Chapter 437
"Nothing?" Nie Qianqian didn't tell Xu Hexi what she had just thought in her heart, because Xu Hexi should also know it. How can a person like him who hangs around in the mall not see what the photographer is thinking?

"You? Every day you know how to think wildly!" Xu Hexi reached out and hooked Nie Qianqian's nose lovingly. This action made Nie Qianqian feel very familiar, as if someone had done the same thing to herself many years ago. Nie Qianqian didn't I know if that person is Xu Hexi, but who else could it be?

Nie Qianqian smiled back faintly, did not speak, and then fell asleep leaning on Xu Hexi's shoulder. It would be a lie to say that the day's shooting was not tiring, and her face was almost cramp from laughing, but fortunately, the photographer was also very tired. If you are famous, you won't suffer any serious crimes, just take a little rest...

The date of Xu Hexi's business trip was set on the first day, and Nie Qianqian immediately asked Alan to prepare them to go to City A on the second day.

"Boss, should we inform Mr. Zhou, if he knows we've been there, he will be very happy!" Allen put a large stack of documents in front of Nie Qianqian, reminding her kindly.

Only then did Nie Qianqian remember that Zhou Ziheng was also in City A, hesitated for a moment, and replied mischievously: "No, when we pass by, wouldn't it be more exciting to surprise him?"

Alan looked at his boss, and sometimes he was really naughty. It was indeed a lot of fun to do this. Let's see what kind of expression Zhou Ziheng will show on his face when he sees Nie Qianqian.

After Nie Qianqian packed up her business trip and handed it over to Alan, she agreed to meet at the airport the next morning. Xu Hexi will be on a business trip tomorrow, and she will go home early today.

When Nie Qianqian drove home, Xu Hexi was not in the study, so Nie Qianqian walked into his room. There were two suitcases on the floor. It seemed that Xu Hexi was packing. Nie Qianqian went straight to Xu Hexi's cloakroom and saw Xu Hexi was choosing the clothes to take with him, so he stepped forward to give some advice.

"I heard that the weather in England is good now, you don't need to bring too heavy clothes, these and these should be enough!" Nie Qianqian pointed to a few formal and casual clothes and said.

Xu Hexi listened to Nie Qianqian's advice, and took down the clothes, and then took some from the display cabinet full of watches and glasses, put them in a box, and took them with him.

"During my absence, if you get bored, let Alan accompany you around, and I'll be back soon!" This business trip is the longest Xu Hexi has traveled in the past five years, and he feels more or less in his heart Everyone was a little worried about Nie Qianqian, so he took out a card and handed it to Nie Qianqian, and then said, "Buy something you like."

"No need, don't I have your secondary card? That's enough!" Nie Qianqian declined the card in Xu Hexi's hand. Nie Qianqian had never used the secondary card that Xu Hexi gave her, and she earned the money by herself. It was quite enough for her.

"I have never seen you use that secondary card. This card contains the dividends that your company gives me every year. I don't need it anyway. You can take it first and come to you when I need it." Borrow!" Xu Hexi said with a slight smile on his face.

Nie Qianqian saw that Xu Hexi was so persistent that she couldn't say anything, so she reached out and took it. Xu Hexi was always so kind to herself, but she didn't want to use his money. Xu Hexi invested in the company back then, and she was penniless at the time. Wen, if it wasn't for Xu Hexi, how could she have such an opportunity to do what she likes to do?
Seeing that Nie Qianqian accepted it, Xu Hexi was also very happy, and said to him: "Remember to use it, or I will be angry!"

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly and replied, "I will definitely use it!"

The next morning, Secretary Wang came to pick up Xu Hexi. Before Nie Qianqian got up, Xu Hexi was sitting there leisurely eating breakfast, not in a hurry. Secretary Wang looked at his watch and stepped forward to remind: "President, it's almost time. !"

Xu Hexi glanced at Secretary Wang lightly, nodded, and took the elevator upstairs. Nie Qianqian had woken up, packed up, and was about to go downstairs, so she watched Xu Hexi walk in, "Is it almost time? You!" He accidentally overslept and almost missed sending Xu Hexi to the plane.

"No need, Secretary Wang is here to pick me up. You can rest at home and wait for me to come back!" Xu Hexi gently hugged Nie Qianqian into her arms, and then pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly and replied: "Okay, I understand!" In fact, Xu Hexi left today, and tomorrow she will go to City A. After she is done with her work, she will apologize to Xu Hexi.

Xu Hexi hugged Nie Qianqian like this for a long time, until Secretary Wang's urging voice came from outside the door again, and he reluctantly let go of Nie Qianqian.

Nie Qianqian sent Xu Hexi to the door, watched him get into the car, and stood there until the car disappeared from her sight. Just now, she almost confessed to Xu Hexi that she was going to City A because of guilt. Although she felt guilty, but If this matter is accomplished, Xu Hexi should also be happy for her.

On the second day after Xu Hexi left, Ai Lun appeared at the door of Nie Qianqian's villa on time. Nie Qianqian was holding two suitcases, and told the maid that Xu Hexi was on a business trip, and being alone at home was too boring, so she went to Ai Lun After staying at home for a while, if Xu Hexi asks, just ask him to call him directly. The servants nodded slightly, and they believed in Nie Qianqian's words.

After Alan loaded Nie Qianqian's luggage into the car, he said to her, "Boss is ready to take off, the others left yesterday, and today it's just the two of us!"

Nie Qianqian nodded slightly, glanced at the house in front of her, and then got into the car, feeling a little emotional.

"Boss, what's wrong with you? Are you reluctant? We'll be back soon. If everything goes well, one month will be enough!" Allen said, looking at Nie Qianqian's melancholy expression.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Nie Qianqian replied lightly: "It's not that she is reluctant, but she has never left this house, and she always feels a little uneasy in her heart!" Since she woke up five years ago, Nie Qianqian has never been on a business trip, and she has never left the house. I have never left that house, and now I have been there for a month, and it is normal to feel a little uneasy.

Alan looked at Nie Qianqian and realized why she was so melancholy. It turned out that it was because of this. It was indeed that Xu Hexi always controlled Nie Qianqian's actions very strictly.

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