Chapter 688 Gratitude and Admiration

The cafe that has been with me for so many years, you, Nie Qianqian, can change it if you want, and then tell yourself that you need to continue to improve it. Anyway, you have done what you promised Luoli. At this time, it is also time to part ways with Nie Qianqian.

Nie Qianqian, who came to Serena to discuss things with great joy, didn't know what happened, but felt that her whole attitude had changed when she came to Serena this time.

Faced with Serena's indifference, Nie Qianqian didn't know what to do. After saying goodbye to a group of employees of her Star Company and Serena, Nie Qianqian left Lanzhongou.

On the way, Nie Qianqian thought about why Serena was like this. Before Mo Shangqian told herself that a high-class daughter like Serena would not be friends with her sincerely, especially Serena She and Zhou Luoli are best friends.

Nie Qianqian was a little sad. After thinking about everything, she drove to find Mo Shangqian, arrived at Mo Shangqian's company, entered the elevator, and pressed her slender fingers to the 11th floor, and found Mo Shangqian's office with ease. Office, knocked on the door.

Mo Shangqian, who was working, heard the noise outside the door and said, "Please come in." Nie Qianqian quietly entered Mo Shangqian's office.

There was almost no sound in this extremely tidy office, and Mo Shangqian didn't hear the slightest sound, and just thought it was strange that the person opposite said, "Shangqian."

The familiar voice made Mo Shangqian raise his head abruptly, and said in surprise and surprise: "Qianqian, why are you here? Are you looking for me?" After speaking, Mo Shangqian realized that something was wrong with Nie Qianqian today.

Let's not talk about Nie Qianqian, ever since she became Xu Hexi's fiancée, in order to avoid suspicion, she rarely came to her company to find herself, but Nie Qianqian's eyes are a little red today, Nie Qianqian, who has always been strong, optimistic, brave and kind, unexpectedly has red eyes At that time, what exactly happened, Mo Shangqian thought in his heart that if someone hurt his dear Nie Qianqian, he, Mo Shangqian, would definitely make that person look good.

He quickly cleared up his mood, looked at his beloved girl lovingly, and said, "What happened to Qianqian? Did something happen to the company?"

Nie Qianqian looked at Mo Shangqian's extremely handsome face, with tears in her eyes, and said choked up: "Do you know? Serena is not the same today as before, and I don't know where I messed with her." Yes, she was extremely perfunctory when I talked to her, and her expression seemed to dislike me."

Mo Shangqian was not surprised by this, but he still comforted Nie Qianqian verbally, because he knew what kind of person Serena was, but he didn't say anything unnecessary, nor did he say anything bad about Serena. It was just to let Nie Qianqian feel Serena's personality and let Nie Qianqian digest it by herself. After thinking for a while, Nie Qianqian got up and said she wanted to leave, but Mo Shangqian had no choice but to get up and send Nie Qianqian out of the company.

After sending Nie Qianqian away, Mo Shangqian had to go back to his office alone and asked his assistant to pour him a cup of coffee. He tried his best to calm himself down and spun around on his chair, holding a ballpoint pen in his hand. Ding dong ding dong with his hands on the table.

He thought, there are some things that need to be experienced by Nie Qianqian alone. She can help Nie Qianqian with work matters, but she still needs to experience emotional matters by herself.

In a trance, Mo Shangqian remembered the first time he saw Nie Qianqian. The girl with clean eyes is still there, but she has suffered more setbacks than before, and now Nie Qianqian has become more mature. Mo Shangqian Qian didn't know whether he should be happy for Nie Qianqian or anxious about her.

After Nie Qianqian left Mo Shangqian's company, she also thought a lot in her car. Serena refused to accept her remodeling of Lanzhongou Cafe, could it be because she misunderstood herself?

I heard Shang Qian mention it before, and Nie Qianqian turned around in her mind. Since Zhou Luoli and Serena are best friends who have been together for a long time, Zhou Luoli and herself are so at odds, maybe in front of Serena She said something bad about herself, which caused Serena to have a deep impact on her character.

In fact, at the beginning, Nie Qianqian also understood that between her and Serena, there was not only the role of Zhou Luoli separated, but more deeply, the two were born in different classes. Serena was a person who had always lived in the upper class. The gap between the princess of society and herself is too great, but Nie Qianqian is such a pure and kind girl, she feels that as long as she is sincere, there is nothing that cannot be overcome with Serena.

However, reality slapped her hard.

On the other side, the construction of the Blue Central European Cafe is also continuing.

Does Nie Qianqian feel that she has encountered the legendary Mercury retrograde recently? Serena's side is not satisfactory, and Xu Hexi has been extraordinarily gracious to her recently. Maybe outsiders are extremely envious, but to Nie Qianqian it is a kind of trouble.

As soon as Nie Qianqian returned to the company in good mood, she saw a group of people surrounded her office. She stood up straight, clapped her hands and raised her voice, "Why are you all stuck in my office? Are you done with today's work?"

When everyone turned around and saw that Nie Qianqian didn't hold back, they were even more excited. Nie Qianqian suddenly felt that her boss was not dignified, "What are you looking at! Go back to your seat,"

Catherine stepped forward with a smile on her face, "Boss, where have you been all morning, and you didn't answer the phone."

Nie Qianqian felt as if she took out her mobile phone from her bag, because she wanted to talk to Serena about her new ideas for transformation, so she set the volume on mute in order to be disturbed halfway. Calling her, what surprised her even more was that Xu Hexi actually called herself ten times, but she naturally woke up and didn't answer any of them.

"What's the matter with Xiaoxi, do you need me urgently?" Nie Qianqian was a little worried.

"It's not really urgent," Catherine replied, "He came to find the boss for lunch just now, but he left without waiting for the boss for a long time. Oh, boss, I wish you had come earlier."

Thought it was something urgent?Isn't it just a meal? Nie Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, but she was secretly happy. Fortunately, she came late. She really didn't want to face Xu Hexi hypocritically. Mo Shangqian, whom she has always loved, waited for Xingchen Company to stabilize in City A. Hands and feet, she will immediately propose to Xu Hexi to withdraw the engagement. For Xu Hexi, Nie Qianqian can only be grateful and cannot have love.

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