After finally getting through get off work time, Jiang Luyao stretched his waist and said to Qiao Mucheng, "How is it? I'm doing well, right? I haven't bothered you all afternoon."

Qiao Mucheng glanced at her with a half-smile, and said casually, "Keep going."

After speaking, he got up and took his coat off the hanger, ready to go outside.

Jiang Luyao whispered, "It's a beautiful thought!" Then he followed.

Back at Qiao's Bieyuan, Jiang Luyao found that the gate was open. Not only that, but on the way from the courtyard to the main entrance of the villa, there were actually two rows of bodyguard-like people in black suits standing upright.

Seeing all this, Qiao Mucheng couldn't help frowning, and then drove the car in calmly.

Ah Qi came to greet him, Qiao Mucheng threw the car keys to him, and asked, "Is she here?"

Ah Qi nodded, "Madam has been here for half an hour, and she said she is waiting for you to come back."

lady?Jiang Luyao was puzzled.

Could it be... her?

Unexpectedly, not long ago, she was complaining to Qiao Mucheng that she hadn't seen his family, and she came to him so soon.

It's just that looking at the battle in front of her, no matter how you look at it, she feels that this "mother-in-law" probably has bad intentions.

With an unclear smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked up at Qiao Mucheng: "Shouldn't you give me some hints? What should I call your mother when I see her? Is she here to recognize relatives, or to demonstrate?"

Qiao Mucheng looked at her silently for a while, and only threw four words at her: "Responsiveness." Then he turned and walked into the house.

Jiang Luyao glared at him from behind and followed him.

Entering the living room, Jiang Luyao found that the situation here was not much worse than outside.

All the servants in the family were gathered in the living room, as if they were waiting to be ordered.

On the sofa surrounded by them, a gracefully dressed lady was sitting, holding a coffee cup in one hand and flipping through a fashion magazine in the other.

Hearing that someone had entered the living room, she raised her eyes casually, glanced past Qiao Mucheng, glanced at Jiang Luyao, and then looked at her own magazine. Compared to that boring magazine, Jiang Luyao was more more unimportant existence.

This contemptuous attitude made Jiang Luyao feel a little upset, but he also knew that he couldn't show it at this time.

With just such a look, she was sure that Zhuang Huici did not come to recognize her as a daughter-in-law today, but wanted to show her off.

As for why she did this, Jiang Luyao couldn't figure it out for a while, and now he could only wait and see what happened to her.

Qiao Mucheng went straight to the sofa next to her and sat down, then asked, "You came to see me suddenly today, what's the matter?"

His tone didn't sound like he was talking to his mother, but he wasn't too distant either.Jiang Luyao carefully observed his expression, trying to figure out what kind of relationship he had with Zhuang Huici.

Zhuang Huici asked strangely after hearing the words: "Why, can't I come to my son's house because I have nothing to do?"

Qiao Mucheng smiled, and replied: "Of course, but it's not like your style."

Zhuang Huici frowned, "Are you blaming me for not caring enough about you? Mucheng, you are already 30 years old this year, do you want me to greet you every day like a child?"

Qiao Mucheng smiled noncommittally, and replied, "It's best not to."

Zhuang Huici put down the coffee cup in his hand, and finally looked at Jiang Luyao who was still standing beside him.

"Now, can you explain, when did you have an extra woman in your family?" There was an aura of calm and prestige in her tone, and someone with a weaker aura would definitely be shorter in front of her three points.

But Jiang Luyao wasn't afraid of her bluff, even Qiao Mucheng let go, saying that she didn't have to see anyone, so naturally she wouldn't be afraid of a remarried mother-in-law.

Qiao Mucheng seemed to deliberately throw this difficult problem to Jiang Luyao, so he remained silent.

Jiang Luyao walked over calmly, and said to Zhuang Huici: "I haven't officially introduced you yet, my name is Jiang Luyao, and I am your son's wife. Please take care of me in the future."

When she spoke, she nodded slightly, which was regarded as a courtesy, but there was nothing rude about it.

Zhuang Huici didn't buy it, she didn't even look at her, and said, "My son's wife? Why don't I know, when did my son get another wife?"

Jiang Luyao smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Then you know now."

She said this with a smile, and her tone was extremely gentle, but there were clearly thorns in her words.

Zhuang Huici's face turned cold, and a look of displeasure appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Jiang Luyao with dissatisfaction: "I tell you, I will not admit to this kind of marriage that is self-assertive and not justified. Yes! Don't brazenly say that you are Mucheng's wife."

Jiang Luyao's expression remained unchanged, as if he was having a friendly exchange with his mother-in-law, rather than being made things difficult by her.

She knew that it was impossible for Qiao Mucheng to speak for her, so thank God he didn't help Zhuang Huici to embarrass her.

She had a puzzled look on her face, and said innocently, "But as far as I know, a valid marriage only requires legal recognition. It doesn't seem to matter whether you recognize it or not."

Zhuang Huici's usual dignified expression finally changed, and an angry look appeared on his face, and he turned to Qiao Mucheng and said, "Did you hear, how did she talk to me?"

Seeing that she suddenly wanted to pull Qiao Mucheng into the battlefield, Jiang Luyao was not uneasy. After all, Zhuang Huici was Qiao Mucheng's mother, and to him, Mrs. Qiao was just a woman who forced her into marriage. It is right to lean towards Zhuang Huici.

If the two of them join forces to deal with her, even she is not sure that they can handle it.

However, Qiao Mucheng's reaction was still flat. He took a deep look at Jiang Luyao, and then said to Zhuang Huici in a flat tone: "If there is anything wrong with her, just point it out."

On the surface, this sentence seemed to help no one, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was more inclined to Jiang Luyao.Because he didn't follow Zhuang Huici's wishes to challenge Jiang Luyao, but threw the question back to her.

This made Jiang Luyao a little unexpected. While secretly delighted, he couldn't help but feel puzzled.Qiao Mucheng would actually help her?Although it wasn't so obvious that he helped, but when he said these words, it was obvious that Zhuang Huici was devastated.

Zhuang Huici looked at Qiao Mucheng in disbelief, and said with trembling lips after a long while, "You turned to her? You have only been married for a few days, and you actually help outsiders to bully me!"

After all, Qiao Mucheng couldn't completely ignore her face, so he softened his tone and said, "You are being serious. Although Yaoyao is outspoken, she doesn't mean to be disrespectful to you. If you think she has done something wrong, you can point it out. I'll make her change."


Hearing this long-lost address, Jiang Luyao's mind suddenly went into a trance.

That's how Qiao Mucheng called her six years ago, but after they met again, he never heard that name from him again.He either called her by her full name, or omitted her name, and most of the time, he didn't even bother to speak to her.

"Yaoyao?" Zhuang Huici looked disdainful, "I don't care how loving you are in private, restrain yourself in front of me!"

She looked at Jiang Luyao again: "Let me tell you, it's not that easy to become the daughter-in-law of the Qiao family. Don't think that a marriage certificate can be a gold medal for avoiding death. Our wife in Mucheng is not just any woman. Right."

She had already made it clear that she did not recognize Jiang Luyao as his daughter-in-law.

Jiang Luyao withdrew his thoughts, and replied not to be outdone: "I agree with you. The Qiao family, a wealthy family, must be more cautious in choosing a daughter-in-law. But in the end, it is also a matter of the Qiao family. Your kindness reminds us Thank you, Mrs. Kang."

At the end of her speech, she deliberately emphasized the word "Mrs. Kang" in order to remind Zhuang Huici that she had already married into the Kang family, and it was not her, an outsider, to worry about the Qiao family's affairs.

"What did you say!" These words hit Zhuang Huici's sore spot. She was so angry that she stood up from the sofa, walked up to Jiang Luyao, raised her hand and slapped her. "You are a woman who doesn't know where you came from, but you are questioning my status. Who gave you the courage?"

She could have avoided the slap, and even grabbed Zhuang Huici's wrist to prevent her from hitting him.

But in the blink of an eye, she made a decision and did not escape.

The left cheek was in hot pain, this slap was not light.

Qiao Mucheng, who had been watching the fire from the other side, was shocked suddenly, immediately got up and walked over, pulled Jiang Luyao behind him, and said to Zhuang Huici in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

After venting her anger, Zhuang Huici regained her composure and calmness, and as if nothing had happened, she turned back the ring that was misplaced when she slapped Jiang Luyao just now, without raising her eyelids, and said in a contemptuous tone: "I just It's just a lesson to a junior who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, is it distressing for you?"

Qiao Mucheng didn't expect her to do it directly, and felt a little displeased, and blurted out: "You are in my house, the person who beat me, shouldn't you ask my opinion first?"

Zhuang Huici froze for a moment when she heard the words. Although Qiao Mucheng had been lukewarm towards her all these years, he had never contradicted her so openly.

Her own son's attitude made her care far more than Jiang Luyao, an insignificant woman, and her heart suddenly became half cold. "Okay, you actually contradicted me for a woman? After 30 years of love between mother and child, you can't compare to this unknown woman? You let me down so much!"

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