Standing still in front of Qiao Mucheng's office, Jiang Luyao reached out and knocked on the door.

She purposely refused to allow the secretary to open the door, but asked Qiao Mucheng to open it for her personally.

However, after knocking for a while, Qiao Mucheng didn't come out, and the secretary next door still came.

"Madam, let me open the door for you."

As he spoke, he was about to identify his fingerprints, but was stopped by Jiang Luyao: "It's none of your business, go back and do your work."

The secretary said with a look of embarrassment: "The president asked me to open the door..."

Jiang Luyao rolled his eyes, how honorable does this guy think he is?To open a door, I have to ask someone else to do it, but she still wants him to open it in person today!

"You tell him that I didn't let you drive, let's see what he can do with you?"

Knowing that she couldn't hold her back, the secretary went back to the office after struggling for a while, and came back after a while.

"Madam, if the president says you won't let me drive, then..."

"So what?"

"Don't go in..."

After he finished speaking, he carefully looked at Jiang Luyao's expression, for fear of being angered by her.

However, her expression was calm, and she even raised the corners of her mouth to smile, and said, "Then let's see who is more patient. If he doesn't open the door, I'll knock on the door here for a day, and he won't even think about working hard."

The secretary couldn't help but glanced at her with admiration. After all these years in the company, Jiang Luyao was the first person he had ever seen who dared to disrespect the president so much, and even deliberately confronted him.

Although they are husband and wife, he still admires their courage.

Not wanting to wade into this muddy water again, the secretary returned to his office in fear of avoiding it.

In the following time, Jiang Luyao began to knock on the door in different ways.After knocking with the left hand, switch to the right hand, and change fists when the slap hurts. In the end, the whole person is half leaning on the door, knocking fast and slow, without any intention of stopping.

In the end, the one inside was defeated first.

The door was pulled open unexpectedly, Jiang Luyao was still leaning on it, and accidentally bumped into a broad and strong chest.

Qiao Mucheng's unique aura rushed towards his face, Jiang Luyao was stunned, and then realized that he had won.

Walking in swaggeringly, she still didn't forget to show off: "Didn't you not open it for me? I thought you had so much backbone."

Qiao Mucheng replied speechlessly: "No matter how strong a person is, he can't stand against a rascal."

Jiang Luyao raised his eyebrows and smiled, "That's right, I'm a scoundrel, what can you do to me?"

Qiao Mucheng glanced at her, ignored her, and returned to his seat.

Jiang Luyao sat in his seat bored, looking at Qiao Mucheng from time to time.

Regarding the relationship between him and Kang Yatong, I'm afraid it's impossible to ask.

Why don't you go back and ask Ah Qi?

But far water can't quench near thirst, she wants to know now!
Staring at his computer screen, he typed the three words "Kang Yatong" in the search bar, and clicked search.

When the page appeared, even she was stunned, she never expected to find this person!

Click on Kang Yatong’s personal information. It is introduced that she is the only daughter of the chairman of Cannes Group. She grew up in the United States and returned to China after finishing her Ph.D. Imperial Group as vice president.

Words like "Heaven's Proud Girl" are often used in online descriptions of her, which is simply an exaggeration.

All this was far beyond Jiang Luyao's previous expectations. She thought that Kang Yatong got the position of vice president by "going through the back door", but now it seems that this is "condescending" to her.

Then she couldn't figure it out even more. Instead of inheriting her own family business, she came here to be a vice president. Is it just because she loves Qiao Mucheng?

She didn't believe that Kang Yatong was such a simple-minded person. Thinking of this, she went to search for the information of Kangcheng Group.

She was not interested in the information about the company itself, but just wanted to find the part about Kang Yatong, but accidentally discovered another piece of information that shocked her even more.

Although she had guessed countless possibilities about the relationship between Kang Yatong and Qiao Mucheng, she never expected that the result would be like this.

Kang Yatong's father, Kang Sicheng, turned out to be the current husband of Qiao Mucheng's biological mother, who was Qiao Mucheng's stepfather!
Jiang Luyao stared at the page on the screen dumbfounded, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

After finally calming down, she began to think carefully about what she knew about Qiao Mucheng's life experience.

She knew something about him as early as six years ago when she was with him.His father died when he was 16 years old, leaving him only the then chaotic imperial group.

With the help of his mother Zhuang Huici, he formally inherited his father's company at the age of 17, and began to set things right and grow the family business step by step.

Later, his mother married her current husband, Kang Sicheng, but Jiang Luyao didn't know the details at the time, because Qiao Mucheng didn't like to mention it, so she never asked.

At this point, it seems that everything has a clear context.

In Qiao Mucheng's year, Zhuang Huici married Kang Sicheng, and perhaps because of his status as the CEO of the Imperial Group, or because he himself did not want to recognize Kang Sicheng as his stepfather, he was not close to them.

As for why Kang Yatong came to the Empire Group as the vice president, it must have something to do with his mother's instruction.

No wonder Kang Yatong said it had something to do with him just now, and then said it had nothing to do with it. The relationship between them is really unclear in a few words.They were brother and sister, but they were not related by blood, but they were fine, but they were connected because of Qiao Mucheng's mother.

After figuring all this out, Jiang Luyao finally heaved a sigh of relief.

She turned her head to look at Qiao Mucheng, and saw that he was still so absorbed in his work that he didn't notice her gaze.

Looking in her direction, all he could see was his profile.At this moment, his expression was particularly focused, and his gestures and gestures exuded a sense of calmness, with the self-confidence as if everything was under control, and the arrogance of looking down on the world.

Putting aside the animosity with him, at least he looks very attractive on the surface, no wonder so many women miss him.

After being stared at by her for a while, Qiao Mucheng seemed to have noticed something, and finally turned around, but met her gaze.

Jiang Luyao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and blinked at him.

"What are you thinking again?" Seeing her eyes, Qiao Mucheng knew that she was thinking of something else.

Jiang Luyao gave him a dissatisfied look, spread his hands and said, "If I don't make up my mind, can't I see you? Is it possible that I want to see you and I have to buy a ticket first?"

As she spoke, she kicked the ground with her feet, moved her chair towards Qiao Mucheng, and stopped firmly beside his table.

Qiao Mucheng frowned: "I told you, don't disturb my work."

Jiang Luyao said nonchalantly: "You said that yourself, and I didn't agree. Besides, you've been working all morning, so what if you take a break? Will you die if you make less money?"

Qiao Mucheng looked at her thoughtfully, threw down the pen in his hand, adjusted the direction of the chair to face her, sat with his legs crossed, looked down at her, and said with a half-smile: "Here In 10 minutes, tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

Jiang Luyao thought for a moment, and then curled the corners of his mouth: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask you about your 'sister', Kang Yatong."

After she finished speaking, she kept paying attention to Qiao Mucheng's expression. She thought he would be surprised, but she didn't see the look she expected on his face. Instead, she saw a smile in his eyes.

"It seems that you are not stupid to the end, and finally know to check it yourself."

Hearing these words, the smile on Jiang Luyao's face froze.

It seems that he already knew that those things can be found on the Internet, but he deliberately didn't tell her and watched her worry.

This guy's heart is really bad!

But she didn't intend to show timidity in front of Qiao Mucheng, so she quickly adjusted her expression, and continued to ask with a smile on her face: "I've been married for so long, and you haven't mentioned anything about your family to me, so I haven't even met my mother-in-law. Doesn't it seem that I am too rude?"

The smile in Qiao Mucheng's eyes gradually disappeared, and his expression suddenly became serious. "You think too much, I'm the only one in my family, and you don't need to see anyone."

Jiang Luyao was a little surprised by his reaction. Originally, he just wanted to tease him, but unexpectedly he became serious.

Looking at him like this, it seems that the relationship with his mother is not very close, and there is even a little resistance.

If he had this attitude towards his mother, why would he agree to let Kang Yatong become the vice president of the Imperial Group?How can she say that she is also the heir of the Cannes Group, is he really relieved to hand over such an important position to someone who may become a competitor in the future?

It's a rare opportunity to ridicule him, Jiang Luyao naturally won't let it go: "Unexpectedly, there are some unknown sad things in President Qiao's heart, I thought your heart is really as indestructible as it looks on the surface. "

Qiao Mucheng's eyes turned cold, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice: "You have time to think about these boring things, why don't you think about how you won't look too embarrassing when you were kicked out of the company by me?"

Jiang Luyao glared at him, and secretly slandered in his heart, this guy is really stubborn, he has clearly seen through him, and he still pretends to be indifferent.

But she also knows the truth of accepting as soon as it's good, and if she continues to be so provocative, it's hard to guarantee that he won't really become angry from embarrassment.

"You want to drive me away? It's not that easy!" With a playful grimace, Jiang Luyao kicked off the ground again, sliding the chair back to his desk.

In the next half day, she really calmed down and did not bother Qiao Mucheng again.

It wasn't because she was afraid of his threats, but because she had received too much information in a short period of time, and she needed time to digest it.

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