his legs over the threshold and walked inside.When he saw the motionless man lying on the plank bed with his own eyes, he froze.

Er Dan who was standing outside seemed to have seen something, and he tiptoed in, holding the corner of Ning Nan's clothes with his dirty hands, and motioned Ning Nan to bow his head, "Uncle is asleep, you don't have to worry."

Ning Nan nodded, and couldn't help rubbing Erdan's head. When he looked down, two blushes suddenly appeared on both sides of Erdan's cheeks.

Xu Su fell into a drowsy sleep and felt that there seemed to be a hot gaze staring at him closely, which made him have an urge to open his eyes.He did the same.He slowly opened his eyes, and Chad saw Ning Nan squatting beside the bed, his drowsy eyes instantly brightened like stars.

"You came."

"You are badly injured."


"Let me see."

"It's too dark here, we'll see again at dawn tomorrow."

In the dimness, Xu Su couldn't see Ning Nan's expression clearly but could feel the change of his breathing. The two of them fell into a moment of silence, and the fishy air became a little strange.

Ning Nan didn't insist on looking at Xu Su's wound right away. He closed his eyes, and Xu Su subconsciously moved in. He took off his shoes, went to bed carefully, lay on Xu Su's side, and looked up at the top of his head.

In fact, apart from the smell of fish, there was also a faint smell of blood in the air.

The two stopped talking, but leaned against each other, felt each other's body temperature, and absorbed the deep affection from the bottom of their hearts.

Ning Nan didn't sleep well all night.It was bright the next day, and Erdan knocked on the door.Xu Su's sleep was light, the two opened their eyes at the same time, looked at the person next to the pillow and smiled at each other.Ning Nan stood up and opened the door, Er Dan was holding a hard-boiled egg in his hand.

"Uncle, have breakfast."

When the light came into the room, Xu Su supported the wall and got out of bed and leaned against the wall. A deep and hoarse voice sounded slowly, "Is the bastard here?"

Erdan seems to like Xu Su very much, and a bright smile will appear on his face when he hears his voice, "Uncle, you are awake."

"Well, I'm awake." Xu Su said little, and Erdan didn't seem to find it strange.

The two of them had eaten Erdan and brought eggs, so they started to contact Lu Zhengting, Xu Xiao and the others.

Ning Nan explained Xu Su's injury, indicating that the two of them will have a good rest here and cannot leave for the time being.And he was worried that Xu Su's injury would not be treated well, so he called the doctor directly to the fishing village.

Xu Xiao and Lu Zhengting just took this opportunity to let people say that Xu Su's whereabouts are still unknown, and they will continue to offer rewards for finding people, and even increase the conditions.

This was the case for the time being, and Lu Zhengting started to deal with Xia Minghui's matter. Xu's family and Xu Xiao were still there. As long as Xu Su's body was not found for a day, they would not act rashly.

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