A Will Eternal Chapter 436
After Allen came back from the United States, Nie Qianqian arranged for her to rest for a few days and prepare to go to City A. Allen is a person who can't be idle. After two or three days of rest, he accompanied Nie Qianqian to take wedding photos.

In fact, there is no need for Alan to help with wedding dress shooting. Xu Hexi has already made arrangements, and a bunch of people are busy around Nie Qianqian. Eyes, standing outside the crowd and lamenting the evil money.

Today's weather is not bad, the sun is just right, Xu Hexi has already prepared for the wedding photo shoot, for the sake of Nie Qianqian's body, he did not think about going to other countries to take wedding photos, not to mention that there are many places in Italy with good scenery.

"Tired?" Xu Hexi walked up to Nie Qianqian in a black suit, looked at her and asked, in order not to make Nie Qianqian too hard, Xu Hexi took the wedding photos according to the simplest standard, but she was still a little worried about Nie Qianqian's body Can't bear it.

Today's Nie Qianqian, under the skillful hands of the stylist and make-up artist, showed her agile temperament, which made people feel a little surprised.

"Xiaoxi, how can I be so fragile!" Nie Qianqian raised her head and looked at Xu Hexi, always feeling that he had overprotected herself in many things!

Xu Hexi stretched out his hand and gently stroked Nie Qianqian's hair, smiled faintly, did not speak, he also felt that he was always making a fuss about Nie Qianqian's body, how could Nie Qianqian also be the leader of a company, such things are still tiring Don't care about her.

Allen came over with two bottles of water, looked at the combination of handsome men and beautiful women in front of him, and couldn't help thinking that the world is not all fair?Nie Qianqian must have saved the Milky Way in her previous life, otherwise how could she meet such a good husband as Xu Hexi in this life?
"President Xu, BOSS will give you water!" Alan handed the two bottles of water to the two of them respectively. The unopened bottle of water was brought over, and he said to Alan, "Alan, accompany Qianqian!" What about Xu Hexi's unprocessed documents?The accumulation of so much work is all left over from accompanying Nie Qianqian a few days ago.

Allen looked at Xu Hexi's back, and said to Nie Qianqian: "Boss, tell me how you saved the Milky Way in your last life. I will also fight in this life. Maybe in my next life, I will meet someone as much as Mr. Xu." Where is Jin's handsome and caring husband?"

Nie Qianqian took a sip of the bottle of water that Xu Hexi handed her, and then gave Alan a ruthless look. She didn't have the ability to save the Milky Way, and Xu Hexi was really rude to herself. I guess I didn't know it in my previous life. What good did you do?If not, Xu Hexi owed her something in her previous life, and she will pay it back in this life. In fact, it is just a joke, why Xu Hexi treats her like this, Nie Qianqian can't figure it out.

Allen can clearly see that Xu Hexi really loves Nie Qianqian, but Nie Qianqian always thinks of Xu Hexi as something else, not like love but a bit like family affection.

"Boss, you really don't intend to tell Mr. Xu that he is going to City A?" Allen looked at Xu Hexi who was not far away and asked worriedly. If Mr. Xu knew about this, he really didn't know what the consequences would be , At that time, will an unhappy person vent his anger on himself and fire himself? Although the leader of the company is Nie Qianqian, Xu Hexi also owns a large share, and it is not a word to fire someone Things, I'm afraid that Nie Qianqian will not be able to protect herself at that time. Although Alan has no worries about finding a job with her current work experience, she has feelings for Xingchen. In fact, the most important thing is that she is afraid that Xu Hexi will be sad...

Allen's words made Nie Qianqian's guilt for concealing Xu Hexi all the time can't help but reflect. If Xu Hexi knew about this matter, he would be angry, so Nie Qianqian felt that he must not be found out. After he came back from England, there She should have dealt with the matter more or less. At that time, if she had a good talk with him, he should understand.

"Ailun, you have been preparing to go there in the past few days. If Xiaoxi finds out, I will take care of it. What's more, as long as we are careful, she won't find out!" Nie Qianqian said to Xu Hexi in her heart. Although she feels a little guilty, she still can't confess to him now, because this matter is extremely important to her and the company.

Allen nodded slightly, although he was also a little worried, but since Nie Qianqian said so, she would definitely deal with Xu Hexi's side. After all, Xu Hexi always has nothing to do with Nie Qianqian, and Nie Qianqian can also calm the anger in Xu Hexi's heart very well If it was extinguished, my worries seemed a little unnecessary, so I should prepare well for what Nie Qianqian told me.

After the break, Nie Qianqian and Xu Hexi started shooting again. The photographer praised Xu Hexi as a part-time job who came out of the pictorial. If he didn't know Xu Hexi's identity, he would have invited Xu Hexi as his model .

Xu Hexi's compliments from others seemed very flat. After all, considering his appearance, he must have been exaggerated since he was a child, and he has naturally developed a kind of "invulnerability to a hundred poisons" skills in his heart!
Nie Qianqian can tell from the eyes of which assistants that they envy her. Compared with this kind of look, Nie Qianqian is used to it. If she hadn't had a good attitude, she might have developed a sense of inferiority from this kind of look.

The day's shooting ended quickly. Nie Qianqian and Xu Hexi cooperated very well, so the shooting was extremely smooth. Before leaving, the photographer looked at Xu Hexi with a look of admiration but unwillingness. I think he should be very happy. I hope Xu Hexi will be his model.

"What is there to be happy about?" Xu Hexi asked curiously when he saw Nie Qianqian looking at herself with a slight smile on the way back.

Nie Qianqian just thought of the photographer's last look and Xu Hexi's plain face, and she felt a little sympathetic to the photographer. If Xu Hexi was an ordinary person, she might have won the photographer because of the generous model fee. It's a pity that Xu Hexi can be a dignified president, so how can he be short of such small money?

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