Invincible Chapter 687

Serena stepped forward to stop a small employee of Xingchen Company, and said with a smile: "Brother, all your building materials should be in the warehouse of Xingchen Company."

Seeing a beautiful woman accosting him in the bathtub, the young employee blushed and replied naively, "Yeah, even though we are a design company, we have also carefully selected the materials for the construction, all of which are from the same batch. No matter how ingenious and ingenious the design is, the high-quality materials inside are inferior to the adobe houses in the countryside!"

Serena nodded as if agreeing, "That's right! This material is very important, so you should be busy first, brother, and I won't bother you!"

Zhou Luoli told herself at the time: "When Nie Qianqian is transforming Lanzhongou, it's best to do something before the transformation is complete."

The sound of the rumbling machine rang throughout the Blue Central European Cafe. Serena felt very reluctant to give up, and at the same time felt a little entangled. If she did what Luoli said, she would definitely It will cause great losses to Star Company, and its own Blue Central European Cafe will also suffer certain losses.

In her cafe, Serena thought for a long time, and finally decided that she should help Zhou Luoli.

In any case, I agreed to her in the hospital that day, so that it would also help his condition, and I no longer worry about my own little thoughts. Serena decided it was time to see the progress of the project, and then Decide whether to take action on this matter yourself.

When I went to the second floor of Lanzhongou Cafe, I saw the employees of Star Company working hard. Serena felt that she might have a wrong impression of Star Company at the beginning, but it was all because of Nie Qianqian s reason.

Whether it was the Nie Qianqian I met, or the Serena I heard from Aunt Zhou's family and my best friend Luoli, they would not think that Nie Qianqian was a simple, kind and good girl as I thought at the beginning.

Thinking that Nie Qianqian used Zhou Ziheng's reason to deceive her feelings and wanted to use herself. If it wasn't for Zhou Ziheng's face, how could she deal with this little proprietress of the design company.

Serena felt very angry, and it was this anger that made Serena completely determined. After seeing the employees of Star Company working so hard, Serena also ignored the little touches in her heart.

The design drafts on the table seem to make Serena feel less disgusted again. She tells herself in her heart that she can't do it, she can't hesitate so much, and she must do what she promised Luoli. Respect is also the fulfillment of the promise to your best friend.

After Serena looked around the second floor for a week, she probably had a plan in her mind. She decided to start construction at the last moment, as Luo Li said. The visit to the company was not in vain. Office buildings are of no interest.

After Nie Qianqian finished handling the matter in Xingchen Company, she hurried out of the company thinking about the things in Lanzhongou Cafe. Thinking of the upcoming meeting with Serena, Nie Qianqian's heart soared with joy.

In City A, Nie Qianqian felt that apart from those friends in her company, only Serena had become good friends with herself, and according to Mo Shangqian's words, she understood that Serena was a person who was irrigated by material things since she was a child Well, rich and famous families like them usually look down on little people like themselves, but those who were introduced by Zhou Ziheng, when they saw Serina for the first time, Nie Qianqian knew that the girl in front of her was not the kind of person who valued fame and fortune.

On the contrary, Nie Qianqian thinks that Serena is an extremely upright girl. Although, at the beginning, Nie Qianqian was shocked by the aristocratic spirit exuded from Serena, but in the subsequent conversation, Nie Qianqian found that Serena Such a person is a very interesting person, and I can also talk about it with myself. I am very happy to cooperate with Serena's Blue Central European Cafe this time.

However, Serena's reluctance at the beginning, and then she took the initiative to find her to talk about cooperation, which made Nie Qianqian feel a little confused, but the pure Nie Qianqian never thought that the girl she believed would do anything against her. matter.

Therefore, Nie Qianqian herself was surprised when Serena proposed the cooperation last time. After all, after she proposed the cooperation with Blue Central European Cafe last time, Serena's expression changed obviously. It seems that I said something wrong and what kind of memories did it bring back to Serena?Anyway, Nie Qianqian felt that Serena's expression was not right.

So I hurriedly apologized, just to prevent Serena from misunderstood me, out of love for the overall design of Lanzhongou Cafe, and it happened that Wang Yue came up with a design draft that satisfied me, these two things came together Let Nie Qianqian feel that the opportunity is not to be missed.

Parked the car near the Blue Central Ou Cafe, Nie Qianqian went to find Serena and wanted to talk to her about her recent ideas. She had better ideas about the Blue Central European Cafe and her own design team, and Nie Qianqian couldn't wait. I want to share it with Serena, and hope that Serena can give herself some honest and suitable suggestions.

When entering the gate of Lanzhongou, there were only Serena and a few employees of her own company in the whole cafe, and the scene looked unusually harmonious. Nie Qianqian thought it was very good, and she could reach an agreement with her best friend. It couldn't be better.

Going up to the second floor, Nie Qianqian who appeared in front of Serena was as pure and clean as ever, but in Serena's eyes, such Nie Qianqian was even more annoying. Nie Qianqian is defined as a person who does anything for his own ends.

So this time when Nie Qianqian blinked her big clear eyes and talked to Serena, Serena suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and talked with Nie Qianqian about the follow-up matters of the Blue Central European Cafe.

Serena, who was absent-minded, seemed to hear what Nie Qianqian said about the transformation, and felt that there were so many things about Nie Qianqian. She agreed to her and gave her the opportunity to transform her Blue Central European Cafe. When the cafe was about to be finished, I thought about making something again.

The renovation of Lanzhongou Café is now slowly coming to an end, and it happened that Nie Qianqian proposed to continue the renovation, which made Serena, who has always been proud and proud, feel insulted.

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