Chapter 8, Chapter [-], The Shadow of Four Years

"Why should we trust you? A newcomer like you has brought such a big loss to the company, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with us here." One of them suddenly stood up.

"Mr. Xue, if I remember correctly, you also asked someone to secretly take pictures of Ross before."

"You, stop spitting blood here."

"Okay, we will accommodate you for another two months, and you will both leave after two months."

Zhou Luoli walked out of the conference room, took out her phone and called her brother. "Brother, can you do me a favor? I'm really screwed this time."

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

"Before I made a mistake in the project, which caused huge losses to the company, but Mr. Zhang has been protecting me. The board of directors decided to demote Mr. Zhang. Today I promise the board of directors to find a client who can renew the contract within two months, or It’s about finding new clients, so hurry up and introduce a few clients to me.”

"But now everyone knows about the shnshine company, I'm afraid it's hard for me to say."

"Brother, help me. Please."

"Mr. Zhang is also my friend, and you are my sister. Of course I will help you."

"Do not worry."

"Luo Li, in fact, you don't have to do this at all"

"Mr. Zhang, the responsibility for this matter lies entirely with me. I'm really sorry for hurting you."

"You don't have to say sorry to me. Your brother helped me before. I should help you now, but I didn't help you this time. I'm really sorry."

"Don't say that, I won't let you down.

"I need you to do me a favor." Mr. Zhang looked at Zhou Luoli.

"You say"

I may have a lot of work to do recently, so I need you to help me talk to a big client.

"Karier is a big client of ours. If you can help me win the contract renewal with him, it will be a big deal. But his mother has been ill recently, and he has been worried about his mother's condition, so he may not see him very much. Customer, you have to figure out a way."

"Mr. Zhang, if you trust me so much, I'm afraid..."

"I know what you are worried about. He and his wife are divorced, and his mother has always lived alone and has been supported by him alone. This time his mother is sick, so he can only take care of it by himself. You are so smart, Do you know what to do?"

"Mr. Zhang, I understand.

Nie Qianqian found the hospital where Kalier's mother was, and bought a lot of food, and it was time to buy some supplies for the elderly. "

"These foods are very suitable for the sick elderly, which I specially selected."

"Who are you, go away?" Kalier was very unhappy, and didn't like to see this strange woman.

"I'm Zhou Luoli from Suhshine. I'm sorry to see that Auntie is sick."

"You know that if I choose any other company, I will not choose to renew the contract with Suhshine. I'm afraid your visit today is in vain, you should go."

"I think you misunderstood. You were a client of Shushine before. Now that your mother is ill, we have an obligation to visit. I don't mean to force you to renew the contract."

"You're done visiting now, can you go?"

"I heard that Auntie has half of her body. It's not convenient for you, a big man, to take care of her."

"He is my mother. I should take care of her. What's the inconvenience?"

"Although she is your mother, there are differences between men and women, and women must be more careful than men." Zhou Luoli was still very smart, and hit the point directly, and got to the point.Carlier paused for a while, but was speechless.

After a while, "My wife will come to take care of me in a few days." Carlier hesitated when he said this. He and his wife have been divorced for more than 4 years, but not many people know about it.Carlier is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, but he has been unable to let go of his wife these years. Whenever he mentions his wife and things related to his wife, he feels uncomfortable.

"If I'm not mistaken, you and your wife have already divorced, and it's because of your mother." Zhou Luoli suddenly remembered the information Mr. Zhang told her about Carlier yesterday.

"You're talking nonsense, what right do you have to talk about me here? What are you?" Khalil has been unable to get out of the shadows. Whenever someone mentions his wife, he always gets angry and wants to hit that person hard. pause.

"Karil, it's been four years. You've just lived in your own shadow. In fact, your wife's departure at that time had nothing to do with your mother. It's just that your wife didn't love you that much. Think about it, he has Aiqi’s project. This project is very important to the company, and your mother just let someone do some manipulations on Rieman’s data. This project was also in charge of your wife, and she had time to check it at that time , but your wife made him the worst, and passed it on to her subordinates, who got fired, and then retreated unscathed, and your mother told you that she was a little dissatisfied with your wife, And that data problem is just to give your wife a test, to make you mistakenly believe that it is your mother, to create a gap between you and your mother, and then to make you feel guilty about her, you are indeed not as smart as her."

"You're talking nonsense, it's not like that."

"Think about it for yourself. After so many years, you think it's just your mother's fault. If she loves you, she would have come back to you long ago." Carlier couldn't believe all of this, and he had thought like this before , but he still refuses to admit it in his heart. In his heart, his wife loves him. It's just that the project at the beginning made him suffer at work, but he didn't stop his mother. All this is his own fault , so for so many years, he has been living with guilt towards his wife.

"Don't be stupid, you have been trapped by this woman for four years, and you have been guilty for four years. In fact, this is all caused by your inner heart, and your wife doesn't know where to live a happy life now. Really The person who loves you is here, and he is lying here." Kalier glanced at his mother, tears dripped down unconsciously, and he lay beside his mother's bed, weeping uncontrollably.

Zhou Luoli had studied psychology when she went to the United States before. He knew what to say next to achieve his goal.

"I used to have a childhood sweetheart boy, he was very good to me when I was young, and we made a marriage contract before I went abroad. I went abroad for 3 years, but when I came back three years later, he had an extra baby Foxy, I thought he just used that woman as my substitute, he still loves me in his heart, you know, he was the one who picked me up the day I returned to China, and I love him as much as before, But within a few days, he began to change his mind about me. He always protected that woman and turned a blind eye to me. I always believed that he would change his mind. I did many things for him and gave birth to him. dealt with me, didn't give me a good face, and in the end the child was only a few months old, and he drove me out of the country because of that woman."

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