Heaven's Favorite: Picking up the CEO who loves him too much

Chapter 807 You Have Suffered These Years

Chapter 8 You Have Suffered These Years

"This man is a beast."

"I won't allow you to scold him"

"He has treated you like this, and you still defend him."

"Loving someone is unconditional, no matter what he did to you or let you down, but you still love him, don't you do the same? Knowing that you wanted to leave your wife at the beginning, you still But I dare not give myself a chance to face it squarely. We are actually the same kind of people. We are both silently paying for the one we love, but in the end we get nothing. What is tiring is my heart, but I walked away from that relationship. I came out, and now I can still tell the story between us very calmly, but you still can’t let it go, so you will be very excited when others mention your wife or things related to her.”

"How do you know these things?"

"You don't need to know how I know. You just need to know that we have similarities. Well, go and rest for a while. I'll take care of Auntie. I'll call you if there's anything wrong."

Carlisle looked at it and paused.

"Okay, okay, let's go, because we have similarities, I would like to help you take care of auntie, if I regret it later, it will be too late." Zhou Luoli pushed Kalier and told him to go to rest quickly .

"My mother made some steamed dumplings. I brought some here. They are still hot. Eat them while they are hot." Nie Qianqian went home and came to see Mo Zixuan when she had time. Became his own sister.He opened the lunch box and took out the chopsticks to apologize to Mo Shang.

Mo Shangfeng ate the steaming dumplings one by one, and his heart began to get warmer and warmer. Although he is in the hospital now, he doesn't feel that he can't eat well, sleep well, or feel that he is doing well. Bitter, since his sister was lying on the hospital bed, he knew what the most important thing in his life was, and then he knew what he wanted most. What he wanted most was to be with the one he loved, no matter what What, as long as I wake up and see his face every day, I feel very happy. It's much better than being a general manager who is superior in the company and is envied by everyone in the company.

He took a bite of the steamed dumplings, and felt that the steamed dumplings were better than any meal he had eaten outside. "Auntie's steamed dumplings are so delicious, I will fall in love with her after eating."

"Eat slowly, and no one will compete with you. If you fall in love with him, I will make it for you every day in the future. I promise to eat it until you get bored." Nie Qianqian's naughty movements.

While the two of them were talking, Zixuan suddenly woke up.

"Zixuan, you wake up, just wake up."

Zixuan wanted to speak, but found that her breath was very weak, only seeing the shape of her mouth, Nie Qianqian knew that she wanted to drink water.Nie Qianqian hurried to a glass of warm water and handed it over.

Mo Shang apologized and fed her some.Wang Gang was terrified when he heard the news that Mo Zixuan had woken up.Like ants on a hot pot, running around in a hurry, let's run away quickly.

"I, I, I..." Mo Zixuan seemed to have something important to tell Nie Qianqian after waking up.

"Zixuan, I have made you suffer all these years. I am my brother. Don't be afraid. My brother will always be by your side. You will definitely get better."

Zixuan saw how handsome her brother was, and finally saw her brother today, she shed tears from the corners of her eyes excitedly.Mo Shang apologized and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. "Silly girl, why are you crying? Brother is very happy to see you waking up. You should be happy to see brother."

"Brother, brother, brother..." Mo Zixuan called out many times in a weak voice.

Nie Qianqian almost burst into tears watching from the sidelines. There is one of the most dependent and longest-lasting feelings in this world, that is family love.She sees a lot of separation and reunion, but every time she sees the scene where two people meet, she always tears with excitement.

"Come here." Mo Zixuan waved with the little strength in her heart to let Mo Shangfeng put her ear close. Mo Shangfeng put her ear close to Zixuan, and Zixuan said it word by word with a very weak breath. "I was knocked out."

Zixuan tried hard to recall the scene that day, but only one scene appeared in her mind, that is, she was walking on the road, and suddenly felt a pain in her back, and then fell to the ground.He closed his eyes and tried hard to recall everything that day, how she was on the road, what she was going to do, and why she was lying here again.Mo Zixuan suddenly felt a headache. She put her hands on her head, feeling as if she was about to hit the wall, rolled on the bed, and then fainted again.

"Zixuan, Zixuan..." Mo Shangfeng shouted anxiously, and it was not easy for him to see hope. The younger sister woke up, and she can still recognize people and talk, which means that the situation is not very bad.

"I'm going to call the doctor, doctor, doctor..." Nie Qianqian hurried out to call the doctor.

Dr. Li came, took Zixuan's pulse, and looked at the numbers on the instrument.

"Doctor, how is my sister?"

"She is still weak"

"She just woke up, and she can still recognize me and talk to me. Does this mean that she is fine?"

"It's still uncertain. The patient may have an indirect coma at any time now, and the memory ability and language ability are also indirect."

"You mean she might fall into a coma anytime after she wakes up?"

"Well, that's it."

"Then when will she fully wake up?"

"It might be."

Mo Shangfeng's current feeling is as if he managed to get a little fire with stones in the wilderness, and a big fire was ignited, but suddenly a heavy rain fell and extinguished the fire.

What was a little bit of hope has now turned into disappointment.

The two sat on the corridor of the inpatient department of the hospital. They didn't speak for a long time, and just sat like that.

"Let me do it." Zhou Luoli took the towel from Kalier's hand and wiped her body for Kalier's mother. She was gentle and careful, and Kalier saw it, which moved Zhou Luoli . "I promised to renew the contract with Sunshine, you go back."

"Really, is what you said true? Your contract renewal is too important to me." Zhou Luoli suddenly felt a sense of fulfillment when she heard Carlier's words.

"I, Carlier, always keep my word. You can use the contract to sign the contract tomorrow." Carlier said very flatly.

After getting excited, Zhou Luoli slowly regained her composure, smiled slightly at Kalier, then gave Kalier a warm hug, and patted him on the back. "Your contract renewal is really important to me, but as I said, it is not my most important purpose for me to come here to sign the contract. I will take care of my aunt here until she is discharged from the hospital." Carlier also gave Zhou Luoli gave a big hug.

"There are too few people in the mall who value friendship like you, and there are many people who put on airs for their own purposes. It seems that I misunderstood you before."

"What did you think of me before?" Zhou Luoli smiled.

"Before, you used photos to force Ross to sign a contract. From an official point of view, as long as it does not harm the company's interests, you can still use it to grab customers. The only thing to blame is your bad luck. It was Ross who met. , so the result is the worst result, so your company’s evaluation of you must be negative. And I have always done things more justice, which is similar to your current method, and the previous method I will think you are unscrupulous .”

"Hahaha" Zhou Luoli laughed.

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